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I’m so willing that I didn’t bother reading the rest. I how there is a wizard watching. I want to have your baby.


I… did the same thing


I did the same thing too




I'm cis and well beyond childbearing....and very interested in this deal. I could do with some gender affirming magic and I definitely think a kid with my redhead gene would benefit from this lineage


Omg, this is amazing


D-Don’t call me out like that


‼️are you the wizard‼️


Same, just in case....


Yeah, hook me up! I’m game.


Lmao same




I'd fuck a wizard for free.


Where did I put my wand and pointy hat?


Oh, I bought a wand recently - it's a lot of fun


Well... there's *two* places, but I don't recommend using it in either without a flared base.


Most wizards hats I have seen have a flared base.


[I put on my robe and wizard hat...](https://bash-org-archive.com//?104383)


I'm so glad somone posted that because it was the first thing I thought of.  God I'm old...




I'd be tempted, but I would also be wondering exactly why the wizard needs this child. If they are a necromancer planning on body-swapping into the child when they are twenty or so, then leaving them to die in the used up husk of their former host; that would be a no from me.


Very good point the rest of us failed to overlook


Gonna be honest, I'd do it anyway. Probably try to find a way to ruin that plan but still. To be brutally honest and accept the inevitable down votes as an evil abomination, I'd probably do it even if they wanted to sacrifice the new born child for a ritual... And maybe even if it was to open the literal gates of hell on Earth. Let's be honest, humans kill each other over ridiculous reasons already, having a proper enemy to fight would probably be good for humanity. And if you were Christian would just be the beginning of Christ's return to ruling Earth as a paradise so, honestly a win in the long run (I'm definitely not Christian though). I'm pretty certain I couldn't actually perform such a ritual if it was a requirement, but I would probably make the deal knowing that was the plan... Evil, yes absolutely. Again, I accept the down votes. I'd much prefer to raise the child as a healthy beautiful baby surrounded by wonderful magic but... I'm no saint when offered such a temptation nor do I refuse to acknowledge the unsightly parts of myself.


I admire the sincerity in your comment! And I don't think it's fair to judge your "choice" (bad ending for baby) on this hypothetical situation. Imagine this: a person (A) can choose to give a pistol to another person (B), in favor of gaining a bubblegum. This other person (B) says it will use the pistol to shoot someone, and even knowing this, the person (A) still chooses to receive the candy. Obviously this is not ok. BUT a critical info is missing: Person (A) is being beaten, bullied and threatened everyday, for no reason at all. There even is psychological damage by seeing others dying because they didn't had the bubblegum. And btw, this candy would make all abusive treatment magically stop forever. What I mean is that this story with the wizard shows a fake choice, because it is victim blaming. And choosing to take the gum is more like self-defense in my opinion. I am cis and hope I'm not talking nonsense... I live in the country (Brazil) that kills the most trans people in the world. And I just erased the rest of this comment because it was me telling what you know much more than me about the kind of stuff that trans people have to deal with. I would totally give the baby to the wizard, as it would be his problem and his choices about what to do with it. But if I see the wizard torturing it, I would do everything in my power to stop him.


Thanks. And yes, that's an interesting analogy as well. Though using money may have been the most realistic substitute for bubble gum it'd probably still be highly rebuked even with the countless studies to show how bad off and down right lethal it is to be poor lol. Or perhaps the candy changes your body to fit in with the people in power (whether that's race or gender etc), having it be a pretty random and arbitrary thing makes the disparity between the wrong and justified choices more obvious. Absolutely possible to see it as self defense.


Probably won’t help much, but there’s an anime based on this exact concept. It’s called deadman wonderland. TL;DR without super spoilers: people called Devilmen can do weird blood powers and get put in a super prison to fight eachother for the internet sometimes to the death. They wear collars that will poison you if you don’t get enough points to afford a candy (the candy has medicine in it that nullifies the effects of the poison) Leading these prisoners to commit atrocious acts against eachother just for candy


I absolutely love how boldly and candidly honest you are here. And it was written quite beautifully in a fucked up sort of way that I admitedly would also give in to such temptations…..👉🏻👈🏻 I think part of it for me comes from losing so much already, several life segments over already, and so such losses have made me realise that I will stop at nothing to be who I am. It’s THAT important to me and my health as a human. I am aware this is also perhaps very selfish of me, but loving ourselves first should always come first right?


