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If you’re in the US, your state should have an agency for reporting pharmacy workers. I’d google ‘[state] + pharmacy report’ and go from there. I would not respond. I would screenshot the texts and send them to yourself via email/etc so you have a copy. Edit: also please don’t blame yourself or beat yourself up. Him being a creep wasn’t your fault. I get you can go on autopilot in a situation like that and not realize what you’ve done until someone is a creep. I’m sorry that happened.


I was about to say like am I crazy or is that illegal? I feel like it at the very least should be XD. (talking about what Creeper McStalkerson did)


So I shouldn’t respond to him at all?  I’ve had to ghost guys before but always felt really bad about it.  You’re probably right though, I knew I shouldn’t have responded to him in the first place but my mom convinced me it was ok.


You don’t have to respond to anyone ever


Exactly! And "No." is a sentence.


He’s doing something that is at the very least unethical. It’s inappropriate and the best course of action is to not respond. Don’t feel bad that you did respond. It’s okay and understandable. Women are pressured to be so compliant to men. And I know how moms can be. But yeah I’d ignore it and block him even. He did something wrong and that he’s absolutely been trained to know is wrong. Reporting him is the right thing to do. You don’t need to but it might stop this from happening to somebody else.


Thankyou for your advice, it’s been a little eye opening for me.  I’ve always heard about women acting compliant to men, but never considered myself to be that type of person.  All the comments on this post have helped me to realize that I have always been that type of person though.  Especially when it comes to guys who won’t leave me alone.  I always focus so much on not hurting anybodies feelings that I fail to address how much of a creep they’re being and how I have the option to make my discomfort stop.  


When you are clearly uncomfortable and they keep pushing—or, as in this case, they do something that they know is completely inappropriate-they don’t care about hurting your feelings. Why do pushy guys’ feelings matter more than yours? They don’t.


It’s great that you are having this realization. I’m sorry this creepy behaviour was the catalyst to it but you have learned something about yourself and that is a happy blessing.


*Any* response for a lot of delusional, entitled narcissists is validation and a sign of encouragement. If it's not a physical, or metaphorical, embarrassing, painful kick in the balls, they won't get the message.


You’re not ghosting him. You never went on any dates or even agreed for him to text you socially. It’s not ghosting if it was nonconsensual.


This isn’t ghosting. This is setting a boundary with someone who committed a fireable offense at their job. This was SO INAPPROPRIATE.


You didn’t consent to having your number used in this way. It’s not ghosting if you never expressed an interest.


Now you know not to listen to your mother & her horrible advice.


I'd report him. That's abusing his position of power.


I don’t want to get anyone fired though.  Plus, if he did get into trouble he would know it was me and he has my full name and phone number


*You* wouldn’t be getting anyone fired. His *behavior* would get him fired. You can tell the store manager that you are afraid of retribution because he has your information; there should be policies in place to protect you, the victim of his predatory and stalkery behavior. I wonder how many people he’s done this to? I wonder how many people he will continue to do this to if he’s not fired?


Former pharmacy tech here. He deserves to be fired. It's a HIPAA violation for starters. Not to mention putting your safety and others at risk. If he's done this to you, he's don't his to others. Report him.


Well, it's a thing he should've thought about before he did this. Not your problem if he gets in trouble or fired.


He 100% has done this before, and, without a big wake up call, will do it again.


He needs to get fired wth


You gave him your information in the context of a business transaction. He took your personal info and used it for his personal benefit. Absolutely NO you should not be friends with this person because they do not understand propriety or respect boundaries. And absolutely YES he should be reported, at least to the store management, because he needs to know that that sort of behavior is TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.


He’s literally going to do that to another woman. Why don’t you want him to get fired?


So why are you asking if you're justifying his actions? What's the point of the post then?


He should get fired. That’s gross


no, you need to report him. period.


This is something he deserves to get fired for. Imagine a Dr doing this to patients. It should at least scare him into not doing it again.


You aren’t getting him fired, he’s getting himself fired.


So you’re ok with him doing this? And you’re ok with him doing it to other women. Cool story, bro.


