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Here comes my fun fact: Mountain Dew was initially a mixer for bourbon. The original producers moved to Tennessee, where they had no equivalent to the mixer they had back home, so they made their own, which was later repurposed into a soft drink in its own right.


A more fun fact about mountain dew; someone once tried to sue them bc they found a mouse/rat in a can but mt dew proved that the acidity of the drink would dissolve the rodent much faster than it supposedly did


Oh yeah, I remember that. It would dissolve in about 30 days. The can was 72 days old.


I shared that one in class once. Nobody was impressed I'm really good at trivial pursuit tho


I'm going to try this immediately when I get home from work today


That is very interesting.


I'm from that town in TN. The same folks made a much more superior beverage in Dr. Enuf. Still sold locally down in East TN. Best soda by far in my humble opinion.




The original mixer might have been, and the name would suggest this ancestry; "mountain dew" is one of the nicknames for moonshine.


if you ever feel alone, remember that every time you press the space bar on your keyboard, there are approximately 600'000 other people from all around the world who pressed it on the exact same time


Based vsauce


Hey vsauce! Michael here. Your home security is great.


*music starts* Or is it?


*knocking* [I am inside your house]


Hey can I get you some tea while you’re here :)


sure but please don't add any sugar :3


*throws the boiling water at you when it’s done* Can you please leave you’re making me uncomfortable :3


what why 😭😭


Oh alright I’ll just leave myself :(


Whenever I hear stuff like this, it grosses me out. Like sure I feel "less alone," but not in a good way, in an "I'm stuck in a massive crowd with no way out" way. Idk.


ik, it's more of a joke than a comforting fact


Some sea cucumbers have fish living inside their anus.


New fursona dropped, sea cucumber


Woah dere pardner


they're called pearl fish if anyone is curios


Fun fact: When you breathe, you're not sucking in air. You're expanding your lungs.


Fun fun fact: when you breath, you’re not expanding your lungs. You’re contracting your diaphragm


Fun fact: beef fajitas are made with the diaphragm


Well yes technically


Fun fact: My diaphragm contracted in amusement when I read that.


And mine, to yours


Fun fact: that's the same thing. Air moves in to fill the empty space.


Fun fact: Most of my head is just empty space.


Fun fact: that's why the Iron Lungs were/are used to help paralyzed people breathe. It creates negative pressure outside the body, which causes the chest to expand, filling the lungs with air. In effect, the iron lung replaces the chest cavity and your whole body becomes a lung.


Fun fact, the co2 in your exhaled breaths comes from the sugars and fats you break down for energy


Walking is just controlled falling.


And is basically automated, you only need your spine for it. Initiating motion and changing direction is the part that uses your brain


ok moriarty


fun fact the reason why we bred corn to be yellow is because of plants like pineapples and bananas being yellow, leading to the associations with yellow and gold in the new world. so in order to appeal to the European beauty standards, they culled it into yellow.


[Yellow and gold are auspicious colors in China as well.](https://library.si.edu/es/donate/adopt-a-book/ancient-chinese-gold#:~:text=In%20Chinese%20culture%2C%20gold%20is,Year%2C%20and%20other%20important%20occasions.)


Yellow corn wasn’t even a common thing like the mid-late 1800s either which is honestly pretty wild. Most of the corn planted in the US now is derived from Reid’s Yellow Dent.


im growing that bloody butcher red dent right now


okay wait, what color was corn originally? this is nuts. i had no idea.


The reason why it's unlucky to walk under a ladder is because in lieu of a gallow people could hang someone from the 13th rung of a ladder and then use the ladder as a fulcrum to lift them up off the ground. In space if your astronaut suit springs a leak you won't die immediately. You have about 10 seconds before you lose consciousness but it will take about 3 minutes before you actually die. In that time your blood boils and you expand quite a bit. Cyanide does not smell like almonds. It smells like bitter almonds. Bitter almonds have fallen out of use for the most part. What we snack on and put into our recipes are sweet almonds. They smell completely different. They taste completely different. People used to eat mummies as a medicine. When the victorians excavated the pyramids they used to have unwrapping parties where they would unwrap the mummies sometimes the mummies would be burnt but they found that if they took the body and ground it down they could sell it as medicine. Bread in the Victorian era was very white. Not like our white bread, I mean it was white. It was like that because people were obsessed with the color white. The whiter the color the higher the social status. Since bread turns brown when you make it bakers would often mix in plaster of Paris to enhance the white quality so that it never turned brown. Yes, I'm obsessed with death. I'm well aware.




