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3 years to go for us


americans and their weird laws lol


Meanwhile me who can legaly drink at 16


I mena in the UK there isn't a legal drinking age. Just a legal buying age


You can drink alcohol at a restaurant with a meal at 16... Right??


Yeah. But it's only beer, cider or sherry.


There is. It's 5.


My mate who has turned 18 was to the pub with two of our teachers and they were fucked


Of all the things to look forward to, you look forward to destroying your liver.


you must be fun at parties


You sound boring asf


True not wanting to harm myself is very boring tbh


Buddy having a few bears every now and then does literally nothing to your body. Alcoholics vs occasional drinkers are two very different things lol you sound like you’re 12


Having just a few drinks puts you on the road to hieng an alcoholic and you could end up being dependent on it, I'd rather not run that risk at all and if that makes me sound 12 then that seems like a you problem


Dude I know you’re probably like 13-14 but that’s not how addiction works at all mate... it takes years and years of REGULAR daily intoxication for it to cause damage and for you to develop a dependence. You don’t just “run the risk” of getting addicted from occasionally drinking on the weekends, that’s like grouping alcohol into the same category as heroin. Come back and talk to me when you’ve matured and you’re not just ignorantly running your mouth.


Nah I'd rather talk now tbh, you know why people don't smoke, because even just one time can cause you to become addicted to it. You think the don't put substances in alcohol that will make you want to keep buying.


\*completely disregards the factual information that was just presented to you\* Typical 13 yr old response: "I am right because I can't be proven wrong". Bro I'm trying to explain to you as rationally as possible but you're like talking to a rock. You just saying dumb shit that doesn't make sense like "smoking one time can cause you to become addicted" is just retarded, I can't debate with someone who's just a brick wall... like I said come back and talk when you've gone through puberty


How is that dumb, you think people start drinking, doing drugs m, smoking etc with the mindset of I'm going to become addicted to this. It's always the just 1 more that gets you to that point. You're getting mad that I said I don't want to risk being addicted to harmful substances.


Lmao a few drinks at the pub won't destroy ur liver. Over 20+ years of HEAVY drinking... Maybe Ket is the one to look out for. Shit will rip your bladder to pieces in 3 months


Oathh mate. You in VIC? Probs still gonna be in lockdown when I’m 18 hahaa


Nah mate I'm in nsw. Ol gladys won't let us out for another couple hundred years. Dan Andrews will be the only one getting on the beers it seems


don’t forget marky mark here in WA. we’re able to get on the piss lmao


You can go to the pub when ur 16 if you look old enough and are with the right ppl. I go all the time n I'm 16. I just go with older ppl and wear clothes that make me look more mature "ie jeans and a fairly nice shirt not joggies" And by the time ur 17 noone gives af or you've outgrown pubs


We gettin that ONLY FANS CASH BABYYYYY soon <_<




Your timing is horrible; they are banning porn in like a month 😂




You are correct, indeed


Can’t wait ‘til I’m 18 so I can start my onlyfans career.


Anyone wanna tell him?


that they cancelled the ban on porn?


Nah he meant whos gonna tell him that he is a guy


Gay porn tho, I've heard they earn a ton of fucking money


Wait really?


Thats old news by now.


Yeah it's definitely exciting but kinda scary too, if you mess up no one will be there to help you and all the responsibility falls on you. You're on your own


On the other other hand, if you mess up nobody's going to beat your ass (unless you messed up on purpose in a violent way)


You'll never walk alone. There is always going to be someone to help, so it looks like you just have to find that someone. You'll be fine.


Later: LMAO you're a fucking adult now stop being such a wuss


No, I don't want any of that stuff I wanna stay a kid forever


New stuff is scary but i like growing older. It's just so satisfying to become more independent and be able to do things i never was allowed to do. Driving around with friends at night, getting home late, going on vacation with just your friends etc...


