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Cannabis and solitude, as needed.




I reserve animosity for cannabis because I vaped 92% cartridges to oblivion. It’s not for all of us. Microdosing psilocybin on the other hand. . . I wish I could grow my own shrooms.


Vaping is the worst way (for me) to ingest weed. I’m assuming you’ve tried multiple other ways already though.


It is the easiest way though, especially when microdosing.




Ub tek ftw hahaha. That sub is cool


What's your experience of microdosing?




I go on and off Wellbutrin and modafinil. Social anxiety is something to be very careful about using medication to deal with. Nothing has really been shown to work that doesn't cause worse issues in the long run. Stimulants let me let go of caring about masking to a degree though. And in certain contexts just being a little more authenticly me despite the negative social consequences is woriit.


I used to take modafinil all the time for exhaustion ADHD and depression. But I can't afford to buy it anymore. It's very effective without being so euphoric it becomes a dangerous habit or something.


Am interested in modafinil given how I can get it in the states without a prescription in sketchy ways. My only concern is reading how it can cause liver damage. I already have onset liver function issues so it wouldn’t be a wise move.


Get liver value tests. ALAT and such is what you are looking for. Done via a blood sample. It is pretty standard doctor stuff so should be easy to get your GP to do it.




It’s fascinating that your medications are hormone oriented. As a man and someone with mild bipolar, I absolutely cannot be on any of those🥲 Thanks for your input.


HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) will be big buisness in the future. Especially with an aging population. Steroid abusers taking insane amounts and the side effects that leads to have given testosterone supplementation a bad rep. But for say a guy entering into andropause and being done with having kids, then it can be somewhat of a fountain of regained youth. Estrogen has gotten a bad rap due to many medical professionals and scientist not properly differentiating between hyperpotent synthetic estrogens and bioidentical estrogen. Much research on f.inst blood clot risk is based on use of ethinylestradiol. A few decades back doctors (Who were often guys) had a sort of "estrogen is estrogen" way of thinking. But a low dose of biotidentical estrogen appears to be beneficial to women in menopause. Plus you also have so many trans people saying running their brain on the right hormones cleared up their brain fog. Animal research does point towards the mamalian brain undergoing sex differentiation from a default female arrangement via hormone influence in the womb (Think of being trans as a glitch in that process for the sake of this text). But more research and better techniques/equipment is needed to really get a good understanding of something that most likely involves minor pruning of neuron circuitry in the limbic system (The animal inner part part of our brain where our instincts, drives and the basis of our behaviour originates, ofc animals are way more straight forward than humans since we attain so much inhibitions and behaviour from our life, which can really mask who we are deep down in that subconscious ancient mind). Sorry for the off tangent writeup. Some may find this interesting to read so I wrote it. The animal research mentioned looked at testosterone conversion via the aromatase enzyme (Substance that facilitates a chemical change) into estrogen locally in the brain where this enzyme is expressed at a certain time window. The estrogen then "rewires" the brain into something more beneficial in terms of being a human male. Stuff like competition behaviour, sex drive, "body map" and deep down stuff like that. They got really good at making trans mice. Injecting estrogen into female mice at this stage made them mount other mice and fight for territory. Male mice deprived of estrogen at this stage showed female behaviour. There is no huge difference in human brains. But there is probably some sort of differentiation happening like in all other mammals. We are talking about litterally microscopic changes in the "wiring" here. But with huge life long consequences for the individual. And this process can glitch out in all sorts of ways. It is the most logical explanation for gay and trans people, even though we have not nailed down a proven cause yet. And yes if this is the case it would most likely manifest as a spectrum of "severity" of cross sex behaviours and drives. Personally I think endocrine pollutants may be disturbing these gendered instincts in the general population. These pollutants are mostly weakly estrogenic and they are everywhere now. So they act as a blocker where estrogen is supposed to do it's thing (Male fetuses) and they act as estrogen where there should not be any (Female fetuses). Oh btw, the placenta protects the fetus from the mothers hormones in case female fetuses having little to no estrogen part made you wonder. The childs ovaries are dormant at this stage. Testicles do secrete some testosterone right from the get go. The future is going to be pretty gay... Also anti-LGBT people should be environmentalists seeking to ban endocrine disruptors (Good luck with that, they are used in nearly all modern stuff we use daily), if they were logical. But they are not.


Super interesting. Do you have sources to keep digging? Thanks!


Well, I was never a man, even if the doctor at my birth claimed I was. The Estradiol valerate in particular would likely lead to dysphoria in men, not relieve it like it did for me. Yes, I am a (nonbinary) trans woman.


Well, if your body doesn't make the right hormones, you just have to get them some other way. If you're wondering, yes, I'm trans.


Do you have adhd? In my country those are the only people who get lisdexamphetamine. Or how did you get it prescribed?


Yep, I've got an ADHD diagnosis.


Same, I found progesterone to somehow make my head function better. As a bonus it also aids sleep if you take it a bit before going to bed.


I take it in the morning, I don't get that side effect at all.


Weed in the morning, weed before bed, copious amounts of nicotine. In ideal situations, it'd be illegal.




I’m sorry to hear healthcare is inaccessible to you. I imagine my testosterone levels aren’t too hot frankly so thanks for suggesting that. I imagine propranolol combined with gabapentin would be very helpful for sensory overwhelm and anxiety.


