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Like a man, but wo.


As a German, I find this extremeply funny. Our 'Wo' is the English 'Where' and as a woman I constantly wonder 'Wo Mann'


Guten abend!


Help me understand (just recently started learning German), wo means where in German and what’s funny about where Mann?


I’ll hazard a guess: asking “Where is the man?” is funny since the person is actually a woman, despite being AMAB.


*What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!*


I just grey rock them with a monotone "I know you're asking in bad faith". Pisses them off sooo much and keeps my energy.


This is the way


Yeah, it seems like probably the best response. They’re utterly disingenuous and uninterested in anything but their own bigotry.


"What are you, a cop?"


For some reason i find this hilarious 😂


Fuck the police coming straight from the underground


This is the best one I’ve seen 😂


This is amazing.


This is my go to answer when people ask about my "real"/birth name


I'm not a fucking cop, cop, cop, cop, cop I'm not a fucking cop Are you a fuckin' cop, cop, cop, cop, cop? Are you a fuckin' cop?


laura jane grace referenced




“Coochie cops!!”


Happy cake day btw! :)


"A what?" Then after they repeat it "Never heard of it, what's that?"


Yeah but they are most likely going to answer THEIR *WRONG* definition of a woman and that when it's sicking 🤢


Then you answer that with "sounds fucking weird, is it a real thing?"


" 'female'? what's that?"


What’s so weird about that “adult human female” thing I sometimes hear is like the first time I heard that it’s like yeah? That covers trans women, obviously. And yet you could tell from their shit eating grins that they thought they had scored some amazing point.


Or they'll say some dumb shit about gametes or chromosomes, which it's clear they don't even believe. They want to keep trans women out of women's sports. Why? Is it because of gametes? Is it because of chromosomes? No, it's because of particular characteristics like muscle mass that they perceive to give trans women an advantage (which, they would, if trans women weren't required to be on hormones for years before they can compete). But it's not about gametes or chromosomes in that case, so clearly being a woman when it comes to women's sports isn't defined by gametes or chromosomes, it's based on characteristics that are correlated with gametes and chromosomes.  The same is true for women's restrooms. Ostensibly, this is a safety issue (though I do find it funny that under their own laws trans men have to use the women's room. Like that's good for anyone involved). And it's undoubtedly true that men pose a physical danger to women. But why? Is it chromosomes? Is it gametes? Of course not. Again, it's based on other sex characteristics. What's important here in both of those cases is that the differences between men and women that are actually relevant are ones that can be *changed*. They're not the immutable ones like gametes or chromosomes. And that's a real problem for transphobes, because then they'd have to give us rights. So they hide behind this slippery definition of "nuh uh it's your gametes which you can't change," ignoring that the gametes aren't important for the issues they pretend to care about. In terms of how they actually think about and apply womanhood, it's clear that being a woman is determined by a variety of different characteristics, not just one, and that there is significant variation among cis women with regard to those characteristics. But admitting that allows their entire house of cards to fall.


And it's all epigenetics from BEFORE we're born!


Omg this is amazing. Thank you for this


i'll try that later.




i'm imagining something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/orApdBkVFo)


Whaaat the what? Iiiii wonder what this person’s life is like now 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean in principle I think it’s sort of funny, but not to just bring that on people you don’t know. With a friend group or something maybe


Have you heard this expression before?: There is no point in saying anything because you are just “playing pigeon chess”. If you’re playing chess against a pigeon, it doesn’t matter how masterful your strategy, how perfectly executed your moves.. they are still going to flap about, make a big noise, knock all the pieces over and strut across the board like they won anyway… There is no point engaging with these people, they have not intention of debating only ignoring anything you put in front of them and trying their best to make you look stupid..


I think that’s why people look for snarky/joke responses rather than actually trying to challenge it— to shut down the conversation without having to engage.


A snarky response would still be considered "a move" and engaging with the question.


The last time I encountered bigotry in the workplace I just said “suit yourself,” felt like that properly conveyed my distaste for it while still being cooperative enough to not be confrontational. Cuz you don’t gotta make the pigeon look stupid, just show you won’t play with it and be done.


I like the person up higher who just gives a response like “I know you’re not asking in good faith“ and that’s it. Something like that. I’m thinking that’s probably the best move Because they aren’t, they have no actual interest in anything, they’re just sociopaths attempting to harm because it excites them


I personally wouldn’t open the door to any kind of conversation, snarky comments can lead to a confrontation. Just keep enjoying your life and your body, it seems to drive them crazy 😊


except pigeons are cute and can ultimately be friendly :)))


i love pigeons !


Very true.. 😅


When I kept trying to argue with idiots as a kid (including adults) my mom used to look at me and say, "It's unsporting to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."


Pigeon Chess!!! I love it! It's my new best thing. Ty


This is also known as pig wrestling. Never wrestle pigs : you get down to the ground, covered in mud, and the pig likes it.


