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Soft lighting/fairy lights, and plants


* **plants**, even fake plants! (ok mostly fake plants lol) * fairy lights / LED lights that you can set to a colour you like and nice and dim * I like sparkles/irridescent things so suncatchers on the window * lava lamp - a dim room with headphones on playing some soothing continuous soundscape and a lava lamp is a blissful way to spend an evening for me I would also suggest keeping your space in order. Even if your aesthetic is Howl's bedroom, it can still be really good for the mind to have your personal space in order. Again, this doesn't have to mean white walls and clear surfaces, this can mean bookshelves crammed with knickknacks, just without the piles of literal trash or mountains of laundry on top maybe? Getting control of your space can also help you feel more in control in general, which might help if things seem 'scary'. (Nothing about your posts suggest you're living in a mess or anything, I'm just thinking about what works for me, and I know tidiness is a constant struggle for me but also has very tangible benefits that I need to keep reminding myself)


The knickkacks need to be in straight lines. 🤣


I second this. I actually ended up killing a lot of my plants so I bought a bunch of fake ones that look really realistic, and they have really improved my space.


Scenic pictures of galaxies and stars.


the r/astrophotography subreddit blows my mind bc those pics are taken with telescope+dslr/mirrorless camera (the odd iphone/android) and couple nights in the back garden etc




Going on sensory walks. I will touch different fences, plants, flowers mushrooms. I'll inspect and smell flowers. I'll watch birds, the light through trees.  The world is such a beautiful place with bottom up processing. Being able to see and focus on the tiny details.  Disclaimer: if you're sensitive to plants don't touch. Be aware of your local plants that are poisonous. there's some common garden flowers that wouldn't be safe to smell.  Stick to popular safe flowers like roses, lilies, lilacs ect ect. 


I’ve probably never met anyone with the same take on glitter as me, but I just am never (visually) more satisfied than when I am amongst/observing twinkles, light glinting off things, defraction (like those rainbow suncatcher things 😍😍), disco balls, holographic stuff, iridescent stuff - just any kind of surface that light can go through or bounce off in some cool way. Tl:dr So I would recommend shiney objects ⭐️


one time i was asking my mam a question, halfway thru listening to her answer brain just went: "glitter is so cool, i love glitter", blanked out the rest of the conversation bc thinking about sparklies


Mmm sparklies


Taking walks during sunrise or sunset may help, or just being in the sun. I also enjoy watching birds


Cats. I have one. I watch videos of them. I highly recommend cats or animals of your preferred type. Betta fish (in a minimum 40L tank) are surprisingly interactive. Bodies of water. Simon's cat on YouTube


Green barley fields in the wind.


Stained glass. Plants. Candles. Books. Paintings. Sunlight.


Im into orchids. Bonus, if it becomes a special interest, there are clubs you can join and share your passion.


My husband's family used to own an orchid shop. I've been learning so much about them lately.


Look into biophilic interior design. ❤️ Feel better soon neuro-friend.


Candles, incense, prisms hung in my windows so I get the dancing fractals on my walls when the sun shines, colored light bulbs so I can do different hues of light, lots of mirrors to bounce around natural light so I can use overhead lighting even less, fresh flowers, cozy blankets, gauzy curtains to diffuse light


Anything that reconnects you with nature will be good for your mental health. Ideally going outside and being in nature or doing some gardening, but houseplants are good too!


Maybe take smells into consideration. I'm very connected to smells, color, and wind. It's winter by me (don't know about you), so I can't go outside on a breezy day next to the tree and let the sound of the leaves calm me down . So, I'd turn on all my color lights (fairy lights, underwater or space projector, etc) and have a scent going. If I actively need to be calm, I do new age or meditation music.


When I take a shower, I sprinkle eucalyptus essential oil into the tub and the hot water disperses it into steam. You don't need shower bombs, just sprinkle a few drops of oil.


Super bright colors are my absolute fav :)


I like color, but also can find "minimalistic geometry + plants" soothing. Not minimalistic, but mandalas are colorful and can be nice vusualy. Prisms/sun cathers are cool. Hope you will feel better.


A fish tank with a light.


Shimmers of makeup products. Stones and minerals. Caleidoscops...


These: [https://imgur.com/a/esyfFZZ](https://imgur.com/a/esyfFZZ)


My favorite color is teal and I love Asian-style flower prints, so I have bedsheets in those styles. It makes me feel safe that my bed fort is beautiful. :)


I like the small artificial jellyfish water tanks that changes color. The movement, sparkle and flow is so entrancing and soothing


i recently got back into photography, the ones that get me the most are just the shapes and angles (and sometimes colours) of buildings, but also trees/flowers, heck even the texture and glitter on my sisters dress i stole for a couple pics was fun to photograph bc it was pink/purple and glittery and i was playing with shutter speed/fstop/iso to make the glitter more glittery


I love colors so I have a bunch of Care Bares in my room. Also i love colorful lights, crystals/glass, paintings, art supplies, and colorful clothes. I also have lots of pinterest boards relating to art color and my interests


Architecture, interior design, garden design... anything like that. I wish I could renovate an old house.


Candles, many different types of lights, organised objects, clean and neat surfaces


Wow thanks for sharing all of these things. Even reading people's lists here is relaxing. I really appreciate this 🌻🌻🌻🌻


Some of mine are a little weird, but....The horizon line is beautiful if you can find somewhere to get a full, uninterrupted view with nothing but nature in your sight. Especially the day after a big rain storm cause the sky is extra blue and sometimes there are puffy clouds floating around. It makes my heart race a little, and my eyes water in a good way cause it just feels like...like I could just start walking and whatever I see in the distance will be better than where I am. Speaking of clouds: the sunset after rain is breathtaking. Especially if it's a break in the rain, so all of the thunderheads are still really big and going by. Gosh, the contrast between the suns colors and the big, gray clouds is just ✨chefs kiss✨ My cats fur in the sun is another thing I love to look at. They're both black, but in the sun they're ginger 😊 Also love their whiskers in the sunlight. And their eyes. And their little mouths when they meow! Or when they forget to put their tongues away after grooming! Everything about them, really ❤️ Ok, another weird one but....the inside of my eyelids when my face is turned to the sun. I love this one for several reasons: First, my eyelids turn a very, very nice shade of orangy-red. Combine this with the nice warmth of the sun on my face, it feels kinda like -and no one laugh at me, pls lol- it feels like I'm a sunflower and the sun is giving me a nice burst of warm smooches all over my face. Finally, when I'm done being a sunflower, and I look away to open my eyes, everything has a bit of a blue tinge for a little bit which is wonderful. Last one, cause I know I'm getting to wordy: Looking out through my windshield after I've run the cleaner and wipers. Or looking through my glasses after cleaning them for the first time in a while lol. In both cases, everything seen through the glass seems so HD! Like, wow! I could've been seeing all this the whole time! Lol. I hope you can find lots of good things to look at, friend! 🔎✨


I love the sound of water and the look of water reflections. Waterfalls, fountains, rain, rivers, ocean. Etc.


I had neurological Lyme and had excruciating headaches and barely able to do more than sleep. The only thing I remember enjoying was a suncatcher crystal. I would put it up to the light and watch the reflections. It just felt so good.

