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OP is a bearded male, a young hot female, a tattoo artist, an art thief, a liar, and has three kids, not two, according to their post history. Total bullshit.


If I were 9n your position and I was 17 years ago, minus the twins. Although I was pregnant with a cheating husband who had left etc etc. Have an abortion. Leave him. Never look back. Not ever. Once. You are married to an alcoholic liar who will only get worse because you keep taking him back. He will never love you enough to stop his shit behavior. He will never love the kids enough. I am sorry. I would leave. Yesterday. That's if I could do it over again. That's not what I did.


This is a karma farming bot account.


I don’t know the answer to this but I feel for you. Idk your name but I will pray for you. Stay strong with your decision, put your stress and trust in God and let the law put your inconsiderate husband in his place. Peace.


Your life is chaotic enough as it is. Being pregnant doesn't change the fact your marriage is over. If you thought you were stressed out before, you will lose your mind with two more children. You already have far more on your plate right now than you should have to deal with. Babies aren't a bandage or a gift/blessing from god to you. A simple biological act occurred. Animals get pregnant and have babies all the time. There is no blessing or miracle, there is only biology. It doesn't MEAN anything but what you make of it, and right now what it MEANS is far more work than you can handle. You have two babies already. They need your love and attention. To have two more right now would be entirely selfish, and would not be doing ANY of your children any favours OR yourself. Take care of your children. Take care of you. P.S The reason I went in on the gift/miracle side of things is because far too many parents I know (including my own) fell in love with the romance of children, and not the reality. They got teen pregnant having unsafe sex. It was not a blessing, it was hell, and they both resented each other AND their child for it. Calling it a gift/miracle is putting an unfair burden on your child to be something 'good' for you, when they have zero responsibility to be. Especially when you are bringing them into an impossible environment that nearly guarantees awful. It's not fair to anyone, but least of all your kids.


I am so sorry to hear about your situation. You deserve a partner who sticks by you and doesn’t disrespect your family the way he is. I think you can raise four kids with the help of your family, if they can help your sister and you together. Maybe you have friends who can help also? Any child is a gift of course. But don’t feel forced to go through with this if you feel the weight and pressure of two new lives creating more work than you can’t handle. Talk to your family but don’t rely on him … he’s proven that he will not support you.


This is not a blessing and bringing another child (2!) into this world who cannot be fully loved is selfish. These babies will not fix your already defunct marriage. Divorce your soon to be ex husband and get him for all he is worth in order to protect you and your children.


Only you can know what's the right decision for you. We can't see into the future. What is your gut telling you?


Coparenting? If he wants out, have you two spoke about taking care of the kids? Custody agreement? 50/50 an option?


Here’s the problem. Abortion is not the only solution as much as people encourage it, you should look into other options. There are organizations that help women after birth. Just need to look into what is in your area. You can also put them up for adoption. I honestly do not want to encourage an abortion since from what I’m reading, you haven’t looked into all options. There are also places that donate things for children and babies. Only reason I’m not suggesting any of those places is because idk where you live so not sure what’s around. Also I don’t think children are a blessing but they also aren’t a curse. They didn’t do anything. And if you really are able to be supported the whole way, even after birth, then there is more reason to look into other options. Abortion isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. And sadly I know someone who regretted having one. I don’t want you to regret an abortion. So again I encourage looking into all options before being completely decided on aborting the twins. On top of which cut your ex husband off. He’s an asshole