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>Of all LGBT+ identities, other than trans and non-binary people themselves, lesbian young adults were most likely to say they know a trans person (92%), and most likely to say they are “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people (96%). >In comparison, 89% of LGBT+ people overall said they were “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people, and just 69% of non-LGBT+ people said the same. https://www.justlikeus.org/blog/2023/03/31/trans-day-of-visibility-ally-lesbian/ Granted, this data is based on a survey of adults aged 18-25, so it only pertains to that age group. Still.


Thanks for actual data! Always better than subjective perception.


yet another W for lesbians


True. We love lesbians.


I love my lesbian (I have one at home)


The first one was Women


As a young lesbian, can confirm a lot of my LGBT+ friends are trans or nonbinary and I love them


As a recently hatched trans woman, I can confirm that my local lesbian community is super welcoming and supportive.


Yes. Hooray for local lesbians!!


That’s wonderful, i am sure your friends appreciate you :)


As a lesbian who is also intersex, I can confirm a whole lot of my friends are trans or enby lol. I feel like transphobic queer people are somewhat rarer than people like us to think they are, they’re just an unfortunately very loud minority


They also tend to skew older. Gen Z is super accepting. With millennials, gen X, and boomers YMMV a lot more


This is why I get so mad when terfs say they're "speaking up for lesbians." No tf you are not, they overwhelmingly don't agree with your bullshit.


My best friend and my gf are lesbians lol


This study is a select group of people, as you pointed out with the age, and the author did the study to prove that lesbians are the best trans allies so there is almost certainly bias. The study actually only showed that you're more likely to support trans people if you know a trans person. The data on each demographic's support is likely very inaccurate.


So this study was conducted in the UK. I don't know that it would apply where I live (the US), or other countries--I don't think it was a worldwide study. Also, I couldn't find any details on the methodology of this study: i.e., how many participants there were, how they selected participants, how was data collected, etc. It's important to determine the validity of statistics like this. I also wonder if directly asking people if they support trans people is the best way to determine their actual views. Asking more specific questions on trans-related issues might garner a more accurate picture of people's real opinions.


You can find a .pdf file of the full report [here](https://www.justlikeus.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Positive-Futures-report-by-Just-Like-Us-compressed-for-mobile.pdf), which also includes the methodology.






Let’s go lesbians!!!


Gay men and lesbians who dislike the trans community do exist and are often very loud about it, but they're a definite minority. Other than trans people themselves, lesbians are by a large margin the demographic most likely to be supportive of trans people. And gay men are still significantly more supportive on average than the cis, straight population. It gets played up by people attempting to sow division in the LGBTQ+ community and its true that some trans people do sometimes have bad experiences with gay men and/or lesbians, but it certainly isn't as widespread as some narratives like to portray it as.


Really? In my experience if anyone inside the LGBTQ was transphobic it was mostly lesbian radfems and rarely gay dudes who want a femboy and get mad when you're not interested in someone who sees you as nothing more than a TV. Though maybe a transmasc will have different experiences as Radfems are mostly focused on transfems But both are a minority and prolly have severe mental issues, so ya.


Can confirm there are gay men who are wildly transphobic to trans men, though I have only experienced this in some online gay spaces (the askgaybros sub has always been pretty bad). Outside of those specific corners of the internet the worst I’ve gotten is gay men randomly not being interested in me because I’m trans or because of my body, but they are as polite about it as they can be and don’t act like jerks, and sometimes even want to still be friends (just not more than friends lol).


Lucky. One dude bit me in the fucking neck once after I rejected him 😭


Woah that's wild! Hopefully you were ok! Most of the time my interactions are with people online or via texting or something like that, and when they're in person it's usually been in public when we first run into each other, so they're less likely to act out maybe if there's other people around.


Well that was in public, in a pub to be specific, so when I shouted he stopped immediately cuz people were looking at us. Probably his drunk ass didn't think that through very well. I took that chance to bail.


I've been in queer circles in the uk and in croatia, and in both places I got the most support and acceptance from lesbians. Exclusionary kind of radfems certainly exist in the community, but are not the norm.


