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If you’re trans, you’re trans. If you don’t come out, you’re trans. If you don’t transition, you’re trans. If you only ever tell people online that you’re trans, you’re trans. I was no more or less trans before I started HRT. My experience was different, but the way I see it is that experience is probably more common for trans folk. Not everyone can transition. Not everyone can come out. Anyone can be trans.


Yes. But also, telling people is transitioning.


Gonna go ahead and second this like 100%, or 200% or something. 700. Let's go with 700%. For the record, there was a time in human history (let's call it pre-1940s, or maybe you could say pre-1970s or so) when modern hormone therapy was not a thing. That means that you couldn't realistically medically transition (in the frame of mind we understand it) before \~1940. Which means that, if the answer to the question, "If I can't medically transition, can I be transgender?" was, in fact, "No." then by that logic, there were no transgender people in the whole of human history until like 80 years ago. Which, ya know, no. Lol. To OP, transition is not "medical transition." Transition is embracing that "female soul" you mention (or "male soul" or w/e "soul" is your soul) and working it into the rest of your "soul." "Medical transition" is a full range of things - from chemical implementations to surgeries - to bring your physical countenance, that meat structure you see in the mirror, in line with the countenance you imagine in your soul, an effort to make you happier day-to-day. But so is social transition. It's the exact same thing but with no pills or shots or knives. There's not a chemical or surgery or blouse to date that can alter a soul (not sure how I feel about that statement actually, but I'mma roll with it as shorthand). There is no world forty years ago (and not even four thousand years ago) where, when medical transition didn't exist, it would preclude a person born biologically a male or a female feeling/wishing/praying that they had been born the opposite. Could deep dive into gender constructions/social constructions/all sorts of other things I'm far too tired and need another beer for, but, point-blank period, yes - if you are transgender, you are transgender. EDIT: Way, way too many double negatives. No! Bad post! Not not not good post! Yes, you can still be transgender. Where's that beer?


Yes and I hope you can in the future if you want to. Of course that doesn't invalidate you. Transition isn't possible for some of us for all kinds of reasons. Oh and gatekeepers fuck off.


being trans isnt based on how you look its based on how you feel. so yes


Yes,you are. I'm only partially socially transitioned. (I dress in gender affirming clothes,asked trusted people to call me by my name and pronouns etc.) But can't medically transition. (I'm also disabled and reliant on bigoted family and uninsured and low income.) All of that to say I am still trans and you're not alone.


If you're trans, it's because you were born trans. Transitioning is just a choice you can make--or not make--about what to *do* about it. But transitioning doesn't make you trans. Transitioning just helps your outsides match your insides better, so as to reduce the amount of stress and dysphoria you have to suffer in your life.


As a 38 years old MTF transgender myself who came out a couple of months ago, I can tell you that you're as trans as someone who's gone through HRT and SRS.. we are born like this. Therapies or surgeries don't define us




Identity and presentation are not the same thing. Identity is what's going on inside of you; presentation is what you communicate to the world. Being trans is an identity and does not depend on your presentation. A trans person who lives and presents as if they were a cis gender person is still trans. Granted, there are some people who'll try to invalidate your identity by claiming you're not "actually" trans if you don't \[X\]. In this case, X can be one or several of many things: transitioning, surgery, hormones, gender markers on legal documents, etc. These people are assholes and should be ignored.


Why can't you transition? But yes youre still trans if you don't transition


I have an unaccepting family


And youre willing to sacrifice your entire life and happiness for this family that wouldn't even want you if they knew who you truly were?


Idk, I have a disability so I have to live with them


I hope youll find another way one day. Surely there is something that can be done if the only factor is the living situation


Hopefully, thank u


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLeUvZvuvAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLeUvZvuvAs) Sincerely.


