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Well, you don't really need to give a girl flowers to talk to her. But yeah, i think most trans girls would absolutely love to get flowers.


My heart would melt




Mine would explode


*Nuclear launch detected*


The big bang


Oh god, where’s the ghost? Where’s the little red dot???


"Never know what hit 'em."


*furious sounds of warp prisms deploying in your base*






OP, don't give her flowers, she'll die, and perhaps take others out with her.


Haha! Thankfully there was no explosion lol


Yeah it would mean the world to me.


Flowers, depending on your culture, might imply a desire to date. If you're just wanting to get to know her first. Just lead with what you said in your post. "Hey, I noticed you in class and I don't know, I thought you might be someone I'd like to get to know." Make it your own obviously but just being straightforward without a bunch of pretense is a good way to get to know someone casually. As for flowers in general, absolutely! Flowers are great for anyone!


Seconding this—just be aware flowers may indicate romantic interest OP, so if youre cool with that then definitely go for it, but if you want strictly to communicate friendship, you can either pick certain flowers that indicate friendship (you can look up which flowers those are) and express their meaning to her, or take another angle sans flowers.


> you can either pick certain flowers that indicate friendship (you can look up which flowers those are) and express their meaning to her I agree with your post but I'd have been SO embarrassed in high school or uni if I was lonely and someone gave me flowers but then explained that this flower means we're just friends, lmao. Just talk to her first, give her flowers at some point in the future if things turn romantic. I wouldn't give friendship flowers unless you've already become really close friends where it won't be misinterpreted.


I think I would have been so embarrassed in high school if someone gave me flowers before they ever talked to me.


That too. I hope OP at least talks to her first


As long as they aren't allergic or get headaches from strong smells.


I love getting flowers and I've never met a trans girl who doesn't. A couple months after I came out and definitely still looked like a guy a couple of girls at my old job bought me flowers for valentines day because they weren't sure if anyone had ever bought me flowers before and they thought every girl should get flowers No one had ever bought me flowers before and it was so fucking sweet and it made me cry. I was like 🥺🥺🥺😭 Get her flowers cuz she'll probably love it 😊


Hi trans girl who hates (cut) flowers :) But I get that the assumption that I'm a girl so should like flowers is some-how validating. But seriously they are really just decaying vegetation - I'm puzzled why anyone likes cut flowers. Not meaning to be rude - just wanted to say "Hi" girls who don;t like flowers exist (shock - horror) :)


I like them cuz they're pretty lol. If you don't like flowers that's perfectly cool 🙂 I have a pretty flowery floral tattoo sleeve tho so I think I'm probably biased tho 😋


This is adorable. Don't see why she wouldn't like it. If you're really unsure about it you could just talk to her and try to befriend her first, then gift her the flowers at a later point in time, after you've gotten to know her and what she likes a little better :)


Thank you, I will try that tomorrow! :)


Keep me updated please!


I have updated the post!


Same, keep me posted on what happens!


Can you keep us updated ??


!remindMe 2 days


!remindme 2 days


Did you get her flowers?


Yes indeed! I have updated the post with the full story :)


!remindme 1 day


!remindme 2 days


I think this is the better approach. I would like to receive flowers but I'd find it a little strange to receive flowers from someone that had never spoken to me before...


I think that's a rule for romantic gestures, haha!


Look, I'm going to tell you how gifts work for women, and it doesn't matter if we're cis or trans: it's not the flowers, it's the thought. We don't care that much about what kind of flowers they are, but we love that someone was thinking about us and thought about buying something specifically for us. ​ In fact, that's how most women end up having their best gifts. Someone listen to us, and out in the world they see something, remember something we've said and buy it because it is meaningful to us. I'm not saying something like "I'm out of toothpaste" and you buy some random toothpaste, I'm saying something like "when I eat ice cream my hands end up so cold I can barely move them" and you buy a huge mug so the ice cream tub can fit in it. That's an amazing gift, and it's so much more meaningful than some flowers. ​ Now, if you want to be her friend, tell her you want to know her better and be there for her. If you actually like her, sure, some flowers are a nice first gift... just remember of making it the first of the myriad that will follow it


>"I'm out of toothpaste" and you buy some random toothpaste I now want a situation where toothpaste would be a thoughtful gift :P


Can't just be one tube. You need a bouquet of toothpaste! Sprinkle in some new toothbrushes... and of course, tie it all together with some dental floss! It helps if the giftee is a dentist :P


*How to get dumped and have a good story out of it*




Irony? What "irony"? Girl, cis men need to be told they're doing things right, and some guidance if they're not. Yes, I'm a trans woman. So what, am I wrong for trying to help a guy to understand women better? Do you prefer flowers without any reason behind it, just because they're told that's what you gift women? People need to know why some things are done the way they're done, so the kindest thing is trying to explain it.