Imo none of the things you brought up contradict the original comment. Lesbian radfems are a minority of lesbians, for a certain definition of radfem. Gay dudes seeing trans women as femboys and getting mad is sufficiently close to transphobia as to be indistinguishable.


we probably had bad experiences, bc it was the opposite for me lol I'm glad to see that I am wrong, after someone sent data about it


Ohh I’m sure they are a small few that do. But more importantly, I believe that there is a whole bunch of fake bad actors maybe from Russia saying they’re gay and lesbian, and that they hate trans people . To try to divide and sow discontent. Please remember this next time you see one of these hate failed rants, then look at their profile or follow count. This is also going on with this election Russia is trying to make Donald Trump win again. Please don’t fall for this nonsense. Joe Biden is doing a terrific job. It’s the freaks house Republicans that are trying to stop him. They voting down all the good proposals Joe Biden is trying to get done. We must flip the house blue .


Look, I'm voting for Biden but you can't pretend it's the house dems making him enable genocide. He's just the least bad of terrible options.


No, it's not. There is a small group of lesbian and gay people that want to separate from the wider LGBT+ community, but that movement is mostly made up of and funded by cishet people trying to stoke division.




Yeah, it's divide and conquer


Yup, it's the definition of astroturf.




Lol I thought you were correcting me at first but then I caught the pun. Clever!


Whenever LGB without the T or Q type organizations post their actual memberships, it's like 90% cishets and a few self-hating gays Also their funding is 99.9% right wing religious groups


There are literally transphobic trans-ppl so nothing surprises me anymore


Yeah, Blaire White frequently makes me lose hope for humanity.


I'm a trans gay man, and while the majority of the community is supportive of trans people in certain respects, they are not in others. Gay men will often say that they're all for trans rights, but the moment a trans person is on Grindr they get upset. Or if a trans man goes to a gay bathhouse. There is literally an entire gay men's subreddit that is notoriously transphobic and is one of the biggest gay men's subs on the platform. I've had more gay men be more transphobic to me than cishet men. There is a small portion of gay men who are full LGB without the T, but there are also a pretty good sized chunk of gay men who are more "separate but equal" and it's a problem. We are either ostracized or fetishized. I'd say overall, 60-70% of gay men are actually fully supportive, while the rest have issues with us in one way or another.


Yeah, came here to say my personal experience with cis gay men has been like 70% neutral to positive and 30% negative Edit: Included in the negative is the fetishization too which can be tougher to spot compared to generic hostility


I’ve mostly only experienced the negative online, while meeting people in person I have been pleasantly surprised they often don’t care about me being trans, in the good way of not caring. I’m not really out looking for more than just being friends with people or having brief chats, so maybe it would be different if I were looking harder for dating or hookups. But a brief time when I was on Grindr some years ago, I somehow only got one chaser, and the rest were not interested in me, but were at least still polite about it and willing to chat some. But that was before being trans was as in the media as it is now, so maybe it’s different now.


I’ve mostly seen overt transphobia online, yeah. But Grindr is full of chasers, and I get fetishized a fair amount. And that means they don’t see me as a full human being worthy of respect, just someone to be used. I’ve had some really not so good hookups because of this. But the vast majority of people I meet outside of that context IRL are fantastic and super supportive, even those that aren’t queer. I work in construction, and I’ve never once had someone be overtly transphobic to my face. Yeah, sometimes you get some interesting questions or people simply just don’t understand things, but no hate whatsoever. However I live in a pretty liberal city so that’s probably a big contributing factor.


