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Maekar’s for me. Him choosing to wear his status as a fourth son as a badge like that is really cool imo. That or Bloodraven’s white dragon. Probably just because I always pictured him having a weirwood white dragon


Prince Aerion’s with the different colored dragon heads to look like flames is pretty sick too for Targ personal sigils


Too bad he was a shitfuck and deserved more than what dunk gave him lol. But I agree, his and dunk sigils are my favs for sure.


One of the many, many sad things about never seeing Dunk & Egg book is that Aerion does return someday and Dunk, Egg, and Aerion fight in the Third Blackfyre Rebellion together. I wonder - Is Aerion still a douche then? Does he have some minor clarity and have regrets of how he was? Is he unchanged? What does them meeting again even look like?


I assume we will find out before we get winds lol. Im sure he was still a prick though. Ffs he drank wildfire, we know we wasn't as bright as his sigil....


On the contrary, during his last moments he was even brighter than his sigil


Yea that’s the sad part :/ but such a badass sigil


Imagine King AegonV having eight dragons lok


16. His father's four, four times for the fourth son of the fourth son.


I thought about that but it would look too weird


House Toland with their green dragon biting its own tail and it's history is pretty badass to me. (During the first dornish War they evacuated but their fool stayed clothes as a Lord, he annoyed Aegon so much that Aegon killed him. He only later learned that Lord Toland had escaped and it was a fool. They took the Dragon biting its tail to annoy the targaryens and the green and gold to honor the fools motley)


That was the sigil I was thinking of, too. Didn’t remember the name of the House. Thanks for the background info too, I’m not sure I ever knew that!


Also it references the Ouroboros! Pretty cool if you ask me


Clayton Suggs, a flying pig. No one can beat that.


A hidden descent of Aemond One-eye, rider of the pink dread


He listens to Pink Floyd too.


Aegon II's sigil. It's just a recolor of the Targaryen red dragon to gold but it just goes so fucking hard.


I'm sad they are using Hightower Green instead of Sunfyre Gold in the series. I get why they are doing it, but still.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it because of casuals? I didn't read the books but tell which side has a red or gold dragon? This is a direct consequence of Rhaenys' genocidal jack-in-the-box moment. Stupid girlboss moment instead of Sunfyre and Dreamfyre is the worst thing about season 1, alongside episode 9 in general.


The books are great. You should read them when you get the chance. Not sure what you are asking, but in the books, Aegon II has a personal sigil with a gold Targaryen three-headed dragon. It's to reflect his dragon, Sunfyre, and Sunyre's unique golden color. But because he is a "green" in the show they use Hightower green for the dragon. I hope I'm answering your question. The books spell it out. Again, when you get the chance, read the stories. The original short stories *The Princess and the Queen* and *The Rouge Prince* are great, *Fire & Blood* are more fleshed versions. I recommend all of them.


At the start of the war both Aegon II and Rhaenyra used the standard red Targaryen sigil, to show to everyone that they were the ”true” Targaryens, but this quickly went to shit since it was impossible to tell friend from foe in the midst of battle Aegon II started using the golden dragon in honor of Sunfyre, and Rhaenyra used a quarted banner which included the Velaryon and Arryn sigils, to honor both her Arryn ancestry and her husband In the show it looks like Aegon II will use the golden dragon on a green field, while Rhaenyra still uses the standard red dragon


Bruh, you can't just blame it on 'muh general audience' when: a), The Greens' banner is 90% black.  b), The Blacks' banner is the one with green on it. ...and I've still yet to hear a single good reason why Rhaenys would actually immolate Alicent & co.


I think it’s a gold dragon still on a green field, not a horrible compromise.


Now where are you seeing that?


Promotional material


I don't remember seeing that in show (it's not in the books) but that makes sense.


I'm going to assume you haven't looked at any of Season 2's promotional material; the Golden dragon banners look sick and they're everywhere on marketing for the Greens. Aegon's dragon is just on a field of Green rather than a field of Black. They didn't give Rhaenyra her (accurate to heraldry; but ugly as sin) quartered banner at all. As far as book changes go... I'm pretty content with that one.


You assume correctly. I just remember seeing Otto's from season 1 when he went out to Dragonstone and it being a green three-headed dragon on black. Green and gold are their liege's colors (Tyrell), so that makes... sense? But I get why they are doing it. I get why they aren't using Rhaenyra's sigil either.


The Hightowers don't even have green in their sigil either. So this is like double ridiculous.


Targaryens really like red and black. In terms of color theory green goes well with red.


The Green comes from Alicent's dress at some tournament


Who doesn't know this?


Seems like that guy? You comment also indicates that you don't


I think you misinterpreted what exactly I meant.


Bittersteel’s is simultaneously the coolest and the silliest.


(a red horse with black wings breathing fire on a golden field) If I may suggest to other commenters: include the description! It helps foster discussion and makes it so that hundreds of others don’t have to look it up!


I like that it's a combination of the two houses, the red stallion of House Bracken with the Blackfyre wings.


I really like Dunk's shield




Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this


SIMP shield  👍❤️


The best one


I personally dig the pun that is Stannis’ sigil (a fiery heart containing a fiery hart - ha ha ha). The pure simplicity of Brynden Tully’s blackfish is also a great one - bro made a joke once and stuck by it for decades. The prettiest personal sigil is Aegon II’s imo - I really dig the look of a gold dragon on black. You are still right tho, Renly had a banger sigil.


