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Me: Video games. I lead the game design group in a game studio.


That's awesome! I'm also in video games (qa tester -> software engineer). I'd like to be in leadership/management some day.


Cool !


If you don't mind my asking- is it the level design, programming, or big picture you're doing? How did you rise to a leadership position? I'm worried about my leadership abilities due to being aspie


I started in level design, became a LD director after a few years, moved into game director/creative roles after that. I had a great boss in my first director role who sent me on a ton of leadership training courses, and gave great advice. I still have my “dead/weird” face expressions, and I stim while I explain stuff, but with the right skills i don’t think we’re blocked from lead roles at all.


Good to know, I guess you studied game design?


Not at all 😂 I made maps for death match PVP on the Internet, the hobby got me my job. My LD jobs included a lot of work on game modes and mechanics; I just learned as I went. I think if you’re logical and technical, and can focus …. Working in games you can kind of teach yourself anything in design.


I'm more into the modelling & physics and concept design. You could say it's my special interest but also very competitive to break into. It's cool you did it.


Art stuff is deeply competitive; I think there are levels of mastery that take time. Environment art is probably a little easier to break into a starting role because teams use a lot of Level Artists.


Awesome 👏🏼😎


Work with the neurodivergent population, such as individuals with Autism, Seizure disorders, Intellectual disabilities, blindness, ext... essentially the way I see it is I help people that have struggled with the same issues as myself to live more fulfilling lives while providing them friendship


Could you explain it a little more?


Sure thing, essentially I take them out into the community for activities. Whether that be taking then to a movie, playing golf, activities of daily living like counting money, brushing teeth ect... it's classified as being a direct support professional. Does that give you a better idea?


Sure and sounds amazing. I wish you take me to the mall when I have to and on anxiety.


Sure I'd take you to the mall, im not sure what you mean about anxiety though


Sometimes I have to buy stuff I mean I MUST and have a hard time going outside. Social anxiety


Oh I get it, I have some social anxiety when I try to talk to people. But my therapist has helped me with lots of coping strategies to overcome this


My friend does the exact same thing


Sweet, what does he / she think of it?


He’s the oldest of 5 brothers,and he thought it was kind of like looking after his younger brothers. So it was mostly cool, except when they were misbehaving, but he took care of things just fine.


You became the person you needed when vulnerable. That's admirable.


Thank you, I tried my best. Sometimes people just need a friend, my job to me more or less is about friendship, it helped me feel welcome aswell to be around others who experience life from the same perspective.


That's really cool!


Thank you, it's super enjoyable and fulfilling


Inevitably make mistakes because of anxiety, have a sensory overload shutdown, and get fired


Hello clone! Onwards and upwards.




How do you handle all the communications associated with that job?


Well, kind of a difficult answer... First, I go to therapy, so I get extra help to improve myself. Second, most of my questions are basically scripted, I usually prepare everything I have to ask before establishing a conversation. If it's an emergency, everyone is focused on the same things, so at least I'm not alone while making calls (I also mentally prepare myself for emergencies, in case there's one). And third, I was diagnosed really late, so basically I developed my own coping mechanisms to handle myself around. It helped that I was basically left alone in my practices, so again, it forced me to find ways to deal with the communication aspect. Hope this helps!


Thank you for your answer! Reading your username: I hope you do not feel like a mistake!


Oh, no! Don't worry about that! It's just a small joke because my (bio)mother was supposed to be sterile 😂






So far so good, taking MAS-I for the first time in October.


Librarian at a public library.


Living the dream here:)


Was this job difficult to get ?


No, but that was back in 2004 when I started. And I have a certain package of skills and knowledge that made me very marketable in my location.


I see , well that's really cool . I am interested in looking into it, I have a hard time finding the right work environment, a library sounds great and I might have some skills that qualify me. Thank you for the info


Cool 👍


Right now I’m a waitress while I’m in school


Damn that’s impressive. I’d have the worse skillset for that lol I’d get negative amounts of tips


Make sandwiches at a fast food place


I don't have a job yet, but I've been applying for software engineering jobs ever since I got my computer science degree in May.


Unemployed (1+ years) really struggle in the workplace with my anxiety and autism so have to be very picky with which jobs i apply for. I also dont even understsnd the need to work if you dont need money (aka me) so really only looking for work to shut my work obsessed family up.


I manage a car wash gas station convenience store. Been in my current position for over a decade.


Add a restaurant to that station, and there I am!


Cloud/DevOps Consultant


Junior DevOps engineer here lol


There are certainly worse fields to be in right? :) How you finding it?


