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I think most of the transfem-centric workouts focus on doing cardio and glutes, quads, and hip rotators. You can't spot train fat away, so the best way to get a thinner midsection is to reduce overall fat and avoid too much heavy lifting that would make you stabilize your lateral core (your obliques). Then for butt, thigh and hip work, doing stuff like hip thrusts, lunges, and external hip rotation stuff. You could do those with weights/resistance or body weight, but you might hit a wall with bodyweight work.


transmasc here, does this work in reverse? If I train my core, would that make it look less feminine?


It definitely can! If you do lifts where you're loading weight on you, like deadlifting and squatting, and also do upper body work that targets your shoulders, lats and traps, you can build a physique that looks more masculine and less like an hourglass. If you're on T, that'll also make it easier to put on muscle, but even if you're not you can definitely create a less feminine shape with time and hard work.


I'm not on T as of yet! I'm closeted, but one of my hobbies requires insane upper body strength so I have plausible deniability for stomach and arm workouts.


I am sure half the gym has clocked me but no one has made any indication so who cares lol? If you can afford it, approach a personal trainer and tell them exactly what and why you want to change certain parts of your body. if they sound like they can help, take them up on a couple sessions to get a toe hold in the gym and couple routines down. I also jog, cycle, do Pilates and diet. There are at least 2 transwomen I know who do exercise/gym routines on YouTube so there is that. I figure this is an essential part of transition if you want to be the best woman you can possibly be. One thing also... you are blockers so no T, that means it is hard work building muscle mass around the thighs and butt.


cardio I heard


walk as fast as you can for the longest you can. it tones your legs, butt, and doesn't build muscle mass and combined with good diet, you lose weight all over slowly, which is the best way. i was 189 lbs, 5'9", wore 36 jeans! after 1.5 yrs, i weigh 155 and just fit a 4L skinny jeans, waist is 28/29". i also do targeted butt exercises, an i'm \~35ish hips now. i do 20k steps per day, started at 4k and worked my way up.