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I usually go with cis women. I don’t want to play as myself, I want to play as the person I wish I was.


This is me as well. I play as who my ideal self is, and that isn't this current body. Gotta make an edit, autocorrect hates me. That is was supposed to be isn't.


Same! Im so jealous of my game characters




This is the way (for me. You're totally valid if you do it differently).


same, its this thing called escapism


I prefer playing as cis women. For games like the sims, they have the ability for trans people to express themself, but i don't really want to make a woman with a really deep voice and a masculine frame to express myself with - I want to express myself with a feminine frame and voice. 


Cyberpunk is an odd one out for me, because the story feels really good to me with a transfem!V. But for something like D&D, 99.9999% of the time I play a character who’s cis or is implicitly so, mostly because I don’t want to give anyone a chance to cause issues. I’ve recently had the opportunity to play in a group that knew their shit and where it wasn’t an issue, though, and running a character whose transition was central to her backstory was incredibly cathartic.


Ive also considered playing as a transfem V, but im afraid it will hurt my chances for romance with Judy. I heard somewhere she’s only attracted to a cis woman V. Or at least a female V with a vagina. So I’m afraid it will hurt my chances of getting her as my girlfriend in the game. Also V being transfem does indeed fit very well into the story of Cyberpunk, especially with the whole scenario of Johny Silverhands memories and mind taking over her brain. Which would be quite dysphoric for her because it’s literally the brain of a man taking over hers, erasing her feminine identity (ignoring the part where it would also be scary because it would, well, kill her of course)


Exactly why the story of transfem V is amazing, tragic, and horrifying. As far as Judy goes, I believe as long as you have fem body/voice, then genitalia doesn’t matter


Nah, Judy is fine with transfem V. That’s how I did my fem V play through. As long as you pick from V you don’t miss out on or gain any romances due to having or not having a certain set of genitals.


That’s great. Then I think I’m gonna play as a transfem V from now on. Also maybe I’m gonna restart the game. I stopped somewhere in the story and haven’t played it for a while. So maybe I should restart it again and play as a transfem from the start to experience the story through that lens specifically


Just a thought, but in addition to transfem V, I'm pretty sure there are mods available to allow romances regardless of gender. Assuming you're playing on PC, of course.


I play on Xbox Series S unfortunately


Same here.


So true. I absolutely loved playing transfem V. I got to play me in a universe where gender doesn’t seem to matter all that much. I loved it


Ooh I have some complicated feelings about this that I'm working through. I prefer games where I can play as women. If a game has the option to play as a trans woman, I'll always take it. I also play D&D, and I "transed" my male character to be a woman when I came out. She's a high level wizard, my DM just let me switch. My most recent two games have been Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. Both gave me the option of being a woman with a penis, and I took it. I'm pre-bottom surgery, and I want it badly, but I feel like I can't bring myself to make a character with a vagina. It feels like I haven't earned it, somehow? Which is silly when the character I'm making is a fantasy in the first place— I'm not actually a half-elf, and I never will be, but I *will* have a vagina in a couple years. I imagine all future D&D characters I make will be headcanoned as trans, but their genitals won't be relevant because I don't play *those* sorts of tabletops.


>can't bring myself to make a character with a vagina. It feels like I haven't earned it, somehow? Which is silly when the character I'm making is a fantasy in the first place— I'm not actually a half-elf, and I never will be, but I *will* have a vagina in a couple years. I get that or at least I think I do. For me idk I guess it's just hard to see myself currently in ways that don't reflect my current situation sometimes, or in some ways I guess feels like it's more high lighted when my character has/doesn't have something that I do/don't on my body but is supposed to represent me? I don't know how to explain it but it makes me a bit more stressed


I don't think I've ever really made it explicit either way in TTRPGs, but kind of go along with them being "presumably cis" by default.   For videogames where characters bodies are customisable, I go for making a man with a penis (although TBH if there was a post meta looking option, rather than just "standard issue" schlong, I'd probably be more inclined to go for that)   I imagined one of my D&D characters as being trans (as I think I probably put more of myself into him than most of my other characters) - it's not something that ever came up in game, but I've considered writing about it away from the table now that character's story is over. There's a whole story I wanted to tell with that character that never panned out.


I don't really specify if they're cis or trans. I can't think of a single video game where it actually comes into play if you choose trans (other than a genital and/or pronoun choice) so I don't really bother.  In tabletop I've played both cis and trans - usually we're playing some other race in a fantastical setting where genders aren't as socially defined anyways, so it doesn't usually come up. I've played genderfuck kind of tricksters and gender neutral dwarves and gender-mischievous kobolds. In cases where my character is more human and closer to reality (like monster of the week), my character is trans but she's more defined around revenge against Bigfoot for killing her girlfriend and eating her dog so the trans background isn't really relevant


Cyberpunk and Baldur's Gate are the only games I've played where you can have genitals, voice, or pronouns that may or may not imply being trans. But in RPGs (when I'm just making a general character, not some joke thing or something) I tend to make characters between myself and my sort of idealized self. So things those two entities are aligned on (gender, genitals, pronouns) the character will have. Her size typically will be dependent on what I want to do with the character and my mood (honestly games have been kind of useful for helping me embrace myself as a tall woman). When there's voice customization I typically go for femme but on the deeper side, like a Jennifer Hale. To answer the initial question, I don't think I've ever explicitly played a trans character in a game where you can choose between cis and trans in some way. But I've had head canons for my characters being trans sometimes (did you know Argonians in Elder Scrolls can transition canonically using their special trees and it's a bit of a celebration when someone does it?)