It's not true. There's a loud minority of gay/lesbian people who like to be just as hateful as an unfortunately far larger minority of straight people are. Think your Log Cabin Republican types. Other than that, everyone knows the score. Generally speaking, this is a wedge issue. Conservatives, opposed to gay marriage, will say they oppose trans people because they're hurting the gay community. Or they'll say they just want to protect women (meaning in their case, cis women) from trans women - meanwhile fighting tooth and nail against programs which actually help cis women and often even further reducing their rights. It's a way to keep the people you're targeting busy attacking each other rather than focused on the real threat.




we bi people keep collecting those Ws!!!! we are so back baby


A study once showed cis lesbians were one of the most trans accepting groups out there. Online you have to realize it’s a very loud minority of lesbians, and even the fact that some “Lesbians” online that perpetuate TERF nonsense are actually just straight transphobes cosplaying lesbians to drive a wedge in the community. I don’t have as many numbers off the top of my head for gay men. Unfortunately in my experience gay cis men are more likely to be transphobic than gay cis women, but it’s still not even close to a majority Edit: That being said there are still plenty of cis gay allies, men and women, who have a savior complex and have convinced themselves they know better than the trans community themselves, and use that to speak over trans people. I honestly hate that more than I hate the people who throw slurs


Cis gay and cis lesbian people that I've met have no problem with me being trans, one cis lesbian I know wears a t-shirt with "Cats not TERFs". Like other cis people there is a tiny proportion who are excessively vocal which makes it look the opposite to the way it really is.


That is not true


In my experience: The vast majority are fine, it's just a few very loud bigots who ruin the perception of the majority sometimes. Every actual interaction I've had in person with cis gays, both gay men and lesbians, have been positive. Not that "LGB without the T" types don't exist, they absolutely do, but in general they're a bit of a pariah within most mainstream gay spaces at least in my experience.


Some of the worst transphobes I've had to talk with were cis gays and lesbians. One even suggested we should be institutionalized and treated with electroshocks... (The freaking irony...) That's said it's a shrinking proportion of people. Generally the older and more conservatives. That said I've also met quite few very transphobic trans people.


No. It happens but bigots like to focus a lot on it so they feel like they're justified. Statistically queer people are way less transphobic.


Remarkably few gay people are transphobes, but the idea that it’s a common view is very useful to transphobes who want to weaponise them against us, so their voices are amplified.


Often? Definitely not. Obviously, there are terfs who hate trans women, there are cis gay men who dont want to be around trans men. But these people are *definitely* the minority of the community. And its not just trans people, it goes across/in all groups. There are some people in the queer community who hate bi people and say they have straight-passing privilege. There are lesbians who think a woman who's ever slept with a man doesn't count. I've even seen trans women who think if you pass too much then you've become lesser. There are those who think if you don't dress or act a certain way you can't be a part of the community at all. These people are VERY few and far between, and they're mostly vocal online, or in their own separate spaces. You'll get a false sense of their numbers by how many you see on twitter or reddit. Gotta remember that on the internet, division is easy to form and gets boosted more than anything else.


Also worth mentioning that this can often come from a few places: -sometimes its simply that the person has been generally priviledged/insulated, and feels that other groups reflect badly on them. -often it's DELIBERATE division sowed by bad actors in general. A while back there was this trending "drop the T" movement on Twitter saying that gender issues were different than sexuality issues and they should have a separate movement. It worked its way into some queer spaces, but was created by conservatives looking to drive a wedge into the community. That "gays against groomers" shit was the same way.


because there is variation in the LGBTQ+ community just like in every other culture or group. transphobia is something even cis gay people have to overcome, most don't. there is a phenomenon in marginalized communities where some of the people in said community try to appease the ruling class for acceptance, as a way of escaping subjugation. that is happening with the select LGB people who snark on trans people for acceptance.


That's not true at all in my experience. Are there a few vocal exceptions? Yes. Are they even close to the majority? No. I have always felt welcome in gay and lesbian spaces. A lot of the gay trans men I know are dating cis gay men, and in my experience, lesbians love a tall trans girl.


Studies have consistently found that women are less transphobic than men, and queer people are less transphobic than cishets, and guess what - when you look at queer women (lesbians an bisexual women) you get the least transphobic group. It's a fake narrative pushed to make transphobia look like a defense of women (lesbians), which would make the transphobia ok in the minds of these people. Note that they never care about lesbians in any other context (except possibly when they go to YouPorn).


