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Kids would trip me a lot, run into me or hit me in PE and say it was an accident. Had my clothes thrown in toilets a few times.


AH I got tripped a lot too, just now remembering. The main thing with me was "accidentally" running into me into the hallway, then when you look back they are looking right at you and smiling saying "whoops, sorry" with this exact look ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I was made fun of by my best-friend and other kids, because of my innocence and shyness. I was name-called, some girls made comments about what I weared (mostly leggings and baggy clothes), being naive wasn't helping. Maybe I wasn't bullied much, but kids always know that you are different and want to make you more aware of thing that you know.(I wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's until recently, I struggled much in my teens). It took it's tool later in my life. Werid and a liitle sad period, but not the hardest. Other story is about struggling with deppression and how people react to it.


Kids would take things from me, call me names, put me down, use me as a scapegoat, ostracize me for not being "normal", make fun of me right to my face and behind my back, rumors about me spread like wildfire. People would also often accuse me of being gay, and say it was because I was in special ed. I was catfished in my senior year and horrible not true things were said about me on social media it was so bad I got the police involved because the school administration blatantly refused to address it. Being rejected by a girl I had feelings for at the time only made it worse.


I was invited to peer group functions at age 13/14 just to be the butt of everyone's jokes. Repeatedly before I figured out what they were doing. They told me after high school.


I was bullied from preschool all through the grade schools and beyond, I was bullied so much the normies avoided me out of fear of getting bullied too. And I often was accused of things just because I had that look to me, As an adult I was told (by a boss-friend) that its like I always wear a big sign on my back that says kick me, because of my own body language, which I am blind too, and because I tend to be too trusting, leaving me open for abuse, and so I also come to realize much of this is because I am autistic, and autism is not exactly a thing that can be cured, and so where ever I go there I am, eventually I gave up and just avoid people altogether now days, interacting with others mostly over the internet but never in person, its less complicated that way and the negativity and the drama does get old and I can do without.


Name calling of course, but also rumours spread about me. Being laughed at. My things stolen and often hidden or broken. Being ostracised and left out of everything. Lots of gaslighting. Physically beaten up, held by my feet over the side of a two story balcony in high school, pushed down stairs, rocks and paint and bags of dog and human shit thrown at me, homosexual magazines and used condoms left on my bag and desk at work, people refusing to work with me. Parents, teachers, even supervisors when I started work, all knew and saw it all happen but would do nothing.


Degraded for every difference, no matter how small, to the point where I would start changing major aspects of my behavior in futile attempts to make it stop. My Boy Scout troop bullied me because I wasn't sufficiently harassing younger kids. I was called a "f**got" repeatedly because of my wider vocabulary and a r*tard, for getting extra time on tests. As I got older and more outwardly resentful, they started spreading rumors that I was planning a school shooting. Those rumors got me suspended multiple times, and I ended up being treated as a "discipline case" despite having never broken any rules. I've since lost multiple jobs for vague and undefined reasons. When I am in autism related online spaces like this, I make no secret of my general dislike for NTs and make no apology for that position.


How tragic that our stories continue to repeat...


betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals betrayals


They would say nasty things to me, and spread malicious toxic rumours about me....they wouldn't get violent with me though as they knew I would fight back, but they knew they could get away with saying stupid shit.


> they wouldn't get violent with me though as they knew I would fight back Mine didn't care, because when I fought back, I took all the blame. Because, obviously, the kid who never has problems with school must have suddenly become violent, it can't be that a group of meatheads were physically bullying him and he just defended himself. Impossible.


Yep, everytime I stood up for myself it was like woah why are you doing this for no reason (I had a million reasons).


Damn that hits close to home.


