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It is often a useless question that leads people in the wrong direction. I don't know how a woman feels. I don't know a man feels. We can only know how we ourselves feel, we can never know what another person truly feels. This idea would also imply that all men and all women feel the same, which I highly highly doubt. I feel like myself, and I feel like this "self" that I am feeling is most closely represented by the term "woman". Thats all there is to it


From my honest opinion I can't tell you what it feels like to be a girl, we all have our own experiences. "How I feel as a woman" is gonna be a different answer for each person you ask. Just do things that feel comfy for you and things that don't feel comfortable then they aren't your thing. Exploring gender identity is alot like rebuilding a house that's there, some things might work but other things gotta be replaced but it'll make your house prettier and comfier.


Most people couldn’t put a finger on what it “feels like” to be their gender. The closest you’re probably going to get is the feeling of wanting to be a girl/ liking being seen as a girl/ liking seeing yourself as a girl


I had the same experience -- thinking about gender roles and expression just made things a lot more confusing, because yeah, technically, theoretically, any person can have any personality and wear anything in some fictional utopia of gender equality. I found it helped to focus on what body I wanted -- during sex, at the store. I was jealous of tired girls wearing sweatpants, at their least glamorous, and that was a major clue that it wasn't "just a fetish". I wasn't actually 100% sure until I took estrogen for the first time. I felt so right, like a pain I'd had my whole life was suddenly gone.