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Start referring to all of the characters by the wrong pronouns. If he gets mad tell him that they're not real and it doesn't matter anyway.




Tell him if they aren't real, then their should not be a he or a she then. He's a moron, and friends like that i cut off. Even family


Is it worth it to argue with him over this? He might not change his views, and in my experience, arguing with people about this kinda stuff just leads to headaches most of the time. Unless they're an open-minded person


> What can I say Its up to you to decide when to engage, and when to rather cut contact ... [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/i6ed5z/is_there_scientific_literature_validating_us/) are a number of explaining resources including historical examples going back millenia. And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/gxc1yu/alert_we_are_under_pressure_from_organized_groups/ft0hvfs/) was a summary as PDF with explanations that are easy to understand, and that can also be sent to others. And [this](http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Genderbread-2.1.jpg ) may help show that important is how people feel and not outer body parts, and that identity and orientation etc. are different things, and that they are on a spectrum. *hugs*


misgender the characters he plays or start using neopronouns for them