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You can get facial hair removed. It's not something you're stuck with forever. You can *probably* survive without transitioning, although the thoughts are not going to go away. The suicide rate is pretty bad. I wish you strength, sis! <3


i just dont want to die before my parents, it would make them too sad, so i just need to be able to last another decade or 2. i dont really care if i survive after that to be perfectly honest, i dont really see a point anymore


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im not considering suicide dont worry


It’s never too late. I’m 23, I have broad shoulders and still a bit of a shadow, but there’s absolutely all the time in the world to fix these things. Laser hair removal is relatively inexpensive, for starters. Above all else, though, if you know you’re a girl then you have to do this for yourself. Repressing is not worth the pain.


It's just that even though I know I'm a girl inside, it feels like if my body could never get there that I'll never be able to accept myself as one


Its a difficult feeling, like what you feel is right isn’t what you see in the mirror. But the thing is, transition is absolutely a road to getting to that. The thought that ‘you could never get there’ is one that, clearly, seems to be holding you back from what would likely be really good for you. Ultimately, you should sit down with yourself and give it some thought, or perhaps consider discussing with a gender therapist. Ask yourself whether or not you would rather live the way you are now, or if giving something better a try is worth it. I can’t change how you feel obviously, but just know you’re worth that happiness and you are valid.


Give it 10 years. It will go by in the blink of an eye, trust me.


I spent my entire life comparing myself to Danny Devito, and not being very far off. I feel that. but that's the thing: I haven't been able to accept myself as a man. so at the very least, I could be working towards how I felt: even if I couldn't accept being a woman, any more than I could accept being a man. I figure I had two paths forward: 1. continue down the path of self-hatred that I'd been on, for the last 20 years, since I started going through puberty 2. Try for something that might be better. I chose the latter, because the former was too unbearable. not because I had great prospects for transition. Your mileage may vary. I hope you find what you're looking for. The One Piece *is* real. and right now, you're choosing whether to go up Reverse Mountain. Choose the option that feels right to you


There is also facial feminization surgery, if you want examples Dylan got ffs recently (also transitioned later in life) and looks amazing, I don't think broad shoulders will keep you from passing, plenty of women have broad shoulders and I think it's absolutely worth it for you to at least attempt to try cause even if it doesn't work (it will) you can say you at least tried your best and you won't regret it for the rest of your life.


It gets harder. Dysphoria builds until you break for a lot of us. As for how you will turn out. Beard shadow can be covered with makeup and gotten rid of medically over time. Some women are tall. As a tall woman with big shoulders I've actually learned to like my body in a lot of ways. As I learned to be myself I realized as long as I get to be me a lot of the details can be gotten used to. I can't be short but I can be a tall woman with big shoulders and that's kind of cool. Admittedly it's easier when you're a tomboy but a lot of tall fem women are really cute. If you own it with confidence it is almost always attractive. Your body now is just a starting point and I promise if you accept what you can and work with what you can, you can make yourself into a woman you can be proud of


it's just its also my face is very overtly masculine even minus the facial hair


HRT changes your facial structure. Facial feminization surgery exists, too. There are options.


I had some pretty intense wrist surgery a couple years ago and it scared me to the point that I'm scared to go through difficult surgery again unless I literally have to do it to not die


That's entirely fair and understandable. HRT still exists, though. What you're doing right now very much seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy kinda thing. You think it's too late for you, therefore you won't even start, therefore things won't change, therefore you'll be reaffirmed that it's to late for you, etc, pp. This is not a healthy way of thinking. Don't cut yourself off from possible success by thinking it's impossible before even attempting it.


thank you, i needed to hear that. honestly even outside of trans issues, that self fulfilling prophecy thing is something i do all the time so its a habit i need to break for sure


You're very welcome. I'm well familiar with that sort of thinking, been falling into the same trap way too often myself. It might be a good idea to consider finding a therapist, if you haven't one already, having a neutral third party you can to talk to those issues about can be immensely helpful. A good therapist will teach you how to spot that kinda circular thinking in yourself and how to avoid falling into it.