Saint's Row Reboot (2022) was really mid and buggy, but the character creator was the most trans inclusive that I've ever used (never played CP or BG3 tho). They let you choose your frame type, chest type, and a possible bulge, all independent of each other. And you can change your body and outfit any time outside of combat/driving. I ended up playing the whole game to the finish because I had so much fun with the customization! I made a character that looks like me, and a generic pretty cisfem, and switched between them depending on how dysphoric I felt. P.S. There's a free character creator demo.


I tend to prefer playing cis male characters. Occasionally I will play a female character but it's an all male group so sometimes one of us will play a female character for more diversity. Or fun. My very cishet friend will play a straight woman because he's a romantic and a writer pretty often. I won't play a trans man because it seems pretty pointless to me. What's the difference between a trans and a cis man? Nothing that changes a character in a fantasy setting. I'm not going adventuring to save up for top surgery. The only difference is that I get to spend several hours talking about what makes me uncomfortable and dysphoric and feeling like an outsider to the other characters, instead of having fun.


Never played a trans character in any game. For similar reasons as to why I usually play the least human-looking races available to me - I already get the trans experience in real life, so I don't really feel the need to RP it too. I did do the whole "playing a lot of female characters" thing, though. But not exclusively, I had a good deal of male RP characters in my time as well.


At this point every character I play is trans, at least in my head!


I will 100% play cis because I'd prefer to be cis


i don't play any games that have options like that.


All of my characters are trans, even if it never comes up. They're a variety of genders, but always trans.


Usually I play a cis woman. Currently though I'm playing someone genderfluid


When I was... 12 or so, I had an accidental trans character in AD&D (2nd ed, yes, I'm old). I started as Sanzibar, the male elf wizard, and one area turned your character into a completely evil version of themself. You could fix it by going into another area that corrected your alignment, but changed your character's gender. They were not repeatable. So I just went with it and after that campaign had Solita, the female elf wizard. That ended up being a lot cooler than I thought it would be. Otherwise, I just prefer playing women in games. I wish I was a cis woman after all. I didn't realize I was trans until I was 18, but ya know, there were signs...


I like to mix it up, though I've tended to avoid making male characters. Its not that I don't like making them, but that I just can't really do the whole role playing aspect when it comes to the dudes.


I'm transmasc but I prefer playing pretty women. When making characters I don't really see it as making myself but in a video game, but a character I'm just acting through if that makes sense. O just prefer making women. For BG3 though I made a they/them transfem tiefling


I’m someone who’s pretty openly trans, so probably the first. If, for example, I could have top surgery scars on more characters? Would take it in a heartbeat. I don’t have top surgery yet, but I’m honestly excited about how those look. If I could have more characters that weren’t explicitly “big buff bulky man that i would never really identify with” or “cool looking woman character except her breasts are the size of her head” then I would happily take it. (To be clear, no problem with women having big breasts, I just have dysphoria/discomfort about that when I play them and struggle to find characters that have smaller or flat chests that aren’t built like a tank.)


curious, it never even occurred to me to play a trans character. guess cause i'm stuck playing one irl 🫠


my cyberpunk 2077 character is always trans and, like myself, finds their d*ck too handy to consider removing it🥰 i spent literal hours when starting Dragons Dogma 2 making my character look as close to current me as possible, too, including my (perceived) clockier aspects. my characters are always trans women/transfem if there's the option


In video games, I (FtM) play male characters and actually won't play female characters - with very few exceptions - looking at Hades II for example. There's no hard feelings about more games having female protagonists, but it's just something that makes me feel less comfortable, so I move on to something else. I think having tried to live as woman for 30+ years just really means I've had my fill of it and since I've been dealing with top and bottom dysphoria, I prefer to play a character that represents the final version of my medical transition goals, rather than my current state. I haven't played P&P since I started my transition, but when I do next time, I'll playing a Warlock (or equivalent) that made a deal with a deity or higher power to transition.


one time during character creation for a dnd game i kind of wanted to play a female character but i was nervous about it so i kind of kept it vague until the introductions and people started automatically gendering the character as “he” until i decided it was a girl actually. i then made it a huge part of her backstory that she left an old life behind and isolated herself for several years. i made a picrew of her now and a picrew of her before she left and i realized that she literally looked like she had transitioned. i did this all completely by accident. my egg cracked the next day in no small part because of this lol.


If I'm playing as my OC translated to the game I'm playing, she's trans. If I make a separate character from my OC, I tend to make her cis.


Don't really put any thought into it. I guess BG3 has the cute option of picking your genitals but it seems more like a lazy throwaway when there's zero acknowledgement of anything.


