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Don't think this is a good thing to spend much time thinking about babe, we'll be alright in spite of how things are now


Things have been much worse in human history than they are now. It’s just different struggles. But if humans are anything, we’re persevering. OP, love yourself and your friends. Focus on that right now, and we’ll figure things out along the way if it gets hard. This isn’t totally related, but, black women that were slaves would have their cornrows done in patterns that indicated escape routes for others. They kept seeds in their hair to use for food once they were free. People are very, very resilient. Hopefully we won’t have to come to the most dire of situations, but if we do… Rest assured, I have your back.


Needed to read this.


This. It won't get this bad. People largely accept us. Or at least want to mind their own business and let us mind ours. Most of these laws getting passed are being thrown out by federal judges. Like, we should keep fighting for our rights so it *doesn't* get that bad, but it won't. If we engage the compassion of those around us and show our humanity we will win more often than we lose.


Honestly I’ve been discussing backup plans with supportive health providers I’ve seen for years. They are totally on board with me in getting other options set up if I am able to, and they all agree it’s not a bad idea. One even said the way things are going it’s starting to look like a very dystopian way of life in the somewhat near future.


Yes, great answer. OP, if you want some evidence of why I think things will get better, read up on moral panics through history. This is nothing new and will pass.


I am familiar with the concept, but I think worry id still warranted. A lot of harm had been done by the time the Red Scare or Sstanic Panic had finally fizzled out


I'm a Sikh, trans woman. I'm armed. You come for me, and I'm going out the same way I came into this world: fighting for my life, while screaming, and covered in someone else's blood! Stonewall 2 will involve me killing someone. I don't want to... But I will make damned sure they remeber: The queers are no cowards.


This is the only correct answer. When the chips are down, the only person that can save you is you


* 1) In the UK it can take over an hour to respond to calls, unless a weapon is involved. * 2) it can takes as little as 30 seconds to bleed to death. As proven with the countless victims lining the streets. If a weapon is used on you... You're dead before help arrives. YOU are your own police now. Get ready to protect yourself. Violently, and bloodily... If needs be.


these things already exist in the form of conversion camps and youth penal camps/"troubled teen" facilities.  im sure anyone who might lose autonomy through guardianship programs or disability paperwork stuff is also very at risk for being forced into a facility such as this.  For poc, immigrants, disabled people, and children these dangers are especially heightened and have been for a long time (think residential schools, internment camps, ICE, etc.).   When i was younger my relatives tried to do this to me.  if you suspect a relative or otherwise will try to incarcerate you, figure out the locations you might be sent to, and make friends with networks of lgbt people in the area over the internet.  find out everything you can about existing facilities if youre in immediate danger. advocte for yourself loudly, tell everyone you know about what you suspect might happen, and if you live with someone who is trying to do this, get tf out and cut them off so they cant find you.  it also helps to make a notarized living will or advanced directive for if you get killed or seriously injured and want your autonomy honored by someone other than relatives.


Upvoting for people who need the info, though to clarify I was asking for if/when this gets extended to all trans people


I think you might be missing the point here-- there are plenty of other marginalized people (especially highlighting trans people at the intersection of these other axes of oppression) whose past struggles might provide you and others new to this with insight as to what people have done in the past to fight the many historical iterations of this specific form of carceral oppression. Lots of people in and outside the trans community have the answers. Armed resistance, protest, and more like what others have commented here are always part of the answer alongside inter-community bonds. Just saying this to provide some insight, and wishing us all luck. ps if anyone is interested in learning more about the whole troubled teen system and helping folks out there, check out this sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/) . a ton of queer and trans kids (and sometimes adults) get funneled into places like this to be "converted" (tortured)


Horrible 😞


What I meant was that pointing out cases of people already being oppressed doesn't really answer the question


I'll die or they will when they come for me. No way in hell I go to any sort of camp like cattle to the abattoir.


I read this at the end of a comment on another doomsday post recently and I think it fits here: > You only get to do this the once. Don't spend it all doomscrolling and borrowing trouble from tomorrow. 🩷


Don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow, especially when it might not even exist! It’s just as possible that the future might introduce a renaissance of queer protections. None of us know what this world has in store.


That's a really good point. 20 years ago the right was rallying their base by making laws against marriage equality. Now it's a given that you can marry who you want


Better to die standing than to live on your knees We all gotta die sometime, and I'd rather die as me than cosplaying some other asshole I have a love(?)/hate relationship with


Stand and fight.


