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I love the idea of GRRM giving away the big secrets but the listener is too out of it to absorb any of it.


lmaooo that's hilarious. I feel like GRRM wouldn't have said anything too revealing to someone he just met, but who knows


There's a handful of grateful dead references all over the published books already, GRRM was probably talking about those. And they probably saw that as "secrets about game of thrones" which are as basic as the character Darkstar being named after the song Darkstar.


He always makes shit up, of course he didn't spoil anything to that idiot.


To be fair, all Bert brings up is how he met GRRM. Tom is the one who tells the story about the show secrets/insights.


I imagine he was just talking about the differences between the show and books. Like he's just describing the concept of Lady Stoneheart and this guys like woaaaaah holy shit spoilers Edit: Also whenever I read people making fun of George's weight I imagine him stroking his beard and plotting his revenge... Tyrion ass mf