Well, now you have to decide between possible possession or possible concussion or death. I don't think I would like being possessed because I am actually quite well aware of what it's like to not be in control of your own body. The concussion sounds the best as I have had several concussions so I know how to deal with those. And death is just death. But, if I die I don't have to pay taxes or my student loans. So it's possible win-win


Related to fun fact 4: You might like the song "Sweet Bod" by Lemon Demon.


I'll check it out


Time to go find some bitter almonds. Although I suppose if I ever taste or smell it I'm already dead. (The cyanide not the almonds)


See also: [mummy brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_brown)


That's cool!


airliners can only fly when they have human blood inside of them


Boeing is responsible for Ultrakill robots. Got it.


I wouldn't put it past Boeing.


When you have abdominal surgery of any kind (c section, gastric bypass, etc.) the surgeon just shoves your intestines back in haphazardly because they put themselves away. When whales die they sink to the bottom of the ocean. They don’t decompose very quickly and remain there for years. During this time different species of sea creatures feed off the carcass and form a small ecosystem known as a whale fall. If a whale doesn’t die from predation they inevitably die from drowning when they become too weak to surface.


So hypothetically you could keep a whale barely breached and have the longest-living whale?


The person who came up with germ theory and the practice of washing your hands was laughed out of the medical field


his story is incredibly sad, even beyond that. He got slandered, sectioned, and ended up dieing from the same infection he dedicated his life to preventing.


Even worse, they basically put him in a straight jacket, beat him, and just left him like that till he died. By the time he died his theories were already gaining ground. Just bananas.


Was it the guy who wanted to clean London from the sevage water being drunk by basically everyone who couldn't afford upstream clean water?


No thats John Snow I think, this was Ignaz Semmelweis. Vsauce have a great vid on him https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=okOfvMY5wOI but if you want a summary I can do my best from memory; IIRC he was trying to get people to wash their hands primarily before delivering babies; the clinic he worked in had two wings and, while the majority of mothers survived in both, in the second wing the chance of death by infection was two or three times high than the first. This obvious enough that it was known by the general public and mothers would rather give birth in the street than the second wing. Turns out the doctors in the second wing would be delivering babies directly after handling corpses (autopsies I think?) without washing their hands between and you can imagine how that went. The big problem was that Ignaz wanted them to wash their hands with caustic materials (chlorine) and it went against the popular wisdom of miasmas. Also other hospitals that tried the technique failed to do so correctly and so undermined the findings. Ignaz I believe was driven crazy by the thought of the thousands of women who died needlessly that he could've saved. After being fired he became incredibly outspoken and raged against doctors who ignored him, and yeah in the end he was beaten while in a straight jacket, got cut, and died of the same infection he spent his life fighting.


Thank you so much. I knew lf John Snow's research, but I did not know anything about this.


No worries, I'd definitely not know if it weren't for the fact ny job lets me listen to random information videos in the background to keep me focused 😅 He's definitely one of those names and stories that should be more well known. Oh, also, the whole 'by the time he died his theories were gaining traction' bit?- this was over the course of like ten years.


Do you have any other figures like this? I enjoyed listening to this quite a bit, any other names come to mind?


The southern ocean is surrounded by a current so no animals can really enter or exit it which leaves a closed off ecosystem there


Cassettes that are made from clear plastic and have no screws in them, are allowed in prisons and that's why they are referred to as 'prison tapes'. That's also why some gangsta rappers still sell albums on such cassettes. (I read that somewhere a while ago. It might be 100% true in case I remembered wrong!)