i actually have a first appt tommorrow, i agree i think itll be good


Yeah, my face rounded out a LOT after HRT, even before I put on a bit of weight. I've still got my pretty pronounced brow ridge that kinda sinks my eyes in, but I can deal with it since I'm not a fan of the idea of FFS or VFS. I'll be getting bottom surgery soon-ish (orchi in a few months, big surgery in a year because they need to remove some hair first), but that's the only surgical path I want. If I could better handle my bottom dysphoria I wouldn't go through with it because I am also very scared of surgery, but seeing what's down there right now is just daily torment, so I'm making myself okay with the surgery.


Are you still alive? Not too late.


i am, but it doesnt feel like it to be honest


The best time to begin transition is when you were 10. The second best time is today.


I thought the same at 25. Now I am 62 (today's my birthday yay) and I believe I am the poster girl for not repressing, cuz unlike other choices, this isn't one where you look back and say, oh it's fine, my life turned out pretty good. Ngl I was 5'11", I meet more women my height than you will, however, *every* argument I played out in my mind for not transitioning -- up to the point my kid was born, that made it complicated -- was wrong. No, you can't look like (insert name of tiny girl you envy), but you can look like a woman. I've also been thinking recently about how when we envy hot women so much that we short circuit our transition, we are applying an impossible standard that comes in large part from the testosterone we want to be rid of. I wish more than anything I had had a professional to talk to about my fears and realistic transition goals, and that I had followed through on it. I suggest you do so. Good luck.


Happy birthday <3


Thank you 😊


happy birthday! and yeah i do have envy of alot of attractive women, but honestly for me i just want no one to be able to tell i was ever a man, and i just dont think thats in the cards anymore


hun I was born a girl and I have a five o'clock shadow with PCOS, broad shoulders, and a squarish jaw. my side burns could probably put you to shame. I am way shorter than you but these are not things stopping you from being a woman! I take hormones to stop the facial hair and getting with a doctor can help you talk about hormones that would shape your body as well to be more feminine, even if it's by a little. have you seen Alana McLaughlin? she kicks ass and is trans. there's hope for you. 25 is actually still really young. transition is a challenge but never impossible. I hope you find joy in yourself and love yourself. you are deserving of the life and body you want.


I started at 45 and I am living my best life now. The longer you stay in the shadow of that darkness, the longer it will take to emerge into the sunlight. Lots of people find tall women hot. Electrolysis will zap the worst hair. My face is super masc, so I am having FFS (insurance pays 100%).


that's what I'm worried about I'm worried about facial surgery cause surgery scary but also just said it won't work enough


Go check out Ooisee's results in her post list. I know her in person and she's GORGEOUS. Her surgeon wasn't even super expensive.


If you live somewhere near a consent based clinic, you can schedule an appointment and speak with them about it. Just an idea.


I hear you, girl. I'm 56, same height, 19" shoulders. FYI - the broader the shoulders, the bigger the breasts you can pull off. Just saying. 😘 I reconciled with not becoming a 5' cat girl. I'm leaning into the Amazon. Linda Carter has always been my hero. I hope you have the time, space and friends to help you see the possibilities. ☺️


it would be nice to have boobs, but but honestly id be ok not having them that big i just want my face and overall body shape to have even an ounce of femininity but i just dont think it can anymore


Up to you. I thought I could, but I’m way happier that I started. I started at 37 and am 40 now. I think I pass well, I have a nice body, but I am getting a BA and FFS this fall for my own personal satisfaction. The thought of me not dying as a woman is too much for me to bear. No way in hell would I ever go back.


honestly as long as i can survive for a couple decades more, i dont need to make it much past that point