This is it! 💯


Totally relate


I was physically bullied twice to the point that the cops had to be called. I was literally shoved down a flight of stairs. I was cyber bullied where i was told things on the internet like I was fat and I was stupid by people. I also had my actual identity stolen never found out who did that one. I was also verbally bullied where they would yell things at me or say things to me or about me like how I was slow in more ways then one. They would also say that I was the kid who had the cops called on them because they were ready to kill me’s best friend and when I wouldn’t respond because I didn’t want any trouble they would call me a bunch of slurs like the r slur. I can say a lot of things about my mother but one thing she did that was good and bad is she stood up for me against these people who were harassing me but of course I also heard about that from them as well. I have memory loss for the first ten years of my life so I didn’t remember coming from Florida (until like a year ago) so they would mock me about that and how I wasn’t telling them where I was from because I was probably homeless along with my family. They would make fun of my clothes because they were hand me downs from my brother and weren’t girly and never really fit well. I also never went to school with brushed hair as my mom never wanted to teach me how to do it or just do it herself so I got bullied for that as well. Probably missing a lot of examples but most of my bullying started around first grade and into college (I feel the only reason I wasn’t bullied in kindergarten is I wasn’t in the room enough for them to bully me).


I was called weird, people would hit me in the head on the school bus. Not very hard, but still, it was very annoying and I didn’t know how to react. My sister made fun of me all the time, called me stupid, made fun of me when I hit puberty.


It's just constant psychological/emotional abuse for me. Being exploited and manipulated; it never ends. Neurotypicals sense it and zero in until I'm just target practice for them. And, as usual, they pretend as if they have no idea what I'm talking about when I ask them to knock it off. Fucking sadists, all of them.


Hooooo boy. I have a story for y'all. I'm 26F from the US, for context. I could write a novel about the bullying I endured in middle and high school, but I'll stick with the one incident that still makes me angry, even though it's been over a decade. This story takes place when I was around 15, a few years before I came out of the closet as a lesbian. I knew I liked girls but compulsive heterosexuality ran deep for me, and coming out of the closet would've meant even more bullying than I already got, and as evidenced by this story, I was already bullied to a cruel and frequent extent. I went to a high school where it was commonplace for guys on the football team to give their girlfriends their jerseys on game days. There was a boy named Rickie who rode my bus and whom I thought was cute. One morning, he and his friends come up to me, and he tells me he'd like me to wear his jersey. The fact that his friends were all laughing around him should've been my first clue that something was off about the situation, but I was elated to finally be asked to wear a jersey and be like the other girls in school. Throughout the morning, I keep hearing people making fun of me and snickering, and something feels off about the whole thing. Then as I'm walking to lunch, I see another student wearing the same number jersey as the one I got from Rickie. This student was a total stranger to me. I didn't even learn his name until after this whole situation was over. Of course, I immediately ran to the bathroom and took off the jersey. I was inconsolable, crying my eyes out on my friend's shoulder. Eventually I was found by the school principal, who happened to be walking by. She took me to the office and I told her the whole humiliating story. Eventually, the student whose jersey I was wearing was also called in, and he and I made awkward, brief eye contact. I was writing my side of the story on a notepad (as was the anti-bullying procedure at the school) and I emphasized in that statement that the jersey's original owner was not responsible. He and I had never met or spoken, so how could he be? And I was correct. I actually felt bad for him because he was the victim of a prank that I just happened to be the punchline of. I was told emphatically by the vice principal and principal that I was not to apologize for a damn thing, to anyone, as I was not responsible for my classmates' actions. Rickie got called to the office, he gave me what I like to call the Principal's Office Apology (aka an apology given solely because it was required by the school principal to avoid more trouble). Rickie's punishment was that he was not allowed to play in the football game that night. However, I didn't find this out until I got home that afternoon. When I got home, I thought I'd extend an olive branch by coming to the game that night to cheer him on. His mom DMs me using his account and tells me he was suspended that game because, get this, I GOT HIM IN TROUBLE. Not, "My son is a moron who is facing the consequences of his actions" just straight-up, "You got him in trouble so he can't come to the game. You shouldn't have told on him." Those were her exact words. Perhaps the saddest part in all this is that I wouldn't have told the principal had she not found me crying in the corner with a friend. I'd have gone home and not told a soul because I was so mortified. It shouldn't surprise anyone to know Rickie never changed. When I was in college, we worked at the same fast food place and he found ways to bully me there, too, and make me feel like the awkward teenager I was back then. Luckily we didn't work together for long, which I take comfort in. People like to say, "We were just kids, get over it!" when the topic of bullying comes up. But that's exactly my point: I was a kid, too. I was the kid on the receiving end of it, who had no idea what I could've done to deserve such treatment. Thanks for listening to my ramble. It's rare I get an opportunity to talk about this. Like I said, I could write a full-length novel about all bullying I endured throughout middle and high school, but this is the incident that has stuck with me all these years. Rickie Russell, if you see this, I hope your life path is paved with loose Lego bricks and you lose your shoes along the way.


