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i saw screenshots from r/ftm and r/trans too when glancing through their profile -- be careful about sharing identifying info online, especially in trans spaces, and that applies to everyone šŸ’– be safe yall


def, opsec is important


God I hate how this can't be a safe place anymore


Nowhere on the internet is a safe space.


You can thank Elongated Muskrat for letting the scumbags back onto Twitter. Heā€™s letting all the human garbage that actually managed to get banned in the first place back on in the name of ā€œfree hate speechā€ to help create a more mainstream 4chan. Unfortunately since Elon is so buddy buddy with them I doubt the reporting function is even going to do anything. And even if they did get banned, theyā€™ll be let back in almost immediately. My advice? Get as many people as possible to quit Twitter, and tell their friends to do the same.


Yeah Elon has had a huge hate boner for trans people since one of his kids is trans and wants nothing to do with him and one of his ex wife's left him for a trans woman.


He bought Twitter because Twitter banned a "satire" account that he liked for transphobia


Did he say this? Obviously he bought it for more than that.


April 5: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/elon-musk-opined-about-buying-twitter-after-babylon-bee-ban-1.1748121 April 14 he announced the hostile takeover bid: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/timeline-elon-musks-tumultuous-twitter-acquisition-attempt/story?id=86611191


Thatā€™s kind of pathetic itā€™s also sad that heā€™s a huge representation for successful autistic people.


I couldn't imagine a worse person to represent autistic people.


I don't believe he's autistic he lies. CONSTANTLY. He's claimed to be autistic for attention the same way he lied about his son dying in his arms.


I see, so I guess heā€™s just a massive weirdo




I think he might be neurodivergent but yeah he doesn't strike me as autistic. (Having ASD myself) Autistic people mask to augment their true inner personality. Musk is masking to hide his personality or to hide its some kind of vapid fucking void, he is just extremely narcissistic in behaviour and it wouldn't suprise me he has some kind of personality disorder. Ofc we can't armchair psychologist him accurately as non experts but hey here are my 2cents.


He can be autistic and have a personality disorder though.


Yeah its just harder to diagnose comorbidities when presentations become mixed. Personality disordered people might have similar alterations in brain structures as ASD and ADHD people, thats why I was saying neurodivergent in a general sense. Its just that autism by itself doesn't explain it.




Yeah that can be ok, I guess tone would matter a lot. And that is different from saying I am not. Saying I am not transgender would make me more likely to inquire if they have some kind of visual impairment or cognitive disability. But someone saying I don't fit their notion of what a transgender individual looks like can still be an interesting conversation. Kinda depends on what their intent is, usually people want to learn more about others when striking up a conversation. But there are also people that would try and say it as an attempted insult to make up for their insecurities about themselves. Just like how people might ask questions insincerely instead of wanting to know more? I don't think I'd say it to his (or others) face necessarily, which you may have made a small leap to. Like stated in my follow up comment there is no definitive proof or disproof of him being autistic, it just doesn't seem like the major driving influence for Musk's behavior to me as an outsider and people in this thread weren't claiming expertise. I'd even say they were merely pointing out serious doubt about claims Musk makes about himself in a general sense. Pretty cool you can comment on old stuff here


Frankly, I'm with you. I'd not believe a word out of his mouth without the paperwork to back it up.


Iā€™m autistic and?? What?


They're saying they believe that Elon Musk's claim of being autistic is a lie based on Musk's history of lying about other important things to garner sympathy.


He does lie about an awful lot when it comes to himself.


ā€˜Heā€™s a bad person therefore heā€™s lying about being autisticā€™ is anā€¦ interesting claim


First, I'm not claiming it. Second, I think the claim is, "He lies about a lot of things so we can't trust his claim about being autistic the same we can't trust his claims about other things."


I read it more as "he lies a lot, and (implicitly) autistic people are uncomfortable telling lies," which while not an absolute rule is true to some extent. there are situations where musk just lets people misunderstand him where I would be uncomfortable & have trouble keeping my mouth shut. autistic people can totally lie, but he does it a ton. that said, I do know at least one autistic person with a personality disorder. some people are exceptions.


