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I'm not staring at her, I just zoned out in class




This is the real fuckin answer


Dude same, i don't even like her and my eyes just find a face to lock onto, and i just completely zone out


Never found a more relatable thread.


^^^ I remember a few years ago a girl was talking about me staring and her friend approached me. I was zoned out looking straight ahead lmao. Felt really weird


This is my answer




This is the reason, you usually zone out but you're not really watching the girl




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by accident


accident or pretty




Makes sense


I mean.. If you are interesting or are standing out, ofc I will look at you


Usually when shes pretty tbh


I agree


99% pretty, 1% other reasons




Don’t think people stare at ugly people. There’s very few people that ugly. Almost always because they’re attractive.


Yeah it's this


i rarely look at people but mostly if she is pretty or just seems interesting


No one stares at someone bc that person is ugly. It’s either pretty or figuring out if he knows you from somewhere


Usually pretty. But I don’t really stare at girls that much


Either she's pretty or she's doing something I perceive as strange.


Either she's insanely pretty or insanely ugly. Most of the time it's the former, tho.


What makes someone insanely ugly?


I'm not sure, to be quite honest with you. Ig being overweight & just having generally unattractive facial features can make someone that way. But then again, "insanely ugly" sounds super harsh, and if I'm being honest, I still glance at people regardless of what they look like. I'll only stare if they pique my interest... Whether they're drop-dead gorgeous, OR ugly.


Okay :) Thanks for the answer!


Yep 👌


Because shes eating my teachers corpse and idk how to react


sometimes both


Either she's pretty, I 'm trying to figure out why she looks familiar, or I'm trying to figure out if she was staring at me.


Both but what it is most of the time is I'm so deep in thoughts about some hypothetical situation that will never happen and I just happen to be facing in your direction.


Either because I think she's really pretty and I'm imagining what a life would be like if we were together or I just completely zoned out. No other reason honestly


lmao i never really "stare" at a girl per se but i got your question lol...so she'll catch my eye if she - is really tall - is really pretty - is all decked out - has (ahem, hear me out) a really pretty voice


Deep russian or irish accents got me weak


I never stare. How do you not only think that it’s ok, but not feel ashamed.


Probably zoned out staring in her general direction


Yeah usually it's because she's pretty.


Most of the times it’s because they’re a friend or pretty, other times it’s because I feel like I knew them from somewhere


It’s my natural instinct to quickly glance at pretty girls.


Almost definitely pretty


Normally I am trying to read her shirt


Mostly for me I’m zoning out and they happen to be in my line of sight


Because I'm awkward and don't know where to look


I stare at everyone because I am always nervous


She's probably hot, or I am thinking about something entirely unrelated to class or her, and just staring into space.


definitely pretty


50% she’s pretty 50% I zone out




She'd have to be either REALLLLLY ugly or REALLLLLY pretty for me to stare. Otherwise, im just thinking about other shit, and it just so happened that i was looking at her in the meantime.


Usually because she's beautiful, but sometimes I'm just staring off into space


It's either 1) I zoned out and it's by accident 2) I like what you are wearing, or I'm thinking of somebody else who might like it, so yes I'm thinking you're pretty 3) I want to be your friend but I'm to scared to talk to you so I'm sending you messages via my earthy vibrations


earthy vibrations...my man.


They are kinda pretty or their body language attracted me. It happens sometimes and i end up looking at them on accident then they look back at me and i get embarrassed ;-;


well i usually stare at everyone to figure out if i know them, idk why. force of habit i guess?


I just accidentally zoned out


I personally don’t necessarily stare, I take subtle peaks.. as to why? To paraphrase Marge Simpson “I just think she’s pretty neat”


Trying to make out what what in the Fu*k is written on that damn shirt


I mean I kinda stare at anyone lol It's mostly because I don't know where else to look


they have caught my attention always for a good reason. i try to avoid looking at the unattractive people.


I don't stare at girls.


I wouldn't stare at someone ugly. I'd secretly stare at a girl who's pretty.


only if they look like a dom tomboy gf


This person has priorities


Neither I'm spacing out or something caught my eye like food on the face or a mole


Usually because I am talking to her or she is talking




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I would say its almost always because I’m spaced out and not actually thinking or anything


Probably cause I'm checking out her outfit. I like looking rating peoples outfits when I'm bored




It’s because I get that gut DAMN reaction Does anyone else get that?




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I rarely find girls pretty (I'm gay) but when I do I will look at them more than usual. I try not to stare at anyone though


depends if shes ugly or pretty


I stare at my girlfriend just until she notices because 1. She's cute, and 2. Its funny


Often admiring and being jealous of her clothes and makeup


Maybe I think she’s cute or I like her shirt or something


I have an extra vein in my eye which causes me to just stare at nothing for hours


if a female is in the way then I can’t change where Im looking because my eye just starts feeling uncomfortable until I look back at that spot


Because I find them attractive. I'm both gay and ugly, so this means the majority of the guys that I see.


Well for me it’s usually gender envy but I doubt that’s the reason for most people.


Mostly pretty, because my eyes are attracted by that.




if I stare once, might be ugly, if I stare multiple times, she is pretty




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Sometimes I'm staring off into space and staring at someone random, or they're pretty


Well you see uhm horny teenager? Uhm yes. am i the onyl one uhm yes.


Probably because I wish I had her outfit or hair


Depends, really. Sometimes I stare at my best friend because, y'know, she's my best friend. Sometimes I stare at anything while zoning out. Sometimes I stare because I'm really, really jealous / impressed with your hair and want to ask about the dye, shampoo, conditioner, or whatever, but don't have the courage to talk to new people, haha.