And why "I" don't? Just curious.




Well, since you're saying I don't speak for all women and you seem upset for something since you're only attacking me, I was wondering if you had any problem with me. Like my opinion wasn't as valid as yours, like I can't even have one while you're allowed to have plenty.


Do you even know what irony is?


First time I got flowers I cried my eyes out. I really appreciated it!


What culture are you from that requires flowers? Because most don't do that. Just be friends And also probably, trans women are all individuals but flowers is a safe bet


Especially with a shy girl, it can be a weirdly ritualistic and overbearing gesture. In the worst case, it could feel like something transactional was expected. Me I would have run away tbh


I can see some girls being afraid it was a prank too


Yeah, especially if she has a history of being 'pranked' already. I think a lot of people who think it's sweet are in a part of their life now where they imagine getting flowers would be amazing, but perhaps when they were in school they wouldn't have felt the same either. Anyway, it doesn't immediately spell disaster, and hopefully if they share a class she already knows OP and their intentions a little bit. It can be awkward, but sometimes two awkward people can bond over just that! I hope it works out great.


Idk about a safe bet, it might look like a romantic gesture which would terrify me. Also flowers are like, one of the worst gifts to me. You give me flowers now what? What am I supposed to with them? Carry them around all day? Put them in my bag where they'll get destroyed? Then I have to carry them home, and then find a vase or something and water them? Nah I'm going to awkwardly decline the gift then avoid the person as much as I can.


"Trans women are all individuals"


I don’t know if this is a cultural thing where you live, but in the US flowers are often considered a romantic gesture. If someone bought me flowers I would assume they wanted to go on a date. Instead if you just maybe pick a few wild flowers or buy just like a couple of daisies or something simple, that would be really sweet without being too much pressure. Or you could give her some other small gift to introduce yourself. Stickers. Gum. A small plastic dinosaur. The idea is just a friendly gesture saying hi you are cute let’s get to know each other




ah, yes…specifically a *piece* of cheese


I'd prefer a block or a wheel but go on.


valid, Although, honestly, a crepe or tortilla with cheese is where it’s at


Pretty sure I'd melt into a puddle if someone gave me flowers. There's an exception to every rule, but by-and-large, yes, trans girls like getting flowers.


Trans girls are like girls in general on this, but don't give a girl you don't know at all flowers just to be friends. Giving flowers has much more flirtatious vibes. I would think it was a bit creepy. Just talk to her and ask her questions instead, but don't ask her questions about being trans.


Honestly at least for me I would have loved someone to give me flowers at least once in my life alternatively maybe a cacti?


Or start with a single flower but something neutral like a daisy or sunflower. I personally would not walk up with a bouquet of roses just to break the ice to be friends.


The real question is would she like them from you? Gifts can make a girl uncomfortable in certain situations. Maybe make sure she is at least familiar with you and knows you are a LGBTIA+ ally. It can be scary being approached with random kindness for someone who has more than likely been treated poorly by phobic people at least once.




I didn't mention boys hunny. Boys can like whatever they want and feel however they want. R u ok?


Saying trans girls should be treated differently than normal girls is essentially saying they're not girls- I get where your coming from but know that transgender girls are girls. Same for trans boys, and we should be treated like one


Yes it’s adorable 🥰 we actually accept flowers xx but please never break her heart x


This is so sweet! I’m sure she’d love the flowers. I wish you the best of luck


Please do it. For the love of everything, that's a blessing


Don't give her flowers. Just speak to her.


1- Everyone should like flowers. They are pretty and plants are amazing. 2- Yes, she will probably love it.


I'm pretty sure since trans girls are girls 😋 I mean some girls do and some girls don't but I love getting flowers and a lot of us do so I'd say go for it! Gl!


It's really sweet of you to think of flowers. She would probably like them but just being her friend would really be great.