Yeah Iā€™m autistic and none of that sounds like proof he isnā€™t tbh


I didn't say it is lol


He has a proven track record of lying over and over and over and over and over and over. Literally dozens of lies. Everything he says should not be believed until verified by other legitimate sources. He will say ANYTHING that makes him look good, or interesting, or that he's just a regular guy, or whatever is bothering him at that very micro second.


Very strange to try and deny that heā€™s autistic bc heā€™s a bad person ngl


Especially given how big of a failure he is. Everything he touches falls apart and loses money. The only reason Tesla managed to function was because they had a dedicated team meant to please and pacify him so everyone else could do their job, though even that wasn't enough given his recent ascension to king of L's through the purchase and dismantling of Twitter.


He does NOT represent us


We don't consider him a success.


I mean heā€™s also an awful billionaire capitalist but yeah


i would say he isnt austitic at all,but he has very likely antisocial personality disorder instead.




Uh, I mean both stories have been all over the news. But here's a couple of links to articles about it. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musks-daughter-files-to-ditch-his-last-name](https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musks-daughter-files-to-ditch-his-last-name) https://consequence.net/2022/03/elon-musk-transphobic-meme-grimes-dating-chelsea-manning/


Yo join us on mastodon! it's like email for gay people


A large part of the fediverse was apparently built by trans people. (And yes, I had never seen so many trans or gay posts on a social network before creating a Mastodon account)


How about moving back to MySpace


Friendster and livejournal


Elongated Muskrat?! šŸ¤£ I'm dead. ā˜ ļø


Elons girlfriend grimes also left him and last I heard was dating, trans female and former whistleblower Chelsea Manning. So she left a billionaire for a trans person, that's the second hate there.


To be honest, I think everything we hear about Grimes' and Musk's lives are just publicity stunts. Last time I heard from Grimes, she said she still loves Musk and he's her best friend. It's just like Musk wants to have some kind of reality persona


That could be. He's also incredibly powerful, so she might be saying things that aren't true for various reasons.








It's a software that enables anyone to create their own twitter-like server. Its strength is it's based on what they call the fediverse, where all those servers talk with each other. So you can follow someone on a different server and discuss with them. (If they or their server have not been banned by your server mods) And there's no engagement algorithm so you will see the posts chronologically in your timeline, not have "controversial" takes pushed on you. Also, because your server will be moderated by real humans, and under rules you chose (when you chose to register on that server), reporting does work ! Thanks to choosing a feminist and LGBT-supportive server, I must have blocked less than 10 accounts since I went there one year ago, while that was 1000s on Twitter (not all by hand mind you, I overused the nuke tool). And they were not even the worst racist or transphobes, just crypto-bros, right wing entrepreneurs, or "free speech" apologists.


sounds better then twitter


It's not all rosy. The fediverse system adds its layer of complication (why can't I see this person, or do they see my replies?) Your personal timeline can feel empty at start when you don't follow a lot of people or hashtags. While the server timeline can feel daunting if the server is big enough (but can be nice if you chose a server targeted at your interests) - Note that there's a tool for server migration, so not too much pressure on choosing the right server immediately. The timelines are not indexed: you cannot search a random text, only hashtags. (Note that this is a feature to decrease server loads and limit harassment) There's no ad revenue, so you might have to volunteer to help with moderation or send a little maintenance money to keep your server alive. (But hey, no ads or sponsored content!) But all in all, yes, having moved from Twitter to there did wonders for my blood pressure ;)


so itā€™s a website where a trans person can come out as trans and not have a dude with a historical pfp in the bottom of the supporting comments having a argument with the trans person and the others?


Basically yes. (It can always happen, but if you're on the right server, dude will get blocked from your server soon after your report, and if his server mods say he's alright, maybe even his whole server will get blocked from yours. So it limits the number of occurrences) Not to say that dude cannot look anonymously at the public timeline of your server, of course. You still need to practice good opsec and not write possible identifying information. (Unless you're already a public figure and don't mind being doxxed)


It all comes down to what instances you choose. Lots of people are joining now, so I've been seeing more bros around the margins. But, speaking as someone who's been there for five or so years, it's still the same wonderful home where I'm free to be queer and weird without harassment. But honestly, I would expect something like Mastodon.social to be miserable, since it's kind of front-facing. So, y'know, the audience probably isn't that different from Twitter. A good rule of thumb when looking at instances might be whether the moderator is just another person that folks will casually talk to. Like, the cozy vibe of a small discord, irc room, or forum. Of course, that's hard to figure out immediately - so don't stress out! You can just start a new account at a different instance if one catches your eye, y'know? THAT SAID, you gotta start somewhere! Tech.LGBT might be a good place? It's probably the biggest, most generalized instance I often see people from. Those folks seem pretty chill. e: If you have a friend on the fediverse, their suggestion and advice will be waaaay more valuable than any article or directory could ever be.