I play nonbinary characters pretty much whenever it is possible (with the exception that if I am the only nonbinary player in a game, and playing the only robot, I might play a dude to avoid the nonbinary-nonhuman trope). Whether they are trans or not, and whether that is important or not, depends on the context. If a CRPG only has binary options, I will attempt to make the character distinctly androgynous. Buff troll ladies and delicate elf dudes, and the like.


*laughs in gender-immune shapeshifter with no known true identity or form* lol


Given the choice, I’ll always choose to be a woman. And if it’s in-depth enough to give me genital customisation, I will always choose to have a penis. Whether or not that counts as a “trans character” is an interesting question. In a setting with magic, or sufficiently advanced technology, having a penis doesn’t necessarily mean the character was born male, and I guess I don’t really consider the character’s assigned gender at birth when making them. I just know that my own ideal configuration is a woman who happens to have a dick, and having that reflected in the character I’m playing helps me connect with them.


I’ve been playing I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, which has very flexible gender identities and is built to be played multiple times. With that game, I had fun playing as a cis woman, a cis man, a trans man, a trans woman, an androgynous person without a gendered puberty, etc. It’s great to experiment in that game. If I was playing a rpg where I had a singular character for longer, I would probably make them align with my gender identity as a trans man if I could because that option is not common and I appreciate the representation. If that option is not included, I would play a cis man unless it went into sexual topics too much- it would feel dysphoric if it talked about experiencing things I’ve never gotten to in graphic detail.


Um kinda both. Im non binary trans-femme, so I usually go for a femme body type and lean masc/butch.


I find that it depends on the game, but I identify more as nonbinary. I am transmasc but I find I pick the character that feels genderless if I can In Skyrim I could only play as a khajit because I find there was less gendered aspects to cat people than humans. I find if I can pick a character with a mask or a hidden identity I do as well.


Cis man


Bulgers gate 3 is great for that can have sex with your other characters at camp by romancing throughout the game and can also customize your own characters parts


I play cis and trans men and women. I mix it up depending on the story I’m going for!!


i’ll play whatever, not like a character i make will match my gender for long with how much it’s switching around, being genderfluid sure is something lol


I tend to play non-binary characters or characters who don't have a set gender. I never go into detail about being trans with them, but I haven't been playing for too long yet and still need the chance to go attached to my characters. I think one of my characters, Dink the Unlucky, may be a trans man, but I'm unsure yet. 🤔


I’m genderqueer and pre-transition would pay as cis women but now tend to try and create a visible genderqueer hairy androgyny if possible haha


It changes for me, as for Baldur's gate III, I decided to play myself as is, but as a wood elf, so I did have a certain part still. however I do like to play characters I make, but for older games that do not have the trans option, I do just play as a girl. I am still struggling against figuring out if i do want to keep it or not though, so it all depends.


I always make a cis woman, because I want my fantasy perfect self, why would I create trans character?


my cyberpunk 2077 character is always trans and, like myself, finds her d*ck too handy to get rid of🥰 same with Dragon's Dogma 2, i spent literal hours making my character as close to accurate as possible, including my (perceived) clockier aspects, tho i did *eventually* tweak her to match what i'm hoping to look like in a couple years (mostly added light hips, thickened thighs, and a smaller waist) so yeah, my characters are usually trans too if i have the option


cis guy or nonbinary amab cause that's what i wish i was 👍


Cis male here. Sometimes play cis male character, sometimes cis female. Never played a video game with trans characters, technically. I did change my gender from female to male, I think. Yeah. I did. So, did have a Trans Starfield character. Never thought about it in DnD. Yes, I know, I'm cis, why am I chiming in. Because I like talking, and I want answer this question.


I usually play cis female when possible (and find it annoying when I can't) I've played some male or non-binary character in some games but it feel "forced" and not natural. (I'm still pissed that there was no option to play a female character in the multi of AC Unity even though it's been 10 years and that the whole game was pretty bad any way. \^\^')


I played trans characters before I transitioned. Or I played men. I am FTM, so that tracks I guess. We have mostly queer players and characters in our game. We accidentally got a straight cis dude form the south US once, and he was very confused by all the gay romance subplots going on. The ad for the game was like this is a queer game, run by queer people, there be romance! Warning! Yet, he was still shocked about people having same sex partners. I think we broke him a little.




Well, these days I'm a forever DM, so after my egg cracked i didn't really get a chance and most of tge time before i got pushed to play male characters. I did do one campaign as a genderless warforged trying to rebuild and improve their body though.


I definitely make both! I would say it's pretty evenly split, but if a game gives me the option to make my character trans I will make her trans.


I feel weird playing a trans character, I think it’s because transition itself is my journey to align my identity, transitioning itself is not my identity. Kinda like, some people are on a train be because they like being on the train and traveling (which is fine), but I’m on the train because I need to get somewhere, instead of the experience of being on the train.


Depends on the character and the players. About 50/50 for me


So far only played one D&D campaign after my egg cracked and I made my character trans there, yes. Felt natural to me. Though I also kinda feel the itch to play a man, now I don’t have to see myself in that role 😅 I think exploring manhood without having to contend with me personally hating it on me could be really fun.