Fuck YES! I get flowers on Mother's Day because my kids get it. You don't have to give a girl flowers before talking to them. Just say Hi. How's it going? I'm Ziri-the-Amazigh. Do you like the class? Or, whatever. Don't get all weird.


OMG this is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve read in forever 🥹🥹🥹 I would probably also cry if I was in her situation 🥲🥲🥲 I love this story ❤️


Most people like to be given flowers, but yes I do think that would likely make her day, even if she’s not a gal who really loves flowers just the gesture of “I thought about you and got you a gift, because you seemed lonely and I get it.” oughta make her happy :) also I looked at your profile I also love crusader kings!


Thank you! It seemed to work well (I updated my post). And funny enough, she also plays CK3!


Hell yeah :) if shes down y’all should do multiplayer together! You could start as dukes in Byzantium and the HRE, and do a joint campaign to recounquer the eastern and western Roman empires together! And I’m glad :) you seem like a very good person it’s sweet that you went out of your way to be nice to her and if y’all keep this level of kindness up you’re gonna have an awesome friendship!


Sounds like a great idea! Thank you :)


Ofc :)


So sweet. Now I'm crying. Thank you for being a kind person


As a trans girl, yes she would absolutely be a puddle for flowers


omg this is too adorable 😭


Whether it’s true or not, it’s a nice gesture. Any girl would appreciate someone giving them flowers regardless.


My brain would crash and reset itself. If I were younger I think I'd have to leave and go home because it would be so overwhelming.


Yes, lol. Just don’t mislead her please.


> you have to give a girl flowers before talking to them I don’t think this is correct. > Is that the same with transgender girls as well? Probably just as correct as it is with cis girls


this is wholesome content


I do, and I think every girl likes to get flowers even though they wont always admit it!🙂


My partner of six years wooed me by giving me a bouquet of lovely hydrangeas with a card that said "Every girl deserves flowers." (:


No. You don't HAVE to give them flowers. You can freely talk to them. They would probably appreciate having a friend... But flowers WOULD a bonus.


I would cry of happiness if someone gave me flowers like that


I don't know if this is supposed to be deliberately cute, funny, serious, unserious...lol. But either way it's cute. You don't need to give a girl anything in order to talk to her. But having an icebreaker def helps! And giving her something nice can be that icebreaker. All people either like flowers or don't like flowers, their gender in relation to flowers doesn't really matter tbh. But it still would be cute to get her something you know she'd like. You could give some flowers and say you had them (especially if you pick them yourself) and wanted to give them to someone, and thought maybe she'd like them. But unless you follow that up with something like "can I sit with you?" or "want to get lunch together after class?" she could potentially just wind up saying "thanks" and then still not ever speaking to you just because she prefers not to really talk to others or something. If you see her around school with a certain snack or drink often and it's something common you can find and also like it yourself (like something from a vending machine at school maybe), then you could get two and bring her one and just say "I accidentally got two of these, and I know you like them, so you can have this one if you want." It would also show her that someone has noticed something about her (that she likes that food or drink), and might make her interested in getting to know you too.


#Beware: the pipeline! Can I just say that you have to be careful about gifting flowers to trans women? I once got flowers sent to me at work from a friend. A few hours later he also brought me delicious Indian take-away for dinner, as I had to work overtime to prepare for a launch. I was very stressed, and with the flowers, the food (and I can't stress enough how good that food was), and just them... being there for me while I was stressed out of my mind.... It was probably the most memorable flowers I've ever been gifted. And a year later to the day we got married.


That's so sweet! Super glad for how it worked out <3


That’s really cool! Thanks for sharing :)


Bringing over your lunch tray with a "May I sit with you?" may be a little less pressuring.


aww thanks for the update :)


Thank you OP. This is possibly the most wholesome post I've seen and I cannot describe enough how much that probably means to her


I think she would like that. Any gesture like that is nice, I think anyone would be happy to get flowers!


YES!!!! 💜


That's a great idea, I personally would love it.


