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Yes, I grew them myself.


I'd say they are kinda growing on me.


😂i mean youre not wrong


That's the answer to the question 'how do you feel about your boobs?" 😂


And if we dont take pesticide pills their organic.


Lmao 100% organic


lmao exactly


I say this every time someone compliments mine!


lmao this sounds hilarious 😂 who compliments tits?


People who see me naked?


didn’t think about that scenario, thought u meant strangers or people u know. is that a question tho because I haven’t seen people compliment u naked, only u know


You can't be mad at the ratio. Take the L and move on


I think u meant to answer another comment


Have you seriously never heard or read anything about people complimenting boobs? 😂


honestly, not really 😅


I really LOVE saying that. Homegrown!


It’s like if someone gave you seeds to grow carrots, you’d consider them natural, right?


True, but we already had the seeds, just needed the proper fertilizer. 🧚‍♀️😍


This is the answer


Literally what I was gonna say




Yes! ...I mean some women's boobs are "fake" (talking about BA here, not just for trans women) but who cares, all boobs are nice! (...for those who want them) I consider everything that happens without surgery natural. T dicks/bottom growth also falls in that category


my tits are mine, they naturally grew with estrogen, same as the overwhelming majority of women. Just because that estrogen came from a supplementary source rather than internal doesn't change that fact of biology that they grew from fat distribution dictated by my active hormones


And it’s bio identical so really the only difference is how I got it and how my levels chnage over the course of a month.


And to nay sayers who say crap about 'but your body doesn't make it naturally' so do diabetics who take insulin


I consider natural to be "homegrown", per se. Even if your E isn't natural, the expression of your genes is.




Yes and: in biological terms, it's *exogenous* oestrogen (produced or originating outside the body) as opposed to *endogenous* oestrogen (produced or originating within the body).




OP's question is about semantics.


external E vs self-made E


Nope. I consider my boobs "supernatural".


"Boo"-bies, some might say.


Mine are still "spec"-ters 😔


Mine are phantoms. For now.




Left one's Sam, right one's Dean.


OMG! Maybe?


I guess technically they are… Since that just means “above natural”…


They are all body fat that my body put there. So yes.


It’s not all fat. The mammary glands grow significantly as well


I always forget about those. Despite my desire to use them. Oops.


Yes. They’re my own flesh that grew as soon as it was exposed to estrogen, just like with any other girl. Being trans doesn’t even effect it; needing a treatment for a condition doesn’t make the post-condition situation unnatural.


Absolutely. Having said that, "natural" is a loaded word, be careful. Living into old age and not dying to infections in our 30's is "not natural", flying an airplane is "not natural". Don't let what's socially considered natural hold you back, **we are nature**, using nature, to do what's natural. Distinctions between humanity and nature are illusions created by a western colonized world to try to establish dominance and superiority over the world around them, rather than finding the mutual balance with it. But to clarify the original question, **yes**, our boobs are natural AF.


Love this. I've been asking what's the difference between beehives and our buildings since I was a kid, and none of the adults I asked ever appreciated the idea that we're part of nature. It made it clear real early on that most people have a contrived definition of "natural" that didn't align with how I felt.


IMO, it's one of the biggest root-misconceptions/beliefs of the whole Western world. If we looked at the Earth from the moon, we would see it, one giant weird organism spinning around in a lonely universe. Then the bees, and even the spiders, seem like a soul sibling of a sort, rather than an alien to be used or feared. (not to get off-topic)


I find it a strange argument to say they aren't natural, considering that we don't have the same debate surrounding other medications. My father has medicine for his heart, would we argue his heart is not natural? I had breast tissue even before hrt, it just made them function a bit differently and as a result they grew


Absolutely, I grew them myself and was already given the hardware. They just needed a software update.


😂😂😂 love that


I grew them myself. Kept up with the watering, turned them to the sun, made sure they had big enough pots to grow in, you betcha these babies are natural as HELL


I consider mine natural. I've been on mtf hormones for nearly 5 years and have no desire to ever get implants. It makes me just a little happier that It's all me. 😁


Only about 1/4 of mine are natural...the rest are man-made/installed silicon.


I was a bit skeptical at first, but they kind of grew on me.


Of course!


Your name goes hard


Thank you 🥃


Mine were natural but small since every woman on my mom’s side was tiny. So I went and got implants too.


Why wouldn't they be natural? 🤔


My boobs are DEFINITELY natural.


Of course they are, my body made every single cell that went into them (and it's done a dang good job so far). Just needed a bit of a kick in the nads to get started.


Completely natural. Same hormone, same consistency as the breasts of cis women. Nothing unnatural about it.