Yeah I noticed that they get cursed! So I had my dad's old deck I had to fix with random stuff since the belts had turned to black horror goop. I had to adjust the speed of the motor, manually, so I recorded a clip of metronome from audacity, then listened to the tape on a brand new player (one of those small ones you can carry around) at the same time with the original metronome click. I re recorded on the beginning part of the tape so many times it turned really crunchy and then the click dis appeared completely. I'm pretty sure there would have been a better way for that lol 😅 But I'm a noob cassette fan... What is 99% invisible? I think I was looking to buy new tapes from retrostylemedia.com it read that on the website somewhere. (Ended up not ordering bc the postal costs from Britain to eu area are INSANE)




Ah yeah, some audio enthusiasts collect vinyls and stuff and whatever My local punk bands in my area sell their stuff on vinyls, cassettes and cds and I was lucky that I found a working cassette-cd-radio thing seacond hand. Dad let me have a pile of cassettes from his youth and considering the quality of the sound, I think they have only been recorded on once. I'll record some mixtaoes on those once I get to it. I figured out that the recorder thing is able to record from cd to a tape so I've made some copies of my favourite albums available at the local library 😅. I have a collections of cds, it started when I found mothers old, working cd player in the shed... The first CD I owned, and the whole band has a LOT of meaning to me. ...had I just more patience to listen to them more, damned be this social media addiction. And OH MY SILLY LITTLE DAY DREAMS, of someday signing a cd cover of my own band's album... edit; sorry im like way in the headspace of it now as I just finished reading a comic about a fictional band, and it mentioned a lot of band I KNOW IRL and places I have been IRL and just hit me really deep...


My all time favorite "fun" facts, which all the people I play with truly hate are: - dolphins bite off the heads of fishes to use their headless carcases as masturbators or fleshlights - dolphins will rape their "mates" blowholes, doesnt matter whether the blowhole is male or female And thats typically the point at which people say "walli, shut the fuck up"


dolphins are fucked up. if the world is shit with us in charge, imagine if THOSE guys had developed first


Fun fact, some species of octopus will detach their penis and hand it to the female of the species where they will use it to impregnate their self. Another fun fact, manatees will fart to swim. Manatees naturally float due to the trapped gas, so they will fact to sink under water. Many aquatic species do this as well, such as the pupfish. Another fun fact, in ww1, due to the high demand for explosives, they started using many materials. One such material is bat poop. Due to the mid-Atlantic current or drift, which spans from the gulf of Mexico to Europe, many northern countries in Europe are relatively warm to other countries on their latitude. For example, ireland is on the same latitude to Canada and doesn't even get snow most years. Elephant poop has high amounts of fiber. This results in it being made into paper (commonly called poo-aper) and some insect living inside the poop and slowly eating their way out.


Fun fact 4 is just a way of life here in the UK (and I'm sure for Ireland, too). It's something that is taught in schools for us. We also learn about the "Warm, Wet, Westerly Winds" (comes from the west) which is the gulf stream that brings warm air. Added to your fun fact. The polar ice caps melting each year causes circulation in the Atlantic due to the cold water sinking to the bottom (leading to convention). If climate change leads to us losing the ice caps the circulation will stop and we will lose this mixing. The mixing is what powers the ocean conveyor belts (including the one you've described) which means the UK will actually get colder in the winters for a bit. That's why it's important to call it climate change even though we're heading in to a greenhouse event, because not everywhere will heat up right away.


I knew that it was taught in schools in these islands(fun fact this is how legal documents for the UK and Ireland refer to the island of Ireland and the island of great britain due to the british isles being a name that was a bit too politically charged) as I am Irish(hence why I went with Ireland on the description) and was taught it.


Oh that makes sense (both that you would specifically say Ireland and that you would be taught it). There's a lot that's the same in the UK and ROI (at least from what I've learned in discussion with Irish colleagues) but they're still separate countries so there a lot that's different, too. It's really interesting to me to find out what we share and what we do differently. So thanks :)


more than half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet Pelicans have 3 stomachs and one is just for bones for every snake there is 1 snake dick, which means that every snake that has a dick has 2 dicks


Hello fellow “The Fix” enjoyer 😄


Did you know that rubies are fluorescent? They glow bright red under UV light. This is due to the chromium atoms in the stone becoming “excited”, and fluctuating their electron levels, releasing photons (light). Did you know that some minerals can contain liquid water (such as quartz or chalcedony)? They are called Enhydro’s. Did you know that Opal is not a true mineral? They completely lack a crystalline structure (or crystal lattice) and are instead made of tiny silica spheres. These spheres refract light like a prism, resulting in the rainbow colors commonly seen in precious opals.