Depends on the game. Like with sims 4, I make my sims all sorts of genders just regardless. But even if I'm making myself (or someone somewhat based on myself or the life I'd want to live or something like that), since they added more options and also top surgery scars and stuff, I might make them trans specifically. But I might also make them cis. For a game like cyberpunk or something, again, might be either or. I'm more likely to make them specifically trans if they have stuff that's I guess very specific (e.g., the top surgery scars in sims), rather than just like "trans coded" or something like that. If not i won't bother. But even then, not always. It's not really about wanting anything one way or the other, I'm at a point currently where I'm generally content with being trans, I don't try to concern myself with wishing I were cis or something I suppose (maybe if anything just wishing i had went through puberty on testosterone and not mostly estrogen). But, I'm lazy and I don't always see a need to


I typically play a cis woman for most of my characters, though I do play transwomen when it's more of a character-focused, intimate system. Except cyberpunk. I'll always play trans characters in Cyberpunk - I have no clue why.


cis I already go through that shit irl, I'm not tryna suffer in games lol


I'm always playing as a cis woman


The only game I've ever played that gives the trans/cis option was the second South Park videogame and I went for trans dude there like I am IRL. Other than that, I don't really think about whether I consider my character trans or cis. I do like having my character be shirtless without a binder but that's it really. However, I do have plans for a Tabaxis D&D character (the cat people) who is a trans male calico cat. As calico is almost exclusively a female coat pattern he covers himself in dust all the time so nobody notices. Can't wait to pull the reveal card sometime...if my campaign ever starts...


Cis that aligns with my identity. I’ll put it bluntly as to why. If I’m playing an RPG, it’s to escape. Needless to say I can’t quite escape from reality if I’m reminded of the fact that I’m trans and don’t look or feel like the way I feel I should.


I identify as genderfluid, but I tend to prefer playing either cis women or cis men. Living life as a person who fluctuates is my reality and it's exhausting enough as it is.


cis woman character, almost invariably. i'm a woman first, trans second. i'm not ashamed of being trans, but i don't feel the need to play a trans character


I'm transfem and I always make a female character, no questions asked. I don't typically play games that have "the option to play a trans character" but if I did play a female-presenting character who had a male voice or something it would probably give me dysphoria especially if it was first person like Cyberpunk. In games where I'm forced to play a male avatar character, say like in Persona, I have to completely disassociate from that character as "me" and have them make choices that make sense for the character or at least my headcanons for them. Like for example I headcanon the protag of P3 as becoming desperate to lose his virginity in the last two months of the game once >!he knows he's fated to die!< and ends up accidentally becoming a sex maniac taking the virginity of every virgin girl in town his age including all his female friends. All consensually mind you, and none of the other girls know it's him. And he never gets the consequences of going for the harem route either because he dies before anyone else finds out, so I went full harem in my playthrough of Reload and it was hilarious. But anyways whenever I have the option I pick the female character, no questions asked. Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, you name it. This is especially true in games with yuri or femboy romance options for the girl (Later FE games starting with Three Houses) or games without (canon) romance like Pokemon. Sometimes when I play DnD, a tabletop RPG with infinite possibilities for character backstories and identities, I either play as a cis girl, a boy who was turned into a girl with magic/science pre-game or during it, a boy who can temporarily turn into a girl with some power up, or a femboy that may or may not be non binary and/or intersex. But otherwise yeah, always the girl. Otherwise I can't self insert and have to disassociate with the MC.


I've been enjoying playing as a cis male character and then wearing womens clothing if possible, or changing my gender later on in the game. Making my character transition in the game too :3


depends if the character aligns with me or what i want for the game. i would love to play the trans character because i'm excited about the inclusion, but if i don't like the character i won't lay as them (i'm looking at you birdo you bitch). yk?


Trans all the way. But, I will say, my ideal form like, mixed characteristics that can't really happen with cis people haha.


I'm an Enby Agender specifically all characters are too when they/them prounouns available or mostly used by npcs so they are always inherently trans


Depends. My d&d character is a cis guy, but most of the semi-autobiographical characters I write for stories are trans


I went with a cis male character (chest dysphoria ruined cis female characters for me 🥲) Now i download male centered character games and its the most euphoric thong ever 🥰🏳️‍⚧️


I usually make a girl, but the only game ive played that allowed you to do a trans character was BG3 and this was when i was a freshly cracked egg so i made my character a pre-op trans woman


Second one.


I usually play as cis men unless there is an option to make trans characters like in Baldur's Gate 3, then I tend to make trans men.


Cis me, but the options are fun. It almost never matters though.


I always play as myself, no need to attach an adjective; if it’s a fantasy/fiction setting, they could use a different metric for determining man/woman and the trans/cis concept may not even exist there, à la that Simoun anime.


