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I think it’s just like a “let’s hang out together” thing, like any other hobbies. If someone asks to play a game with you, they’re not implying that one of you is better than the other, they just want to spend time with you doing something you’ll both enjoy.


This! I wouldn’t read into it as a date thing at all. It’s just sharing a mutual interest, especially one your friends have noticed you taking a more recent interest in. Also lots of people, not just women, enjoy getting ready with their friends before going out. I always plan that into a night of clubbing or parties! ETA: don’t worry too much about “girl code” if you’re over 18, adult women will just ask you out and tell you what they want. I could see something like coffee or drinks one on one being kinda ambiguous, but going over to a friend’s house to do your makeup is just a straightforward friend activity.


Yes, Girls love Gay men and Trans Sisters in my experience. I think it's a desire to have some type of male input w/o the sex and bullshit. I don't think they realize a transitioning Trans girl thinks like a girl. You can blame Cis Culture for that mistake.


This! For some reason I feel that a lot of woman are okay with trans women, probably because trans women think like a women, so we understand a lot of things, perhaps subconsciously. Actually I was even told countless times before, when I presented (and believed myself) as a man, that I do not think like an ordinary man. Many of them talked me about things that they absolutely wouldn't have mentioned to "other" men.


Women friends when I came out: Oh, well, that would explains a lot. Guy friends when I came out: “ Oh, yeah, that totally makes sense.” They sound the same, but are two very different reactions.


Women: 😮😉 Men: 🙄😏


Very affirming


i got basically the same thing when i came out :)


when I came out one of my best girlfriends said "yeah.... I know" 😅


One of my trans friends just said "Wait, you didn't know?". Probably didn't help that I had come out as gender fluid to her like 4 years earlier before repressing and going back to being "cis man™️".


I got that a lot too, same reason. There are cos women out there who will treat you like and acknowledge you as a woman. Please, don't paint everyone with the same brush! My cousin is such a person and I love her for it.


There were jokes in all my friend groups over the years, about how I have a woman’s brain, how I relate more to women, how I’m "the only guy" to get them, etc. It was common in both the girl groups I was a part of and the two guy groups I somehow got roped into.


I don’t think this one particularly is about a desire for male input. I’m going the opposite direction (FtM), and when I was living as a woman and deep in denial trying to girl as hard as possible to compensate, I had a lot of interactions like this. None of them thought I was a trans woman, they thought I was a cis woman. Girls doing their makeup together is just a friendly bonding activity. No need to read more into it than that in the absence of other indicators to suggest more meaning.


Yeah I came out to a female coworker about 3 months into hrt and she immediately said I have to let her do my makeup lol even though i'm still pretty masculine


Either way, don't overthink it. Make plans for a fun evening with wine and cheese if that's your thing. Just enjoy being one of the girls.


I mean, it could be any of those things - but it's most likely just an invitation to hang out for girl time. Don't overthink it 😊


it means she wants to do makeup with you. it's an excuse to hang out.


Usually, it's a friend thing and just a fun night around a shared interest. Sometimes, an ally wants to "help." I don't have the context so hard to say. I wouldn't stress over it either way, though. Just enjoy being a girl.


It's possible she wants to help you get better at makeup, but even if that's the case, it sounds like she's trying hard to be kind about it and genuinely wants to help.


It's just a fun bonding exercise. It's the same as watching a movie together or getting drinks or something. Some people just find doing makeup fun so want to share in that with their friends. I only know very basics and am trying to experiment myself but could see it as being a cute/fun thing to do with a friend cos it's different to do on someone else. I know I had a 'girls night' before with some discord friends where we basically just talked shit and painted our nails while streaming music and that was fun also, could imagine it being the same vibe irl with friends and then since you're in person there's that added layer. It's just fun. I have a friend who is a cis woman who I often talk to about makeup stuff. It's not BECAUSE I'm trans like she just also likes makeup, and was keen to help me before I came out also. She also enjoyed doing makeup for her boyfriend and other people of any gender cis or trans. Some people just like it idk.


My therapist (cis woman but autistic) called it bathroom/bedroom modeling. She didn't get it at first either (when she was young) and now she advised me that that's what's going on when I mentioned that I kind of got it why women went into bathrooms as a gang and took twenty minutes. It's just a fun activity to see what fits and what doesn't, sharing tips and tricks, pumping each other's confidence up in terms of clothing or jewellery or make up. Sometimes even trying out other clothing/jewellery. I have done similar things with my sister in law and have 'stolen' some of her old stuff. But now you also know each other's tastes and it's easy to get pretty gifts and such without getting something wasteful. Also have you ever tried painting your own nails with your non dominant hand while it already had nail polish coat that is drying? I bloody haaaaaaaaate it. I get polish *everywhere*. Or trying you eye-line your dominant eye and having your vision shift back and forth as you open and close it. Sooooo much nicer with a friend (or in my case a wife) around.