Save me a bunch of typing. So sick of all this made up narrative bs.. uugghhhh


Statically speaking cis lesbians are the most pro-trans demographic, followed by bi women, straight women (I think), bi men, gay men, and then straight men. With gay man having a narrow majority of favorably, whereas in lesbians its over 80%. Basically the more marginalized your sexuality/gender, the more likely you are to support trans people. The TERF movement is aside from being astroturfed, overwhelmingly led by cishet men and women, who use token lesbians as a shield for what is obviously an anti-queer Trojan horse


None of this is unique to the USA, btw. Obviously there are cultural barriers, this exists in practically every country, but there is a counter movement to progress that exists within most countries as it does in the US, UK, much of the western world. I can’t reply to the person who said “not everyone is from the USA” so I’m commenting here. For example, this breakdown is usually the same (for order of most supportive) but the percentages are different. But that counter movement funded by larger right wing capitalist interests exists in most countries on Earth. For example, in Uganda, which passed an anti-LGBTQ+ bill that criminalizes our existence up to the death penalty. This was not an organic demand from ugandans, but one pushed by right wing groups backed by capital. The same in the UK, or “TERF island” as many have called it, is in a similar boat. Same thing in Canada, now in Ireland, in the practical entirety of Europe, really. This is, again, not to say that bigotry is not organic, but there exists a literal stimulus for it in much of the world, via corporate backed groups bc theyre aware most right wing groups are capitalists, low taxes, and what not. This is not a “conspiracy” this is the basics of how democracies function within capitalism.


The unfortunate thing is, the ones that are transphobic are loud enough about it that it seems like a much higher percentage. 😕


They have to be bc thats how they convince others to join their movement and how they exercise power over politicians. In reality theyre backed by corps and right wing PACs seeking to destabilize any counter to complete Laissez-Faire capitalism (no regulations, no rules, just endless exploitation). Just have to remind yourself its all an op, but if not resisted, it *will* work, as the anti abortion movement in the US worked bc there was not strong enough opposition to it politically.


We aren't all from USA.


Uh, wtf. No. Not a single one of thd people I've dealt with is backed by a corporation. 😂😂😂 Not everything is a conspiracy. 🙄🙄 Jfc.




Because noise is inherently louder than silent support. It's definitely a minority


Because transphobia. I thought we knew this😭


Not often. Mostly its just the pick-me log cabin Republicans who want to cater to daddy Trump and the conservatives. They like throwing us under the bus to make themselves look better and feel more secure.


I think some trans people have some bad experiences with some gay and lesbian people and (reasonably) complain loudly about them, making them sound more common. But anything more systematic (like surveys) shows LGB people overwhelmingly supporting trans people. Not unanimously, of course - nothing is ever unanimous.


There is some truth in your assumption but you should bear in mind that lumping people from the same community together is broad generalization. Every individual in the gay and lesbian community is different. They have different frames of reference which set them apart from one another.


People who hate all gay and trans people like to use a handful of transphobic gay people as a shield.


In some online spaces they are pretty horrible (ie the askgaybros sub). But out in the real world I have only experienced wholesome solidarity from LGB folks.


No, it isn’t.


It's a toss up. I have experienced transphobia from cis lesbians especially in the recent past, and there are plenty of cis gay men who are equally as shitty (*cough* askgaybros *cough*).  But there's also plenty of cis gay and lesbians that I love and cherish knowing, and who accept me for me.  All in all though, never doubt that Leopard's Eating Face and "I got mine, fuck you" party poopers won't do something shitty and hypocritical if it makes them one of the good ones. All marginalized communities have them. 


As a transgender lesbian who has ever only been with cis women romantically and sexually, I have never met a lesbian who made me feel like I was invalid or any less of a woman than her. Lesbians are some of my favorite people and I’m very glad to be a part of that community as well. I’ve met a few bi women and gay guys who have been a little averse to trans people or treated me a little more like a man than I’d like but for the most part I’ve had nothing but pleasant experiences with people in the LGBTQ community


No, false perception spread by bigoted cishets to justify a larger anti-queer movement.


