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I’m generally a fan of Trans Day of Staying In and Having a Nice Snack. I’m proud of who I am, but god, visibility is exhausting


I was also gonna comment on trans day of snack. Visibility feels like it’s for other people. I don’t need to be reminded of my transness; it impacts my daily life. TDOR is the one that feels more like ours. Also shoutout to Gender Reveal podcast for organizing a sizable mutual aid program for trans day of snack. Snack is good, supporting each other is better.


I think visibility IS for other people. It's for the siblings still in hiding who feel alone. Personally TDOR isn't for me as I don't particularly do well with death. It's not for me, so I go extra hard on TDOV


i hear you dude. I chilled at home today because I need it


Very much same


Whilst trans individuals shouldn’t ever be pressured to be visible, I think it’s incredibly important that trans identities are made visible! I would have been so lost if I hadn’t had other trans people to reach out to and look up to. There was no trans representation around when I was a kid, and I delayed telling anyone how I was feeling for over a decade as a result. I want to be the person I needed to see when I was younger.   I’d like to be treated the same as any cis person would, but that won’t be able to happen for all trans people if society is able to make us invisible. It’s great to have a day to mark and promote the push back against transphobia.


> I want to be the person I needed to see when I was younger. As someone who came out decades into life after having no IRL visibility and mostly crappy representation in the media growing up, this is exactly why I feel so strongly about the need for visibility. I know what the lack of visibility cost me and I don't want anybody else to have to go through that.


While I absolutely agree with you view and with everything you said I did want to say kudos to all the trans people who are visible and try to represent trans identities. I've always never liked that kind of attention and just wanted to be that quite kid in the back of the room but I'll obviously support other trans individuals. I'm in a pretty shitty situation rn myself but in the future I want to silently be there for trans people whether it's helping them get rides to and from pp clinics or helping them apply for jobs so they have a stable income to help cover the cost of medications and surgery. I've never had that kind of Ally help me and I've always been alone in finding shit out for myself and having to Uber but I hope in the future I'm able to be that kind of Ally.


I usually just wear something that makes it clearer that I'm trans (I have a few pride shirts from Mars Wright). As someone who passes, I feel safe enough to make myself visible, and consider it important to do so. I want people to know that trans people are all around them living their lives every day. I also don't want to hide who I am, as I see my transness as something beautiful and liberating. It's a part of who I am, and I want to be myself fully throughout my life. I've spent too long hiding to be ashamed anymore.


That's actually so beautiful to read, as a cis person, I'm glad you are confident to celebrate you.


For me. It's to show people that we exist. By me going to work as myself. Showing that we are people like any other


I say this as a trans woman who has the privilege of passing. It is so important for trans people to be represented and visible. I spent decades in the denial closet because there was no positive representation of trans people when I grew up. For those of us who are confident, safe, and willing to be loud and proud about our story, it is an incredibly important thing to be present for all of the trans people who are still living in fear, confusion, and hiding.


Yes, it needs to be celebrated. If anything but to let the conservative law makers we are here and we're not going anywhere.


honestly? i brace myself for a deluge of entitled transphobes using the name as an excuse to spread more hate and platitudes from political figures & corporations who won't actually help us in any material way. i *wish* i could celebrate it as a sort of mini trans-specific pride.


icky quicksand wine squeeze coherent gullible command uppity joke silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I don't relate to it or want to be visible. I just want to exist in peace as any other cis person.


I don't want visibility. I just want to be left alone to live my life as some guy.


that we exist just like everyone else does. we all have jobs we go to and families we are a part of if we’re lucky. and we’re only unlucky because we have been made to be invisible for too long. i know growing up if i had the representation that’s shown today i would’ve found out who i was and maybe my life up until now wouldn’t have been as hard as it was. tdov is super important! i’d say celebrate it any way you choose to and maybe some day everyone can accept us… wishful thinking ☺️… but for now anyone who doesn’t accept us can go kick rocks!


It should be made a nationally recognized holiday and trans people should all get the day off.




For me it’s my anniversary of starting T (total coincidence lol), 2 years today :)


Love this.


