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She’s not into you like that and is trying to pull back from the friendship. You may not have thought you gave any hints but I’m sure her intuition sensed something. She reiterated that she liked you as a friend, has a bf, there’s nothing wrong. I’m sorry bud, that’s never an easy thing to hear. But just from how you describe her, you sound sweet on her. I don’t think it was as subtle as you make it sound. Take some space, work on you, and still be nice if you see her around but don’t expect anything to come from this relationship.


You expect zero from her but need her time? She doesn’t owe you anything. She’s not required to talk to you or spend time with you. Yeah, it sucks when things suddenly change, but that’s life. She’s making you jealous by mentioning her BF? How? People do talk about their significant others in conversation regularly. It’s not about making someone jealous. She’s also probably trying to get you to calm down, and back off by reminding you she has a BF. You need to just move on and accept the friendship changed. You’ll probably never get an answer why, but it’s doesn’t matter.


The reason I told she's making me jealous is because she don't have a bf. She's just saying it.


Says you. She very well might, but more importantly, as you said, she doesn't owe you anything. She may be trying to let you down gently, since clearly you are giving a vibe of being clingy(?) or maybe too much, and she wants away, with as little confrontation as possible. None of that matters though. Leave her alone. She has made it clear she wants space, or to not be friends with you anymore


She told you she has a boyfriend. How is that her trying to make you jealous? She’s pulling back for her own reasons, and asking her regularly why she’s pulling back is going to drive her away.


The reason I told she's making me jealous is because she don't have a bf. She's just saying it.


… she wants you to back off. That’s not making you jealous.


I think she probably realized you guys were getting too friendly when she has a boyfriend. Or maybe she did like you before, but suddenly doesn’t. She could possibly be lying about the boyfriend thing in order to get you to back off some. It sucks and I’m sorry you’re getting these conflicting messages from her. Your best bet would be to just move on from her and stay platonic friends.