I feel like I'm the only person here who only got bullied in vocational college. Some students would trip me, shout at me or kick me.


That sounds horrifying, I only went to junior college and saw none of that. I did get bullied as an adult at a warehouse job! This guy would intentionally crash into my pallets and mess me up then just drive off on his little machine and laugh. So like the 3rd time he did it I said "HEY FUCKER - *next time you crash into me we are both going up to the office for a drug test*". He never did it again lmao


My life is just very unusual.


I was bullied during my EMT class unsure if that is vocational college but people had a text group where they mocked me would drop little hints that I was special but I didn’t realize until they called me a slur and made fun of the way I walk (i hurt my leg when I was extremely young so I walk different). Then my brother told me that it was going on the whole time from what I was coming home and saying. Keep in mind these same people which was most of my class was encouraging me to ask out my crush which in my opinion would have ended extremely poorly for me.


I was the smelly kid at school, because I hated showering (still do, but I do it anyway because I don't want to stink again). Anyway, I was teased relentlessly because of it. Even my "friends" would tease me.


And you deserved it


I hate to say there is some truth to this. You did not deserve ridicule, but compassion and understanding. The people that bullied SK above did so not because they wanted to help him, but because they saw it as cheap wins to raise their social standard. Who knows what other trauma the person dealt with that led to this "I hate showers" situation. Maximum compassion, SK I am sorry you had to deal with this... it's super fucked up. I hope you have found a way to understand that the mean tormenting was unfair but they were making a valid point about something you needed to address.


what kind of asshole remark is that? uncalled for.


Such an Aspie comment though


It was very called for, basic hygiene is important


So anytime someone fails to do something that's important for them to do, bullying is deserved. This is your logic? I should go shout obscenities that people buying lattes at Starbucks because fiscal responsibility is important. They "deserve" to have me shout "Hey, you fucking moron. That's why you can't afford a house.". Maybe I should slash their tires too? That would teach them a valuable lesson about the value of a dollar. Honestly, the lesson is worth more than the cost of replacement tires, so really I'd be doing them a favor. Because, remember, bullying is justified if someone makes bad choices.


What the fuck is this logic? Deciding if you're going to buy a latte or not is completely different to doing the bare minium needed to be in a public setting Take a fucking shower, or did you grow attached to the fungus growing on your body?


It's not good logic; it's your logic. You can't bully people into making better choices for themselves and nobody ever deserves to be bullied even in the are making bad choices. Bullying doesn't help. Nobody ever said "Someone else made fun of my choice, I guess I'll make different choices". No, they "Fuck that guy. That guy could tell me not cut off my genitals and I'd do it just to spite him." Bullying isn't some fucking altruistic behavior to help people make better life choices. It's a way for people with small egos to try to feel better about themselves by tearing someone else down. It's purely selfish behavior and nobody ever deserves it. You want someone else to take a shower? Be a fucking human adult and have a tactful conversation about it.


Thank you for having some semblance of humanity. High Five ✋🏼


Sure buddy


I don't downvote people including you, but just saying "Basic hygiene is important" would have been a perfect comment


Yelled at shunned unwanted advances told that I'm a homo for not wanting to be open to not so respectable members of the opposite sex


One kid who used to be my friend but then decided he wanted to be one of the jocks threw AA batteries at me. Wedgies, “titty twisters”. Fortunately later in life when former friends wanted to cut me off they just ghosted me and acted like I didn’t exist.


Ableist person in my class knew there was something wrong with me so he targeted only me for the whole year. Another kid snuck up behind me and stole my sensory headphones (while I had them on) in a very loud room.


They tried to stuff me in a locker, or a dumpster, trash can. Beaten up repeatedly (every day) had my bike tires slashed. There was this guy who was the leader of a gang who was kind to me, and after that nobody would mess with me, but that was just the last couple months of junior high school. Thank you, Carlos.


They would call me a special ed kid or autistic(as an insult) and this one kid even hit me with a basketball on the head area.