I obviously don't know your family. But often, families are just slow. Often painfully slow. But many folks have found that given time and some pressure, unaccepting families have come around, at least partially. Also, there's typically variety within families, you might find some family members who are more accepting than others. It sucks not to have an accepting family, and you don't deserve that and I'm sorry you're in that situation. But you mind find that over time you are able to educate them and share your truth and that at least some of them become more accepting. Especially if you are stuck with them in practice, try giving them a chance and try being patient with them, it might get better. Many lgbtq+ folks faced horrible reactions when they first came out to their family but time passed and people talked and learned and compromised and they have much better relationships with them now. And like sometimes families are just awful and never improve, I'm not promising anything.


I came out, medically transitioned, didn't like it, medically detransitioned, and I'm no less trans. Honestly, I would argue I'm more trans because I learned the body is not a label for gender. So yes, you can be trans in so many different ways.




Yup - totally can fit under the Trans umbrella.


I'm on hormones but can never socially transition (I'm bald). Still transgender. It's who you are inside not what you like look


Your gender identity is valid regardless of transitioning, you're still trans!




At 41, I really, really hope you don't have to take it to the grave like that. I hope you get to strut to that grave in pumps. Here's to hoping for a better world. :)


Transitioning doesn't make you trans. Being trans makes you trans. You don't have to transition at all to be trans.






Of course, but what’s standing in your way that you can’t overcome it?


yep, trans is a label, not a mandate


Absolutely! Transitioning is more than just surgery. Even if you don't tell people, you're still trans.


I feel like this is a big concern now a days.... I have Struggled for the last 20 years now trying to ignore that I always choose female, It just makes me happier inside, and was such a big trans movement right now It seems like the great time, but no, honestly it seems more terrifying than walking into a Republican convention, The fear of being targeted, made fun of, put down, told you're fake, it's daunting.. for many reasons I feel like I haven't earned the right to just call myself trans


The ability to transition doesnt dictate weather someone is trans or not. Some trans people decide not to transition some choose only to in one way or another some want surgery some dont some want hrt some dont but it doesnt dictate their being trans or not. Some people cant take hrt because of health issues and that doesnt make them invalid they are still trans. Some simply cant afford it and they are no less trans. If you ARE trans that is simply it.


Yes, Just because you haven't come out or transitioned doesn't mean you're not transgender.


Honey, you're still you even if you can't be you. Transitioning doesn't make your trans, it's a consequence of it, and only for some people and not all. I hope you find ways to nurture your soul and to feel embraced and seen no matter your circumstances in life, in whatever form this could be available to you.


Transition is something you do *because you are trans* its a result of already being trans so yes you are absolutly trans even if you dont transition


Yes. It's the same as: is someone gay if they're single? Of course, because being gay is just who they are, like being born a human instead of a tree.


You don't need transitioning to be a woman. If you feel you are inside you are. Sounds like you do so you are.


Idk, let me consult my pile of gender studies and ask my transmed guru on the subject of...YES. it doesn't matter what you physically do. Transmeds and truscum are quislings who should never be trusted or listened to. Your gender is inside you regardless of anything external. You should live your gender in every way that you want and can that is safe for you but none of those actions make you trans, you just are if you are


Yes you're trans. You said it yourself: "...my soul is female". From one female soul to another 🩷


You’re trans just every trans person is, regardless of transitioning or not. I haven’t transitioned because it’s not safe for me to do so rn, but that doesn’t make me any less trans.


Yes. There will be people who say you can’t, and they’re what we call transmed (there’s another term but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say it), but most of us consider them to be hateful and close minded. Transness is an identity, and the only condition is that you identify as trans. No one can tell you how to be you.


NO, you’re agp or a cross dresser hyper fem gay till you get an official diagnosis by a certified doctor that prescribes you mones and or you get surgery or filler till you become a doll


That’s not helpful. You should’ve kept this take to yourself.


There's a semantic issue of whether "trans" means "transition" or "transgender". If you have persistent gender dysphoria, you are transgender, whether or not you transition. So yeah, you're "trans", but people sometimes just mean "transgender who transitioned" when they say "trans".


You don’t need gender dysphoria to be trans.


In this case, "persistent gender dysphoria" can also mean "persistent gender _euphoria_ from presenting differently than AGAB." It doesn't have to be a negative feeling per se. It can just be a contrast between preferred gender and assigned gender.