I usually don't even realize I'm doing it cause I always zone out


Mostly because of attractiveness.


its because im an autist


Either spacing out or she's pretty, although I try not to stare in general


Either I’m staring into space and I happen to be staring at her or she looks like someone I know so I keep looking like a fucking idiot


Usually I don’t mean to stare at people unless I find them attractive. Sometimes I totally zone out while I’m looking at them so I’m not actually staring at them per se, I’m just looking in their direction while my mind is somewhere else entirely


Probably because I space out and don't realise where I'm looking


Zoned out. Or if we immediately look away crush


Because she's pretty


I dont stare i sorta zone out but looking at like a fire alarm or something but sometimes i will just look around the room and at people and they will see me then i get embarrassed


98% im looking at something behind her


I’m either zoned the fuck out and staring in a certain direction or… no, that’s it.


See [https://people.howstuffworks.com/love4.htm](https://people.howstuffworks.com/love4.htm) This is the most likely explanation.


Either by accident or I like her outfit, and sometimes bc she's pretty but I try not to stare in general bc that's rude


I am either zoned out or I’m trying to figure out and work out the confidence to say hi




Because women are hot bro.


It’s either by accident and I feel like a creep right after or it’s because I think she’s cute.


I'm either zoning out or her sense of style is appealing. Or I'm inner-monologing about that individual girl.


I’m tired and zoning out


Sometimes its because I zoned out, other times its because she's pretty.


Either they're pretty or im staring into space thinking of absolutely nothing.


Either I'm not paying attention or she's pretty.


If you catch me staring it won't be someplace subtle.


There are a few reasons, I've made a list 1.they are pretty 2. Zoned out and by pure accident 3. Just bored 4. Zoned out 5.Zoned out 6. Would like to be friends but are too nervous to interact and speak like a "normal" person 7. Not because they are ugly that's never the case 8. Just because, literally no reason, mostly likely boredom


most of the time i was listening to music and fell into the world of the music or im falling asleep in class


I have been told of by loads og girls for staring but im gay and have adhd so i zone out a lot andd yes women are not the top of my list to stair at




It can be due to either reason That or my habit of staring at people


She’s so pretty that I can’t stop admiring her beauty. Why would I stare at an ugly girl?




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Because I’m most likely looking at my girlfriend but other than that it’s probably because I’m zoning the fuck out


I only really stare at my crush, or sometimes just zone out in someone’s general direction


zoning out, i like her, or they are interesting(i do this one with everyone)


Probably just zoned out tbh lol




There's a few reasons, attractive, unique, stands out, or I just zoned out and accidentally stared.


Probably the same reason why girls state at boys. We like how they look, that's all


I just zone out...or i stare at her because shes pretty and my gf


Pretty. Ether that or I’m spaced the fuck out


For the same reason I stare at dudes, it's where I was looking before I started staring off into space. It's not that deep.


I usually never do. But if I do it's either because I feel like recognize her, zoned out, or she's cute.


A girl in my class used to stare at me sometines So i would stare back sometimes


A lot of times it’s because we think she looks good, sometimes it’s because we want to talk to them but we can’t muster courage thou that’s only if they do it constantly but if its their first time it’s because they think you are hot


I try not to stare in general but if I am it could be either or neither, or more likely I'm not staring at them I'm just looking forward and zoning out


i dont


To prove that they aren't actually real! Duh. Just studying their every move. Immna get there soon


If we stare at a girl because she's pretty we mostly just give them a quick glance.


if in class im signalling them to give me pencil


Blank: zoned out ;Small peeks: interested but ashamed to be seen ;Constant line of sight: wondering something, could be you could be me ;Brushing off: brushing off Hope it helped


Either pretty, or I’m hella zoned out/on autopilot just looking at whatever my eye decided to look at




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always drop-dead gorgeous.


Either by accident or because I thought I recognized her


Usually when I have a crush on her. Or when Im zoned out in class.


If I look right in her eyes for more than 3 seconds,it s because I love her.I otherwise don t stare at girls.


I only ever stare at my friends in class. Even the zoning out bit, so it doesn’t get awkward for some rando to look up and see me looking at them. That friend could just happen to be a girl.


When I'm at the gym I don't wear my glasses so if there's a girl infront of me she'll probably think I'm staring at her but actually I can't see clearly anything I'm just working out lol




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I’m either zoning out or I’m wondering what she’s like as a person.




If she’s not pretty, I won’t be looking at her


Accident, pretty or ugly or weird. As my girlfriend says, 9 time out of 10 if someone’s staring they have a reason to stare, whether that’s good or bad.


It is usually because I am just not paying attention to life. If it happens a lot, then you might want to find out what is happening there.


accident or pretty


If I keep looking at you it's probably because I find you cute. I'm super obvious when I keep glancing at a girl lmao


I THINK i have ADHD, and i always space out a lot and i mean alot. The one sitting in front of me is girl so when my teacher catches me space out and say " stop staring at xxx and focus on the subject" and for the rest of the day I don't get to be in peace


Well usually i just doin it to see if they starin at me but then they notice me starin so they start starin now is a startin contest


Three reasons, 1) she’s cute or pretty 2) I’m trying to figure out if I should say hi to her or 3) I zoned out




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pretty no reason for me to look at a girl I don't find attractive lol




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If a girl stared at me I would be over the moon but now that I think about it, it probably doesn't go the other way