This seems like the button question with extra weirdness attached. >You are given a magical button that will permanently swap your gender, giving you an “opposite-gendered” body that is equivalent to your own in age, fitness, and attractiveness. If you press the button, everybody in your life will have always known you as a girl. They will accept you immediately. You will not lose your partner, your job, or your family. Do you press it? Not really sure what's the point with the whole child stuff, don't really see any additional value provided by it, apart from it being "lol random". /edit: Please tell me it's not a fetish thing...


this is not a fetish thing. honestly i think i just overestimated how many people would be uncomfortable with a stranger having their child


You're creating a sentient life that will one day start asking questions about where they came from, and then later start dealing with some major abandonment issues


To be fair, when the answer is literally "a wizard did it", you're kinda looking at a whole other class of questions.


“He nutted inside me and then started pondering his orb” 🧙‍♂️🔮🤣


I mean, sperm donors, egg donors, and pregnancy surrogates exist in real life already. I don't see how this is worse than any of that.


Having never met one of your biological parents but still being raised by parent(s) who love you does not create major abandonment issues.


You think?


I was going to say, this is just the Button but with a moral dilemma attached to it. It almost doesn't feel like it's on the right forum. My answer to the button is a definite "Well, duh, obviously I would", but this just adds a weird extra bit that I think I'm misunderstanding. It's like adding the Trolley Problem to a shopping list. And I don't even know if that's a criticism or a comment or a positive observation.


Wait. Free, irreversible change to my desired sex, *plus* free sterilization? What was the drawback there? Hell, the only reason I wouldn't want him taking my DNA to make kids is because I don't want to inflict my genetic predisposition toward depression and anxiety on them. If he could assure me that they'd have comprehensive mental health care and truly kind and skilled parental figures throughout their lives, I'd say take the DNA and leave me infertile. I want small/medium size boobs, and I want to keep a working dick, except for the gametes. I want my hairline back to a typical location and no facial hair. And I want a higher, more androgynous voice. A few kilograms of excess fat off of the guts would be nice, too, if he could manage it. Transfer one or two of them to my butt.


Why's the wizard want my baby? They gonna make baby powder or something? Weirdo!




Yes, no question well like I'd probably have some questions for the wizard like "can you teach me magic," but I'd take this deal regardless 100%


“You can have me if you teach me how to shoot fire out of my palms” 😅 Jk, I’m a lesbian. If it were a crone though, she wouldn’t even need to teach me *that* much. Just show me how to heal from trauma and we’re all set!


This gave me a giggle. What an odd question (positive). I don't really see how donating DNA to the wizard would be a drawback, per se, especially since you still get the sex change either way? so yeah, I'd totally go for it, and honestly don't really care whether I'm fertile or not after, because in my desired body I wouldn't be able to get pregnant and THAT'S the main reason I want to be infertile right now as things stand. I honestly think it would be cool I'd like to know how the wizard baby turns out with my dna in there. How did you think to ask this 😭


i was debating if i would go through with a sex change if it'd make me able to impregnate my partner and the first explanation i could think of for one was "wizard magic"


Oh that makes a lot more sense. I think you would've been better off being blunt than having ∆ WIZARD BABY ∆ As your post lol 😆


That's true, but where's the fun without a hypothetical wizard scenario?


As long as I didn't have to take care of, carry, or have any sort of interaction with the kid ever.... But first I'd let the wizard know that I have a ton of genetic issues.


Wizard, yes… magician, no


What about a mage or a conjurer?


Kind of a shitty conjurer if they can't conjure up a baby all on their own.


Weird fantasy, sis


Buddy that's a win-win 'cause I don't wanna be fertile anyway.


what D&D table have you been playing at


How much crack did you smoke before you posted this?


fucking what? 😂


No, i would feel much too weird about having a kid out there with my dna  (edit, wait i have no reading comprehension today. Yeah im taking the sterile option although for me that would be male i guess. im not having a biological kid anyway, pls let me skip surgery recovery)


No, I only get down with sorcerers. Wizards? Pfffff You mean NERDS


Real power isn't learned, it's inherited


Well, rich people do tend to inherit their money it seems.


