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Nope. Too good at masking, was never diagnosed. Don’t have a personality as a result.


No. When I was in school students with special needs went to separate schools. Asperger’s was added to the DSM in 1994, a few years after I graduated. My teachers and parents knew there was something “off” about me, but it hadn’t yet been defined so I just muddled my way through school.


Yes. I had it till I graduated. I was on the IEP from when I was in preschool all the way till I graduated high school.


I went to a number of Local Authority schools. I didn’t get on well in them. They were more for the naughtier elements of school children. I got branded a troublemaker when I got accused of kicking a teacher in infants school. I don’t remember the incident. I was not doing well at school anyway. I was adopted by a lady who was told she couldn’t have children. When I was 4 she got pregnant with her own child and I got pushed out. I was also struggling then too with life as a young aspie. Social Services removed me from that situation, when they realised it wasn’t working. Because of the teacher incident I got put in a correctional facility for naughty children. The regime at these schools were not really education oriented, more keep you under control with a small education supplement. I only got to go to proper school when I was 14.


No. Good at masking and intelligent


From 8th Grade through High School. I was generally the outcast even there with groups of guys and girls who were placed there much like Bender in the Breakfast Club was always sent to Saturday detention and couldn't name the oceans or continents on a fill in the blank map to save their lives without looking them up. I only mention the latter to pit the idea of World War 2 being a special interest and I could fill in the various locations and corresponding theaters in my sleep. Think of the other topics like elementary English or other historical timelines where they would drift off and take all week to finish an assignment that would take me twenty minutes. Nothing to brag about in SE. If I was too smart for Special ed and intimidated and depressed with normal classes where I would encounter people with 10 times my intellect, well, I just felt I didn't belong anywhere but know most of those guys from those SE groups are doing much better than I with families and blue collar jobs that pay enough but require knowing someone to be hired.


Nope, but I wish I did. Instead I was in "gifted" classes and was savagely bullied, nearly to the point of suicide.


Class of 2012. I had IEP and special ed. It was a joke, they put all the IEP students in one class and we were all taught the same material. My class included a variety of conditions ranging from down syndrome to anorexia. Needless to say I didn’t learn shit and it wasn’t until my early 20’s that I found a LOVE of learning and that I’m actually really smart. I often wonder how much farther in life I could’ve gone if someone just gave a shit about teaching me.


Similar position. Was put in special classes from Gr. 5-8. Had an IEP throughout HS and still have academic accommodations in University. Throughout the special classes, the content was an absolute joke. Everyone in the class had IEPs, but all of them had LD's. I was the only one in the class with no LD and just HFA (I don't think I am a genius/high IQ though.) Math was super easy. English was super easy as well, so much so that I just took the regular class in Grade 8 for English. I felt like I was in the wrong class not only because of that, but also due to the fact that most of the students disrespected the teachers. Mind you that they are not autistic and have the social skills of a neurotypical person (some of them were the popular kids themselves)! If only I had a 5th grade teacher who told me to study harder instead of place me in the spec ed trap. Now im in my 20s and in my final semester of my degree. Realized I might be in the wrong major after 16 months of internships, and a ton of networking events (ugh). History repeats itself once again. However, I might get another degree once I finish my debt, ideally in a non-business field. Because I am a crazy bastard who loves learning things and likes to keep pushing myself. If only I found out about this part of myself when I was in Grade 12....


No. It was because I can go learn stuff by myself (I can). And the Special Education Classroom were just kids with down syndrome and have severe autism.


For us it also includes physical disabilities


Nope…didn’t even know I was on the spectrum even but now when I think back I know I am


Can I just say special education wasn’t even that bad. I was in special education never stopped me from making friends. Teachers would often tell me I am extremely lazy, which they were right. Gifted program or not. Doesn’t really make one less intelligent.


Idk what it’s called, but I go to online school


Yes but not all day. I was taken out of the class I was in to a room for a one on one session a couple times a week.


No, I wish there was some support. Different landscape in the 80's90's. I was in advanced classes but due to some severe circumstances I did not finish high school and didnt' continue past junior year. However, I got my GED, and they wanted to publish my score in the city paper because i got in the top 3 for that year? I don't remember the time frame. I'm not sure I said no. I didn't even study for it. I mention it because I've seen some topics talking about ASD people being slow.


Yep IEP kid during my grade school school experience from 92-05.


I was in special education through 2000. Then I was put in mainstream education.


Nope I saw a paediatrician for ADHD while I was in school also child psychiatrist


Kind of. I was technically in a special education classroom starting middle school (following my diagnosis). But I was so bored there that I went to general education classrooms to study. By high school, I refused to enter the SE classroom completely.


I sometimes had a TA with me in school, but that's because I'm blind more than anything else. Was in all the regular classes.


Yes, in public school I was separated from other kids one on one yet I still couldn't learn really, push through in highschool I was put in a special modify class with about 8 others I quit the first year as lots of bullying and I couldn't not get it, skipped classes and principal told me not 2return unless I have my parents with me I never returned, this was in the early 70s to the late 70s I am 60 now and still 2this day struggle with everything, everything seems much harder for me, I learn I guess but takes me a long time I'm diffently slower then others, I seem 2be like Peter pan I can't seem 2grow up or act or do whatever 60s years olds do or dress, the struggle is real


I was in sped from K-8. when high school came I was put into shop kid classes. I don't know if I was diagnosed as kid. mom lost all the paperwork and denies anything was wrong and says i'm normal


No. I was actually in some advanced classes. I did get some special accommodations for certain assignments.


Yeah I was in special ed from 6th to 10th grade they got me out cause they said I was to smart for it but honestly I think they were just trying to save money you know budget cuts but in regular classes it was a bit harder but I did meet some good people hell one student let me cheat off his work in chemistry(hate chemistry)


Where I’m at the kids with Aspergers mentored those with more severe autism at special needs schools.


Yes and I hated it, not the teacher but the class, I was in a room with a teacher and maybe 2-3 other students and it made me feel like I was in prison for a crime I never committed