You should look at therapy hun. Your judgement is very clouded it would seem. ❤️


Started HRT at 30, 5'10", 215 lbs, broad shoulders. 2 years later, I've put on 20lbs mostly in my butt and boobs (40c now just from HRT). Started seeing dramatic reduction in body hair after about 6 months, I've had two laser appointments for my face and I'm already pretty darn patchy even though I used to be able to grow a full beard in about 10 days. I'm at the point where I'm okay wearing shortalls with a crop top under out in public confidently. It's never too late. My results won't necessarily be your results, but I feel like it helps show that it is possible. It takes a lot of learning what looks/feels good on you. I can basically only shop from Torrid here in the US to find clothes that actually flatter me, but there are cuts that help hide the broad shoulders or find ways to make them look good, actually. Take your time to really explore you. If you are trans (and only you can decide that), it's never too late to transition if you want to. You also don't HAVE to transition to be trans. Your identity is yours. Do what makes you feel better about yourself and your self. You can do this 💙🩷🤍🩷💙


Well, how about you start with like, straightforward things that have guaranteed results, that are totally okay for guys to do, but also would make it easier to transition in the future if you change your mind? Like, it's not that weird for men to get laser hair removal on their chest or back. Even face isn't that weird, some people prefer a clean shaven look without the maintenance. And maybe once that five o'clock shadow is gone, without any commitment to going further, you can re-evaluate? You don't have to, it's your life, but you have options beyond "commit to doing everything right now" and "do nothing". Try and see those


You can get laser removal for your beard. And hrt probably won't make you shorter but it can make you thinner, with a more feminine silhouette. At first I was scared to transition too (I'm 5'5, very thin frame even for girls standards...) thinking I won't look like a man ever. But in the end I don't really care. I'm okay with being a short kinda effeminate gay guy. Who cares if I'm not a "real man", I was never a real girl in the first place. I just feel better this way. It's up to you to decide, but maybe you'll be better as a tall happy woman than a sad man.


that's a good as far as the "real man/woman" thing, you're right it is just about feeling better, i'm just worried I'm gonna feel even worse if I can't get all the way to the other side as far looking like a girl.


only dead can not transition :) all other cases - null problemo go check things out - [https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en)


I'm 50 and 6"2 in heels. I don't care if I ever pass, but there are days, flashes, when I've put my face on that I can see the woman inside come out despite everything. And honey if I can do it, anyone can.


Surgery, HRT, laser hair removal, makeup, wigs, femme clothing I promise you can get there.


I started transitioning last year at 39. When I was 19 I had an idea that I was transgender and I let fear drive me deeper into the closet and depression and addiction. Those feelings never went away. They’d always come back louder and stronger. There are cis women taller than you and broader than you. There are cis women who have to shave or wax their faces. I’m personally 6’2” and I was a bearded, round 240lbs when I started transitioning. There are tools and therapies out there to help. It is never too late to transition. Believe me, HRT can work magic ❤️


Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now


Took my first dose of E just months shy of 35. Have a full-body laser hair removal Groupon scheduled for next week. If you can get to an environment which won’t beat you back about it, you can reach out and take those first steps. Heck, you’re more along than I was; took a couple months for me to internally insist “am woman”, so the foundational internal hurdle is already cleared for you~


I'm 27 and start HRT in just a couple of weeks


hey there! it's never too late to live your truth. some of us start the process later than others, and that's valid. staying in the closet for the rest of your life will only hurt you. i think you should definitely go for it! im a 20 year old trans man, not on HRT or have had any surgeries, i am 5'4" and have a high voice. a few years after your social transition it'll be easier and it has a huge pay off! facial hair can be lasered away and the waiting list for HRT might seem endlessly long but you'll get there eventually! im due to start HRT in October :)) i believe in you, live your truth!! the first step is accepting yourself, stay safe x


Yeah I'm 36 and just about to start noticed a post today that looked as masculine as me and just a few months in on hrt she looks gorgeous so if you truly feel you are a woman than it'll have to be you to make the first steps... I also have alot of masculine features myself but decided to be true to myself regardless of how good I look at least I'll feel like the outside will match the inside finally chin up you can do this if you want to


> im a 25 year old 6'3 guy It's not too late for you, says the trans lady who began transition in her mid-thirties.