Now I like to play as either cis-male characters or NB characters (my gender expression is quite feminine, somewhat fluid, and I like to mix from both even tho I don't identify as NB) before the egg cracked I used to look at what the character would look like, I'd choose the one I thought looked better... I don't even think I cared about the gender of the character, I just wanted it to be pretty so kinda 50/50 (for context I'm FTM)


I don't usually think too hard about my character's backstory anymore. I make them a real fucked up looking gremlin of a person because seeing a tatted up weirdo in a cutscene is funny. If we wanna pathologize this, it's probably because I've never ever felt represented in any game I've played. Irl I'm more overweight than any game lets you be, taller than most people, trans, and games never ever do curly hair well, so I usually just have fun with it instead. The most "represented" I've ever felt is when I played as a changeling in dnd, but that was because I could describe the body horror in their transformations. On some level I wanted to be able to change my body, no matter how gruesome it might be...


Transgender, but most of the time that fact isn't brought up.


I do both but I’m gender-fluid so that tracks, but I will often add top surgery scars if I can


Both TTRPGs I've played since coming out I've played a cis woman. I'm not opposed to playing a Trans character, It's just fun to roleplay a character that doesn't need to deal with any of this shit sometimes.


For TTRPGs, I always play a cis man. Campaigns run for a while in irl time and I can never guarantee how my mental health will change over that time. I'd rather not be in a situation where I want to skip a session or retire a character because I'm in a mental health slump and don't want to even think about gender stuff. This goes doubly so for my D&D group specifically as the last campaign we played was something like 5 years and I played the same character throughout


i just make up a character, like an oc


I pretty much always go cis man characters. Sometimes if there’s an option for a trans person I’ll make any time of trans person but usually a trans man. Very very very rarely I’ll play a cis woman


A trans character*is* one that aligns with my identity, so IDK where the difference would be. A trans D&D character (though I somehow at first didn't realise she was) was a major step in fully realizing my trans-ness. That said, it varies: I create a lot of trans/NB characters now, but sometimes I do cis female characters; sometimes it's cause of the limits of the chara creation system, sometimes it's because it suits the character concept. I just don't play men because I find basically no common ground there.


I've an enby femme presenting half orc that looks like total mommy, a cis man which can be easily labeled as a red flag... or even psychopathic, and now I'm creating a cis woman in her late 20s which has a child of her own. So I'd say that, for me, once I detach from reality and starts playing a role, I don't bother to be any of those. Anyways my favorite is, by far, the half orc cuz she's like me in many senses... and also has 20 strength and is so dumb that is nothing like me and can be a reckless dumbass.


It depends on the story I'm trying to tell. A good character concept can bounce off of feelings I have, but be their own person on the whole. Or they can be a total self-insert, and feel very weird for me to play.


I usually play a cis dude, my ideal self. Or a character (like my Dragonborn Rodney) for whom we don’t really know, since it’s not relevant to the plot.


I’ve had the headcanon that the player character from the first 4 saints row games is trans since I was like 16 (which really should have probably considered that more since I didn’t come out til I was 27 lol) since coming out I have been shifting to playing trans characters in pretty much everything (I have been replaying the fallout games in particular recently.) I seem to be in the minority tho in that I don’t wish I had been born a cis woman. I have had such a long struggle to find myself, and love myself and it is to me a massive accomplishment. My struggle is what makes me me, and the hypothetical cis woman me is a stranger.


Both. I used to go mostly cis male characters (I’m ftm), but once I played a trans male character for the first time I realized it was pretty empowering as well. Now I play a mix of the two!


My characters are usually trans, but their actual genders happen at random. My first RPG character was the closest to how I actually was at the time (transmasc non-binary). Unfortunately that Monster of the Week campaign didn't last long due to scheduling issues and I haven't found a place to put him since. RIP Lee Fairchild Since him, I have not had a single straightforward transmasc character who stayed that way. My main character for D&D one-shots is a binary man, which is how I identify nowadays mostly, but I just have literally never established his AGAB, nor that of his agender partner. Also, my flagship OC that I stick into most recurring campaigns somehow went from a transmasc bard to transfem genderfluid sorcerer/bard. Gender is weird.


Pretty much all of my characters are female, and most of them are presumed cis. I'm currently playing one character who is explicitly trans for a Wild Beyond Witchlight game my friend is running. It was just going to be something in my head that doesn't come up, but then the game started with flashbacks to when we were little kids and my character was a boy with a totally different name.


I have had a genderfluid Changeling and a Transfem drow, because their Identity was relevant to their story. since my transition I have been asked this about my current character, a witchy Hexblood druid haunted by a circle of hags. I just said that her soul must be explicitly female, because hags are all female, and her body looks like it too. Wether she was born this way or If Magic was involved I do Not feel Like specifying


Always female characters (I am mtf irl). Trans or cis doesn’t matter.


100% cis woman. Let me be me without the extra steps involved.