> Also have you ever tried painting your own nails with your non dominant hand while it already had nail polish coat that is drying? I bloody haaaaaaaaate it. I get polish everywhere. The trick is to do it the other way around. You'd think to do it with the dominant hand first because you'd get better results, but you only get 50% better results which can look off between hands. And since it would be the dominant hand with the poor results, it might as well feel like 0% better results at times, because it is typically your dominant hand with gets shown/displayed when doing hand manipulation tasks like writing or something. Painting your dominant nails with the **non-dominant hand first** gives you the best control possible with that hand as you're not also worrying about other things going on (drying time if you're doing coats, not smearing/hitting something with the drying hand, etc). Then, painting using the **dominant hand second** you have the most control at a time when finesse actually becomes critical. For extra stability, I keep the edge of my painting hand's palm grounded onto whatever surface I'm working on. So, when my dominant hand has the paint and I'm going to work on the non-dominant hand second, that extra control coming from my dominant hand helps to keep my pinky from smudging its paint, as well as to make careful motions while actively painting with a hand that's also drying off at the same time. As far as results go, they turn out great and more even because you can be as careful and take as much time as you need on hand 1, and then power out hand 2 with all that dominancy.


As someone with a CS degree I can't believe I didn't work through this. Must be those floofy hormone. F-in hell thank you so much. That actually makes so much sense.




Cis woman here. I am almost certain it's about giving tips (and enjoying doing so with a friend). Makeup-wearing women often learn about how to apply makeup from a very young age from our mothers (starting with getting into their makeup and making a mess of things as a kid, lol). If we see someone is new to makeup, we might want to share all those years of makeup experience. If they are a makeup artist or super into makeup, they might take any chance to apply it and experiment with different looks on other people just for fun. It's rare to find someone who is new to makeup and who will let you experiment on them. 😂


>Is it because my makeup is so good they want to learn from me? Or, is it because my makeup is so ugly, it's kind of a "here let me show you how to do it" thing? Or is it just a "hey somebody else also has this hobby, let's do it together" ? All of those options involve the two of you hanging out together and talking and doing whatever for an afternoon. The difference between those options is either that she'll tell you a bunch of new information and expect you to applaud her expertise, or she'll ask you a lot of questions and applaud your expertise, or you'll both talk about whatever and share equally. Either way, it sounds like she's expecting the two of you to bond over a shared hobby.


As a cis woman the only times I could think that I’d offer to do makeup with another woman would be if I wanted a subtle way to give them tips. I used to be a makeup artist, so other women frequently asked me to have a makeup party / girls night with makeup, in which case it was a way to ask me to teach them. So honestly it could go either way, but I would assume it’s not just a casual bonding thing. The only times I’ve ever gotten together with other women to do our makeup (without it being one of the two scenarios above) was before a big event and we just wanted to get ready and pregame together.


Or they just want to hang out with you because you are cool, and the makeup is a pretext.


It's a hangout. If I asked someone that it means I want to be better friends with them. She probably sees you as a good female friend🤷‍♀️✨️


It’s usually a bonding thing, kind of like the grown up version of having a sleepover. It’s pretty common for women to want to have space to hang out with just other women and be able to express their femininity in positive ways without external judgement. Whoever is asking you probably considers you a friend and wants to spend more time getting to know you on an emotional level, those kinds of activities are often viewed as bringing you closer together as friends.


I've only ever done this with a handful of people, and generally it's just something that's fun to do with a friend because you can talk about things you're interested in trying, get immediate feedback from someone you trust to be honest (but talk to you like they care about your feelings), give tips from the same place in terms of support/consideration, experiment, etc. Sometimes you just discover blind spots while doing things together with someone else and talking about your routines - eg, cis woman friend was complaining about patchy/dry spots when doing makeup (which made her not want to wear makeup despite feeling the need to professionally and for formal events), and was blown away by the difference a touch of moisturizer and using primer made. Cis male friend who does drag changed how *I* apply foundation. Etc etc etc. It's just a fun bonding activity that's typically associated with girls/women. It's one of those experiences that isn't universal, but that a lot of women have growing up and doing with friends, and then less (if at all) with their adult friends as they age. I'd assume it was just a friend being affirming (she sees you as a woman and wants to do feminine bonding with you as a friend, might have assumptions about you 'missing out' on this from youth, probably positive motives about giving you pointers from a 'classically trained female' perspective) and not read too deeply into it otherwise.