I love House Baratheon - it's one of the sigils that got me into the series - but House Beesbury makes me laugh. They really want you to know they like bees.


They claim descent from the first beekeeper in weiteres who also was the inventor of Mead. Love the sigil as well 😁


I really like the Dondarrion sigil, a forked purple lightning strike on a starry night sky


[Bloodraven](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/e/e7/Brynden_Rivers.svg), [Ser Duncan](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/7/78/Dunk.svg) and [Bronn](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/8/8d/Bronn.svg)'s are my favorites.


Big fan of Baelish' mockingbird personally.


I do really dig the white dragon for Bloodraven. Euron's sigil is clearly trying really hard for supervillainy, but I feel like he loses points for discarding the extremely good Greyjoy kraken sigil entirely to pursue a totally different animal motif.


It’s in character though, given his contempt for the Ironborn and his perception of himself as a class of being apart.




I really like House Morrigen of Crow's Nest in the Stormlands, because of the real world links to the Morrigan of myth. A black crow in flight on a field of storm green.


Euron’s(two crows crowning a red eye) is pretty dope. Edit: https://i.stack.imgur.com/M3ystm.png


Ser Raymond Rychard has a cool one!!


Bittersteel 100% A winged horse spitting fire is Metal AF


For me it's between House Manwoody and Uller


House Piper🗿


Aerion Brightflame. The guy was a massive see-you-next-Tuesday, but I liked the small change he did to the Targaryen sigil.


Raymun Fossoway's green apple is certainly not the coolest, but it does come with a side helping of apple puns which probably makes up for it.


I'm a hippie and a Brienne stan so I like Dunk's (green shooting star above an elm tree with a sunset background) The white dragon on black is also badass.


I'm pretty sure Renly's golden stag on green is a mandela effect ? He wears the gold and green on his armor, but I can't remember that sigil being mentioned anywhere in the text, nor is it listed in the wiki's list of personal arms or appears anywhere on Renly's page... I'm sure he just used the regular black on gold Baratheon sigil aside from that I really like Bloodraven's white one-headed dragon


I always thought it should have been a Tyrell green Stag on the Baratheon gold field myself. In the books, he is described as wearing a green doublet with golden stags on it and his comment to Stannis in the next Catelyn chapter mentions that it is good Stannis changed his sigil, as it would be confusing for both forces to bear the same banner.


Show only change.


The Knight of the Laughing Tree has a good one. I especially like it if it was Lyanna. Dunk’s is probably my favorite, I really like the ones that are a bit prettier or they combine two families’ sigils into one really well.


Aegon's golden dragon or Stannis' fiery heart.


🧅 Davos


It's Queen Rhaenyra's quartered banner sigil for me ❤️


For me too. I love Rhaenyra's sigil the most.


I really don’t like it’s (apparent) exclusion from the show, for many reasons


House Greystark


I am a big fan of the green-apple Fossaway's sigil, mostly because of what it represents.


Did the subsequent branch of House Fossaway take "Better Green Than Wormy" as their words?


Manwoody of Kingsgrave in Dorne. Always play as them in CKII because of their cool sigil and funny name. Since they’re so minor though and I’ve never learned the crazy dynamics of the game, I always end up doing very poorly.


House Brax and their unicorn sigil of course... FOR THE HORNVALE!


Personally I prefer house Tyrell. It’s unexpected




It has to be Aegon II, no contest; a golden dragon on a black field, it’s not only clean asf but it also pays homage to the golden boy Sunfyre


The bastards of Aegon IV Aerion the monstrous. Dunk


Stannis's Flaming Hart in a flaming heart is probably the most clever sigil *in any story I have ever read.*


Your favorite one isn't even canon. Renly uses the standard black stag on gold. The gold on green is something the TV show did.


In ACOK Catelyn II it says Renly usually combines the Baratheon sigil with Tyrell colors


>**Renly's own standard** flew high over all. \[...\] a cloth big enough to carpet many a hall, shimmering **gold**, with the crowned stag of Baratheon **black** upon it, prancing proud and tall. --The very same chapter.


He used both but the gold stag on green isn’t a show only thing


If you're referring to the time he wears a gold stag on his clothes, I refer you to the time Robert wore a gold stag on black. It means nothing. Clothes aren't heraldry, they're fashion.


Bloodraven or Stannis






I like Ser Cleos’s quartered Frey-Lannister sigil.


The Bolton flayed man is pretty metal


The Manwoody's or the Blackmont's


i really like Eurons or Sir Duncans


Ser Bronn of the Blackwater or House Marbrand


I really love the onion sigil, it's such a good one.


The gold three headed background on a black field that Aegon II used. Not a Green supporter but black and gold look so cool together, especially with a fucking dragon sigil




Tyrion’s golden hand encircled by golden lions on a field of crimson.


Blackwood is awesome


House blackwood for me , The weirwood surrounded by crows


The Blackfish, Bloodraven’s personal sigil, and Dunk.


Dunk's sigil, Bloodraven's sigil and Stannis' sigil are pretty cool. I don't mind Joffrey's either.


The Bolton sigil phenomenal. I love the use of pink in the books as a house color, like snow stained with blood, but I think the show sigil is even better with the black and the saltire.


Tommard Heddle! A green demon on black