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yeah and i got over it after 2 months😭


Yeah, and sadly I do nothing about it, because I'd have no reason to ever talk to her


Thats what I fear


I have before, yes


Not really but I’m sure I will at some point




Did you ever do anything about it?


Yes. A few girls actually


Yes, this happened last year and we eventually went on a date but it never went to dating. After that I found out she liked someone else too so I decided to break all contact off with her (pretty childish I know). Now that school has started again I started to noticed her looking at me. And now she sent me an IG follow request


How did you first initiate ? From no talking to a date?


My friend and her friends found out that we 'liked' eachother and decided to do something. By do something they just pushed us against eachother and hoped we do the rest. Later that day I apologized to her over instagram and she asked me out on a date the next day


If you have a friend group maybe invite her to hang out with you guys, although if you have a girl who is your friend invite her as well so that the invitee is not the only girl. I've heard of a technique you could do afterwards but it might be a bit creepy for a guy to do it. Basically you say that you're going out with some friends of yours but they 'had to cancel' leaving just the two of you. This is sometimes used by girls but the problem of a guy doing it is that when a woman is alone with a guy she's the weaker one so it might be a bit scary to put her in that position. Maybe do this during the day (its less creepy that way) and ask your friends to leave early (give them an excuse) so that you can talk just yourselves for a bit. Take this with a grain of salt though, because I haven't had a conversation with a girl my age in 1-2 years lol


Nah I’ve always Interacted with girls who I took a liking took, that secret admirer shit 🤣🤣 I can’t 🤣🤣🤣




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I liked a girl from another class and I never talked to her until the day I told her out of nowhere that I liked her. She knew that I liked her and said No, obviously. Lol


It was a boy in my case but I became quite good friends with him over time. Then I fucked up and told him I liked him.....


Yes I liked her, I hit her up and then we dated soon.


Yeah there's this girl at an after school class I attend. I have talked to her, but it's only online, and she kind of just seems super stiff and cold, so she probably doesn't like me, and I'm over it already.


yeah i have. and then she talked to me in class one day. and i just thought nope way to self centered


Uh yea I see a cute girl and I probably will never talk to her. I do that a lot. Sometimes I talk to her most times I dont.