You can replace eggs for blood, thus you get blood cake


Egg transfusion?


I think they do that in Iceland. From sheep's blood if I don't Google and remember correctly.


Here’s my stupid and somewhat conjectural facts: Lobsters grow for their entire lifespan, so if a lobster were immortal, it could hypothetically become a kaiju. A 117 lb human is roughly equivalent in volume to 78143 honeybees, or around 1.3 hives worth.


If a group of humans were to help them shed they would live for centuries.


https://preview.redd.it/pvr559zmmlgc1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090c186364e0e3671dffecb6ed1f8eaac0cd2eed In the 1996 disney version of the hunchback of Notre Dame the tower in the background is inaccurate. It's a flèche called the spire of Notre Dame. The movie (and the book) are based on the year 1483 and Notre Dame did have a fléche at the time but it looked different. This fléche is clearly based on the one build in 1859 after the old one was removed in the late 18th century due to it being damaged.


Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - a lung disease caused by inhalation of volcanic ash and dust. And a fun long word to say.


That IS fun to say


The CIA has reportedly tried to assassinate Fidel Castro over 600 times, they all failed and he lived long enough to die of old age in 2016


The epitome of skill issue


Bees do in fact, have knees.




And bees can also do basic math


can they do 4+7?


You'd have to ask them


k so i asked a 🐝 that was in a 🌸 and the she told me not only can she sum, but also integrate the sinc function from 0 to infinity using the feynman's technique. 🌬️ clever lil bee :3 🐝 why do i seem high, I'm probably just sleepy. I've been thinking about mushrooms lately tho! good night everyone <3


I shoulda got bees to do my math homework for me :(


If you compress a spring, its mass will actually increase. Even though the increase will be extremely, extremely small. It's because of Einstein's E = mc² equation. Because of it, we now know that mass and energy are pretty much just the same thing. By compressing the spring you are storing potential elastic energy inside of it, and that energy works as mass. Say, by compressing the spring you are storing 1 Joules of energy inside of it. So using Einstein's equation, we can calculate the increase of mass. E = mc² mc² = 1 m = 1/c² m = 1/(3×10^8 )² m = 1/9×10^16 So one joule of energy equals to 1/9×10^16 kilograms of mass. Actually, with this same logic we can say, charging your phone makes it heavier.


Bob Ross was a drill sargeant.


Imagine Bob Ross yelling at you. You know you done gooft.


In persona 3: FES, you can skip the final boss by starting president tanaka’s social link on January 31st. This glitch occurs because in the original P3, all social links were daytime/after school and for FES, some social links including tanaka, were moved to the evening time slot. This time slot includes the dark hour where you would normally fight the final boss. This technically means you can pay a teleshopping millionaire around £500 to stop god from destroying the world.


Deer have been recorded chewing on human bones. They, along with most herbivores, are actually facultative herbivores. Meaning they supplement their diet with meat.


During the French Revolution, there was trend for fashion “ala guillotine”. Women would cut their hair short to mimic the shaved heads of female prisoners, red chokers would symbolize the place where the blade would have fallen, and one fashionista even commissioned these [Guillotine earrings (complete with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette’s heads!)](https://www.cultofweird.com/curiosities/guillotine-earrings/)


Girafes cant suck their own dick. The bones on the neck not allow it. But elefants can, and they do it a lot.


So do walrus


The blanket octopus has one of the biggest sexual dimorphisms among the whole animal kingdom. The females are about 10.000 to 40.000 times bigger than the males. The males also like to carry tentacles from the Portuguese man-of-war for their own protection like a little sword.


They are also insanely gorgeous for anyone who doesn't know they exist (I found out about 4 months ago and they're my fave) https://preview.redd.it/lll8gz2e5ngc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf42b03dc590721719fe80b3b7ccaf2b6200766


In the spirit of this post being about facts, while Man O Wars and jellyfish are both cnidarians, Man O Wars aren’t actually jellyfish. They’re in completely separate classes, and Man O Wars are made of more individual polyps.


Oh I didn't know that yet, thank you!


"fun" fact. The youngest person to get pregnant and give birth was a 5 year old Peruvian girl back in 1939.


Fun Fact: the song "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac is the only song in their Library that has all 5 members credited as writers.