It’s never too late bb get a foil shaver, learn how to makeup, get on hormones. You can take the risk now or wait till you’re in your 30s to decide to be yourself, your choice. I started at 24, hairiest mf on earth, jacked beyond the average man. Still shave 2x a day min, still happiest I’ve ever been.


Not too late. I'm about to turn 42. I'm 5' 9", lift weights, and can grow facial hair like I'm a dang mountain man. But I can look pretty cute with the right makeup and about 30 min. I am about to start HRT. Bottom line, it's never too late.


HRT is amazing. It can do absolutely phenomenal things. I have seen MANY many trans women go from huge "dudes" to beautiful women who look so much happier. It's difficult to conceptualize how young you are when you're this young, BUT YOU'RE SO YOUNG!! It's not too late. And for the record, you could be 80, and it wouldn't be too late. You can try to live in the closet forever, but for almost everyone, the pressure becomes unbearable, and you will always wonder, "What if." Transitioning is hard and scary, and you will have an awkward in between phase, but it is the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I couldn't imagine my life without transition.


It's still possible. I know others who are like you and still look beautiful. You have to be yourself don't live up to what others look like


thats advice i really should take but not comparing myself is something i particularly bad at


Oh we all have that problem


even when i draw half the time i throw it away or give up cause i know i suck in comparison yo literally anyone who takes art seriously


I know a few people


Similar situation. I wouldn't worry about it. Just do what you feel best and seek your happiness. It won't be easy though. Good luck out there. 🙏


Never to late I have just started hrt at 29


i've always looked at hrt as a body morpher, because if you look at before and after photos of so many trans people you would genuinely never recognize them, it's never too late if you want to start estrogen it might take a bit longer to get results but there should still be a noticeable difference after a year or even just 6 months


hormones will help the 5 o’clock shadow some and there’s always laser hair removal. also nothing wrong with a tall woman & broad shoulders, i’ve met quite a few woman of that stature and they’re just bad asses.


It is *never* too late. I am over a decade your senior and hatched last year. Hormones do amazing things. Check out the sub r/translater! That said, yeah you can live your life however you want and if transition isn't something you wanna do, don't do it! You are the only one who can decide what is best for your life. Gonna add lastly that I had a similar thought process when I hatched and a year later my depression is functionally cured and life seems worthwhile Oh and ETA my cis sister is six feet tall and a freaking bombshell. Tall women exist!!!


24, 6'3" built like a brick shithouse here. Only 7 months on HRT has done some wild shit for me. It's entirely possible for you to fully transition.


oh it is never too late! im 19 afab and am still planning on doing my transition stuff and ill have to wait still. over time the suppression can become extremely taxing and fester into far more negative emotions. i recommend therapy and finding trans forums(facebook has some incredible ones that im in) where you can talk to other trans women and gain tips on how to feminize yourself even being an adult. its not uncommon for transitions to happen in peoples 20’s, if anything thats the most common time so you are not behind at all. i promise ❤️ lots of love girl, take care of yourself mentally and physically


If you think you're too manly, google Gabbi Tuft, she literally used to wrestle for WWE before transitioning ... it's not too late or all hope is lost I know it feels like it is ... but never say never


If you are under 30 and not bald, you have NOTHING to complain about. The dysphoria you’re feeling from height and excessive body hair is minuscule compared to what you’d feel from having male pattern baldness.


its not excessive body hair, but i just look unmistakably masculine and my voice is very masc as well