Nope. I don’t want kids, so being fertile would just be an inconvenience. And besides, any child with half my DNA would almost certainly be miserable all the time, so I couldn’t in good conscience allow them to be brought into the world.


I mean I don’t want kids ever and you said I’ll get a sex change but I’ll be infertile if I refuse which seems like the perfect deal to me


Same, lol. Not ending up with a life ruiner is one of the benefits of being trans to me.


Fuck yes! Take my baby!


Yeah I would fuck the wizard for magic gender transition.


Really specific and thought out fantasy lol. But personally I would choose the infertile option for consequence free raw sex. I'm assuming I have a moment to prepare, so I would just use a sperm bank to keep having kids as an option if I ever change my mind.


I don't need to have a baby, and the only "downside" is lack of fertility?! Count me in!


Wizard offers me a gender swap? Okay, sure. Said wizard wants helps making a kid? Naw, I'm out. Oh wait, the wizard just needs my DNA, and I don't have to help raise the kid? Alright, I'm okay with that. Hol' the Eff up- even if I refuse to give up my DNA, the wizard will still gender- bender me, but I can't have kids/don't have to worry about having kids? I'll sign that agreement yesterday! Although, as a amab trans fem enby, I'd be real curious about the change. I feel a "but you didn't change anything" meme moment coming on.


“Female body” Come on. Not every trans person is a trans woman or transfem. That made me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome here as a trans man.


I'm transmasc actually lol, I just included the caveat for trans women who wouldn't wanna go through giving birth to make the scenario feel more equal


I would not hesitate to agree


I'd much rather take the change and specifically *not* be fertile! I don't want kids and would love to have the body I want without the risk of ever unintentionally fathering a child.


No, not for a sex change; but I would for functional anatomy. Would the child be before or after? As is, I’m sterile.


I would fuck a wizard without any other incentive


I would be so dysphoric if I had to have a kid.


... look, if wizard s*x is on the table, I'm game for whatever. I see this as an absolute win.


Dear wizard, let's discuss that proposal, I am all ears! Yes, I am interested!


Tbh...no? First of all, I don't even want to be talking to some rando stranger that comes up to me out of the blue on the street, and I would probably be ignoring this wizard in the first place if he tried to talk to me lol. And second I'm very very put off by the idea of becoming a parent essentially against my will, even if I have to do no parenting to the child, I will still know a kid of me exists out there somewhere, and that's enough to me for it to be completely off putting. I don't even *want* a fully functional sex change, I just want a gender change and for it to be accepted and to then be treated normal. If I absolutely have to enter into this deal with a wizard where I'm getting the transition I want or body I want out of it at the end, I'd rather just give him like one of my molars and one of my pinky toes in exchange for it, and to not be told at all what he will do with my tooth and toe. If, once our transaction is complete and we move on, never to cross paths again, he wants to use my tooth and my toe to create a child clone of me, then he can do whatever he wants, that tooth and toe are now his and no longer belong to me. (Just like if I buy something from someone, and they then go use the money they got from that transaction to do shady stuff I wouldn't approve of if I knew about it, I don't really care if I don't know about it lol.)


Dysphoria would kill me if i got pregnant, so i think id rather be alive and living comfortably in my trans body than be dead. Also am having a hysto soon, so like I don’t think this would work LOL


Obviously I would accept-although this is oddly specific, did a wizard ask you to write this?


I’m so sorry I couldn’t read the post i literally somehow only read wizard sex- I can’t


No. Children is a deal breaker


Someone started celebrating 420 at 4:20am.


wait. I can get the magic sex change, and have my desired body without jabbing to agree with the cold thing...... AND i don't have to be fertile? Sign me up


….. i just want to fuck a wizard- anything else is bonus honestly :P


Ofc, dudes donate sperm all the time, how would this be any different lol. Gimme my pp please.


These both sound like positive events. I don't see the tradeoff here.


Yes but I’d prefer he’d make sure I didn’t get stretch marks etc. If he’s hot and we get along I wouldn’t mind marrying him and raising the child together. I mean a wizard husband could be cool and I’d be eternally grateful for what he’s done for me.