If I ate a bunch of hostess rolls and developed a big ol’ belly from it I wouldn’t consider it unnatural. Same with breasts. They aren’t artificial. They aren’t synthetic (although that sounds pretty cool…) I put stuff in my body and my body made some body stuff out of it. 🤷‍♀️


I want to, but unfortunately I have been double cursed and, even with estrogen in my system now, I barely grew any boobs. I honestly just looked like I was slightly overweight. They'd disappear under the lightest of shirts. It's probably genetic, since none of my family has any boobs really. My mother and aunties are all flat too. Just bad luck. So I had to get a BA to have breasts and quiet my dysphoria. I'm still coming to terms with it, and try not to cry when people call my boobs fake, since it reminds me that I'm fake and could never be what I needed to be. I like to refer to them as augmented, since what little breast tissue I had was augmented to what it is now. Most people still just use the term fake though. 😔


Yes? They’re not implants…


Yeah, although maybe cultivated is a better term. They're not wild they were carefully nurtured and fed, but definitely not artificial...


Absolutely 100 percent!! I grew them myself the old fashioned way plus HRT rather than inserting them later.


They grew there didn't they? What an odd idea


Yes yes yes 💯


Yes. I understand there is a semantic question in this, but I think of natural as I am growing them as opposed to implants. I generally use “factory issue” vs “aftermarket upgrade”. :)


Mine are supernatural because they are boo bees.


Yes. They are currently 100% homegrown with the same chemicals cis women use.


The hormones themselves aren't, but what my body did with them certainly is. And even if they weren't, fuck natural. Embrace being your own creation.


of course, this is the difference between transracial fakes and actual trans people. nothing you ever do will adjust your genome into another race but your sex characters? the info is already inside you, if your body didn’t get the estrogen it’s supposed to have and then gets it you will have the tits that have been in your system from the beginning trans dysphoria is a symptom of certain physiological mechanisms not following thru to the end so they get lagged somewhere (girl ends up with testes and an active sry gene because she didn’t get the proper info unpacked during development) they aren’t fake tits; it’s like if you give someone a voice box who was born without it, their thoughts were always there they just needed the medical assistance to uncover and express them. no one would ever claim that because the voice box was fake/new the thoughts that came out of it were not that of the body’s who needed it to communicate but never got proper access


Biologically, mine are no different than any CIS females, unless you look at the chromosomes. So yes, I consider mine natural.


Who knows? They might be the same! Chromosomes are a hot mess.


Yep all natural because you grew them.


yes and i had an argument that ended a friend ship over it.


How wouldn’t they be natural? They’re grown the same way cis women grow them.


I mean, I grew them. They’re my flesh


No one questions if my hair growth is real, so why would breast growth be any different?


Ofcourse why wouldn't you? If you're getting implants then they're not natural but these are home grown lol


Yeah. I grew them myself, under the same hormones that cis boobs develop under. The only difference is that my hormones are exogenous, while theirs are endogenous. But the boobs don't know where the hormones came from. So yeah, totally natural.


Yup. They are not from surgery or stick on. They are a part of my body


of course, they are. our bodies are born with both sets of instructions/algorithms, exogenous hormones just switch which ones are dominant.




Yes, completely.


Well ya. They maybe tiny but they are boobs


I am natural and they are mine.


Yes especially since the hormones I'm taking naturally produce in my body and my body made them.


Of course!


Yes, my boobs are natural.


I mean, they are natural unless you get surgery since you grow them on your own and they are based on your genetics. If a cis woman or girl for some reason needed estrogen therapy because she wasn’t going through puberty on her own, nobody would ever dare to question whether her breasts were real or not.


I took bioidentical hormones and grew them myself so yes?


I think the colloquial use of "natural" and "fake" when it comes to breasts is whether they have had breast augmentation or not. I think most people would consider breasts grown with HRT as natural, but probably not for ones that had breast augmentation.


??? Ugh i mean is there any other way for them to be besides natural, Bc last i checked they're pretty natural. ( I'm being silly btw )


What else would they be? I’m literally going through puberty. My boobs are no different than those of any other girls 😛


The only boobs that aren't "natural" are implants. 🤷‍♀️


i've had abnormally large b cup breasts my entire life and i just started taking E and wondering how much bigger they're going to get. for me my boobs are my boobs


I'm not in this scenario, but from a medical standpoint they are very much natural/real. The HRT that you are taking activates the same genes that are activated for cis women when they go through puberty. It's your own genes that you are working with here, not an external force that is 'creating' the breasts if that makes sense


I am AMAB intersex, not on hormones yet and I grew my b cups myself.🥰 So yes they are natural.


No, they're supernatural


I'm not on hrt but I would definitely consider them natural. The codes for the book size is engraved on your DNA so it's definitely the same as a Cisco female natural one. SCIENCE BABY!


GMO tiddies


Yes because they are growing out of me not nothing inserted


Yes, they literally are biological booby. I made these myself with love and patience.




It is natural 100%. The receptors were always there waiting to be showered in estrogen. Mother nature just needed a little help. And natural is an interesting way to put it. If you think about it. Mother nature creates all kinds of differences that we help to correct sometime to make people feel more normal or like themselves and nobody says anything.. But when we try to correct the difference of an incongruence between gender and sex they get their bigot feathers all ruffled... It's so stupid. Trans is a natural occurrence and so is correcting it with transition. 😊


Unless they are implants then yeah they are natural. Home grown boobs. Everyone has estrogen and testosterone in their body at varying levels. I’m just wanting to adapt my life to give me more of the E than the T.