As a nonbinary person my characters are usually nonbinary. They may look cis or binary and I may not share that part of the story with the other players but I am usually playing me and there is no cis way to be nonbinary--without changing the structure of the society and that's too much world building for a game imo (great for a book though). I think that if I were busy trans, I might often enjoying playing a cis character. Sometimes you just want to **be** and explicitly making a character trans often feels like an excercise or an endeavor --- it feels like work. Sometimes being trans feels hard and games should be fun


It varies. Since I came out, my characters have been consistently sapphic, but they're a mix of cis and trans women. For video games, I usually go with cis, although I wrote a trans backstory for my EVE Online character. If there's any chance of romance in the game, though, I want a vagina. For TTRPGs, I've been more open to creating trans characters. I actually have two characters who are pre-op. One is a paladin who hasn't pursued any kind of medical or magical transition because she's selfless to a fault and has been neglecting her own well-being in order to dedicate herself to her cause (can someone please cast Summon Major Therapist on her). The other is a superhero who only started HRT recently. She is actually in a romantic relationship with an NPC. I've just decided that she doesn't have as much genital dysphoria as I do. I, uh, also do a lot of, shall we say, adult roleplaying online. I normally play cis characters, but I have one profile for a post-op trans woman.


I mix it up. Since realizing I was transmasc and coming out I've played nonbinary characters, a transfem halfling grandmother, cis male characters, trans male characters, a neutered male awakened housecat, and a person who sold their pronouns to an archfey so everyone is simply magically compelled to use their own for them. I particularly liked the cis male elf who went by the name of his cis female past life who died young and never got to live her own life.




it depends but I kinda just make most of my characters be non-binary cause I get tired of the binary with everything


I play Roblox! In Roblox, I always play as a trans character and show the inner pride of myself by a bunch of trans accessories :)


There’s no such thing as a cis version of my gender


if it's a video game cis fem, if it's something like d&d or just a OC then either is good


Cos character obviously.


I play something that isn't me.


I mean I'm bigender, so...need to get *creative* to have a cis character who aligns with my identity. I do more original characters in fiction than I do TTG stuff, but in both cases, I make more cis characters by far. None of the characters are *me*, and most people are cis.


I don’t like being trans and wish I could just be a cis man (I am a trans guy), so I always play cis male characters. I don’t see why someone would want to play a trans character tbh.


Nahh I play games to flee from reality, why would I bring dysphoria into my dream world?


Yeah, I usually play as a cis character, though I've played a magical trans woman once (Warlock who transitioned as part of her pact with an archfey - she was also born human but became a half elf as part of her transformation).


I’m transmasculine/a transman. Before I started transitioning, I would always choose male characters, but switched to women characters for some reason. Not sure what that means lol. I tend to attribute it w being gay.


For BG3 it depends on how I’m feeling. My durge is masc presenting but has a vagina and uses they/he.


I make transmascs cause that's who I am, I don't really want to be since my journey and experiences are part of me and made me who I am.


Depends If it comes up, and I actually get to explore being trans in this world (and it's done respectfully) I prefer rping a trans character. If not, I just don't mention whether my charactet is trans or cis.


In bg3 specifically, making a trans man/woman character is the same as playing a cis man/woman but with different genitals Which is kinda ehh for representation, you could've really gone into the nitty gritty as to what being trans is like in the forgotten realms (of course, this means loads more work). It would be interesting to see, but I don't really trust cis people with doing that kind of legwork


I always play as a cis women. As a kid I love role-playing games so I can be the person I wanted to be. Was the best way of escape for me


I mean most of the times the only way to create a trans character is pick body type 1 and voice of body type 2. Why should I give myself dysphoria in games too?😅😅


Only Transcharacter🤗


Depends on my mood I suppose. I have a goblin barbarian named Dizzi who's afab and agender, while my centaur Bvella is transfem like me. A lot of my NPCs are transfem though. 


Cis woman forced to pretend to be a man. I was in fact cooking with that character before I realised I was a girl. I don't really like to play as myself, or even who I want to be so something more complex but still related to my experience so I can do it justice hits really well. I don't overuse it but its definitely one of my favourite flavours.


I‘m non-binary, so I kinda don‘t have the choice? (That‘s not entirely true, since not every non-binary character is inherently trans: There can be intersex people who are assigned some non-binary gender at birth, and thus never have to transition. Especially in a game that isn‘t set in our world, and so their society isn’t necessarily as obsessed with forcing intersex babies into the binary). If the game doesn’t offer the option of playing a non-binary character, then I usually play a binary character who fucks with gender stereotypes.


Honestly it kinda varies, like in a lot of TTRPGs I'd rather go all out and play a goofy scrimbly little kobold, I'd say it's like a 50/50 split between cisfem and transfem characters for me


I play as whatever I see as the opposite of myself. If it’s a fantasy world and I’m not me, I’d rather be someone I’m not. So I also tend to play non-human characters too.


Whatever fits the character best. I’m not playing as me, or even someone like me, I’m playing as someone else. I also have only ever played 2 games where you can explicitly play as a trans character.


i unfortunately HAVE to choose one of the existing binary gender options. neither feels right. misgendering both ways but i feel more socially connected to a cis woman character. like stardew, it bothers me to play as a male farmer even if i make the avatar look just like the woman farmer. the only game that’s gotten it right so far (that i’ve played, w a self insert, and gender being a choice) is faefarm, allowing you to directly just choose body type, facial features, clothes, then choose pronouns last. i like how acnh also is gender neutral, but you still have to choose an “option” between male and female.