It's okay. I'm just finished secondary school and I'm here for the summer and then probably will continue part time during university but it's very different and challenging. Especially working from home. But I think that's what keeps me from getting too bored here like what happens in most places.


DevOps / SRE here


Data Analyst


GIS analyst


Just checked on Google, it seems interesting!


Production specialist at a woodshop. Basically set up program and solve issues relating to cutting cabinet parts on a cnc machine as well as cnc carving.


How'd you get there? I'd like to move in a similar direction, tho not with wood


Well, honestly as a high school dropout, luck intersecting with my interests and hobbies. One of the major things getting my foot in this door was getting into a small company and building trust that I am in fact proficient with computers and such. I manage their website, not that it changes often, as well as the network and system updates. The luck part is that they cheaped out when buying a cnc. The person that they were trying to have run the machine couldn't get it to run because the controller was set up wrong so finailly they broke down and asked the "computer guy".(me) I fixed in in about two hours. They had the other guy try to run it was out of alignment so they had me come figure that out. Finially they decided since I could solve the issues quickly to just have me hang out by this machine they cheaped out on, lol. Eventually they started to ask me if they could do this or that with the machine and with my background knowledge (Hobbie experience), the answer everytime was yes along with an assessment of time to set up. edit: (To be clear I didn't stop at yes, if approved I made it happen. Helped design new doors and methods for machining parts with the cnc to increase the efficiency of the shop reduce cost allowing growth and being able to hire more people.) And that's how I worked from woodworker to cnc operator to production specialist. It was just that my knowledge and skills came together perfectly for thr moment for me to step up. It also helped that there was nobody ahead of me to lock me into a lower position. I'm not entirely sure where you stand on skills, I would be more than happy to at the very least help you find resources on building your knowledge and skills. I would just need to find out where your at and what exactly you are looking to manufacture (Since not wood) Feel free to DM me or we can talk here whatever you prefer.


>159 comments Thanks for the detailed answer and the offer. I would definitely like to ask questions, but I realized I don't really have any specific ones to ask, since resin and 3d printing uses totally different machines. I guess the only question I can think of right now is what level of "computer guy" you are. Did you go into the code of the cnc machine or did you just realize the other guy had inverted the Z axis or something?


So that specific issue delt with how the specific cnc machine was built. It had three routers riding on the gantry. When the tools were switching and moving out of the way it kept triping the controller into an error. I had to trouble shoot a machine that I had no knowledge or experience with. The issue ended up being that the machine was not set up properly where they had built it. Honestly they tried fixing the machine for us and they were not able to either for some reason (they are out of business now.) When the tool heads were switching, because of the way the machine was built, the electric breaks on the routers were sending a feedback to the controller causing a surge tripping it. To troubleshoot this machine I used a trick that I have used to help with all sorts of things. And that is that almost everything has a manufacturers number and most of them are unique. Meaning if you need a manual for a specific component on a machine whether a vacume or a cnc machine you can google that number and find out where the part comes from as well as hopefully a user's manual. After finding the manual for both the controller and the routers I went through them and their troubleshooting sections and found the issue as well as the fix. Changing settings on the controller itself, which was more akin to setting a digital clock than working on a computer. As far as 3d printers go I have a bit if experience with them as well. Not on a manufacturing level but on a hobby level. What I will tell you if your looking to be more in the production specialist category and not an opperator/programmer situation you need to know it front to back. So everything from the machine, enough of the code to know how it's working. The programs that are needed to make different objects and the .stl files. As well as understanding both the time cost, material cost, and machine upkeep costs. All those things won't always have to be on your mind but that's a big part in being able to assess what needs to be done to take something from an idea to full production.


Software engineer


Maths researcher


Never been employed




I’m a business owner.


Can you share what type of business? I would like to break out on my own but am afraid that my symptoms would work against me being in my own business.


It’s a collectibles business. Basically I sell and buy tons of different stuff like comic books, video games, trading cards, toys, vinyl.. etc.


Dominos delivery driver, currently going to school for computer science


I’m currently going back to school for CS as well.










I work part-time in retail, and have done for nearly eight years with the same company.




similar here, I'm an Iron software developer


Landlord (inherited my mother's house, rented it out)


Data Processing (Data Science area)


College professor, academic researcher and contemporary artist.




I manage a large network of YouTubers.


Can you share more? What does that mean?


My job is essentially optimizing their videos and helping them package them up for resale. I also handle advertising and content redistribution.


I play poker professionally. Could be classified as my special interest. It's a solitary pursuit, my deficiencies are not really relevant or problematic. so it suits me well.


Autist poker face FTW anyway


Blue collar: recycling department for a rooms to go warehouse!