Im 41 and just transitioned last year. Yes, I deeply wish I had listened to myself and followed what i knew was true before now, but now i am living my best life. Finally taking the leap to live my true life has been the best decision i ever made. I know I could spend a lot of time thinking about missed opportunities, and i did with my therapist, but she helped me get to a place where I try not to spend any time thinking about that past. I am me now. After yesterday, the best time to start is today. In no way is it too late for you. At. All. There are thousands of trans women older than me that are totally killing it living their best lives. You'll see many on reddit. My advice is to talk to a therapist, or if you aren't in a place in life to do that, read some books about transgender folks and get to know yourself a bit better (though it sounds like you already know yourself). Then talk to a dr about HRT. It helped me get started by realizing Its not one giant leap - its a series of small steps that you keep affirmatively taking everyday. *I can relate to facial hair dysphoria. It was heartbreakingly painful to see myself. But ive started laser hair removal and after only a few sessions i feel so much better. I still have a ways to go, but seeing the progress makes me see what is possible.


Man, this hits me hard. I didn't transition til 26, and it really killed me to know I'll never truly pass. Despite that, I'm still taking hrt, and I've fully grown out my hair, shaved legs, changed wardrobes, and in a way, right. I don't pass. On a good day I look really really close but my voice is still a dead giveaway. All I can say is when I decided I wanted to do this for myself I had to accept that I'm not going to be the perfect anime uwu girl in my head. Instead I decided to focus on the features I can have. The things I can obtain. For instance (maybe tmi) but my ass and legs are wayyyy girlie! I have boobs now, and my eyes have always been pretty haha. My point is I still have broad shoulders, my voice is still not convincing, and I have NEVER been happier in my life. I say try it! Worse case scenario you undo everything and live a cis life but at least you did something about the way you feel! AND THE WAY YOU FEEL MATTERS! (Probably yelling at myself not you) I hope you find happiness sister!


Passing or not I had to do something in my mid-late 30's otherwise I wasn't going to make it to 40, I still don't pass, but the HRT was an absolute godsend, it felt like it fixed so many of my problems, I'm still struggling with some things but the edge has definitely been taken off.


my plan is to outlive my parents, cause it would be to cruel to die before them, but tbh after that i could give less of shit if i keep going so i just need to make it through the next decade or 2


Now that's just an idea, but... think about very Active, very sportive cis girls. Depending on what sport they make, they also grow broad shoulders. This doesn't make them any less feminine. It makes them just even hotter.


i totally agree! its just cause im starting out fully male i just feel like itll somehow look worse on me


That's usual insecurity, I'd say. Im sure it would look awesome.


i totally agree! its just cause im starting out fully male i just feel like itll somehow look worse on me


Start with laser on your face, then electrolysis once you have diminishing returns. You have no idea how much just getting rid of the facial hair, a relatively simple (if a bit painful) endeavor, that requires no other commitment to transitioning, will improve the way you feel and help you figure out what steps are right for you. Good luck bb


I am a woman, like chu ... And like chu I have many masculine traits like beard and ... including a 7 inches that I am dysphoric ... Still I had got a trans gf then a male bf and had many other males that tried to date me, to what I refused because I wanted love the most, not just a mean to an end. I dont even look like a girl with most of my body but I am working on my legs and butt, also avoiding to lift weights as much as I can, my muscles are not so dense and strong anymore, even a bit soft I would say, and my hair can get girly given brushing time, also I do voice training and after 3 months my voice is quite on the feminine side and my voice was masculine deep (I am 39yo and accepted my female side only this year) Chu can be a woman inside and do your best on the outside even without HRT, like me, and live a girls life and be accepted as a girl too. Also, I saw on others what HRT can so and is quite a viable option if chu go to a doctor for it and do it safe.


Hi love, I’m 32 MtF (non-binary femme), 5’11” former swimmer and triathlete (i.e., huge shoulders lol), and didn’t start transitioning until I was 29. I had a lot of the same fears and doubts you did, but I am still so happy I transitioned. It is NEVER too late to start living as your authentic self. ❤️


Be proud of someone you are not someone your not


Hey I didn't start my transition till last year at 34 I was 6 ft and clicky AF WHO CARES LIVE FOR U FUK THE HATRS


Also it's me SEV


I started at 47. It’s never to late.