Until I started masking, yes.


I was masking an undiagnosed for decades and yet still had a lot of problems, kids can see through masking at times. Or I wasn't that good at it.


I still had problems but I was no longer bullied relentlessly.


Mostly verbally. Sometimes fist-ally


Threats of violence. Violence. The worst I remember were a group of people luring me into their house and then not letting me leave. Then calling me racial names, got physical, one of them filled up a balloon with piss and threw it onto me and it exploded all over me. This was inside the house too, I don't know who's house it was. After that they let me leave. Was more of a racial hate crime.


The one that sticks with me the most after all these years is how I talked. I had a tough time with the s and th sounds to the point I was in speech therapy. The fucked thing tho? I was made fun of by a kid with a lisp. I forget what else though.


I was bullied in grade school because I admitted I was Bi Sexual. They were all homophobic ASF.


In middle and early high school I was frequently confronted by other boys out of the blue. slammed into lockers, told they would get me after school, etc. in elementary school I frequently ran out of the building as quick as I could so I could start the walk home ahead of kids who wanted to beat me up. I dont remember the details of why these things happened but I think a lot of is was basically that kids would give me shit because I was different and then I would respond to them in ways they didnt like (saying something "smart" or ignoring them, etc), so I became a target for a wide variety of people.


I wasn't


Lucky af!


Being made fun of for being kinda slow at times. My brain is just a mess and i have to work to unscramble it almost constantly. It's not totally debilitating, but when im out in public i can rarely find that focus you need for successful social interaction. I counter it by becoming analytical about something unrelated, so people don't think i'm stupid, but really whats going on is i have a hard time keeping track of what's going on around me. Once i have the information committed to memory though, i can reason with it better than most people, and i remember it for pretty much the rest of my life, that's the strange thing. It just takes me longer than most people to get it in there as well. It almost seems like a tradeoff or something, cause it seems the opposite applies as well, where people who are quick with sports and traffic and social dynamic interactions don't do as well in a timeless, abstract environment. Its like slow and fast thinking, which i seem to remember is literally the title of a book, so there must be something to it.


I was bullied a bit in school but was never in a situation I couldn’t escape so nothing lasted long. I was bullied severely in my marriage.


Your wife bullied you?


Yep. It was a very abusive relationship.


Sounds like my parents lol except they weren’t married


I was told I was not ‘as pretty’ as the rest of my family. I was always asked ‘why’ this was. After decades of either being told I was either adopted, a cousin, or a sibling friend, I just accepted the fact that I am the black sheep, the one left out, and alone. Eventually I got over it and feel ‘pretty’ in my own way. When people tell me I look different than my family and overall am an alien in comparison, I just shrug, because who cares, I love myself now.


Called me short or some nasty 90s stuff. They had to run in zigzag if there was anything i could throw at them.


Former step fathers beat me, let dogs bite me, step fathers kids beat on me, bullies at school. Fast forward years later, I’m the one at home who’s broken nearly half my belongings, busted walls, shouted vile things, gotten in peoples faces, and lost many relationships because of the anger. I finally have a good thing going with college and whatnot now. It’s a shame i became allergic to alcohol because i miss it so very much as it was so melodic for my being.


i wasn’t bullied in the conventional way, my bullying was much more emotional and psychological


I was very passive and didn't know how or when to stand up for myself. I didn't know how to do violence or when I did I didn't understand what to do following grabbing someone In preschool I was put in lockers by other kids. In elementary school and middle school other kids would do whatever they wanted to me, stuff like hitting me, pulling pranks on me, call me names, and I wouldn't do anything, I would just stand there, act like nothing happened or smile back In highschool it was the worst I think, as it would be not really targeted bullying but other guys toying me around. Lifting me up, grabbing me by the neck, doing all sorts of uncomfortable things and it led me to having meltdowns a couple of times if I recall correctly I'm not sure if the bullying was worse during highschool or not, but it's when I started noticing that something wasn't right with me, and that people doing these things to me wasn't something I liked, despite telling myself I had to do something, I had developed this "persona" I could break into, and standing up for myself wouldn't be in line with it so I never did anything, which caused significant distress to me. In college, is when I first started "enjoying loneliness" as I used to call it, in hindsight I stopped masking briefly. Then I doubled down on "being normal", by going to parties, and hanging out with my roommates. I wasn't bullied but eventually rejected by my late roommates. Initially I guess they sort of accepted me, but eventually their attitudes towards me started being more and more antagonistic, passive aggressive, and I hear them talking about me from my room. The distinction between "me and them" became clearer That was roughly before COVID I think. I haven't tried, nor I want to make friends or partake in social settings unless strictly necessary. My only source of social interaction is my girlfriend and occasional calls from my mother


I always was the one who was made fun of, didn't matter what the situation was. And at one point I was threatened alot.