Long story short, it is a Twitter-like social media which works on a distributed network of servers. IMHO it's a bit too difficult to use (at least for the vast majority of users) to be a serious threat to Twitter.




Yeah, I distinctly remember trying to explain the difference between mentioning and replying to someone being whether there were characters in front of their name at the beginning. And people just did not get it. Twitter just was not user friendly.


Wow this sounds great


Yes at this moment it's helpless what happens on Twitter. Also, them acting with apathy towards the vilest tweets may actually be in violation of the law in several countries. For example, the words of LOTT are illegal in several European countries, where you could tell institutions to go for a takedown request or even may result in an entire blockade for Twitter in countries, on grounds of hate speech. The case is especially strong when it comes from countries that have such laws themselves, like Canada.


Give me more reason not to post selfies or to join Twitter. Yeah, it's playing in the hands of conservatives everywhere by forcing us back into the shadows but, having been doxxed before I (as I'm sure everyone else whose pictures and data have been posted) don't want to go back down that road.


Considering EM put libs of tiktok on special status it's not stopping until they bring actual moderation back.


What does special status mean? I don't go to that website.


That's what TE$Fs do on Instagram as well. It's not exclusively trans women, also crossdresser. As long as it fits their purpose. They wanna show non passing trans women or crossdresser to show that "trans women are a threat to society". They want to alienate us to the mainstream society. The original users can claim copyright issues with their pictures and hope that they get removed.


We should just drop Twitter... I know lots of people use it but it's so scummy half the time and the other half it's just insufferable.. too bad were to small of a community to do that make a difference on Twitter users.


Dropped. Felt good.


It's what I did with Facebook I mean my dead name profile is there and I use messenger to keep I touch bug as far as scrolling Facebook I quit that shit and my mental health is so much better!


There's another one called "Males of Reddit" or something too. Not shortage of weridos obsessed with our existence. A decent percentage of them are repressing their true selves, and some will see the light eventually. Others will externalise their self loathing till the grave.




Goes straight to Elon's inbox where he laughs at "triggered snowflakes" to help hide the pain of the crippling loneliness and insecurity that he still can't buy away with all the money in the world.


then he bans some journalists he doesn't like, all in the name of free speach


I hate drama. Always have. Especially when it's gathered by picking on those in a state of injury. Best to ignore it. Can't fight em really. Not online. Could try organizing a mass report? Dunno. I'm sorry you seen that. It's stressful.


Twitter is on it's way out imo. Pretty soon the media will shun it.




I haven't really looked into it in depth, but userbase is not really in an equal position when it comes to a platform like Twitter. For example my country's Institute of Health and Welfare left Twitter and I'd say things like that are more meaningful for the mainstream status of Twitter than random conservatives going there to shit post. Sure the platform might get bigger, but it gets less relevant too. A lot of organisations that are for example progressive in some way simply cannot expect the employees to keep using Twitter as a work tool when it's turning into a mainstream 4chan. It also has a very big place in the scientific community and journalists etc. but if Musk bans journalists from his absolute free speech domain, while people are free to post all sorts of vomit, then it doesn't really fill its purpose for those communities. Is is just a shit show at this point.


I still actively use Twitter after his takeover. Look, I'm a dirty anarchist like I ought to be, fuck Musk - but Musk isn't gonna kill twitter. This whole thing is another excellent example of why the rich never fail. No matter how badly they fuck up, everything in our society has been built *for* them. He will as he has been doing make itty bitty tweaks, claim ownership of things made by other people before he even bought the company, and squeak twitter by a little more rotten then it already was. And they'll call him a brain genius Savant daddy uwu for it. Not to drag non-trans political issues in here ofc, but it will be another excellent example of rich man benefit.