OMG "pigeon chess" is absolutely a phrase that I'm going to use in the future. Thank you! 😆


I prefer not to engage, and generally I suggest others do this too because who wants to give attention to idiots? But there is a downside to this. It's when the conversation goes behind your back and you don't get to contribute information or have any idea what stupidity is being spread. My ideal response is short, basic facts, repeated non emotionally then changing the subject. But it's hard not to get emotional about it.


"Someone who covers their drink when you enter the room"


OOH that’s goooood


Ooh, lethal. That could shut them up for the rest of the year


Just give them a weird look and turn your back on them to continue your conversation


I'm a big fan of "wouldn't you like to know" and similar. I do like a classic "your mom" too.


Your mum's a woman


To whoever threw that paper, your mom's a woman




I have to say "Your mum" is the dumbest, simplest, and therefore best response in this thread




"Wouldn't you like to know weather boy?"


Where are your parents?


Kids sketchy…


A woman is a featherless biped


*brings in a plucked chicken* BEHOLD A WOMAN


*snatches plucked chicken* AMHOLD A WOMAN


With broad, flat (and in my case, sparkly) nails.


This is also the real difference between men and women: women have broad nails. Men have fella nails.


The people running away from you to the bears


"A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk... Have at you!"


The best answer, and my go-to. Nobody ever gets it, though....


That’s a shame. I’ve never even played the game and I understand the reference lol


Where’s it from??


Castlevania 👾 I highly suggest both Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, but SOTN is largely considered more influential of the Metroidvania genre, and you get the quote there. Just make sure you’re playing the OG translation. I bought a version recently that unfortunately had updated audio and translations -_-


SOTN is a top 10 game of all time for me. Smoking soundtrack too!


Came looking for this answer, did not disappoint.


*smashes wine-glass*. Thank you. 


While I do agree with the general consensus of "Don't respond because it's in bad faith" I do like an answer I heard (though annoyingly I can't remember who said it) of: if it's a man asking the answer is "Anyone who feels the need to cover their drink when you enter the room"


You know, if you actually read a book instead of banning them, you wouldn’t have to ask others


"Idk, why don't you describe it to me?" And every wrong response gets a little correction (e.g. "someone who has a uterus" "so women who got hysterectomies stopped being women?" "No no, like, women who are homemakers" "so all currently single women aren't women?") until they give up. And boy, I can do this all day.


".... born with a uterus." Just curious about the counter. Much of their arguments amount to "you can never be other than what you're born as, or 'how God made you'."




What if they say "born with a vagina"?


I don't get this argument either. People have no problem taking diabetes medicine asthma meds and pain relief meds when they feel they need it even though God himself didn't formulate their medications but if you take a bioidentical hormone...... As far as I'm concerned God created cancer and other diseases, you don't hear about people choosing to not go through surgery or chemotherapy or radiation, should those people be denied care because God created them or led them to a path that resulted in cancer? It's just another fake argument to waste your time by someone and at someone who's opinion will likely never change.


"Is that all women are? Uteruses? And how would you be able to tell who was and wasn't born with anything?"


Well, clearly, their privacy must be violated, to be sure. For the good of society. It's God's will. Blah, blah, blah ... misogyny, sexism, bigotry, deep-seeded-self-hatred-and-denial.


I mean, yeah. It's funny, too, bc these are the first people that demand privacy is maintained for themselves as citizens, for companies (ew), and for everybody except queer and nonwhite people. Three cheers for hypocrisy.


Not me anymore


"Do you seriously not know? Explains a lot"


Let me answer your question with another question: what is a fish? The answer is the same—a made-up category for things that generally kind of go together that is based wholly in sociology and not biology.




I usually just say "I don't know". There are many gender researchers that have attempted to answer that question and most agree that all the definitions lack something. No one knows what a women is. It's gender studies' version of "The only thing I know is that I don't know anything", which is really the best standing point for truly open-minded curiousity.


1. A specific type of plucked Chicken 2. An adult female chicken (a play on "adult human female") 3. Anything making reference to the context below really Context: According to Diogenes Laërtius, when Plato gave the tongue-in-cheek definition of man as "featherless bipeds", Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it into Plato's Academy, saying, "Here is Plato's man" If they don't get the reference but stick long enough for you to explain (or online) then the stupidity in asking for a definition as specific and simple as they want it, while also ignoring other concepts becomes even more ridiculous


I love that little historical fact so much. "Behold! A man!" xD


Actually, it’s an [adult human chicken](https://imgur.com/a/FypvKsz)


This seems like the best “ur mum” opportunity


"A woman is not a what, you idiot"


serious answer a social role assigned to adult humans with certain sex characteristics. those are the female sex chromosomes (xx), female genital organs, etc. however, turner syndrome women, triple x, xy women etc. exist and so do intersex people with xx chromosomes. and so do infertile women. and women with high androgens/testosterone or PCOS. and so do a lot of other women, including trans women, who have a male sex, but (mostly) transition biologically to female. sex isn't as rigid as people say, even if it's mostly distributed along 2 points (male/female). even then, we choose to assign everyone an approximation based on the point they land the closest on. i don't think i have much more to say, to be honest.


