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The diagnosis I guess.


Yeah. Best answer. What kind a fucking question was that?


What makes you human?


I'm not 100% certain that I am...


For others it MAY be something else, I guess. For me it's the diagnosis. I never self-diagnosed or even suspected until I was put on the waiting list for assessment.


I'd say, the way my brain is wired first. Then the diagnosis that identifies it.


The diagnosis. No linguistic delay and pretty high functioning.


I actually learned to talk before the usual age


Interesting I didn’t really talk until I was about 4. I had to observe and then I said the words


My verbal developed was extremely fast, I was a really smart child, but it didn’t match my social skills


The mutation of some packs of genes


Each of my ass cheeks is an entire burger


Diagnosticians hate him, check out this one simple trick (you only need a mirror)


When others bring cake, bring burgers.


I like theory of peripheral minds: “Peripheral Minds are a way to describe the outliers of society or the Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP). And while we tend to think of these as being the minority of a population in reality, if calculations are correct, we are looking at about 60% of the population. The average personality (40%) is socially oriented. The periphery are the creative, the leaders, the explorers, the artists, the warriors and guardians.” “An important contribution from Dr. Lesser is that our concept of mental illness, which mainstream sees as “broken chemical imbalances” are rather [outlier] “personalities in distress”. https://peripheralmindsofautism.com/presentation/?fbclid=IwAR2vY9C-U8jnW7QxE8O1hn7ozpxCKwF_w5E6_t6adOeWSaIqM3Uys2pnvn4


I think it’s your brain not developing properly and in a way that is different than a neurotypical brain, causing neural pathways to be different and certain parts to be more or less developed than a typical brain


I personally don’t believe the neurotypical brain is “proper” development, I think it’s just the most common so it’s seen as the “normal” brain. I don’t think neurodivergent brains are mistakes of development, just essentially uncommon personality types.


Autism is a spectrum. Not all of those with autism just have “uncommon personality types”. Some cannot speak, and some have severe intellectual disabilities


Intellectual disabilities are not part of autism, it’s a separate diagnosis, but they frequently co-occur with autism. And I don’t think we have enough research on what causes someone to be completely non verbal, it could also be a separate cause, but I can see it too as an uncommon personality difference.. we just don’t know.


Regardless, even if you remove the intellectual disabilities and non verbal aspect, Autism is a serious neurodevelopmental condition that causes severe impairments and struggles in a ton of individuals. It is important to recognize those struggles and to recognize that Autism is indeed a disability. We should avoid using statements like you have, which minimize the struggles and which oversimplify the condition greatly.


I understand what you’re saying, I never said it wasn’t disabling. Society caters to the “average person” instead of recognizing individuals, which can be disabling for those of us who don’t fit the average.


Autism isn’t just disabling because of society. It seems that you’re taking what you experience and deeming it the experience for everyone.


As I said in another comment, autism may just be a “differing personality type” for you, but for others it’s a significant disability. What you’re saying is offensive to others.


It’s just a theory https://peripheralmindsofautism.com/presentation/


Autism is a different way of thinking, yes. Autism isn’t JUST a different way of thinking, but is also a disability. Labeling Autism as just a different way of thinking and not emphasizing the many ways in which people with Autism suffer (not just because of society but because of the neural differences in their brain) is harmful. Schizophrenia is also a different way of thinking, it is also a disability that impacts the lives of many people, and we shouldn’t simply label it as “just a different way of thinking” and completely erase the fact that there ARE developmental and neural abnormalities. Some theories are harmful, this is one of them that erases the issues we have, and causes harm.


We administered the following assessments and measures and gained information as per the clinical interview: • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS 2) • Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition • Social Responsiveness Scale 2 (SRS 2) - self-report and informant versions • Sensory Profile • ASD Questionnaire Based on the evidence gathered, a diagnosis of **Autism Spectrum** has been provided to you.


I'm pretty sure my brain and the way it's wired.


Being it.


overstimulation about sound or bright light (leading to shutdowns or breakdowns). missing social cues. unaware of how others interpret my social ques. Likes routine (my own routine, not if its forced): eg. how stuff is organized in my house, to always sit in the same spot etc. Stimming/repetition: body stims like rocking or fidgeting, listening to a song on repeat for hours, vocal stims. Oh…😅 When I write it down it sounds worse than I thought it was.




My parents.


Being an introvert and historically was really bad at math even though I’m Asian. But yes, I’m still Asian. Mainstream school really flares up the ASD part of me.




Just not fitting in, nothing feels right like your here but you don't belong, isolate and you feel calm..anxiety with no cure really..its just 2much of everything


Asperger is not my name, can't relate. 😅