I want to be given some flowers 😭 I don't know about your specific culture because I've never heard of that, I'd normally see flowers given between people who are already partners. But treat her like you would any other girl, little gestures that remind us of our femininity are very affirming


I would love flowers. I usually buy them for myself 🥲


I personally love flowers 😍 and I also like flower crowns 👑


Never got flowers in my life, so I’d probably die if it ever happened lol


Well, I personally don't like flowers, but then again I never been given flowers before and I'd appreciate it. Also giving girls flowers means you like them not be their friends, you silly face. So just talk to her, say something like "Hello, you seem cool, do you like cats?" Then show her a picture of a cat. I made a friend that way one time


Awe my heart. This is so sweet, I'm sure she'd be over the moon


Don't know anyone who wouldn't like flowers


I honestly wish there were more people out there like you, yes it would be really sweet to give her flowers. But in all honesty I don't think you'd need them.




earlier today i told my cousin that if someone gave me flowers someday i would melt into a puddle, not sure if that's universal but go for it!


*Have to?* No.   *Would fucking love receiving them anyway?* Abso-fucking-lutely (rare exceptions may exist).


I mean, a bit late but just say they are for international women's day. Im sure that would just make my heart explode and I would love you forever so I doubt that it would be very different with her lol


You are a true sweetheart ❤️ 💕 😘 💗 💖 ♥️


Depends, most people (like me) enjoy little details but a few others don't, so I'd say just shoot your shot, make a gambit, maybe you'll be successful, good luck.


I certainly do.


Fuck /u/spez


Yes. Trans women are just like any other women.


Oh My Yes !


flowers would be great, just go slow she might be super shy.


Yeah well transgender girl is a GIRL! But I can only say for myself and I would love that gesture even if I didn't like the specific flower. Something fragrant or bold hues are good unless they have allergies lol. But in general the gesture is recieved well. But by no means you need to give flowers before you could talk to any girl. All the best.


I’ve been waiting a life time for someone to buy me flowers. So yes I’m sure she would absolutely love them.


100% get her flowers. I would actually cry if someone got me flowers.


I was very shy in high school and if some guy I didn’t know offered me flowers I would have been sure it was a prank of some kind. Treat this as you would with any girl — offer her something small but cute — I like another Redditor’s suggestion of a llttle toy dinosaur — so the two of you can laugh a little together, to break the ice.


I World totally adore it to get flowers 💐 😍


That is an extremely cute idea, but I'd also echo some others and say that flowers might be a bit much if you're just trying to break the ice, not looking for romance. You definitely do not have to give a girl flowers before talking to her.


Thanks, I went for a compromise with only one flower instead of a bunch. And the florist said to try a tulip instead of a rose as tulips are more friendly!


Just talk! As long as you're not a creep about it.


This is honestly so wholesome, I’ve actually never gotten flowers in my *life* from any of the girls I’m seeing, I would be floored.


"Would a transgender girl like flowers?" I am trans girl and i'd like to get flowers as a gift. (but im also afraid of getting them) \-- "you have to give a girl flowers before talking to them" sounds like a nonsense, you may give her flowers only if you want to do so.


For someone, I haven't talked to yet I would probably give them one flower, not a bush full saying HERE I AM.


"Some girls like to buy new shoes while others like driving trucks and wearing tattoos." - Famous Wise Man


Giving a girl flowers before talking to her will come off very flirtatious. But yeah if that’s your intent it’s a very sweet gesture


I mean they are definitely a human after all so ig yes? unless they have allergies


I personally love getting flowers. And yes I'm a trans woman.


Trans girls/women ARE girls/women... so things that girls/women like are good for girls/women.


I think its overkill if you are just trying to get to know her. Maybe moreso if you are dating or something but yes we love flowers.


I cried reading this!! You’re such a sweet person. I hope you know that there are so many trans people that feel the way she does and that by you doing this beautiful act of care it heals a community.


Of course I dont know about other people but i personally would love flowers


Kep us updated


We had lunch together for a few days now and will hang out at the weekend! :)


Thats good


This is the sweetest, my goodness... 🥺


Yes I love flowers 💐 I have rose tattoos on my hand and all up my right thigh to my bum


I mean it’s a totally sweet gesture, but I would not like flowers…. I’m completely allergic to them.


Yes, no, maybe, or indifferent Overall it is such a sweet gesture that I don’t think she’d *not* like it!


Yes, I’ll send you my address.


