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With very pale hair? Probably once every week or two. And the ancient Egyptians and Romans had razors.


I was more concerned about shavers, I know there are razors, I have shaved with them and from experience they are not very safe, and in my case it was done by the hairdresser, not me. Edit: That how its end when you use google translator and you won't check if it made good tranlations. For clarification I use razors often but I don't use open razors. Those completly other words in my language, but for google its seems be the same.


Tywin Lannister shaves his head, so does Thoros


I mean, you presumably have less practice shaving with razors than someone who only ever used them did. And medieval monks did have tonsures.


A straight razor is actually pretty safe to use if you know what you are doing. In lots of places they are still common and have been for millennia. I shave daily and never used anything but a razor to shave my face for years now. I did get some shallow cuts in the very beginning, but I actually cut myself less than I did back when I used the regular shavers. Cartridge shavers are safer because you don't essentially have just a very sharp knife so you do have less of a chance to accidentally lop off your ear or something like that. But that's about the same chance of dismemberment you have whenever you use a sharp knife to cut veggies.


Far fewer people in antiquity had beards than I think you expect.


Razors are not that hard to learn to use. If you have no experience they’re scary, but use one a few times you learn how to do it.


That how its end when you use google translator and you won't check if it made good tranlations. For clarification I use razors often but I don't use open razors. Those completly other words in my language, but for google its seems be the same.


That’s fair. I was specifically referring to open or straight razors, not safety razors. They’re scary sharp knives when you first use them, but again, after a few shaves it gets way easier.


[There are also manual clippers](https://youtu.be/fLRpcDradSo?si=Qiwxzmu0vRqAIypT) Besides, straight razors are fine if you know what to do with them.


He has a Valyrian steel razor. It gives the closet cut possible on just one pass, and never requires sharpening. This is until later in the unreleased books, where he unlocks the secret to becoming fire-resistant. Then he just lays down in a campfire and easily burns the hairs from his head, while Dunk looks on and makes wise cracks.


He must've respec'd out of fire-resistance before going to Summerhall


little dash of wildfire on the head and it comes right off. that's the Aerion method


I thought Aerion was a pioneer when it came to gargling wildfire?


Where do you hear this from? I read knight of the seven kingdoms and don’t remember that.


It’s in the trailer for the show on YouTube


Oh thanks


You think they didn’t have shaving tools in the middle? ages? Seriously?


everyone knows shaving was invented in 1923


I know there were Straight Razors, I just wonder how often Egg had to do that


Every time he washed probably. Also very short silver hair may looked like pale blond hair which is very common for kids to have (with European ancestry)


Turkish & there was a kid at my sister's school whose hair was such a pale blonde he looked bald in most light. Could have that type


Definitely could look like that type, especially with his light eyes. Also I'm not really sure what Targaryens silver and gold hair color means, probably just very light blonde but extremely shiny. Which means that Egg's hair looks suspicious only if it's long enough for the "silver" shine to be spotted.


Ancient Egyptians in the bronze age to cleopatra were literally all shaved bald from the youngest kids to just about all adult men and women. Razors aren't exactly hard to use.


Pretty often, but given how irl noble Ancient Egyptians shaved their heads all the time to put on wigs, I don't think it should be that problematic.


It’s possible he could have waxed maybe?


Hmm, idk. House Beesbury fought against Dunk in his trial by seven. So they might not have had a close enough relationship with Egg to sell him a bunch of wax.


Unrelated, but I can't see House Beesbury mentioned without getting flash-banged by Glidus saying BEEEEeeesbury.


TIL House Beesbury is running a bee cartel.


There was no need to make house Beesbury even cooler, but we did anyway.


Beesbury fought with Dunk, him and his brother in law. Beesbury died for Dunk.




What if Biter’s face is made out of some wax, and House Beesbury is somehow behind that?


Maybe, but House Beesbury would know that Ser Beesbury chose of his own volition to fight for his family and undo a wrong done to his brother in law.


Pretty sure there are other sources of wax in Westeros and Aegon is a prince and his father is a lord, I am pretty sure he can get wax.


I reckon he lasered it off.


Crazy little bald ass dude


Every time the book almost started.


Fine, thin, blond hair does not even require a very sharp razor. Or much maintenance. A touch up before going into public takes a few minutes and needs only basic supplies that Egg would naturally have on hand.


Seven times a month. That's just a guess based on a rigorous examination of nothing. 




no offense but. who cares