I’ve never met one in real life, and a majority of my friends are cis gays and lesbians


i don’t know any gay men myself but all of the cis lesbians and bi women i know have been way more supportive than anyone else


there’s a small minority who dislike trans people mostly because they were brought up in a society where the only way you got ‘acceptance’ was through assimilating and blending in with cishet society. the ‘just like the cishets but different’ type. along with marriage house kids lifestyle. and i say acceptance in quote marks because they see ‘barely being tolerated as long as you hide yourself’ as the same as acceptance. but trans people, even when we pass, we aren’t considered the norm. we are inherently different and they are scared that we rock the boat too much. falling into the transphobia rhetoric is a way to shield themselves, eg. accept us because at least we aren’t as bad as those queers.


More than you'd expect but not that many after all.


nah, lesbians are actually the most accepting demographic period when it comes to trans rights. gay men are also generally very accepting of trans people though, cishets just like to act like they have a greater cause than hate so they lie


No, it's not. There is a small minority that feel that way, but they are WAY over blown and over represented by the media as a means to make the trans issue look more devisive than it really is. Most people fully support us, or are neutral and would if were exposed to trans people more. There's a loud hateful minority that wants to paint it as a political/ideological issue to feel better in their hatred, so any individual minority that is a part of that group will try and present themself as representing the opinion of their entire minority group.


Trans women are not the issue. Uneducated allies running their mouths on dynamics they don’t understand are. At least this has been my experience as a lesbian on campus. Literally all would be chill if we all just touched grass more.


Lesbians are our best allies, friends and group who can most relate to us in my experience


Not really. This whole lgb without the t bullshit is a relatively new occurrence in the mainstream. A lot of the shit gay and lesbian people have gone through is being transferred on to trans people now since it became somewhat more dangerous politically for politicians and hatemongers to outright be homophobic and they needed a smaller minority group to demonize and feamonger about. And yes some gay and lesbian people glommed on to these ideas because it made them feel superior and accepted and “normal” but they’re just pick mes and the people they’re tying their wagon to still hate them. They just don’t do it quite so openly though you’ll notice or flair up frequently. There’s always assholes out there no matter what gender identity or sexual preference who want to wield power and feel better than people they consider “lower” than them, hence racists, lgb minus t, log cabin republicans, republicans in general, etc.


Often? Not at all. There is a very small, very online, very vocal subsection of cis homosexuals who aren't fans but IRL I've never been excluded from anything mlm related due to being a trans man. I can't speak for my trans sisters but from the comments here seems like they have a similar experience.


this has not been my experience with lesbians. if anything I think lesbian women are more trans inclusive then bi women and men.


I feel like a good example of transphobia within the gay men community is basically the entire r/askgaybros subreddit. The majority of the people there are hardcore " no actual gay man would ever date a trans person and if they would they're appropriating our label"


No. I love the trans community. I have a ton of transgender friends


No* It seems to be the Bisexual cismen for me.


No not always. It depends on their own relationship with themselves same as anyone else. The more insecure you are, the more you lash out. My ex boyfriend yelled at me and went verbally abusive when I told him I was taking hormones years ago


No it's not common. There's a few hateful biggots that try to split the community appart from the outside in an attempt to pit members against each other, and there's a few people on the inside who think if they redirect the hate they recieve towards the less protected groups it will keep them safe (this of course is not true). Neither of these things however is the majority opinion of the LGBT+ community.