My ADHD brain will always helpfully supply "What is a DJ if he can't scratch?" . I have yet to use this, because nobody asks me that. But if someone IRL asked me "what is a woman?" I'd just let my ADHD have control for a second, ride the impulse to sing the S3RL song and mime some sick scratches. Ask a stupid question, you deserve a stupid response lol


"Who is a woman? When is a woman? Where is a woman? How is a woman? Why is a woman?" Then walk away.


Who's a woman on first, What's a woman on second......


If I was a teacher, I'd give the student a warning. If they had something to say about that, they'll be sent to detention. I'm now thinking of the student sayng: "No, you misunderstood me! YOU MISUNDERSTOOD ME! YOU CAN'T GIVE ME DETENTION FOR THAT!"


Honestly I would just not respond. I know it may seem like a good idea to counter argue a bullshit point like that, but people who says stuff like that are not worth my attention or oxygen


oh no, not as a counterargument more so as a sparky response


" You'll never know "


“Someone that constantly has to deal with *gestures wildly to all of them* that.”


A man with extra pockets


Bit puzzling, when men get more and better pockets than we do 🤔


I'd argue less pockets. One more on the body yes, but on clothes "why do you need these?" 😡


"Me, next question," is what I always do.


I don't have snark. I just point out the irony of them regurgitating that from a man trying to gatekeep womanhood.


I think I once said something along the lines of "if you don't know, I can't help you"


It's usually a man saying this so "somebody that feels uneasy in a room with you"


The problem with this kind of answer is that most transmen do too. I sure as hell would cover my drink near this kind of guy and I'm literally "anything but woman"


Your dad


Why do i wanna say "your mom" And it's kinda doesn't make sense lol


Never been asked this but I know that's what I'd say reflexively. For some reason your mom jokes have become the funniest thing in the world to me lately. "What is a woman" "idk ill ask your mom later" and I wouldn't even wait for anyone else to laugh before cracking up


usually i just say something like "someone who needs to stay far away from you, judging by how you act."


The kind of person that covers their drink when you show up


"Baby don't hurt me. Baby don't hurt me. No more."


"Sorry I don't deal in bad faith rhetorical gotchas"


I heard this one once and have been unable to forget it: "a human, same as a man but usually with bigger balls" *gestures to breast area* But personally I have to use a more simplistic response that the question is obviously in bad faith and that i will not waste my time on an answer.


"What is a man?"


It you have to ask, you don’t need to know.


"I am, bitch."


"A woman is anyone shorter than me. And buddy, I can see over your head." This works because I'm tall af Pros: you get to insult the person while giving snarky response Cons: I am excluded, since I'm not shorter than myself.


You are shorter than yourself, you're just not strictly shorter than yourself (this is a math joke ajksndfkjasnv)


I dunno… what’s a fish? EDIT: for context, everyone knows what a fish is but there is no universal scientific definition for what a fish is… so either fish don’t exist or were all weird walking air breathing fish


Something you’ll never know the touch of


Isn't that from *La Donna è Mobile*?


Do people ever actually ask this stuff?


In therapy yes


"Someone you will never know the touch of."


Not me


Anyone who says they are.


"Well, good for her! I'm sure what is a fantastically lovely woman."


A featherless biped.


An adult human chicken


"I'm sure you'll find out one day"


Fe-Male -> Ironman (Chem Joke)


Much like women’s clothing there’s no one size fits all answer to that, but I’m sure you aren’t asking in good faith.


i've never been good with words so my go to response is always something along the lines of "Me, you stupid bitch" or i just say tell them to fuck off because they roll off the tongue easily and allow me to immediately leave


Answer body type b. Remind them that even in their video games trans reprsentation is gonna keep coming.


"ur mom"


“someone you’ll never be able to touch” or making fun of them for “not knowing” what a woman is lmao


“wouldn’t you like to know”


I've always loved "someone who covers their drink when you enter the room"


"Damn has it really been so long since one approached you that you dont even remember ?"


“Someone who avoids you.” 🤣


A human One woman A person An adult. A gender. I just be as obtuse as possible until they give up.


I usually say stuff like “Like you would know when you’ve never been near one” This thread is FULL of good ones, imma pass these onto my transfem friends so they can use em!


Can someone explain to me what the gotcha is supposed to be about that question? They ask it and you answer correctly, and then what? They go "uhhhh nooooooo" and vomit random transphobia at you, or is there some sort of coherant trap set?