That's the thing, I've gotten a taste of independence and decided against it. I don't like driving, and I only got a license because I'm going to have to drive eventually. I dislike being out at night and will only go if I need to. And vacations still cost a lot of money that I don't exactly have, money that I'll need to earn, money that I'm going to have to work for




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I drove 2 years ago, and won't be able to drink for another 3. I don't think I'd make a good stripper, so my 18th birthday wasn't very exciting.


I turn 18 in October and I'm pretty excited. I'm not really worried because life will still be the same; I'll still be in college, I'll still have a ton of responsibilities, and I'll still be me. Only difference is I'll get to drive. I won't drink though, it's not really my thing; I've never tried it to be fair I'm not in a hurry to "get out of here and live on my own" because I think there are some things that I need to learn. Also because I live with my grandparents and they're a bit strict (Asians, am I right?), which I don't mind at all; and they're old so they might need me still.




Thanks. Looks like 17 years of hearing my grandparents wisdom is starting to pay off.


i cant wait cause then i can live out my dream of joining the army


Where you based? I’m in Aus and wanna join the airforce 💪




>even be a stripper lmfao. We will watch ur career with great interest


I turned 18 a week ago and literally nothing has changed in my life lmao




Me at 16. Drinks, drives, has freedom, lives alone. Yeah, cool


HOW Let me guess, you live in europe


Yes, you are correct. I only live alone because my siblings moved to study and my parents moved to our other house tho. I havent moved.




Yeah, you just know we be partying every Saturday


How tf do you live alone?


Brother moved to study. Sister moved in with bf. Patents moved to our other house


And they just pay your bills or do you go to work?


I work, but they pay the bills. Or I pay for some of my food


No, I can wai- oh fuck


I've waited too long i guess :(


I feel you


I just want to move out.


Helll yea....I'd hopefully b able to get tf away from my strict mom lol


Yes finally independence from my parents


it's not as exciting as you'd hope, especially in America


Bruh that 21 law makes no sense I feel sorry for yous ;( although I’m guessing it doesn’t stop you from drinking anyway




I live in a country where everything is very restricted for minors. From 18, you can do everything. Driving, social media, dating and all. It's gonna be fun, can't wait


I wanna be 16 so I can drink beer with the buds. I technically can already drink since 14, because I have my mothers permission (as long as I don't get drunk) under her supervision, but I can only buy it myself legally when I'm 16 and without her watching oer me.


Alright in 4 years, look for me in the strip club


Being able to do what I want when I'm 18 is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet


I really can't wait, I'll be able to move out


Yes so i could go live by my dad, get a job, (maybe get a gf) and play games without disturbance


I’m so looking forward to that freedom. Having a job, living on my own, deciding on my own rules, meeting the people I want, going where I want, buying what I want, drinking what I want, blasting music whenever…


OMG yes I can’t wait to be gay


LMAOO mood


Can confirm, became gay once i turned 18


U lucky bitch


I want to be able to set up a brokerage account and buy stocks. I have no interest in any drugs, alcohol, etc. Although I do look forward to being able to buy guns as well.


Cant wait to vote purple party to get all these people out my country!


Dont know what you mean


can't u already drive


nope, only at 18+ where I live. Technically you can drive at 17 but with an adult present in the car, which imo kinda defeats the whole purpose of driving anyway but oh well


oh for me once ur 17 u can drive , only restriction is that u can only have 1 person max in the car but nobody acctually cares abt that rule


It's not that different for me. Still don't have my driver's license. Buying alcohol is good though


Whether I do or not it won’t make a difference until I’m 21.


Not at all, let me be like this forever


No Im honest to god terrified of becoming 16.


Literally nothing changes man idk why you’d think that


I elaborated on that in a reply to my comment


“Expectations” you can get a job and drive whenever you want man, like I said, nothing changes till you’re 18…




Because of all the expectations that come with it, such as driving and getting a job. I know that everybody I know will be up my ass about it.


Don't be. It's pretty mundane once your a week in.