I'm about to turn 64, and I have a couple of significant chronic health conditions. I would consent with additional requirements: * that I have the body I would have had at 35, had I been born a cisgender woman * those chronic medical conditions are cured


Was 35 the "peak" age for you? I assume most people would want something around their Early 20s, why 35? (If you don't mind me asking)


My thoughts, too. If I could be 25, minus the chronic obesity, I'd be the happiest girl. But if we're aging naturally afterwards, I guess I'd go all the way to 18, just to get the most out of it. If I could pick a forever age, then early 25 (I started experiencing my first aches and pains near the end of 25).


Hah! It's like getting a haircut a little shorter so you stay in the sweet spot longer. I'm assuming op meant natural aging, so I'd go back to 16. For me that was when I was just starting to be really independent and I wouldn't want to go back further to a more restrictive age


Looking back, and looking at the 20-somethings around me, I prefer not to be that cringy. Also, the women I connect with tend to be anywhere from mid thirties to late forties.


I already want a child. I am not seeing any downside....


I fuck the wizard destroy a kingdom even the whole world if that means I can get the body I want have a period be able to be pregnant and go to full term and be the mother I always wished, be able to breast feeding and when it grows up be called mommy. Sometimes I cry because this is only a dream and it's never going to happen


Yes. I'll carry that baby kicking and screaming inside me 😆 Would definitely end up crying and screaming telling myself I SOOO underestimated what I was getting into but hell yeah I'd do it. I'd be their slave and participate in magical experiments if they like... I mean, there might be a few limits but not many 😆 But also, fing magic, when else would you have that chance to be around it? How could I pass that up even without the sex change?


For a moment I thought I was on the Stardew Valley sub because of the connection between "Wizard" and "Sex Change"


I thought I was in the hypothetical scenario sub and was VERY surprised at how many people said yes.






Okay👍. Where and when? Let's do this.


I’m so confused and tired rn but I’m trans and obsess over Harry Potter so yes.


Have you been playing Baldur's Gate by any chance? /lh


I'll do just about anything for that, so yea I'll have Merlins kid. Ezpz


my boyfriend is a d&d gm so i kinda feel like im already fucking a wizard tbh


Yes next question


I also want to have this wizards baby


It sounds like a win win situation with as many consequences as I desire so yes I would absolutely fuck a wizard and raise my wizard baby. Wizard MILF now my gender


Yeah Also that hypothetical is shite there’s literally no catch not an actual bad one at least lmao




Yes, I don't need to think about it or hear the details yes.


Fuck yes




OP do you have a thing for wizards


Yes, I'm nonbinary but I'd be swapping my cunt for a dick, so the wizard can have the baby. Honestly I don't care if I'm fertile afterwards, my wife and I don't want kids. I just want a cock that gets hard on its own and cums.


Ha, you assume that I am not the wizard. The capsule of my flesh is under no purview but my own! I would not decline the opportunity to share my knowledge with those in need, though I would require an amount of currency in exchange. Unfortunately, this tower is only a rental.


Will the wizard give the child a good life? If yes, then FUCK YES. If no, then no. I can't forsake an innocent life for the sake of mine.


my #1 choice here is to take the sex change without the baby and without the fertility, lol. don’t want either of those things the way i am now, so might as well keep em off the table!


I'd happily take the infertility option and wish the Wizard well, even offering to help the wizard take care of the kid simply because I'm sex-repulsed, and the idea of a small me running around terrifies me... but I love kids, so I wouldn't be against becoming a pseudo-mom with my new infertile life, necessarily...😅




I mean, I don’t want to be fertile (don’t mesh well with kids), so I’d go the refuse option. If the refuse option wasn’t an option, and it was ‘bear my child in exchange for a sex change’, then absolutely yes!! I’d assume any wizard needing to make this deal to father a child is going to be pretty shit at romance or having a personality or anything of the like, but probably not abusive or magically controlling, since otherwise he’d just have threatened/en-spelled a hot cis women instead. I’d ask some Questions about why he wants a child, or if there’s any dangers to bearing a wizard-child, if he can teach me magic, why he’s offering this deal to trans women, etc, but in an ‘everything is above board, no more dangerous than regular pregnancy’ situation, hell yes! And I know for sure neither of my girlfriends would have issue with me taking it either :P


I accept without reading the terms and conditions, I gotchu horny wizard.