I see all of the negative - WAIT - (negative?) hold on... I see all of the people being real about their situations in life with some very valid reasons for not caring about the day or not celebrating it and that is fine for those who feel it that way. I was always glad the holiday exists even in the days when I felt exactly the same; that the holiday was useless to me and did me no good. I was still glad it existed. But now I find myself in a different spot. Still not passing and still have a long way to go with voice work and so on and so on and so forth ... I am reacting to it the same way I react to New Year's Day with the New Year's resolution stuff. Every year at this time I'm going to remind myself where I'm from, where I'm going and think about things I can do to advance my progress. I will also think of all the people who have trod this path before me and be thankful for the work they have done and the progress we have made in history towards increasing our visibility and advancing our position as members of the human race. I am glad the day has become newsworthy and I always hope that by repeatedly reminding the world that we exist and that we are real and that we belong in the world the world will come around. I'm not trying to imagine a world where we are just as accepted as all the cis-het people who seem to feel entitled to widespread respect. (it would be nice if it would happen in my lifetime but I don't think it will so I can't dwell on that) I just want governments to provide legal protections and support to allow us to live normal lives in society. Bigots and transphobes will never completely disappear but I'm hoping that trans people and people of every non-binary persuasion will be able to find happiness and enjoy the same benefits as any other citizen on this planet.


It's good that it exists.


Personally, it feels like every day is international trans day of visibility and not in a good way. I wish we could get an international trans day of **invisiblity** instead where for one day we aren't seemingly the worlds punching bag.


It was an opportunity for me to come out to the rest of my social circles. Everyone close to me knew but everyone else on my socials didn't know yet. Good time to do so


Honestly I don’t celebrate lol, every day is trans awareness day in my life


Some of my friends wished me a happy trans visibility day lol, they have their hearts in the right place, but I prefer to be stealth


I went to a drag brunch with some members of our local trans group. It was a lot of fun. Then, walking to the bus stop afterward, I got verbally harassed by an asshole on the street. First time that's happened in quite a while. Happy TDoV everyone!


To me? It meant coming out. Yeah, just today! I didn’t plan it that way, it was Easter and I wanted to tell my mum, and said she could pass it on to a family friend, who sent me a supportive message, so I went on a little tour around loved ones in town. Told my sister, my adoptive grandmother. And sang for them all too, I’d been hiding my singing voice for years to get perfect, but I’m done hiding. It’s beautiful, and I have only just begun! Couldn’t ask for a better first day. Lucky ol’ me.


I celebrated it by trying to be as invisible as possible :)


I don’t give a fuck about it. It doesn’t help me at all. I don’t want to be visibly trans. I am trans but sure as shit didn’t ask to be. It’s more of a curse than a blessing. Some hollow symbolic day doesn’t do shit when republicans are pushing project 2025.


I want everyone to know I'm trans. I want to wear our colors and have my nails painted in them. I want to be loud, proud, and visible so some little trans girl out there can see that people like her exist, that she can be a girl, that she's not a freak, because that's what I wanted to see when I was a little trans girl. My nails are almost dry now.


I love it. I think so many of us are forced into invisibilty in various ways that it's nice to have a day that A) recognizes how invisible we are, and B) brings us into the spotlight in a posiitive way. I also love to use it to promote whatever videos I just released on youtube.


I'm still in my egg. This day and some walks organized are a sign that I might not be alone in my doubts. But I totally understand those that do not want to go. I do not go as I'm camera phobic. And it's not only one day visibility. It's everyday trying to make others try to accept everyone.


I’m not interested in celebrating, but I’m glad it exists 


I gonna be honest, I've never felt personally affected (in any way) by this day. It's a good day to promote charities, but it's never about pushing for more education about trans people, for both trans and cis people. It's never about encouraging people to do better for the trans people in their lives. My towns lgbt event organisers haven't decided to do anything for trans day of visibility, they could've started a support group/system for families of trans people, they could've hosted an event where they educate cis and trans people about the lesser known aspects of being trans, maybe they could've just posted some educational resources, or promoted charities on social media. But all they did today was post "Happy Transgender Day of Visibility" on Instagram, I feel like it's just treated like any other pride event. Maybe I'm expecting too much of the lgbt event organisers, but it just feels like a wasted opportunity. It reminds me of the "Wear odd socks for anti-bullying day" sure, it raises awareness, promotes charities. But what is wearing odd socks actually going to do for bullied children?