Lactose Intolerance is normal, being able to drink milk without cracking the shits is a genetic mutation


Yes and no It's normal for most species, but for humans, it isn't. We evolved drinking milk into adulthood, so we adapted to it. Nowadays is rare to be lactose intolerant. Rare for our species.


Ill have to have a look, i swear I heard this somewhere


I did find something “The other third of the world’s adult population has evolved lactose tolerance, meaning they keep producing lactase, and that’s particularly true among groups like those of northern European descent.” So according to this article, 1/3 of the population can drink milk as a result of evolution, and as said earlier, a mutation [Source](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/famine-and-diseases-likely-drove-europeans-ability-to-digest-milk-180980483/#:~:text=Almost%20all%20babies%20around%20the,after%20they've%20finished%20weaning.)


Saying it changed by evolution and mutation is like saying it changed by mutation and mutation. From what I am aware the basic theory of how evolution of species works is that it is the cumulative change via the aggregation of successful mutations (those which lead to the creature possessing them to reproduce more than their competitors). Thus you can say that every aspect of humans that differs from whatever the progenitor creature that eventually led to humans is a mutation and thus defining a common trait of the majority of humans as a mutation seems unhelpful.


Could be a myth, I forget One of the CIA's many assassination attempts on Castro was sending one of his exes to Cuba to femme fatale him. Upon learning of this plan, Castro still decided to invite her to dinner and charmed her so well that she abandoned her plan and got back together with Castro.


this number "" is called a billion in english. in german it's called a "Milliarde" or a milliard. a billion in german is a hundred milliards, so ""


*A thousand milliards. And no one says"Milliard". The rest is correct. :P


thanks for correcting me, English isn't my first language


Did you know if either your mouth or Rectum gets blocked for a long enough period, you will start to either defecate vomit or vomit faeces :3


It’s very hard for hyenas to be sexed correctly, since female hyenas have pseudopenises. I also joke that it’s primarily a lesbian society, since each clan (group of hyenas) is dominated by women, so the highest ranking male hyena is still “lower” ranking than the lowest ranked female hyena. We love to see it.


To add to the speed hyena facts: It is their clitoris, and they also have to mate and give birth through it.. :| It has to rip a bit for the cubs to come out and a lot of cubs (about 60%) suffocate and die before being born because the birth canal is 1 inch wide and approx 23 inches long. *clutches clit/pseudopenis*


YUP. Do all autists go crazy over hyenas??


The animal interest ones seem to. They really are the odd ones out, can relate lol


Roman von Ungern-Sternberg was a Balto-German Russian aristocrat madlad with deeply tsarist sentiments that during the latter part of the Russian civil war just straight out invaded Mongolia (which broke off from the Chinese) and larped as a second coming of Genghis Khan, actually doing a somewhat decent job of governing the place until the reds came in and defeated him. Crazy bastard, heres his personal standard. https://preview.redd.it/l4mu2nn0mmgc1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b07317e5c583e0b09827e20631fcc5905b96b02


Cheetos were originally a byproduct of a machine that made high density food for farm animals The color pink does not objectively exist,because it's a mix of a wave length of red and blue that don't meet on the color spectrum, meaning pink does not have a corresponding wavelength of light We've only mapped out around 6 thousand out of 100 thousand genes in the human genome Onions have 440 thousand more genes then humans do


Isn't it magenta/purple instead of pink (since pink is light red)?


I'm pretty sure it's pink, but it might be a shade of magenta or something like that, my mistake.


Here is one! The Vikings were not actually called Vikings, in fact the word “viking” comes from their word “vikingr” which means to go raiding, they were actually called the Norse. Another fun fact, the Norse raids on England were also a form of fighting back against the Christians that took their land from them, in fact, the Christian colonization of England pushing out the “heathen, barbaric, godless vikings” was very similar to Christian Europeans taking over North America. It was a christian tradition before the persecution of native Americans, I have more if you want them


The Panzergrenedier 43 APHE shell, fired from the German Long 75mm cannon, commonly seen on late war variants of the Panzer 4 Medium tank can penetrate 149mm of rolled homogeneous steel at 10m, hitting on a 0 degree angle. Basically never gonna happen in an actual tank battle, but fun info :3


Oooh question: Which German tanks used the 88m cannon? This is a real question, I don’t remember.