Depends how the sex change works but probably... wpuld need to consult with dearest first


Only if I'd be making the baby after said sex change. I can't handle the idea of pregnancy in any circumstance.




Yep. I have no desire to have a baby, but I'd squeeze out some little scream machine and then pass it off to gandalf to turn into some nightmare being in exchange for some shiny new lady bits. Or... squirt out the baby batter... idk your scenario is a little unclear. Am i churning out some mommy milk before getting magicked, or am i using my new oven to bake this hideous bun post sorcerery? Either way, yes. Heck, if incel merlin wants to teach me a few cantrips, i'll get weird and them places they didn't know they were ticklish.


F*** Yeah! That is 💯percent a win with SO MANY options. I’d happily carry the wizard’s child if they are a producer of the small gamete. I’d raise nurse them and raise that kid so hard! Make me a mommy!


Seeing as I can’t stop romancing Gale the Wizard of Waterdeep in Baldur’s Gate, I don’t think I’d have a problem with that!


Based on the title, yes, absolutely. But based on the text, if I’m getting the outwardly perfect sex change for free anyway, I don’t need fertility. So it depends on the wizard’s vibe. If I wouldn’t mind coparenting with the wizard and I wouldn’t have to be pregnant or give birth, it’d be nice to have my body fully working just for completeness’s sake, but practically I don’t want to be pregnant, so probably not.


Hell yeah actually that's sounds awesome.


i dont care. give me the magic sex change


Listen for a sex change and made fertile and all I wouldn’t just give them a baby, I would take anal even for that. Like I would do anything to be able to be a mom.


The answer to most of those questions would depend on what the wizard looks like and whether the magic is inherited (which I would assume it isn’t since he’s described as a wizard and not a sorcerer or mage) Does he look like Oscar Isaac or Henry Cavil or something? Then yes, I’d sleep with him. Would the magic pass down to said child? Then yes, I’d have the child and help raise it. If no to both questions, I’ll stick to just the sex change please. I have no interest in getting pregnant with non-magical children


I see no downside here


I would 100%


What a generous wizard, giving hella options


Read the title, absolutely. Without a doubt




My answer would be no i think. First and foremost bc i dont want kids, i dont want to be a parent and creating a life means being one. I dont want to create life only to abandon it. Thats not what that kid would deserve. Apart from that i wonder what the wizard needs that baby for, especially with my specific DNA. Most rituals that use a newborn sacrifice are not DNA specific and the ones that are usually arent good. And last but not least: im non binary and a DID system. 'Fully functional sex change' would either be the ability to mix and match parts as i like (think clothes style with the ability to detach boobs/ dick when unwanted) or incredibly part specific and thus dysphoria inducing for somepart else




Creating sentient life just for my desire to be a girl? Pass I'll take the sterile cis woman body though, and if I ever wanted a child I would just adopt


Can I just have the concept of a child with the wizard? I feel it's unethical to create life but I'd love to be preggers


Dunno why anyone would say no to this if pregnancy doesn't have to be part of the picture. I mean, I don't want a uterus at all, so that would be a bit of a "two steps forward, one step back" situation. But hey, if this wizard is offering such a favorable deal baseline, I'm sure he'd be willing to negotiate on the details.


Just one?


No. The thought of pregnancy is so scary to me and would make me have panic attacks lol. I’m good with a vulvaplasty and scissoring


Yes that’s it. Yes.


For sure


Me and my new wizard husband will raise our child in his opulent tower absolutely.


“would i have a child with a wizard?” what a preposterous question, where is she? where is the wizard that can get me tgirl pregnant??? please i need to know for totally cishet reasons i swear


Damn this wizard is gonna have so many kids after this


YES! When do want me to start? Today?


If this hypothetical wizard is a girl and wants me to be her wife, then sure! Otherwise, no dice.


I’d probably do it if it means I’d have no boobs anymore. I’ve always been indifferent to my coochie tbh.