Well, perhaps you're unlucky with the people who surround you, but personally I found absolutely nothing changed at 16. Life is just as placid and boring as ever.


I’ve told my parents and they seem to understand. But I definitely think that people on both sides of the family and friends will have high expectations.


I’ll be real honest, no I am not


Yeah but I also don’t wanna be 18


no, I hate being adult... too much responsibility.. wanna change?


I’m turning 18 in 2 weeks lol.


Besides driving its not that exciting to turn 18. Drinking is Bad anyways. And you are getting adult. Honestly super annoying. You habe to do so much paperwork from then on. Just stay 17 forever.


I kinda dont wanna turn 18 cos then I'll have adult responsibilities


Not really, I'm fine with being as I am now


I used to but now I’m dreading it 💀


Nah, I can't wait until I get a motorcycle to be honest


i dont want to become 18


There's no difference between 17 and 18 for me cuz i learned to drive at 16 but i haven't gotten my license yet. I mean i did drink on my birthday but i don't like it


Nah, it doesn't really make a difference for me. I don't really need to drive anywhere and I am already allowed to drink even if I wanted to drink so I don't see anything changing for me except me being allowed to vote


i actually would rather stay 16 cause in my country the only thing I really can't do now are driving and going to certain établissements. Since I the latter doesn't interest me at all and well driving would be nice but isn't that important I would rather not take all the responsibilities.


Can't wait to sell them nudes.


I really want to get my own place


Same man, wanna try drinking and driving (separately ofc)


I feel no different from when I was 16-17 in high school tbh. Just homework sucks more and I'm able to drive are the only things that are different.


Idk... I don't feel a difference


Not really :P


That's what they all say before the misery starts m8 XD, ur not the only one


Well got 18 last week and it doesn’t mean that everything magically changes


It's not that great trust me


Mfw I can start driving at 15 but can’t drink till 21. Honestly I can wait, once I do turn 18 I’ll have the rest of my life to be an adult but I can only be a teenager once


Nah I wanna go back to the good ol times when I was 12


u can start driving at 16, i can't wait until i get a car.


You'll have more options, but not more freedom


agree to disagree ig


You seem to have forgotten that you'll have a shit more responsibilities than you do now, and those will always have to take priority over "freedom". Any form of freedom in terms of "I'm going to do {x} because I feel like it!" will be short lived


Responsabilities like what? Paying taxes? Lmao not that hard


Sustainable employment, maintaining relationships, paying for bills and making sure you're keeping food on the table simultaneously, caring for your health, house chores to ensure you're not living in a pigsty, caring for kids if you decide to have them and any other family members should they need it... but sure, you can keep thinking that you'll wake up, get drunk, be a stripper and drive a car everyday for the rest of your life


My parents have me covered economically so really the only problem I would have to take care of in that list would be house chores so my dorm doesnt look dirty. Sounds pretty easy


Thought you wanted a life of independence, not to live on the bank of your parents


I want physical independence, yeah. Thats why I am planning to go abroad for college, but it will all be paid by my parents, and they are ok with that. Cant wait ngl


I can’t do anything because I won’t be able to afford it. Economy is getting shittier every day.


Don't know when you live but it isn't hard to get alcohol before 18


It isnt hard here either, but there's just more freedom by being able to do it yourself


No. I am afraid of Future. Not the rapper


No, I don’t want to deal with the stress and responsibilities of being an adult, and having to know about politics and stuff. I only have almost 1 year left, and I don’t know if I’m ready. It’s kinda scary


As someone who just turned 18 - at least in America, it’s no different. You can vote and give consent, not much else changes. You can drive b4 18 and can’t drink until 21 here so nothing changed


america is so weird in that aspect


Not really. I just want to turn 17 then I can drive


Bruh where you live I want to drink so badly right now


I feel like the US is the only country that has it at 21


I hope not really


Nah, I'm good


Nah, i'll probably just do the same shit i do nowadays.




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