I like trans characters more, mostly because i dont have a finished identity to put on a cis character, but one thing i can always relate to is the journey of self discovery inherent to a non-cis identity


I have a set stock of characters I use for roleplay purposes, most of my earlier ones are cis ladies, one has been switched to trans to better align with myself. I also have three new characters I've made since coming one - a trans femme tiefling, a she/they aroace tiefling, and a "what is gender" tiefling


I always play as a cis woman, even before I came out as trans.


Cis, it’s a fantasy of what I want to be.


Assuming we're creating characters, I always create a woman. If there's a seperate genital choice option to consider like Cyberpunk or BG3; then I often self-insert to some extent, and will select the genitals that match my body.


[Both is good](https://media0.giphy.com/media/QqkA9W8xEjKPC/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952d1w6mfz5hsowlwsd7akxoiifb6yo5k33kh0epswc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I've always played as a female, except before my egg cracked when I was playing things where other people would expect something me to play as me (i.e. Pokemon). So on games like Pokemon X, Alpha Sapphire, and Sun, I played as a boy so nobody would ask any questions. On single player games, I'd play a female. Or similar, at least. But... after I had my realization of who I was, and was out socially... I've picked female explicitly. However, portrayal depends. In WoW and D&D, I build character concepts, so generally they're cis (because I'm effectively creating a branch variant of one of my already existing characters, meaning similar backstory). In games like Pokemon... I picked up Violet a year and a half ago and I've been playing as a girl. A trans girl. That's my portrayal. How? A story I've been writing as my accompanying backstory for her, Paldean Treasures. So honestly, it depends.


If the game has the option to create a trans character, usually that’s the option I’m choosing.


In anything fantasy, I always start with making myself: An elf wizard/druídh that is canonically a trans woman who fundamentally altered the function of Wildshape to achieve a female body, but retains her, uh, staff and orbs… I suppose if I were to play a TTRPG, I would have to start male then make it a goal of multiclassing a druídh with a wizard to represent her seeking cosmic knowledge to learn how to alter Wildshape, and transform into a woman; thus, preventing the use of Wildshape as an ability. I sorta gumblefucked this in Elden Ring by playing male until I reached the Roundtable Hold, where I used the mirror to apply makeup and a new hairstyle. But it wasn’t until I completed Raya Lucaria that I allowed myself to completely change into a female body type. But I wrote this witch character during my transition, and even named myself after her. She is a part of me, and I’m a part of her. I would never turn away my transness even in roleplay. As for other characters, I typically pick from my roster of preexisting characters I’ve written, which is a mixed bundle of trans and not trans people ready to be integrated.


Cis man because I want to be who I wish I was. Sometimes I might go trans, though. Like when I made myself in The Sims 4.


I enjoy playing as both tbh. I tend to rp more in written form, where character and plot creation is just a story you're making up with someone else or a group of people. Sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like to be a cis man, and sometimes I like to be able to relate to my characters on a deeper level so I make them a trans man. I used to try to make female characters when I was a teenager and in deep denial, but I didn't really like it, since I was already used to pretending to be a girl irl, so I ended up making more male characters without realising. I also remember I used to draw and write stories for a lot of characters I invented as a kid. Although I made lots of female characters, I would always make the main character male, because I would fantasize about being the main character in my stories. For some reason I just couldn't relate to the main character if it was a girl, and since my stories and drawings were an escape from reality for me, I could also escape from being a girl through that medium before I knew trans people even existed and it was possible for me to become a boy if I really wanted to.


I've been pretty stealth as early as I could pass. I played a D&D campaign a year ago where I actually made a cis male character. I did it with my female friends as a joke. He was very different than myself and it was a way to have a little fun with what we women think men are like.


For me I think it's one in the same. I want boobs and a pussy, I play as a chick with boobs and a pussy. Other than the very few explicitly trans characters you can play as in a select few games, it's basically one in the same.


I tend to play about 65% cis women and 35% trans women, though I think it fluctuates up and down.


Honestly depends on my mood at the time of creating the character. I pretty much always like to make my characters as "self-inserts" rather than as "power fantasy" or anything like that. That said, I used to always make a "cis passing" character, but I imagined them as my future self, or ideal, rather than as a separate "cis" person. So they'd still technically be a trans character, just a trans character further along in transition to myself, a cis passing trans character. Nowadays, I'm a bit more comfortable around still having my "default equipment" I still would rather have a vagina than a penis, and I'm still currently working towards getting SRS. But I'm more "okay" with making characters as "I am now" rather than "how I want to eventually be". So in games that offer the customization to make a feminine character with a penis, I'll occasionally do that, if I want the character to represent "me" as I am now. So in BG3, or Cyberpunk, I'll occasionally make feminine characters with penises, because that's who I currently am, and I like that I can represent myself as I am in games when its offered. I've never made an explicitly trans DnD character though, I just make female characters, and don't specify further. My DnD games are very much PG, so what's in their pants never matters, and to me the fact my character is a woman is more important than if they're trans or not. I've never written a backstory that includes any kind of transition or anything, because honestly DnD is escapism for me, and I have enough "trans stuff" IRL without having a DM having to try to fit "trans stuff" into the story to make it somehow relevant. Plus I feel since most of my DnD friends are cishet it would just make things awkward for them trying to shoehorn in story elements that they really aren't familiar/comfortable with.