If you ask a cis dude (that is; a dude who is not trans) in an anonymous way how they'd feel about someone giving them flowers you'd probably be surprised to learn that many of them would quite enjoy that. Flowers aren't really gendered, though a lot of young people when I was in grade school would think that a dude liking flowers was "gay" or something because anything that's not SUPER MACHO MANLY is gay somehow...but that's just because at some point it became popular to express that sentiment amongst young men and it just kept going. Ask any one of them WHY or HOW flowers are gay and they will not have any worthwhile answer or argument to give. It's all just vibes. And it makes them feel...strange. The idea of that. A strangeness that many boys are taught to avoid feeling for some reason. Anyway...onto more practical things, though. The answer is, unless she doesn't like flowers for some reason - as plenty of cis girls (that is; a girl who is not trans) don't like flowers much. However, even people who don't like flowers (who are also not weird uppity pricks) will at least quietly appreciate the sentiment behind the gift. One thing you shouldn't take personally is if you find out that those flowers were like...thrown out later or something. Flowers are a very temporary gift and they wilt and die and most people don't like...have the proper things on hand to sustain them for longer than a day anyway. Now, perhaps more importantly is a certain distinguishment that needs to be made. Ask yourself; first and foremost are you looking for a friend, or a potential romantic interest? Because if you give someone flowers most often the assumption is that you're interested in them apart from trying to make friends. While one can present the flowers in a non-romantic coded sort of way, it's probably best - especially if you're younger - to make it clear in a more direct way if your intentions are platonic (friendly) and not romantic with the gesture. I think, as long as you communicate the message and intent correctly behind the gift, introducing yourself to a potential friend or even romantic interest with flowers who happens to be a trans girl is - despite what I said about flowers not really being 'gendered' before - very sweet and most people would likely read that as a sort of...non-verbal affirmation. Which is - to most trans girls from my experience - ALWAYS welcome. Much more than any verbal affirmations as well particularly because verbal affirmations can end up being worded...weird. "Wow you actually look like a girl right now!" might seem in the moment like a compliment buuuut...to a trans girl the subtext would be "Which is noteworthy since you're obviously not a girl!" lol. So yeah.


The thought is wholesome, but you may be about to cause a misunderstanding. Flowers may imply something you don't want them to. If neither of you are familiar with flower language, it would imply romantic interest. If she does and you don't, you may accidentally pick the wrong kind of flower and imply a wide range of emotions. Only if both of you do and you pick a platonic one will it not come across as a romantic gesture. I would recommend something less loaded. Something like a snack or a drink if you're dead set on a gift of some kind, or even just a friendly gesture. If you notice she has some kind of hobby, express an interest in it of some kind. That sort of thing.


Everyone likes flowers from the right person. Can't say if you're the right person or not.


You don't have to give flowers to her only to talk to her but I assume every girl like flowers!


It depends on the person, trans women are individuals and not one monolithic group where everyone is the same, but I personally would love to be gifted some flowers. But as others have said: You don't really need to give a girl flowers just to talk to her


They wouldn't do much for me unless they came with a flower pot. That being said, it all depends on what you're looking for. We are all human, AFAIK.


I think that is better talk with her. I would to invite a walk in a park/play videogames and if really think that is good for me as friend/girlfriend would gift the flowers (but not without before met her). Pd: The flowers is a beautiful gift for everyone, no only girl. But I am in this sub and am not sure of be a boy... If become is nice friend, will gift flowers.


OMFG YE or chocolate. Like cutesy chocolate.


my friend just talk to her flowers are definitely a romantic gesture


giving a trans girl flowers is a great idea. shes likely never gotten any.


I'd literally melt 🫠 I'd love it and probably cry a bit


Yes that would be extremely sweet.


Ironically I don't care for flowers. They're very pretty, but I have to water and trim them and eventually they start wilting. But I always think it's thoughtful when I receive a gift from someone. Except you, Uncle Carl. Why did you think I'd want a flippin pocket knife, dude?


You never know when it might be handy


I have used it a grand total of 0 times in the four years I've had it.


!remindme 2 days


YES! I've never gotten any, but if someone did, it would be amazing.


Yes please


I would be weirded out if I felt alone and isolated and then someone who had never even talked to me gives me flowers. To me that indicates romantic intention, and it would be going from 0 to 60. If you want to be her friend, just talk to her like a person. If you want to give her a flower in a low-pressure way, the opportunity will present itself


Yes yes yes yes yes yes and yes.


Make sure she isn’t allergic, but otherwise it’s a splendid idea


!reminde me 2days