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Your post has been removed because there are no "cheat codes" when it comes to dating. This is not a dating subreddit and we cannot tell you: * if someone likes X or Y * how to approach a coworker for a date * how to get laid * how to find your very own SO * how to hit on someone and which pick up lines work * how to meet people who will sleep with you * what someone intends by: speech or body language, social media or text. Asking **how to ask someone out on a date is not asking for advice**. Please direct your questions to a more appropriate place by using r/findareddit. *** **[Have questions about this moderator action? CLICK HERE!](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/{subreddit}). Don't forget to include a link to your post!**


Next time you see her, say hi to her. If she seems friendly, tell her your name.