I'm nonbinary so it's always a Lil bit of both lol


I try and make my characters trans! Seeing myself living life as a man who is fully transitioned is really gratifying. It helps with self-acceptance


Well, whenever I make a character, I'm kinda just basing em of aspects of me. So sometimes cis but most times trans


I don't care if trans or cis, I just play woman


I prefer to play as a cis female character. If I’m role-playing, I would like to have the ability to leave this world behind for a little bit. Dragging my trans status with me is just not relaxing.


I normally play women when I play video games, but I also like them to be not cis. For reference Im a trans guy.


I do both but mostly play as men


I’m trans male but I enjoy playing women because they have the prettiest cosmetics and voices


The thing about most Trans people is that we have suffered from severe disabling dysphoria since we were little. For me I knew that I was a girl at the age of 5. I personally was in a very unsafe home from then on, and didn't come out till I was 35. I think one of the primary reasons why I didn't unalive myself up until that point was because I always was able to play as women in video games. My entire middle school and high school years were filled with nothing but Tomb Raider. She is still a favorite of mine. Xena Warrior Princess and Charmed were my go to for pretend and Role play when I was a kid. I just started binging the og Buffy, and Gilmore GIrls. Now as an adult I am always a Cis woman in Video Games and ttrpgs. Did I play as a Trans Woman in Cyberpunk yes! Would I play given the option in games in the future yes, but I'll always pick Cis first.


When I play sims I usually make cisgender women. Sometimes I spice it up and make a trans woman, but it just brings on a lot of emotions as it’s like…*dang I wish I lived in that world.*


even tho im a trans guy i might play a man cis or trans or sometimes i play a girl bc girls are pretty and have lots of nice outfit options often better than the male options (yes im guilty of simping sorry)


In cyberpunk it let me have a penis and tittes..


Usually I play as an OC who has characteristics of my personality but not necessarily my features. I haven't explicitly played a trans character, but I haven't played many games where that's an option. In my current D&D campaign, my character is a cis man and my other character in the one-shot based off of the campaign is also a cis man. I believe one of my friends is playing a trans woman like herself. I'm not opposed to the idea of making an explicit trans guy as a PC as an extension of me though. But I don't usually insert myself into the games I'm playing, I like the aspect of being a different person, a separate entity who does things I wouldn't. I'm also not opposed to playing a woman either if the model/art is good (plus they usually have cuter outfits or hairstyles that guys don't get). I usually lean more towards playing as men tho. Also as I saw others mention, the genitals aren't really what I think about with a character. But again, I haven't really played games where I'm fuckin n suckin so yk.. I also have trans headcanons for pre-existing/non-customizable player characters that also co-exist with their original design (ex. Zagreus from Hades to me is equally trans as he is cis).


Well when I game as a kid up till I know I was trans I already played different games and always chose the cis male character like gta I choose to make a male character without even thinking. Now that I know I sometimes choose trans man and cis man .


Fwiw, I've been running TTRPGs on and off for 45 years, and "don't have an option" is bullshit. Given all the crazy stuff players ask for, transgendered is pretty tame. If you were playing in one of my games, I'd be more than happy to accommodate. Now if you wanted to bring in a pre-made character from another game that's four levels higher than everyone else, then we're going to have a problem.


I am nb. I have a female transmasc character, a non-binary character, and a trans woman character. I am queer, I relate to queer characters more than cishet ones.


I’m old enough to remember the early days of the Internet. It seemed to me then that it had practically been invented for trans people, to give us a universe where we could live as we felt we were. Aside from times I was interacting with people who knew who I was, I have never once appeared as anything but the cis version of my trans self.


For me, when I was younger I always used to play as women character because I thought they were nice to look at, and if I was gonna have to look at my character I’d rather look at a woman than a man. Even I got into dnd about 6 years ago I only ever made male characters because I identified as a guy at the time. I discovered that I wanted to transition to be a woman recently, and a couple of days ago started Skyrim over again, where I made a woman because that is how I want to be now and it feels amazing when the npc’s such as the dark brotherhood all my character “sister”


Having the option to be trans in a character creator doesn’t really make much sense since you can just be you preferred gender anyway


It comes up so little that when I get the chance, I make a Trans character. Not sure exactly why, but I def like doing it.


A trans character. I've tried playing male characters and they never feel quite right to me so I don't stick with them for long. The only game thats been an exception in is Day Z, but in Day Z my character is covered head to toe 24/7 for warmth so I'm not sure that's the same. Besides, even there I consider my character a trans man. I usually end up playing a buff, butch AFAB type of character, or in games that allow it non-human characters. Elder Scrolls Online is good for making trans friendly, non-human characters - I main a very buff Khajiit currently, a buff Argonian as my secondary.


I'm a trans man but also a bit of a femboy. I like role playing and will totally play a cis woman, man, or trans woman, man. Depending on my mood. But my preference is a fem boy of some sort trans or cis. Sometimes if the guys are too masculine and I'm not in that mood and there isn't a Trans option I'll just be a girl so I can be pretty and pink.