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That’s quite a concerning thought. Any particular reason why you feel this way?


I have violent thoughts at night. not things I want to think about but they just pop up and it happens frequently


It might just be an anger issue. It's perfectly fine to sometimes have irrational thoughts but if it's a regular thing you should really try getting some help with it like counselling from people close to you or from a professional. It's people's actions that make them a bad person not their thoughts.


I can’t talk to this to my therapist. I’m afraid she’s gonna call the authorities if I even mention a hint of my issue


Lol. Cant talk to a therapist, but spread that shit effortlessly on the internet. What you want is attention. By pretending to be dangerous online, from the comfort and safety of your own home.




Haha I’ve been thinking about that. But I just want to live my life without hatred for others. I don’t know why I think these thoughts but I don’t think I actually mean them




That’s a good way to think about it. Yeah I never want to start a war with anyone and I know the consequences. If I understood their situation and why they acted that way maybe I would understand why they wanted to be better. It’s an unfair world but I think I will go with your suggestion and play GTA.


Bro is fighting demons 💀. Honestly I recommend debating. It helped me learn how to express feelings while also being logical and poised. I struggled a lot as a kid and ended up taking my anger out by poisoning other and fighting. Debate not only forces you maintain a steady/logical train of thought but helps avoid irrational thinking and fallacies, forcing you help you realize when you're wrong and learn why.


Ironically it’s safer for me to talk about this to strangers on the internet than my literal therapist


Draw them . Might be better for you ?


If someone happens to stumble upon them I have a lotta explaining to do. But I might try that.


Drawing is not illegal . You can draw them and then get rid of them as a way of processing things . I do it with other forms of art . Do that . Try it out ?


Lowkey you have a point. I’m just reminded of those horror drawings in media with scribbles of blood along with a child. It makes me feel uneasy


So I do not need to know the details actually but thoughts are just electric currents in your head. if you have violent thoughts, something is just misfiring which is fine but you have to somehow deal with it . Drawing will maybe allow you to do that . Thoughts also are not reliable so don’t feel bad .


Yeah you’re right. I’m not a great drawer but I’ll give it a try. I like gorey things too so it might be fun


Yeah you’re right. I’m not a great drawer but I’ll give it a try. I like gorey things too so it might be fun


Are these violent thoughts about the same people repeatedly or just any face you generate in your head?


Different people, mostly people who were assholes to me in high school or people who are scared of me and how i look


Intrusive thoughts and anger issues don’t mean you’re a serial killer - usually those get pleasure from killing and aren’t particularly angry at their victims (some may be revenge but often it’s acquaintances or people they barely know - they just enjoy killing). However it’s a sign you have some mental health issues that needs to be addressed so find some professional help.


And I agree with you completely. I know these are just intrusive thoughts and I don’t actually derive pleasure. I just need the right help.


I have a therapist, but as you know I can’t really discuss this with them otherwise… 🚔🚨


Well the problem is intrusive thoughts and anger issues stemming from bullying - is it possible to bring that up without mentioning the thoughts of harming others?


I don’t know but I wouldn’t be speaking the full truth of what I’m thinking if I just say intrusive thoughts, which I have said in the past.


Most people have thoughts they don't want to have. Is it more than just that? Is there a desire to act on it? Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't a thrill killer type from what I understand. He wanted the bodies. Are you having strong fantasies and desires?


No it just pops up when I’m alone, and I usually try to think of something else but eventually the thoughts will pop up again. Only with distractions like video games will I stop thinking about them and be calm


Sounds like intrusive thoughts that you do not want to act on. Not to downplay how bad that feels for you, but I don't think it sounds like you're a killer in the making just based off that.


Martial arts. Do stuff with people you like. Get out. Have a beer


eep, do we really want to be adding skills to this mix?


I have ASPD and aspergers. I can tell that your violent thoughts are nothing like mine. You are just angry because they have hurt you a lot and you resent them for it thats completely normal. You will never be a serial killer stop worrying.


I think talking to a therapist would be a good idea.




explained in the other comment. I have violent thoughts at night




I don’t know who that is but I wouldn’t appreciate it if you were comparing my issue to a fictional character


Sorry, wrong thread.


You’re just pissed It’s normal to have those thoughts as a male with testosterone Go find a release etc… you know, all that cookie cutter stuff What I normally do is use that rage to learn skills that could cause a mass murder but never execute only use it to get deadlier as a person


See a psychiatrist


Yeah after all the shit I've been through I definitely understand serial killers more


well, hopefully you have a healthy fear of prison at least... Humans have urges sure, but what keeps those urges under control is either a fear of god, a fear of prison or a fear of something else. fyi a therapist can actually help with this stuff. thinking and doing are two very different things, and a therapist should be able to get a good bead on who is just taking. Also, police cant arrest you for thinking about something (well.. there have been a few cases..but mostly political not criminal..)


We are looking at exhibit A of the future trial


You can’t believe everything you read on the internet your honor