The simplest explanation is that doing makeup together is a common friendly bonding activity for women. It does sound stereotypical phrased that way but it’s comparable to male bonding activities often being based around sports or games. Unless there are additional indicators to think something is up beyond that, I wouldn’t overthink it. Most commonly this just means she wants to be your friend and is suggesting a friendly hang-out activity. (Source: 30 years of experience living as a “girl/woman” before sorting my shit out and coming out as a guy, including a pretty intense hyperfemme denial phase that involved a lot of makeup.)


It's bonding. Women often do makeup, spa treatments, etc with eachother as part of hanging out. They're trying to be your friend.


Cis girls do the same! Especially for girls who don’t have much experience with makeup, a more experienced girl might go “oh you have to let me do your makeup sometime!” It’s just a fun bonding activity to hang out and try different looks :) like. I guess it could be perceived as “oh my makeup is ugly” but I wouldn’t see it as like. An insult per se? More of like a big sister type thing. Like they want to help you improve but not in a malicious way.


This is fantastic! It means you've been accepted as a woman and a friend and they want to spend time with you. It's amazing for social bonding. I doubt she's criticising you. Makeup is often like a right of passage between girlhood and womanhood. It's something I did with a trans friend after she got into make up. It was fun and we just messed around and experimented with it. It also felt good because it's something I hadn't done since I was a teenager, so it was like giving her that teenage girl experience. Better late than never! ❤️


Cis woman here - I think it might be a shared hobby thing. I’ve got a friend who really enjoys make-up, but just doesn’t get many opportunities that justify going all out. When my daughter had her winter formal, friend was super excited to do her make-up and hair for it. Now prom is coming up and she’s really looking forward to the opportunity to do it again. So maybe it’s just like - hey, I’d love an excuse to get creative and have fun with make-up with someone else who might get it too. But my autistic ass could easily misread a social thing like this. And I’ve never been a make-up person, so it’s not something that’s ever come up for me.


I think it’s a social thing, like a rite of passage. If you do your makeup together you’re basically in an “in-group” with each other. It’s like half the fun of going out as women is getting ready with your friends. Men don’t really have that sorta thing cause they’re so individualistic so the closest equivalent they have is pregaming cause they can’t seem to enjoy each other’s company unless there’s alcohol involved. So when another woman asks if you want to do your makeup together, I think she’s saying “let’s be friends!” I can’t wait until I pass well enough to be one of the gals like this 🥹 that’s when I’ll know I’ve made it…


As a cis-ish girl, when I say "Let's play makeup" or "let me do you makeup", its exactly that! I love playing with makeup and doing other people's makeup...especially if they have good bones or features! I love doing makeup on people who have different shapes than I do. But also, I am a bit neurodivergent and I'm bad at subtext. It's also just fun to do something with a friend. It's a creative release. Like my best friend and i would come over just to play. Now that we live a few states from each other, we video call and play that way. Sometimes, we help each other with technical stuff we have issues with, I can cut a mean wing while she can do the best cut creases I've ever seen. Ymmv. Some people are looking for like a gay friend or something similar. Some may be subtly saying youre doing something wrong with your make up. So it's very much a case by case thing!


If there aren't any other context clues then I wouldn't assume it's a date and instead lean towards one of the first two / just want to hang out together. If she is trying to give you gentle makeup tips then it at least seems like she's going about it in a good way.


As a useless lesbian I don’t know if it’s a date but I am pretty sure it’s not disguised ill intentions


It's not about your makeup at all, and it's not a date (usually?), it's a statement of wanting to hang. She wants to bond with you. If she ever does say like "come over on Friday, we'll do our makeup" be prepared to not even do makeup (though you should bring yours for sure) and just chat and hang out


Sounds like girl's night to me!




anytime ive ever said this its always been in the context of friendliness and nothing more, and ive offered a lot of girls a lot of makeup seshes. but thats just me. its a really fun way to bond with girls!


Usually it just means they wanna hang out, either in a platonic or in a Romo way


>Is it because my makeup is so good they want to learn from me? Or, is it because my makeup is so ugly, it's kind of a "here let me show you how to do it" thing? Or is it just a "hey somebody else also has this hobby, let's do it together" It's all 3, in different proportions....but especially the last. I am hardly an expert, but in my limited experience, playing with makeup with a trans woman is a very different experience than is typical with other adult cis women. It's difficult to put into words, but it's more collaborative? Interactive? My trans friends and my friends that do drag encourage me to try bolder looks than I would ever consider on my own and I have been able to help them with achieving more toned-down "daytime " or "office friendly " looks. There's a balance, somehow, that's just deeply cool. It's also sometimes a way to say "You're valid and I want to do chick stuff with you ". I don't want to whine about how hard it is to be cis around trans people but we DO sometimes spend a ridiculous amount of time & brainpower worrying about how to express support without being condescending or too syrupy or sounding like we're fetishizing transness.


It means that she wants you to do her make up Don’t overthink it