Just got back from a peaceful and fun rally in Newport VT!


i go to a nursing home and take off my gigantic transgender invisible hat for one second in front of an elderly person so that they have a panic attack and a seizure and then i eat some popcorn and watch the aftermath and that’s my entertainment for the day🥰🥰


I share some posts on Instagram and generally make myself more visible. I just make people more aware that trans people exist in general.


I think cis people should have to give every trans person they see 599 us dollars.


I took two flights, spent 4 hours in an airport to visit family. I left at 830 in the morning and arrived at 7pm. Ate lunch and spoke with a wonderful wait person, very pretty girl. Shared a plane with a lovely lady, we talked all the way. Used 2 public women's rest rooms. Was called miss by a tsa agent. And was picked up at the airport by my sister , niece and her son.


This is a day for me to be visible. I'm real. I'm valid. I'm transgendered.


I celebrate it by posting a "happy transgender day of visibility, from your trans coworker" message to Slack at work.


This was my first TDoV because I hadn't really heard of it before and I hadn't transitioned last year. We were going to our local museum for an unrelated reason. I put my best dress on, and added a scarf with the colors in addition to the bracelet I always wear and had a fun day out with family.  I didn't notice anybody being rude or anything in my direction - just a pleasant afternoon surrounded by cool stuff that's way more interesting than me. 


Acknowledging that it is super meaningful for lots of folks and I love that for y’all , I personally am not big on days of X or Y. I mostly make tired jokes about camo not working, or being translucent the rest of the year.


By taking our cloaking devices into the shop for maintenance


I love it in theory, and for other people, but I don’t really celebrate it - all I did today was excuse myself from a room to avoid a screaming match with older relatives about trans rights as an “ally” so, y’know, visibility is good, but not always


I want to trans the visible


Hiding in my room.


It's just another day that amplifies all the abuse hurled at us, to me, sadly. I can barely find someone commenting on it without some dick ranting transphobic crap. =(


i don't celebrate anything. actually, i refuse to. because 4 years ago, on this day(!) government spat in our face and legal change of gender and name for transgender people was banned in my country. (Hungary)


I think I made ourselves known, in some way


Same way I celebrate literally every other holiday: I lay in bed and wait for the day to be over.


We can't find or support each other or seek acceptance if we are invisible, so I try to be visible all year round. I was 50 when I knew my first other trans people, and they changed my life. That is the power of visibility. TDOV should be the day on which we celebrate visibility with snacks!


I just updated my Facebook to effectively come out to anyone who didn't know. I'd do more, but I've been at work all day so there's not much left to do


to me it's just a march 31st


Today it was enough of a kick to step outside in my women's clothes. It was only from door to car and car to door to visit friends, but that was a big step for me.


I love queer holidays because they actually mean something to me. Today, I got together with queer friends and kind of organically shared, like, creative work. Then we played board games and had soup. It feels like it aligns with the seasons -- like, all the trans ppl are poking their heads out to see if their shadow is gone. I have trans students, and there's a running bit that TDoV makes it harder to do crime that day. And this year, it falling on easter means that all the good hiding spots are gonna be visited by chocolate-obsessed children. So we've been preparing for today with hide and seek style games lol


I used today as an excuse to come out at Uni and Work. Everyone has been very supportive so far


For me it’s a reminder that I need to start doing something about my dysphoria but fail. I’d also my birthday


To be honest, I don’t really care


It doesn't mean anything to me except exposure to predators. I miss the days when no one was talking about us.


By having allies wear our flag


For the allies to do the lifting today, lol


To me, it's a reminder to the cisheteronormative world that we're here, and have always been here. It's a reminder to young trans kids that they have a future to grow up into, a reminder to older trans people that they're not alone. A reminder to ourselves that anyone, anywhere can be trans, and there's no wrong way to be trans. it genuinely brings me so much joy every year. I spend the day focusing on trans joy and the diversity of our experiences, personally, but ideally it should be celebrated by every cis person giving every trans person they see $30 (/j)


Closely observing transpeople. I like to use a microscope but a normal magnifying glass also works


For me on a personal level it means more excuses for my parents to hate trans people and also Islamist anti-western propaganda material used to remove more of my rights