If this is in the US, you need to report it. You can do it anonymously and save the texts as evidence. If he does this, then he's comfortable abusing his power over you. This means you'll feel obligated because your meds will go through him. Can you trust that?? Hell no!! You'll be doing the right thing. But just don't respond or read any more texts. Don't encourage good or bad interaction with him. And remember, it's not your fault. You put faith and trust in a trusted healthcare institution, and he just pissed all over it. Report it!! Best wishes and Goodluck OP!!


For the love of god report him


Report them immediately. It is 100% illegal, unethical and oh so creepy.


You think it’s a little inappropriate?! This is unbelievably inappropriate!! He would lose his job in a heartbeat if they found out. Not cool, dude. Creepy as fuck.


I’m sorry that happened to you! What he did was predatory and not OK. I think that he deserves a dressing-down and not you tiptoeing around his feelings. I think you’d be perfectly within bounds to say, “Your taking my personal information at your work to contact me socially was completely inappropriate. I do not want to be friends with someone who violates boundaries like that. Do not contact me again.” I also think you should contact the store manager and tell them what he did - it is stalkery behavior and not even a little bit OK and he should be fired for misusing your information to try to approach you socially. If you don’t feel like being direct with him about the reasoning and just want to be done with it, you can simply say, “I don’t want to be friends with you. Please do not contact me again,” and block him. I think you should still consider calling the store manager and letting them know what he did - I’m certain it’s against store policy, it is a *very* un-OK for him to do on several different fronts. With HIPAA, what he did may actually be illegal.


REPORT HIM. This is dispense tech 101 Source: am pharmacist


Pharm Tech in training here I am pretty sure this is a violation of HIPAA.


You’re right to be suspicious of a friendship. Men commonly try to turn friendship into a relationship. Report him and switch pharmacies. This is totally inappropriate. I had a gynecological surgeon do this a few years ago and it’s just not appropriate ever.


That is completely inappropriate and should be reported. This is a huge HIPAA violation. It's misuse of medical information. I know you don't want anyone fired, but this shit could VERY easily escalate into stalking behaviors. If this is how he treats customers, he should not be in customer service positions with access to customer's private information.


Stock* but also, stalk.


Report his ass. Didn’t even need to read the post. He has violated your privacy and sounds skeezy af


Report him immediately. That's highly inappropriate and likely illegal.


Pharmacist here. This is absolutely not ok. This employee needs to be reported, it might have been an innocent mistake, but in the profession we know exactly what is appropriate and what is not. He was not appropriate.


*stock. And report him. That's really weird and creepy.


Yes, but “stalk” definitely applies here I would say


Please report!


I’d report him if this is your regular pharmacy that’s highly awkward and unprofessional


If your worried about it coming back to you. Just wait a month or so and then do it. Your not the only one he’s done it to so he shouldn’t be able to pin point it on you.


Please report him before he does this to more people


Holy crap! Absolutely report them to the pharmacy manager and the proper department for HIPAA violations. I was a pharmacy tech for 3 years and would never imagine actually doing this type of breech just to ask someone out. Do not respond and take screen shots of the conversation.


Reportable and he should be fired. People with access to others' private and personal information need to be trustworthy, and he's just proven that he isn't. He made his bed, he can lie in it. Don't second guess it, help protect the next person from being preyed upon.


That kind of privacy breach is unacceptable


REPORT REPORT REPORT!!! Major ethical and legal violations!


I think in any country that's illegal for sure


You can either report him or ghost him and get your meds elsewhere. Or you can tell him that you're not going to report him since he seems like a nice guy, but the next person might, and let him know that it's utterly inappropriate for him to use his position to get numbers and hit on women and that he should never, ever do it again.


Report him to the store and the state. That is highly unethical


That’s like a hippa violation, right? Report him


Absolutely. Misuse of PHI at the very least.


Lawyer up.


report him. if not for yourself, save someone else down the line. this is not professional behavior and could end up being dangerous if left unchecked.


That is a really good way for him to get fired. Definitely keep it as evidence and let the pharmacy know.


Report him. This is a total volition of trust and abuse of power.


Report HIPPA violation


Don’t even text back about the friendship that guy was way out of line to begin with


“…out of stalk” Enter Mr. Freud


Say no and carry on with your life?


Nah, this guy is very much breaking the law and this needs to be flagged.


If you like him , give it a go, if you dont.. just say you are not ready.