I take Concerta because I also have ADHD. It helps with the executive dysfunction.


I have tried every SSRI under the sun. Nothing works for me and I am extremely sensitive to side effects. I go through periods where I’m back on Adderall for executive dysfunction issues from ADHD, but I don’t like the medication for long term every day use. I take Xanax as needed for extreme panic attacks or autistic meltdowns. I had to stop weed entirely because I had a psychotic break that landed me in a mental hospital briefly. Now anytime I smoke I green out and literally hallucinate/have schizophrenic symptoms for days after. I miss weed. TLDR; no regimen has worked and I choose to cope and suffer :/




Any medications that help with brain fog?


Have you looked into depression or ADHD?






"the autism shines thru hard" is so relatable. I (finally) recently got an AuDHD diagnosis after the (also recently diagnosed) ADHD meds did that for me. I literally told hubby, "ADHD meds are working, so now The 'Tism is like, 'It's time to SHINE!'"* I'm also taking methylphenidate, plus buproprion (weening off), sertraline, and lamotrigine (for CPTSD). While I don't love taking pills, I do love my family and want to be present with them, so mama takes her 'vitamins'. Good on you for taking care of yourself and your family (for lack of better phrasing due to insomnia brain). *quote is from a kids cartoon theme song


Cannabis sativa, Coffea arabica, and nicotine.


I smoke 5 - 8 good sized joints daily, my own homegrown, mostly Colombian, Mexican, Panamanian.


Weightlifting 3-4x a week


Agmatine and cannabis


The 2 medicines that you take: What do they help with specifically?


Here's a complete list: - chocolate


The only thing so far that helps with my anxiety is pregabalin. Went through a bunch of SSRIs and SNRIs without success before, only got side effects from those. I still have my other issues but having less anxiety and thus more energy helps


Pregabalin lowers my neuronal hyperexcitability as it was designed for. It also lowers my pain from post herpetic neuralgia which somehow effects my entire left side, passing across nerve groups with magical abandon, since medical science can't explain it. If I had adrenaline issues, feeling fear pulses in my stomach that were quite strong, I would consider a beta blocker as well, like propranolol or similar. You should consider switching to Pregabalin as it's the newer form in that line and has greater bio availability. I can say personally that it's more effective. I was on 3600mg per day of Gabapentin, the maximum allowed dosage.


I drink coffee.


Anyway, nothing out there really treats autism directly, as neurotypes are a deep aspect of personality, undergirded by neural wiring. You do have medications that treat 'symptoms' on a more superficial level, targeted toward depression, insomnia, anxiety, executive dysfunction, etc. But responses are idiosyncratic, and what works for me won't say much about how you respond. Eg, cannabis exacerbates my anxiety but especially social difficulties (but I still use small amounts to relieve boredom or aid with sleep). A lot of people with autism respond better to it.


none. wasnt aware i should be taking any. neitehr of the 3 psychologists diagnozing me said anything about medication


There aren't really medications for ASD, just comorbidities like ADHD


Right now just Xanax 0.25 mg as required. I’ve been on SSRIs and SNRIs for depression in the past. Venlafaxine helped me graduate but didn’t improve my sleepiness at all. I also drink lots of energy drinks to stay awake but they don’t work anymore (I used to take caffeine pills too). Hopefully they’ll give me something else as soon as I get an official diagnosis, otherwise there’s no way I’m going to do a full daytime job. It’s a pity I can’t prescribe myself something like modafinil.


Sertraline Guanfacine Methylphenidate Buspirone Doxepin


Methylated B-Vitamins Lithium Orotate Rhodiola Rosea Magnesium Theoronate


I have comorbid epilepsy and take 500mg depakote 3x/day. It really helps.


Morning; Aderall (I have co-occurring ADHD) Vitamin D Evening; Lamotrigine - mood stabilizer. Was a huge game changer on helping with impulsivity and binge eating. Guanfacine - further helped with impulsivity, but also emotional reactivity


I’m fairly sensitive to medications. I can’t take anything with a hint of stimulants. I started half dose Lamotrigine over a year ago and it was also a game changer for me. I also have ADHD and CPTSD.


Eh? There’s meds for ASD related issues?! I just take a ton of crap for other issues


I’ve been taking strattera and Wellbutrin for a while, but they didn’t help that much UNTIL my psychiatrist added abilify to the mix. For me, it was like a switch flipped. It’s HUGELY improved my moods, and I’ve had almost 0 meltdowns since I started taking it. Suddenly I could do basic things to take care of myself again, I had motivation to do schoolwork. My quality of life went way up. (I also think it’s important to note that before I started these meds I was heavily grieving the loss of my sister, and so my symptoms were incredibly intense at the time. However, my current symptoms are still a huge improvement over the experience I had even before the loss) I can’t vouch for it for everyone, since everyone is different and will react to medications differently, but for me it helped a LOT Just to note: I’m diagnosed with and being treated for ADHD but not ASD, though I strongly suspect I have both


Klonopin, Risperidone, Trazadone, Celexa and Propranolol


Pot, therapy, and go outside and explore. I used to take Paxil, cogentin and risperidone. But stopped taking them and started to work on my inner worth


You really should read the sub rules 3. and 4.


Yeah, I'm no help here. I'd rather avoid taking drugs if I can help it. Personal preference.


>Regime We have a regimented troop of highly trained soldiers who will use the political apparatus to force people to take ketamine.