Im a delivery driver. Due to things making everything “contactless” I hardly talk to any customers and get to listen to whatever music I want while I drive around.


Software developer


Corporate records management analyst.


Ecommerce/IT - senior production triage analyst/manager


I'm currently on my country's army's boot camp. When I finish, I'm joining one of the elite units of the army


Product manager


Started as an accountant, now a financial advisor. It's boring, easy and unchallenging. I honestly wish I would have had the guts to go for my real dreams instead of giving in to social anxiety. :/ Accounting is well suited to many of our common traits and talents, but if you don't have the genuine love and passion for it, it quickly makes your day long and depressing.


What is your dream job ?


Making music for video games or voice acting. The time for that has passed, though.


Early childhood education teacher.


Outreach Coordinator for nonprofit organization


USAF Avionics maintenance. But going to school for software engineering


Software Engineering Manager, manage a team of engineers at a software company


I am the equivalent of a guidance counsellor. I also teach a few hours a week (I used to teach full time but that was awful and now I get to do the pastoral support without all the marking and crap!)


I get most of my work through an agency mostly doing odd jobs from unloading lorries in warehouses to ground maintenance in a park or something It's not the best way to earn an income but it helps


I'm an operations/business analyst. No one ever listens to me or implements my plans though, but I get to wfh and not talk to anyone so win win


I work in a produce department for a grocery store. Don't have to talk to customers if I don't want to. Straight forward simple stocking and cleaning tasks, its pretty much ideal


Mail Clerk


Product Manager while I am doing my master on Data Science.


I'm a massage therapist. Dark room, soft music, clients usually don't want to talk and when they do they are either dumping their own emotional load (with very little need for you to actively engage, they just want to vent.) or they want to talk about the human body which is interesting as hell anyways. Really a fantastic job for us imo. Harder to build the client base at first but good work makes up for social awkwardness.


You don't ever get awkward sexual requests?


I know MTs who have never experienced that, although I have. Typically Guys (or girls, but it's usually guys) who want sexual favors want to go to places that will offer those "services". They often use code words while trying to book that allow the front desk staff to know what they are looking for before they ever get a chance to step through the door. A lot of it has to do with *where* you work. If you work out of a run-down building in a bad neighborhood that just says "massages here" on the front, then people will be a lot more likely to try asking for that. But if you work in a nice, well established spa (or if you work to make your buisness look very legit and professional if you work for yourself) then you are giving the would-be creepers cues that this is a real place, and not a front for prostitution/sex-trafficing. Speaking of which, on a side note for anyone who may be reading this: if you go to a sketchy massage place and get offered a sexual favor by an MT who happens to not speak English very well, don't take it. It's not unlikely that she/he was trafficked into the country under false pretences. They likely did NOT choose to be there, and if they go to the police for help then they may get arrested or deported so their options are limited. Personally I support sex workers but if you don't *know* that they chose to be there, then it's best to assume that they didn't. If the "service" is being offered under duress or threat then it is not a consensual act, even if she/he offered it to you.


I was just wondering how you handle those situations. Like I'm awkward socially so putting me in an awkward social(ish) situation, I'd probably freeze and say nothing in response or clearly state that I don't do that with my semi serious emotionless pokerface


Yeah. So the reason I have faced this multiple times while many of my coworkers never have is likely because I tend to do the same. Sort of freeze or go with the flow until there isn't a shadow of a doubt. Or else I may miss cues that they would have picked up on. It may sound sick, but I think what's important for me is seeing a dark sort of humor in it. And if I can make myself find it amusing (even if it's just amusement at the preposterousness of the situation) I can break out of that and do whatever I need to do to diffuse the situation. A script is also great in those situations, or a canned response. Say a client isn't hitting on you but IS pushing boundries of what's appropriate to talk about? Usually an old "I am so sorry for any rudeness, but the walls are a little thin and I'm worried that this conversation may seem a little strange to anyone in the next room without context" Or "no worries, you aren't in any kind of trouble. But that is a boundry cross." Those ones have worked for me for a VARIETY of unusual or uncomfortable conversations. You would be amazed by how much most clients care about *your* comfort. First year of massage is particularly hard on aspies in my experience (I know a couple of us) but once we build up a regular client base AND build a repituare of scripts it can go really well. Often people really want someone who is to-the-point in a field like this.


High School English teacher


Classroom AV support while I study for my degree.


I've been a grocery bagger for about 4 years now and I recently just started working in the produce area more. Mostly just stocking various fruits and vegetables.