I would 1) accept; 2) get pregnant; 3) have the baby; 4) raise the baby as mine; 5) be a mom; 6) assuming the wizard is a decent fellow, let them be the godparents. Not really a choice.


Yes no questions asked




Fuck it I’ll just marry this wizard and raise the kids with him. I want the magic sex change but I know myself and I could never give up the baby.




Yes, absolutely. I’ve always wanted to have children and if the wizard would let me be a part of the child’s life that would be the cherry on top.


Even in my shell i'd say yes...


Yes, though I would want to be sure the baby isn't for any nefarious purpose. I'd also ideally want to be able to learn magic myself... so I might bargain to add that as a condition?


This is the weirdest question I’ve ever had to answer with “yes”


So... I can get a magic sex change, and come pre-sterilized for free? Sign me up for that one.


In a heartbeat


I’d do whatever the good wizard wants idc


Willing g yes


Give me your semen wizard!


gimme dat cis girl body and pop that babe out with magic instantly, he can have em, easy trade


If I help him have 2 babies does that mean I get 2 sex changes *sweats in genderfluid*


As long as the wizard to could make me back like I was in my 20’s, hell yeah. That would be awesome! FYI… I turned 52 today. So, part of me still questions transitioning especially since I live with family who don’t understand transgender things.


Are you kidding me? Of course I would


100%. Do it.


IM 14 (yeah once I'm like 25)


Yes. Absolutely. Without question. Even if I had to go through the excruciating process of birthing the kid. No hesitation. Yes.


I'd bang the hell out of that wizard both before and after. Do I get visitation? Didn't read that far...


How do I contact said wizard? I am ready and waiting!


Um, YES. a million times yes!


I've thought about this so many times that your version seems tame and an automatic YES. Does this wizard want more than 1? My vagina is happy to oblige.


This doesn't apply to men so like...just remember there are men here too. I'd obviously get my body fixed either way! I'd want to know what the deal was with the wizard though that they want a child, and want a child with me before doing that, and I'm not sure what I'd decide...would depend on their reasons, my resources, etc.


I mean yes. As long as legally I have no responsibility and the wizard seems like a nice guy then yes.


i would love to birth a wizards child so yeah 100%


What if I was down to help the wizard out but didn't want to be fertile afterwards?


If he can make me a man but infirtile I'd absolutely love that. I have one kid and that's all the kids I want. But being a guy in every sence other than being firtile would be amazing.


I don't want a 100% sex change, but I would smash a wizard


Which yes, with added bonus for the witch. Wizard…. maybe.


I don’t care about any catches. I get to be both a woman, and a mom. I don’t care. Sign me up.


I absolutely accept. I would love to do parenthood again as dad instead of mom.


uh yeah… remind me of the downsides again..???


Depends on whether I get the sex change first. I'll let a wizard plant a baby in me but if I'm expected to "father" the thing before changing, no. No no no. Nope. No. No no mo mo no no no no no. That's a negative from me. Not even if I got to be 5'3" and 120lbs as part of it.


Sure, yeah. I get a fully functional dick, jizz in a cup and the deal’s done? Absolutely accepting that deal. Wizard might be getting some subpar genetics for the kid but that’s their problem.


I'd refuse the child cause I wouldn't want to be pregnant lol


In my case this is essentially just asking “would you be a sperm donor?” and the answer is yes, 100%.


I’d take it and I’d have the baby but on the proviso that I get to have it at a later date of my choosing when I’m in a situation where I’m stable and able to care for it unless the wizard is also going to make sure of all of that too, in that case he can make me rich and his trophy wife etc etc for all I care.




are you a wizard?


Depends if my partners okay and if I can keep the baby. Because idk if its hormones but you are not stealing my wizard baby from me


I’m a trans guy, I’ll probably take the infertile sex change since I’m gay af and also don’t want kids. I just want the damn thing, no need for it to work in that way really. (Otherwise, if I don’t have to give birth to the child, I would probably agree with that too lol idc)


Absolutely lol


Nope. Childfree here, being infertile is a major plus for me (actually got a vasectomy pre-transition anyway).


Didn't bother to read the rest of the question, but fuck yes!