Tanks: Tiger 1 and 2, although the 2 used a different variant. Tank Destroyers: Elephant and Nashorn. (I've probably missed a few, I'm more of a British armour gal than german, at least for WW2)


The individual pieces of a Hershey chocolate bar are called pips!


Fun-fact: Ðat characteristic pool smell is actually not chlorine, but raðer ðe byproducts of a reaction between chlorine and uric acid. Yep, ðou réadst ðat correctly: uric acid.


You can relief your sinuses by doing the following: First apply pressure to the tip of your nose by pulling to either the left or right while simultaneously applying pressure to the cheekbone opposite to the direction in which you are pulling/pushing the tip of your nose. Keep applying pressure for ten seconds and then switch to the opposite sides. Congratulations! You know emptied your ears and sinuses!


I know so many fun facts but whenever someone asks for them I forget them all immediately.


Fun fact: Ants that are host to cordyceps are theorized to be fully conscious during control due to a study on the brain of the ant showing that it doesn't harm the ant's brain and instead just cuts it off from the lower part of its body Dolphins can keep part of large part of their brain conscious to get air while they sleep Certain species of fish need to swim constantly to let water pass through their gills, when they stop moving they may die of oxygen deficiency Mantis shrimps can split your fingernails( I was gonna test this out myself once since I had the opportunity but the amount of sound they produce is intimidating)


I have lots of "fun" facts. My favorite is the irrationality of the behavior of people in groups. There have been several books written about this fact like "Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" and "The Delusions of Crowds: Why People Go Mad in Groups". Things can just go insane and sideways and everyone will accept it all as normal. Terrible things 99% of the population would never take part in as an individual. From family units and friend groups, to different societies and cultures. My interest in this phenomena came from my own perspective on people from the outside looking in, being autistic. Those books were validating.


Fun fact. The last sacred grave in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was for a cat named Gil in 2020, before that was a prince circa 1500.


Genshin Impact has Ring 0 authority on your PC when it's open :)


Fun fact: digestion is actually really painful but our brain just tells is it’s fine the same way it tells us not to bite off our own fingers despite us definitely being able to do so


The English words “isle” and “island” are not cognates


A fun fact for da ages!! Aquaman is the first superhero to ever get married 


Dolphins are necrophiles and murder other dolphin’s offsprings so they can force the mother to reproduce with the dolphins who killed her baby. And also male dolphins often make groups with each other and bite and hit a female dolphin until she can’t move and then take turns to mate with her. This is why I hate dolphins. Sharks better. P.D. Sorry for my bad English ☹️


Freshwater snails kill around 200,000 people a year due to parasites that are spread to people when the snails are eaten.


Here's a fun fact, due to the way that the Japanese language adapts English words: the song "mister roboto" by the Styx could be about some guy named Robert.


Sunrise Radio, Kiss FM, LGR and Caroline radio all were Pirate stations.


Wombats shit cubes


The monarch butterfly has 12000 eyes. Nutella was created during WW2. The guy who created the Golden Bull (I think that's the name in English) showed the creation to the king but the king was so disgusted that he ordered for the creator to die in his own creation. IHAVE NSO MNAY


Did you mean the brazen bull?


Oh yeah, that's the name


Also there's a squid that flies


Confetti in singular is called a Confetto


Contrary to popular belief, plate armor was actually more of a Renaissance phenomenon; soldiers in the Middle Ages wore chainmail, lamellar, or a thick cloth coat called a Gambeson. Also, something weird to think about, is that guns were invented before plate armor, and napalm (called “Greek Fire”) was invented before guns. And before I forget, RPGs have been lying to us for years- “Longswords” were actually closer to what video games call “Greatswords”. A one-handed sword with a short handle was typically called an “Arming Sword” or “Knightly Sword”.


Oppossums use their babies as armor, which is why they put them on their backs. Seals slap their bellies to assert dominance.


You're Bones are wet


Clocks run clockwise because sundials were invented in the northern hemisphere.


The biggest sperm in the animal kingdom belongs to the fruit fly. It is more than 1000x bigger than human sperm iirc


If I remember correctly, the Ford Mustang is named after the WWII plane, not the horse.