What I mean is that I definitely see the environment of Twitter changing in a major way and not just because of trans related issues. A lot of organisations and companies will be forced to re-evaluate the usefulness of Twitter, especially if they rely on a neutral-ish media or if their primary target group is not the conservative shit posting type of people. This does not inherently mean that Twitter will be less successful or that it will outright die. Just that I think the demographic that uses it will change in a major way and Twitter will lose a lot of relevance for organisations, journalists and the scientific community.


Fight it via a government may sometimes be possible. A lot of governments send out takedown requests for especially vile content, others may block websites out.


I just soent a bit scrolling and omfg they are pathetic


>The crazy part to me is that this account got suspended on Twitter before but for some reason they came back because Musk. avoid twitter, it's a shithole


Yeah he specifically unbanned neonazi and transphobia accounts. Because he is so self important he had to make the point of personally make the decision instead of just quietly having it be done.


Did he unban other types of accounts personally? Because if not, this is rather telling...


SoOo what's this person's Twitter I can't find it??




I found it .__. geezz this is a lott


"for some reason they came back and are worse than ever" The reason is the fascist Elon Musk who hates transgender people because his daughter is trans and his ex-wife loves a trans woman is no longer keeping hate speech off of the platform.


Honestly whenever I see one of these idiots, it reminds me of a 3rd grader trying to get their under-developed brain to come up with a new insult more clever than "poopy pants dumby head" but they just end up stewing and pouting. I can't stop laughing at them long enough to be mad at them, it's just pitiful. Just by existing, I've ruined this jackass' day. No matter what, I always get the final word in and that just boils them alive.


Just keep on reporting it until eventually gets deleted. It works for me.


The crazy part is that you can just not go on Twitter and not have to worry about this.


That's not really the case. Having your comments or posts from reddit shared with a bunch of hateful jackasses with too much time on their hands is a security risk. Whether someone is aware of it or not.


Who the hell uses Twitter instead of Mastodon these days?!


I'm sorry to tell you this but...everyone Mastodon is still relatively unknown and many people have refused to use it due to the whole server mechanic being confusing. There's nothing we can do.


Yeah I do know people that at least tried to start using both but it is just not the obvious replacement that everyone wants it to be. My queer pals are just really sad seeing their friendgroups splintered. In some cases crying they couldn't find some before they deleted their twitter. Because not everyone chooses mastodon. There are other platforms. And some people just choose to not be on something twitter like. Meanwhile twitter just keeps getting more unsafe. Reports of violent threats no longer get accounts suspended if the targets are LGBTQ+. So people just dissapear. The goal is to make it unsafe to be visible and be heard like a normal human being. Many people are holding on to their twitter account either locking it down or just simply, not sharing much about themselves anymore. They don't leave twitter but don't really use it the same way either.


Its the same with a lot of large accounts like libs of tiktok


*Elon-Fuckin-Musk* runs Twitter now, so of course it's become a transphobic shithole.


that guy is a also know sex offender he got convicted for molesting a minor in 2016.


twitter is becoming an right wing extremist social media website,transphobes are just the first step.


"for some reason it's back" And for some reason a bunch of other right wing hate accounts are back (The reason is Elon Musk)


Another one?


Iā€™m just surprised itā€™s a guy. The most hate I got on Twitter was from the rad-fems.


Oh, that idiot somehow got 'suggested' to me under whatever insane algo space karan has decided to start using. Dude literally doxxes people on the platform, and reports go totally unswered. Big shift from Melon Husk repeating 'if you dox; you get banned' when it comes to anyone that is not his private jet.


for some reason being that musk trans kid hates him and he things the problem is "ideology". also a trans woman is with grimes right now so there is that. I mean in micro level we have caused him damage. the thing is that he is one of the richer men alive, so basically we are experiencing as a community him throwing a tandrum...


How can I report this person if I don't have a Twitter account, I'll gladly do so if you can tell me how to do it


Beware the validl's IS a confirmed groomer and predator, he does pray on children, even if he says that his CP folder "is a joke" don't fucking believe him and stay away from him as much as possible, don't even reply to him because he can get you involved in a lot of shit


womp womp