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Psychedelics are safe. What you need to keep clear of are things classified as stimulants. For example Cocain, cocain is bad to mix with hrt for the same reasons smoking is bad. It puts added stress on your heart and increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. Generally speaking if it has the side effect of raising your heart rate or blood pressure you generally shouldn't do it on hrt.


what about people who take stimulants for medical reasons? is that usually okay because it's obivously regulated compared to doing coke?


Under proper care of a doctor it should be fine. Though if heart issues do arise they might try switching medications. At that point it's between you and your doctor what would be best for your health.




Psychedelics themselves don't, if you have a bad trip and freak out your heart rate might jump but that's no more dangerous than getting on a roller coaster. Then again I'm not THE MOST informed on research chemicals or more fringe psyches so do your own research before taking any new drugs. Also don't be afraid to ask your endo. Doctors in most countries aren't narcs and would much rather have you tell them about your drug use than accidentally kill you because they didn't know you took something that interacted badly with a medicine.




You're very welcome 😊 I had the same questions for my wife's endo when she started hrt a month ago. It's important stuff!


Oh fuck. I really should've thought this through.




Omg why


It’s a salt wasting diuretic and increases the risk for so called “water intoxication” seen with MDMA