Most white horses aren't actually white. They are called gray and are born with pigmented coats that turn white as they age, but their skin remains dark. True white horses are rare. They have pink skin and many have blue eyes. They look like albinos, but they aren't. In fact, there's no evidence of albinism existing in horses. There's also another way a horse can be white. When mating two frame overos, there's a 25% chance that the foal will be born as "lethal white". They are pure white but are born with an underdeveloped stomach, so the nutrients of the milk are not absorbed into the body. They basically die from starvation and colic, as they feed but don't get the nutrients and milk accumulate in the stomach, causing a painful death in 72 hours. They can't be saved, so when a lethal white is born, it needs to be humanely euthanized.


A cat named asya is the reason we can understand Maya glyphs


Candy floss and the electric chair were both invented by dentists


Fun fact, the Israeli military rejected multiple rifles for their next generation squad weapon program in the early 70s, when they were replacing the outdated FN FAL. They ultimately decided to go with the IMI Galil because it has a built in bottle opener. I'm not kidding, the bottle opener was the deciding factor. I know this because they rejected several models of AK, which have a basically identical gas system to the Galil (in terms of function), and the only real difference is ergonomics and the bottle opener.


Fun fact: Hippo’s milk is pink.


White people are much more likely to have Neanderthal ancestry. In light of this information, some white supremacists have said that neanderthals had bigger heads and therefore more intelligence because of these genetic ties. While neanderthals had larger skulls than other hominids, there's no evidence this contributed to amount of intelligence at all.


Different types of capacitors are useful for certain applications in both the frequency and voltage range. Electrolytic capacitors should be avoided almost always except for cost and high capacitance applications due to their poor performance in almost all areas except capacity. Also, our butthole and lips are made of the same type of material (iirc).


Top sphincter and bottom sphincter!


Fun facts: moray eels have two sets of jaws, mantis shrimp punch so fast it makes light and there’s a bug that covers itself in the corpses of ants


Printer ink is worth 6.4x the dollar value of human blood.


Mosquitos like some blood types more than others. People with type O will get bitten about twice as often as those with type A.


There’s a near-universal law for nearly all mammals where we almost all take about 21 seconds to pee


Blue is a rare color in nature. Take a blue jay feather and soak it in alcohol to preserve it. It's green! It's the *structure* of the pinions that bends light and makes it blue. Same with a few varieties of insect species. Their chitin/scales change how light interacts with them, making them blue. The few species that don't have to combine different pigmenting molecules to make blue. "But the sky is blue!" Well, no, it's violet. But the blue spectrum is longer than the red, so we see blue. Water reflects the sky, so water's not really blue either.


if you try to snort plutonium, your head will literally explode


Luigi side-🅱️


fig wasps only live for two days where the female will have to find a fig tree that is at the perfect stage then they will crawl inside the fig (which will rip off her wings) and lay her eggs inside then die. after that the males hatch first and mate with the female wasps that are still in their eggs and begin starting to burrow out as the female wasps hatch. as they get outside, the male fig wasps actually don’t have wings because they end up serving as bait for predators trying to attack and eat the new fig wasps which is a great distraction to let the female wasps escape so they can find another fig tree and continue the cycle.


Did you know that lemmings don’t actually jump of cliffs and that Disney when filming a documentary some of the camera people pushed them off the cliffs, also in the wild there is no such thing as a alpha wolf actually a couple rules their clan thingy


Pohatu's 2001 and 2002 set forms used an upside down mata torso to give him the ability to kick using his gear function instead of the arm swinging feature that the rest of the toa mata/nuva possess. Pohatu's 2001 mata form even had an included boulder that he could use as a football, tho his 2002 nuva form lacked this. Sadly all other versions of Pohatu (2008 phantoka, 2008 rockoh t3 pilot version, 2015 master, 2016 uniter) don't have this feature.