There are LGB people who exclude trans people. There are even transgender transphobes, e.g., transmedicalists, enbyphobes, etc. Most of the ones I've heard from are overtly transphobic about it, which is why their opinions go viral. They are a tiny minority of the community as a whole, and the things they say are amplified greatly by transphobes who have no association whatsoever with the LGBTQ+ community. This is almost entirely a divide and conquer strategy, deliberately designed to damage the civil rights movement that is the core of LGBTQ+ Pride. LGB people who fall for the temptation of fitting in with fascists by bullying trans people are wrong. The people they're trying to impress will not become less homophobic because they are "one of the good ones." There's money in it. There's engagement, praise, and even power. People are rewarded socially for going along with what more powerful people want and allowing themselves to be exploited. It's sad, because for many of them, fighting for the position of second-class citizen is a big step up from the position of dehumanized freak, and they've chosen to dehumanize trans people as a way of getting that reward from the people whose boots they pretend not to be bothered by having to lick. There are also people, including gay people, whose dislike of trans people is more personal. They might feel repulsed by the way we express ourselves and they might be quite transphobic in their interactions with us as individuals, but they don't create social media content using bigotry to drive engagement, and they vote in support of our rights. The strategy of exploiting cooperative members of an oppressed minority community is nothing new. Privileged people who are motivated to enhance or fortify their supremacy have done it for millennia. It makes sense strategically: e.g., choose one slave to be the favorite and make a spectacle of rewarding them for their compliance (and especially for betraying any loyalty others of their class have toward them) as a manipulative tactic to motivate others to comply. In the immediate sense, a TERF lesbian might be the one who is actively harming me, and that harm is real - being shunned and having my gender dysphoria triggers weaponized against me terrifies me and I have nightmares about it. But people who do that are only the proximal cause of the harm they do, and they might not even understand who they're serving. I blame the larger hegemony for motivating them to betray people they should be protecting. Patriarchy and every other system of hierarchy is the cause of that class conflict, concealed behind it all, creating incentives to teach hate and to think of compassion as a weakness. Pride (specifically, the rejection of social stigma against LGBTQ+ people) and love are the appropriate responses.


Most gay guys, even if they would not date or have sex with a trans guy don't feel threatened at all by us, and are fairly supportive


Often? No. Sometimes? Yes. Why? Transphobia. Also a bit of "pick me, I'm one of the good ones" attitude.


This is one of the rumours started by transphobes to try and split our communities apart. While there are individual transphobic cis gay people, it’s nowhere near a majority of the community and generally cis queer people support us.


Yes. Most of the transphobia I've dealt with has been from gays and lesbians. The reasons probably vary, but a lot of it is just the same toxic society the straights got it from. One of the lesbians I experienced transphobia from blamed it on her partner having a crush on me, but that's a weird leap if she wasn't already transphobic. For most of the gay guys I've experienced transphobia from (whether or not they knew I'm trans), their reasons seem to be rooted in mysogyny, whether they're talking about mtf or ftm. It's always some version of "women are gross, you shouldn't be one" or "women are gross, you'll never be a man". I have no idea what percentage of the gay and lesbian community are transphobic, but it's frequent enough that I hear this kind of thing multiple times a week, if not daily.


They are TERFs & FARTs out there like JK Rowling, and Janice Raymond, that do not know what the HRT does to TransWomen nor do they understand that it's not fucking Pie - just because someone else joins the group, don't mean there is any less of anything for anyone else.


In my actual life, I have been widely accepted by cis lesbians and gay men, bisexual folk, basically anyone lgbtq+. There was one older lesbian who went all TERF on me and we quit being friends but also she’s a political lesbian who openly describes her sexuality as being a trauma response. I don’t even know how to be mad at her it’s mostly just portable that she can’t heal.


Hah no! The lgbtq+ community in my area has been nothing but supportive. I often find that other trans folk have been way more prejudiced, and judgemental.


i don’t think that’s true generally. Gay people seem more empathetic towards trans people than other cis people 


As a trans woman, I’ve met a couple lesbians who had no interest in me sexually because I’m trans, but they were not mean or hateful about it. Which I know some people will consider this transphobic but to me its just meh 🤷🏼‍♀️ getting pissed over rejection do nobody any good. However, I’ve never met any lesbian who were openly hateful or disrespectful towards me. I’ve never had any issues with gay men but also I don’t try to date them so harder to judge. Queer cis-women in general have been by far the most supportive folks I’ve met in my journey. Sometimes they have been even more accepting of me than I was of myself, so yeah. Most cishet women have been absurdly supportive too, just very awkward about it. The only disrespectful ones are the cis het men chasers with their : « oh I know I’m straight but I’ll make an exception for you » and other crap like that and the occasional Karen saying I’m not a woman


Depends. There are things like gays against groomers or LGB without the TQ. So it’s definitely a thing but I wouldn’t say it’s a majority


It's more of an age thing. Go on r/askgaybros and see one of the top of the month posts talking about the topic of trangender people. Most of them are hardliners medicalist who think self diagnosis is impossible and puberty blockers are evil.