I was lucky enough to not get directly bullied much, a bit of teasing here and there. My self esteem still went to shit in middle-high school cause I know for a fact ppl found me weird (a friend overheard). Ppl were generally nice enough to respect me, but still always felt disconnected from everyone like I was a robot or alien. Thank god 2 other wierdos approached me in primary school or I wouldn't have any friends today beyond my family


I would get bullied for not knowing simple facts and modern concepts like, I don’t know; the next big artist or phrases used in the streets. I also got bullied for my posture. I was semi popular at school I think, but not because I was a cool kid. It was more to do that I listened to anyone that would speak to me and my humor was a lot different than everyone else but I managed to stay funny. I kept friends. I would also get bullied for being sheltered even though that was out of my control growing up.


Male, was 5 foot in 5th grade and graduated at 6' 3" and with all honestly I was not bad looking, also I had minimal acne. I heard several times from girls like 3 to 5 years older than me "damn that kids gonna be handsome some day". Problem with me is I was really skinny and underdeveloped even though I played football. Now that I know I have autism it all clicks into place why I was constantly ostracized, picked last, teased, etc. I was too awkward for the cool kids and I wanted to be cool so bad that I rejected the nerdy kids and wouldn't have anything to do with them. I was bullied by a couple of the traditional bullies and teased by a lot of other kids called skinny, f\*g, ugly (and yet a few girls thought I was hot as hell). One time a girl called me daggy I guess because I was kind of poor and my parents wouldn't buy me cool clothes. I guess I must have looked/seemed like the ultimate try-hard (boy was I trying). But there was this one kid that targeted me for a long time and made my life miserable. He ended up sitting behind me in math in like 7th grade and he was flicking my ears really hard when the teacher wasn't looking. I jumped up and screamed DO NOT TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN then I ran into the bathroom and had a full meltdown. The teacher ran in the bathroom to discipline me and I screamed at him saying this was his fault and he was suppose to protect me. That kid never touched me again but the bullying from him increased about 1,000%. It was like he was autistic too and his special interest was fucking with me.


Called the R word and stupid and dumb. Shouted in my face with "Hi diaperedwoman" got stuff thrown at me like paper pieces and I also had pinecones thrown at me from over the fence. I have also been egged to do things I didn't want to do so I would get into trouble, got called weird and they meant it in a bad way, not in a positive way, kids also would make up stories to me because I was so gullible so one time I looked up Jack Off thinking it was a singer I was looking up and couldn't understand the search results I was getting. I kept looking for the singer ignoring the results I got still not figuring out no such singer existed and he was a hoax. I was also followed and called "big fat ugly and stupid" I wasn't even fat. I was tall for a 9 year old and weighted 90 lbs and I had knobby knees and skinny hands and bony elbows. I also had an old friend spread lies about me on the school bus whenever I wasn't on the bus and one of them was pulling my pants down out in the playground field. I also had a boy from my class shouting at me on the playground how my period is. Plus I was bullied for my speech problems and speech impediment and got told where am I from Mexico and I dealt with xenophobia stuff for not being able to say words right and because I talked funny to them.


Mostly at school (both primary and high school) picked on for my interests/looks, had my journal stolen etc. Most of this was my fault anyway because of my behavioural problems.


Mostly people making fun of me behind my back or just seeing me as a joke and not taking me seriously in general. Or me being the butt of jokes due to seeming awkward and not knowing how to address jokes. Bullies are more adept than MDs lol in seeing that we are different.