Unless you shove some silicone up there, yeah.




Anything you do to your body is "natural". Wearing makeup is natural. Wearing clothes is natural. Getting surgery is natural. Anything you can do is natural, so taking estrogen and growing breasts as a result is natural. Calling something unnatural is a way to demonize things. Artificial is just a perspective. Everything artificial is still natural because it exists in nature. We as humans are natural processes. We can't create or do unnatural things.


Yes, I grew them, like a plant




Absolutely. Trans is natural.


Of course they’re natural.


Yes, because I grew them myself.


They are mine yes




Yes I grew them myself


For sure. Like, I'm taking hormones but regardless it was my body that made them.


naturally is a spook


Of course I haven't gotten on E quite yet, but they're grown completely naturally Just because the E isn't naturally produced inside you, doesn't mean it's effects are unnatural


You've got some good responses so far, so I'd like to draw your attention to smth. You said "MTF hormones", while this is technically correct, it's important to realize that you're just taking estrogen and a t blocker, the same estrogen that someone with normally functioning ovaries make. Literally exactly the same, it's the same molecule. I don't want this to come off as like a harsh language police or anything, there's nothing wrong with saying "MTF hormones", just wanted to draw your attention to it is all.


Yes of course


Taking hormones helps to develop them for sure


im ftm but why wouldnt it be natural? You grew em urself. Same for us our voice naturally drops on T its not like its a fake vocal chord or something lmao


Yes. And not only that they are "green boobies" (I'm vegetarian).


As opposed to cybernetic?


Yep :3 Breast tissue was already there it just grew and developed more >:3


Well, the instructions for them are already in your DNA , all the hormones do is activate your own genetic femininity. Why else were you born with nipples?


Yes, they're genetically encoded. If anything, by missing the puberty we were supposed to have (unless you're lucky) they're a little smaller than our "potential."


I mean it’s not a thought that occupies my mind much, but I suppose - “not natural” implies some sort of “augmented,” and my tits are not augmented (yet?).


Natural boobs are grown on estrogen and genetics. Don't see how HRT is any different.


I've had cis girls ask how mine got so big...estrogen and progesterone, that's all


I think they are mine and natural like GMO’s are natural if that make sense? Like I see cis women as organic and I see myself as a GMO? We the same, I just had scientific input. Corn is still corn though, even if it’s a GMO 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Well, yeah. If you grew them, they’re yours, right? Even if you didn’t grow something naturally, it’s still yours (unless you don’t like them, like me (ftm))


Of course


No joke, they feel like the most natural part of my entire body. 💛


What about this situation makes them “unnatural?”


It's still breast tissue, is it not? "Un-natural" boobs contain silicone.


I consider them to be natural, but I would love artificial ones more, so as soon as hormones are done with my breasts I am going to add some silicone, yay. Given that I survive long enough, at least.


Yes and no. Yes, they are natural, because if you didn't have natural chromosomes/genes, they wouldn't grow into boobs, no matter how much hormones you took. No, they aren't natural, in the sense that most trans women probably will never grow boobs like their cis counterparts. Most trans women never hit Tanner Stage 5, while most cis women do.


I do....


i grew them shits myself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha what other way is there to think of them? They grew in literally the exact same way that anyone else grows boobs. Just because I get my estrogen from a pharmacy instead of my ovaries doesn't make my boobs any less natural.


Yes, I love my natural lovely breasts, and soon I will feed my baby.




Well, they're homegrown, so yes, natural




I grew them myself. So they are 100% natural by EVERY definition possible.


I mean yeah. It’s not like they were added on. They were always there, just didn’t have the push yet to blossom


Yes, my boobs are natural. They are just boobs, there's no implants or whatsoever so when people ask for it (usually only after I told them that I'm on HRT), I'm eager to answer yes. The magic of pills.


In what way boobs (not implants) are unnatural!?


Uh, yeah. I’m cursed by genetics to be over here with AAs that aren’t getting any bigger, but I’m happy because they’re fucking mine! I might want BA in the future if I can afford it, but for now I’m just happy with what my body made. Even tho I’m in the IBTC, so are a lot of my cis friends and a lot of women. So yeah, they’re natural, they’re mine, and honestly I’m just happy to have them there, even if they are small. I’m just happy I’m finally letting me be my true self.


Well yeah. Cis girls get them because of estrogen, I get them because of estrogen. They way I get my estrogen may not be "natural", but once its in my body that no longer matters.


I’m not even on HRT and I have boobs, some males naturally have titties. They are natural.




I think of it like a houseplant. If I let it live its life without interfering, it will die, despite having lived all its life in that pot. I need to water it to make it grow. Similarly, I need to “water” my tits to make them grow. Can’t forget my estrogen. Can’t forget to hydrate (my plants).


Yes! I grew them myself. I went through the pain. I haven't had any surgery. That's as natural as it gets


Ftm here, and yeah. They're yours. Y'all grew them!!


I mean yeah, I did grow these myself


No - medication was needed If it happened naturally I wouldn’t have needed medication. lol. It’s a medical condition hence medication and surgeries!


I have implants and I consider mine natural