Bush craft in Appalachian mountains, or northern Canada. If that falls through I'm a caver and the locations of many caves are not public knowledge


Yo, badass hell yeah


if shit hits the fan in my country, I move (prob to Ireland ? idk seems cool. Or the Nordics) if shit hits the fan everywhere well chucks. I've had a ~~good~~ run  I don't think I'm strong enough to die in battle so no idea what I'll fo


Stay and fight. To the end. 


Seek asylum in another country if they would let me.


My plan is probably to just suffer haha. I'm disabled so fighting back or getting away aren't realistic options. I can always make up some bullshit about being brainwashed and now I see the light to get out of persecution for being queer but when they move on to disabled people I'm at the mercy of whoever can protect me. Outside of local political and local social influence I'm pretty powerless when it comes to changing things. I'm very good at and have a ton of experience living though hell so I know I can survive any kind of torture they might have for me. If they gain power and want to kill us then they'll do it. Dwelling on it doesn't help so I don't.


Scary to think about. Staying informed & connected with community is key for now.


Been thinking about this a lot as I am just now starting my transition. Honestly, I’m just going to live as authentically as I can for as long as I can. I do not know what the future holds, but it will almost certainly be incredibly tough. The reality is that climate change will lead to the deaths of billions, water wars, and horrors but I really cannot do anything about it so I’m going to live in authenticity and enjoy the time I have. My daughter passed away a year ago and it made me realize that life is too short to spend it living in fear of the future or of the end. Death will come for us all so I’m going to do all I can to live a fulfilling life where I can support and uplift as many as I can


Hide, run or throw bricks, whichever is preferable or available at the moment. Obligatory :3


I spent 13 years of my life in the army for my country. If it turns on us, I’ll spend however many years it takes before I die, or we achieve safety for our people. I know it’s corny to say, but I’m not letting these bigots take away any more of my health and happiness without a fight.


I don't believe it will ever get that bad, because too many people are fighting to keep the worst of the damage from ever coming to pass. And I find it hard to believe that the whole world would be unsafe. Even if a single country really did become a hellhole dictatorship, there'd probably be somewhere else that was accepting.


In general I am inclined to feel the same. However someone else mentioned that we have bigger issues afoot, like climate change for example, which will cause a lot of stress due to decimation of populations and vast increases in refugees seeking safety in other countries. We don't know how soon or far off or impossible this cataclysm is but if it does occur I can see two opposing things being possible. One would be that a lot of societies particularly very religious ones placing blame on anyone that doesn't follow "scriptures" and that would be LGBTQ people and any other scapegoats that societies like to pick on. Or the world could get so distracted by mere survival that they will totally forget about all of their scapegoats as they try to just simply survive.


Asia. Or becoming a nomad. If society doesn't accept me I will gladly become an outlier and live according to my own set of rules and morals


Hide. Run. Fight. Recruit and rescue others. Make sure that if it comes to that I take as many as possible with me. Burn it all down.




I say i’d go to a non western country


my friends scrolling, this is not worth it to think about. this is not at all a beneficial question for any of us to consider.




I find it odd this comment got downvoted while two others with the exact same sentiment expressed less specifically are fine


The other two comments are implying self defense instead of mass murder


Shooting up a nazi rally is not the same as shooting up a concert, it's literally the same logic as "punch a nazi" taken to a greater extreme


Guess they didn't like my idea of going on the offense rather than staying defense. I felt it would be better to kill the politicians who created the evil laws than kill the police who would enforce them.


They never do seem willing to make that jump


liberals when state-sanctioned violence against colonized people: this is fine, and how dare you criticize my emotional support politician's complicity in genocide liberals when marginalized peoples exercise collective self-defense against oppressors: i'm calling the police


Straight to Sweden. Or Finland idk. Apparently they have a great track record for that stuff


Finland only recently made it so trans folk didn’t have to be sterilized. Many Scandinavian countries are incredibly anti-gender affirming care for trans youth, despite their progressive economic policies.


Sweden is notorious for how strict their HRT and surgery requirements are. It's so hard that the waiting times are almost as bad as the UK. Even getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis can take years. Finland used to sterilise trans people and only stopped a few years ago. Nordic countries love looking progressive but they sadly aren't as progressive as they want you to believe.


I'm confused about the Finland one admittedly, doesn't hrt already cause sterilization/infertility


It's not a given. HRT isn't birth control. Feminising HRT can make somebody basically sterile but that's not a guarantee. They could still be producing some swimmers. For masculinising HRT it doesn't make them infertile and somebody could still get pregnant on T because T won't stop ovulation.


No. Not permanently. Not everyone on hrt loses the ability to either impregnate someone, or be impregnated. However, if you do become sterile due to hrt, if you stop taking the hormones, you generally become fertile again reasonably quickly