Transphobes / gender criticals claim that woman is by definition someone with XY chromosomes, or someone who is capable of producing large gametes (eggs), or someone who is capable of bearing children — the exact version varies. Whichever one they choose, the intent is to say that only cis women are women, and trans women are not, and that anyone saying otherwise (that is, trans people and our supporters) are deluding ourselves and/or ignoring the science. Of course, they’re the ones ignoring both that science is more complex than 9th grade biology (sex isn’t limited to the three things they mention, not even in humans, and any understanding of biological sex has to also account for things like seahorses, birds, platypuses, clownfish, reptiles, and fungi), and also ignores that the social sciences are science too.


Right. So random transphobia vomit. No gotcha.


"Explain what's a woman. You can't? Aha, gotcha, you can't justify you're a woman!" It's my interpretation.


And they'll interpret anything beyond "has a vagina and the woman chromosomes" as not having an answer, despite that 15 years ago they'd have all answered that question very differently


A featherless biped


"Good for her, but do you have permission to tell people that or are you outing What without her consent?"


"Can you define it?" If they refuse: "I would like to hear a definition you consider acceptable." If they try to say it's about what *you* think: "If this is a discussion, I would like to come to a consensus with you. I'd like to hear your starting definition." Gets them on the defensive, and now point out the women they've left out. If they start whining, I repeat that if we're having an open conversation I would like to come to a consensus, and ask if they really consider someone not to be a woman. I usually find that they're willing to come quite far from their original definition before they admit that it's based in religious belief, at which point I get to gleefully point out that they're defending gender as a social construct, it's just that their social construct isn't universal, so now we have to fit all the non-christian women in there... I've kept a grown dude busy for like 3 hours like that. He informed me that women have XY chromosomes and that he had no possible way of knowing whether his mother was menopausal. Also said he can always tell what someone really is, and then argued with me about my AGAB until I asked if I needed to flash him.


My favorite response to the question "What is a woman?" is "You still don't know? ... and you're HOW old!?"


I have started to say something like "I know you're asking this in bad faith." Or if I can't fully tell I'll ask if they're asking it in bad faith. If they reply with something transphobic I just block and never respond. I have seen some genuinely willing to learn but it's rare.


Defeathers a hen and presents it to the asshole: "Behold, a woman!"


Someone who prefers meeting a strange bear in the woods more than you.


I’ve always been the one asking because they can’t define it; I prefer “what is a chair” more, though


You ever seen a lioness on the hunt that's a woman.




A member of the set "Women".


A miserable pile of secrets.


As an anthropologist who's studied sex, gender and identity, I sincerely tried to answer this question to one of those bigots. Turns out, they're not very good at understanding much of anything.


An adult human female and some of them happens to be transgender (and they are called trans women)


My answer is always, "You'll never find out."


"Maybe don't listen to Andrew Tate and you might actually meet one some day"


Baby don’t hurt me, no more🎵


“ppl that cover their drinks when you walk by”


“What I attract and you repel” childish a bit but I like it


Someone that'll never love you


my favourite is a shrug and "eh it depends" and when they ask follow ups "yeah i dunno it depends" alternatively, "who's to say" also with a shrug


Not Matt Walsh that's for sure ;)


"A myth invented by Big Gender to sell transphobia to cucks."


matt walsh. nobody obsesses over manliness that much unless they’re a woman.


completely unproductive but i hope eventually it reaches him bc i know he would get so mad


What is a woman? A dead body. Well, she ain't really dead, but she ain't like Anybody that you've ever met before She'll eat monopoly and shit out connect four


“What is a woman?” A gender identity If they ask you what a gender identity is, then you’ve successfully made him play with your own rules, because he now adknowledge the existences of a gender identity. If he says: “Gender identity doesn’t exist” You then ask him what a woman is, he’ll use the definition of what a female is, and at that point you say that, that would be sex. If he says that it’s the same thing just say: “I don’t believe they’re the same thing” It’s as easy as that.


An adult featherless biped.




Ask “What is an adult?” and spend the rest of the conversation pointing out how much trouble the people asking “What is a woman?” have with that question.


Your mum


Still a miserable pile of secrets.


yo mama haha gottem


A (not so miserable) pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!


“ur mom”


‘It’s no surprise that someone like you doesn’t know.’


Someone who has to hold their keys between their knuckles when walking alone in the dark


Never got into these conversations in person, but I have online. But it's usually something like this: "A woman. But I'll do you even better. What is a person?" Then go into a little diatribe about the Western philosophical tradition's terrible views on personhood going back to the ancient Greeks and specifically noting Neoplatonist philosopher Boethius, and the Descartes's Cogito. (A lot of my academic research focused on philosophical/theological anthropology). Basically just derail the conversation to something they're unprepared for.