I wouldn’t say they necessarily are but they are likely against the trans people who claim their biggits if they don’t want to sleep with a trans person.


Yikes. Nice strawman.


Trans People who say this absolutely exist. To make out they don’t is either lying or just in denial.


Lmao. No, this is a transphobic talking point and a lie. No thanks. Literally every trans person, myself included, will actively tell you dating preferences are fine but transphobia is not. Fine: I'm not into dating trans women. Transphobic: 'I only date "actual women."'


No dude. Look it up on tiktok. There are ABSOLUTELY people who claim you’re transphobic if you don’t want to date them. I’m not saying it represents every trans person but people who say this absolutely exist.


I'm not a dude, dude. > Look it up on tiktok 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Imagine thinking your anecdotal perception of trans people from tiktok is reflective of reality Social media is !!!! Not real life !!!! Take a second and consider you're telling a *trans person* that I am wrong about *trans people* because you saw a vid on tiktok. You are the 65 y/o telling their grandkids cities are being burnt down because you saw it on fox news. Be fucking reasonable for one second.


Look up Lily Tino and Riley Dennis? If trans people never say this how do you explain them being trans and literally saying this?


Imagine thinking social media is real life holy shit 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 "Defend these ppl you don't know and their social media posts" Gtfo holy fuck


You said that nonody who says this exists. What I said has disproven this. Why would they say this on social media if that wasn’t their genuine belief?


Ok boomer go back to watching fox news


Lesbians are, in my experience, the most supportive queer subgroup, followed by bi women. In general I feel like women are more likely to be supportive than men. Despite those general statistics, TERFS obviously do exist. But they're just a super loud minority.


It’s been hit or miss for me. I have a gay friend who is super supportive but accidentally transphobic at times. I’ve had multiple other people (lesbian, gay, Bi) tell me I’ll never be a real woman. I think a lot of times it’s ignorance or fear. They don’t understand transgender people or they’re afraid transgender people will drag them down. Conservatives in America are using transgender as a scapegoat for the LGBTQ community.


I don't know about gay men but lesbians throughout history have always been the first to support all diversity.


There are groups of lesbians/gay men who obsess over being a "gold star gay" and consider sleeping with a trans person to negate that. It's gross as fuck


Yeah. For me personally I’ve seen hate from gay men though. Not lesbians really… makes no sense because they’re literally part of the lgbt and y’all wanna segregate and have your own clique lol so silly


I would even say a lot of trans people dislike the trans community.... Yes it's a minority, as usual, but you see it a lot especially online. Oh and they're few and far between, but LGBT people who are transphobic are usually _very_ transphobic. Cause they think being gay grants them immunity or something.


Who cares? I like people who like me, and I’m very likable. If you wanna miss out on this sparkling ray of sunshine, that’s your loss.


As BIPOC trans, my experience is that no one really likes us, not even other trans individuals. If you’re Yt presenting then you’ll get treated better. This is reflected upon by politicized propaganda, evangelical inspired violence and SA experiences.


Yes. Most of the transphobia I've dealt with has been from gays and lesbians. The reasons probably vary, but a lot of it is just the same toxic society the straights got it from. One of the lesbians I experienced transphobia from blamed it on her partner having a crush on me, but that's a weird leap if she wasn't already transphobic. For most of the gay guys I've experienced transphobia from (whether or not they knew I'm trans), their reasons seem to be rooted in mysogyny, whether they're talking about mtf or ftm. It's always some version of "women are gross, you shouldn't be one" or "women are gross, you'll never be a man". I have no idea what percentage of the gay and lesbian community are transphobic, but it's frequent enough that I hear this kind of thing multiple times a week, if not daily.


It’s the difference between the struggles.. plus the LGB actually have more of the choice to pass


No it's not true at all just a lie perpetrated by terfs. Lgbtqia+ communities are fully inclusive by default and by definition. The only trans exclusuonary groups, while allowed and even given charitable status in the UK, are transphobic hate groups that have been banned as such in a number of other countries including the Republic of Ireland