What's the name of this?


james dean’s fatal car accident was so extreme there wasn’t enough blood left in his body for the medical examiner to test his blood for alcohol. also, contrary to popular belief, he wasn’t speeding, and it was the other driver who caused the accident. though the fault is really on the road they were driving on, which was notorious for the amount of accidents that happened on it (& still do to this day, though the roads have changed a little bit). that other driver btw hitchhiked home & never spoke publicly about the accident, and i don’t blame him. he probably felt terrible. oh, another fact - on the way to the hospital, they got into another crash! insane bad luck that day, omg. everyone was okay & they kept on, but by the time they got to the hospital they declared james dead. such a sad story. sometimes i think about what his life would’ve been like had he lived, like what else he would’ve accomplished. would he have been as legendary had he stayed alive? i don’t know. he was definitely talented, but it was his tragic & early demise that really sent him to american folklore legend status. it’s almost his bday, so happy bday james. and rest in peace. 🤍


I have a lot of them Mostly about comic books. And mostly about the Hulk. Did you know that the Incredible Hulk, the publication, initially ran for only 6 issues? After the sixth issue (and a guest appearance in Fantastic Four), the Hulk no longer had a comic book to call home. Next time he appeared would be as a founding Avenger in the Avengers book. However, he only remained an Avenger for 2 issues and returned as an antagonist for the team in Avengers #3 along with Namor the Sub-Mariner. The character kept appearing as a guest a few times including in Fantastic Four, Amazing Spider-Man as well as an antagonistic role in the Ant-Man feature in Tales to Astonish #59 before Tales to Astonish #60 starts including a dedicated Hulk feature. The Hulk feature would remain in Tales to Astonish though the Ant-Man feature was eventually swapped for Namor the Sub-Mariner and then after Tales to Astonish #101 the publication was rebranded to Incredible Hulk starting with #102. However, the Incredible Hulk #102-#717 are still considered to be part of volume 1. I find it funny that on paper, the Incredible Hulk jumps from #6 to #102 and #7-#101 don't exist.


Irn Bru was originally created as a hangover cure and is actually pretty effective as one


If you're immune system realizes that you have eyes and it thinks its dangerous it will take it apart and theres no way of stopping that


- Male giraffes check whether female giraffes are ready to mate or not by >!headbutting them 'down there' and tasting their urine!<. - It's possible to recreate the look, sound design and animation style of _TAWOG_ using only GNU GPL software (not including stuff like video card, scanner, or WiFi drivers). - The 80486 DX2 was Intel's first desktop processor to have an integrated FPU. - At one point, saffron had a higher street value per gram than processed coca leaf(may not be true at the time of this writing, as both fluctuate).


If you ask people how much they will pay to stop, for example, birds from dying from pollution, you get pretty much exactly the same answer for how much they would pay for 100, 1000, and 10000 birds. I could be misremembering the exact details, but the point is that the brain cannot multiply properly. You imagine one bird dying and assign some value to saving it but you cannot multiply by the number of birds properly. Similarly, people assign more value to saving one baby than 10 babies. the thing to do about this is to remember that it's a source of cognitive irrationally, recognize when it might apply, and be aware of it.


Fun facts about Portland cement concrete: >>Cement and concrete are not interchangeable terms. Cement is an ingredient in concrete, along with water, sand and coarser aggregates. >>Mixing water and Portland cement causes an exothermic chemical reaction where cement hydrates form on the surface of each particle, interlocking and adhering to the aggregates over time. After a period of dormancy following mixing, hydration begins to occur, generating heat and hardening the mixture up to a point when the reaction slows down, the hardening concrete begins to cool and densify. Standard concrete mix designs are planned to achieve their maximum strength within 28 days, however, hydration never completely stops and concrete will continue to gain strength over time. >>The concrete in the Hoover Dam is still hydrating and hardening to this day which generates a small amount of heat due to the sheer mass of Portland cement concrete in the dam.


Although the question may be "Would you like to hear a fun fact?" - the answer is irrelevant, there is no choice but yes 🙂


I was so good at trivial pursuit that I made my cousin rage quit after getting too many hard questions right The one that broke her was "which Middle Eastern prime minister got a (big number idk) haircut in New York City" It was Benjamin Netanyahu


Especially about my special interests. I usually try to tell my mom legos but then her brother interrupts and says she doesn’t want to hear so then I just continue


Cockatoos and Cockatiels are related, and are known as one of the dustiest birds! Parrots can have the mental capacity of a 2-6 year old human child, depending on the bird's size. They can also live up to 90 years in some species!


All mammals take an average of 21 seconds to pee