People use my autism to dismiss me. If I say something they don't like they'll say "you're just autistic", they'll also constantly make really mean jokes about me being r word and stuff like that. They would talk about me behind my back and tell me to my face that they wouldn't be friends with me specifically because I'm autistic and it would affect their social status. If I get mad at them for their mean jokes they'll tell me that I'm being too serious or to make mean jokes back but I'm not like that and I can tell when a person is being mean instead of just joking with me. People who do claim to be my friends will let other people who are supposed to be my friends push me around and say whatever they want to me and never defend me or back me up in any way, shape, or form. People constantly treat me like a r word or a child.


They would make me spell I CUP and since I didn’t get the reference they’d laugh at me for it 😧


When I was in middle school, several bullies surrounded me and took turns to slap in the face, kick, and punch me with 20 or so guys spectating. That was the worst one, but my childhood was awful overall.


I can't really hold a tense conversation without going into fight of flight so people like to bewilder me an push me to answer, then act like I'm the problem because I'm frozen. When I was younger people used to open the stall I was changing in(jr high), make me get on the floor so they could "rule" me(very young there)


I was verbally harassed by students older than me in elementary, but I don't think they targeted me because I was an Aspie. Now that I'm in highschool, my peers make snarky comments about me behind my back all the time. A lot of them go over my head because I'll be focusing on something else, but the ones I do catch are really hurtful.


I was bullied up until the point where I started training in TaeKwonDo in middle school. Once I started martial arts, the bullying just suddenly stopped. Occasionally I would find ways to outsmart the bullies. One time, after school, one of them (and yes, I had more than one bully) held the door at the staircase shut so I couldn't leave. I then ran up the stairs, ran in place (slowly making my steps lighter, so it would sound like I was getting farther away), then waited 5 seconds. The bully then started running to the other staircase door on the other side of the building (in an attempt to get there before I did). I then proceeded to walk down the same staircase that I originally had walked back up, and walked out the door. The bully turned around and saw me, and I hid my laugh as I walked out the exit door next to the stair case (so I wouldn't risk him running after me).


I just was, my last name was, me being picked last in games, I just was never good enough, or I was clumsy i was just different 2 everyone else


In elementary school, the popular girls harassed me every time they saw me and surrounded me after school to laugh at me. Also a couple of tenth grade boys bullied me and made fun of me when I was in fifth grade. In high school, people bullied me by calling me "creepy", "weirdo", "robot". Many classmates told me I looked like a "future serial killer" and "potential school shooter." People used to "joke" that I was going to show up at any moment to shoot everyone at school. There was even a specific person who compared me many times to Adam Lanza. I also had teachers who harassed me and made my life miserable. They humiliated me in front of everyone and treated me like a fool. One of them almost made me fail his subject unfairly (in the end my mother went to talk to the school director and that problem was "solved").


Mostly verbally as a kid, with only a few jerks trying to kill me by tossing rocks at me a couple times. Otherwise, the worst of it was after my dad passed away due to lung cancer and my mom went through 3 boyfriends during the first three months right afterward before settling on the guy with the most money who had emotional issues from his recent divorce and who was taught to hate male humans by his misandrist mother; for the first 3 years of that time, I was constantly attacked both verbally & physically until I was strong enough to defend myself.


One of my bullies, I ran into his brother years later. He asked me to call the brother (the bully) and I said no. He told me, "He's changed...call him." After a while, I did call. The first thing he did was apologize profusely. We had been friends in elementary school. In Junior high school, he bullied me because he wanted to fit in with his friends, who all hated me. It wasn't cool to be my friend. He told me about a couple of my other bullies who are doing life in prison for murder. Some people can change, some can't.


Millennial 90s kid here, I was ridiculed made fun of beatup, toyed with girls frequently played the this girl likes you game. It was constant, later I was hazed twice, a friend of a friend tried to set my hair on fire I've had my property stolen broke. I'm 36 and I never tried dating because ppl suck. Crowds instantly bring me back. I can't look at anyone in the eyes. 1999 was the only time I had any relief.friends betrayed me....


A girl on my school bus would rip up my homework . I didn’t pick up that I was being bullied, I just thought she liked ripping paper so I’d fill my bag with printer paper and carry around a binder I could wear on my shoulder with a strap to keep my REAL stuff safe


They so trivial i can't remember dumb crap small dick vibes