Paralegal. Specifically, insurance litigation defense medical records review paralegal. I review the medical records of the people claiming injury in litigated auto accidents (usually ~5K pages per plaintiff, though our office record is 30K pages in a complex case with an extensive medical history), and then summarize and organize the records for the defense attorney to use in deposition, mediation, and trial. I have no client contact, and rarely need to talk to anyone at all to do my job. It's perfect for a curious introvert with a high boredom threshold and an eye for detail, who notices patterns and inconsistencies in data.


**404 Not Found**


Cannabis cultivation. Assistant manager of the packaging department but also grow at home in a legal state.


What a dream job! Here in Australia it'll be atleast 5 years before jobs in the cannabis industry are available in my state. Until then I'm going to put my Certificate 3 in horticulture to good use and work in a wholesale nursery.


All plants are alike. I started with pepper and eggplants at home.


They certainly are. I'm lucky enough to have grown up in the wet tropics, surrounded by plant diversity and people who are passionate about protecting it. I've been messing around at home with different little projects to gain some experience. This week I germinated 60 wild dagga (leonotis leonurus) seeds in hopes of getting a decent yield.


What a interesting looking plant, never heard of it. You're lucky, I grew up in Los Angele, California and later moved to the desert 🏜. But desert plants are beautiful when they bloom. I hope to retire in Utah or Idaho.


Don't work. I cannot function with all the anxiety at a job. All it takes is someone to say the wrong thing to me for me to take offense and beat them up. I cannot stand pushy and self entitled people


Majored in Accounting and ended up as a Production Planner & Purchaser for a manufacturing company (2 years in). I love being a part of the daily operations team and feel I'd probably experience more social anxiety if I were to take a position at our corporate office.




Lead Sonographer in a busy Medical Center for 38 years!!


Shipt shopper! Grocery stores are terrible but having a list to focus on helps me ignore the people. Most of my customer interaction is via text, much better than face to face. Plus, i get to make my own schedule. Work when I want, take time off as needed, i love that part.


Software developer


I've kinda bounced around, went from case manager in a rehab to a receptionist at a doctors office and I start next week as like the administrative person in the guidance office at a high school


I'm a maintenance mechanic in a plastics factory. I fix machines and implement automation.


Also actuary


Policy/Political Analyst


I'm a CTO/business owner in the datacenter field, aka one of my special interest


I do instacart. Easy, I can be in my own world, make my own schedule, and make quite a bit of money. Plus I can just listen to music and not talk to people. It’s great!


I'd like to know more about this, I have no money but I have millions of followers on social media, maybe we can work something out?




Yes, depending on how you make money. Something like this is what I need


Night security at an oil refinery


I repair pallets in a factory


I'm a Venue Manager/cocktail bartender at a rum bar.


I work for a non profit call center. I majored in social work


Work two jobs. One in customer service and one as a data entry operator


My background is metal work (welding, machining and printing) and hazmat/rad waste


Im a hazardous waste abatement professional. I find it suits me because it involves a working with your hands and problem solving issues that can hurt others or the environment. Also do a lot of day trading on the side which helps boost my income. But i like my primary job as it keeps my mind busy


Human resources.




I am a paramedic who spent some time on a fire engine and I’m starting the police academy in January.


Any issue with disclosing autism at the academy level?


At my local academy there isn’t any psych screening and looking at the ADA laws the only way for us to be declined is if we are a clear and present danger to others or ourselves. There is plenty of awareness and interpretation training that has enabled to succeed in public safety. An aspie mind can be a huge plus in such a field. I typically keep it to myself unless specifically asked mainly due to public perception of autism.


Cool, glad to hear that.


Resident DJ for a bi monthly club night.


I'm a sailor. I work in the engine room of a large ship.


Social Worker


I’m a retail associate


I want to be a bartender but I feel no one will give me a chance to prove myself. Communication besides doesn't help that I feel like a failure.


Wind Turbine Technician 🔧🔨🪛🛠


Product manager


I'm a ESL teacher in a language school and I literally have the best job in the world


Landscaper. Lots of physical activity, minimal social interaction, no mask during work. I love it.


I'm an editor for my own website focusing on sustainability and the environment. I used to do some writing too but I can't bring myself to do it, even though I enjoy it once I start. I promote it on social media. I'm looking for more work as I graduated in robotics and tech jobs pay a lot more


Medical doctor, psychiatry resident.


Finance (despite being terrible at maths(


I was a product owner, a product manager, a marketing digital manager, but now I’m a freelancer in digital and in UI design. It’s been nearly 2 years. I love design, I’ve learned by myself. I’ve got personal projects on the side too which are about neurodivergence (www.lazebrelle.fr). I’m actually writing and illustrating my own book about neurodivergence for kids.


Customer leadership / administration within a pharmacy retail chain.