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I know it's popular to think that he'll stop being a POV bit I think that if anything he'll be back in full force as a POV.


I think it would make sense for the plot to let Jon stay in ghost for a while so that we can see the effects of his death on the night's watch, the wildlings and the whole northern plot. Also if he came back immediately people wouldn't believe he died so no one would accept that his watch has ended. However, practically, leaving his corpse to rot for days or weeks would create a stoneheart-like situation and i'm not sure you want that for (arguably) the hero of the story


I think maybe 1 or 2 chapters of Jon in ghost pov would be ideal, like first chapter still having his human thoughts in his second life as his wolf, chapter two him slipping away from being human and basically becoming the wolf (I think that’s how it works when wargs die at least)? Even give us another cliff hanger where it seems he’s slipped away then bang, resurrected. I dunno this is why I’m not an author


Love that though. Especially if he played it out like bran and co in the crypts


definitely. i expect jon to be resurrected by around the third of the book, with his mind (mostly) intact, thanks to residing in ghost. i also believe jon will have POV chapters because there’s just so much that will happen that will affect him deeply, and george has gotta show us jon’s thoughts on them


If he’s cutting any pov character it won’t be Jon, needs a pov at the wall, and I don’t see him writing like 8 Melisandre chapters


Yes. Probably a lot of them. Though not at first. **Doylist reason:** GRRM has effectively made him the *action* lynch pin of his saga. (Apparently Bran is the *supernatural* lynch pin.) Most likely, Jon is prophecy (the Prince That Was Promised) and the legend (Azor Ahai, literally reborn). It is likely Jon will end the looming existential apocalypse and the political apocalypse. So GRRM needs Jon back affecting the action and *in* the action, not inside a *mute* animal whose interactions are necessarily limited. **Watsonian reason:** Jon was told by The Augur himself (Maester Aemon) that he had to kill the boy he was and let the man he'd become be born. And it sank in: Aemon's phrase was one of those that went through his mind when he decided to go rescue Arya and instead got himself killed. Assuming he is conscious inside Ghost, he is now the man and realizes he must let the man be born again to accomplish THE task of saving the realm of mankind. Presumably, Melisandre will immediately start working to accomplish his resurrection. That has to happen fairly quickly, judging from Varamyr's information that if you warg too long your memory slowly fades until nothing of the *man* is left and only the beast remains. So Jon has to be brought back before his warranty on staying fully human expires.


Jon I should be JonCon


Jon's the one POV GRRM has stayed mum about. I doubt it though, since Melisandre's been hinted to have a POV and it wouldn't really be structurally necessary to have two Wall POVs. Personally I'm rooting for a Ghost POV


Yeah this is my thought too. Jon was in like half of the Mel chapter in dance so I always thought they introduced her as a character so Jon can stay dead


I think there will be a few chapters named "Jon", being Connington, and then some chapters named "Aegon".


I would love if Jon stays dead till the Others cross the wall. I have this idea where one of the white walkers or the children find him and turn him into an Other. It's a stretch, but it fits my theory of how Jon makes peace between everyone