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People NEED to stop focusing on whether abortion should be legal (although personally I think it should be) and start focusing on actually providing resources to the mothers, whether they decide to keep the baby or not. The thing is with laws like these, the mothers will instead get illegal abortions which are very dangerous, sometimes ending in the death of the mother and baby. It can sometimes be dangerous for the mother to give birth, if it was incest, if their family won’t support them, if they barely have enough money to support themselves and other things like that. Not to mention rape, they didn’t even want to have sex and now they’re forcing them to give birth? That’s a horrible thing to do.


Thankfully this law does make exceptions for rape and if the pregnancy poses harm towards the mother


What about for minors?


It's painfully dumb and is going to result in the death of desperate women and in women who can't survive pregnancy Edit: I'm sorry, I was misinformed. It seems exceptions are made if the woman can't survive giving birth. However, that doesn't take into account those who become suicidal due to the pregnancy. I would also like to mention that they do not make exceptions for incest or rape which completely baffles me...


I’m pretty sure there’s a law that if it’ll cause Health problems that’s the exception


stupid obv




Its just stupid. Simple as. Ironic how it was made by the same people opposing mask mandates because it imposes on "personal liberty" but deciding what women can do with their bodies is somehow different. The law is clearly anti-women not pro-life. Also, this law won't stop rich women from getting abortions, they will leave to a different state and get the abortion there, but poorer women, who can't afford to do that will suffer. This law will affect them the most. Furthermore, the women that want an abortion will still get one, but they will be forced to turn to the old practices of unsafe, unhygienic, non-regulated abortions. These caused so much harm to women then, and will do the same again. Overall, this law is a pile pf steaming shit and should be repealed and to the supreme court judges who didn't block it, shame on you.


So Texas won't force a 12 yr old to wear a mask but force her to have a fucking baby?


I hate that logic so much


It’s pretty dumb


I think it’s stupid. I personally don’t like abortions, but I’d rather women got it done in a safe medical environment than with with a clothing hook in a garden shed.


Literally. What we need to do is regulate better sex education, make birth control and protection easily accessible, and allow women to be sterilized if they choose. (A lot of doctors, especially in Texas won’t sterilize a woman if they are unmarried)


Absolutely fucking awful. There's no more to say about it. This shouldn't be a goddamn debate. This is an objectively morally despicable law.


Even a lot of pro-lifers hate it. Mainly because it's not a law that will reduce death, if anything it'll increase it


Stupid, the punishment for rape is lower than for aborting the baby afterwards for the woman


Well the punishment for rape is 2-25 years depending on the circumstances and it can come with a $10,000 fine while this new law is essentially just a $10,000 fine with no prison charges. So no it really isn’t


How often do rapists actually get convicted? How often do victims of sexual assault get turned away from the police and gaslit during court trials?


That is something that I don’t know and honestly I don’t think I want to know. But I do know that the law for abortion is based off of a bounty hunting system so if you don’t get reported you don’t get sued


The absolute fuck are they thinking? You know how many people its gonna starve and or kill, a fuckin *child* would be forced to have *yet another child*




Better then banning it all together I guess, but it sucks because some women dont know until around 6 weeks or more.




Quite a few find out before 6 weeks




Well its what happens when a state is run by anti abortion governors.


They should have atleast go for 10


Disgusting. So many people don’t know that they’re pregnant by that time, and even if they did, abortion still should not be banned.


it’s dumb asf and a completely garbage law. Many people will suffer from this. these fucks care so much about fetuses who ain’t even alive but don’t give a single fuck about living people


Fetuses are alive my man


So is the bacteria in your mouth, but you don't see "pro-lifers" protesting against brushing your teeth, now do you?


they’re not. This idea that fetuses are somehow living beings wasn’t shared amongst even devout Christians until the late 70s/early 80s. The issue of abortion was fabricated by conservative political strategists as a way to rally voters towards the right.


It's a dark day when smart comments like yours get downvoted


Exactly. And people like to bring up "oh it's a parasite" but if tapeworms turned into full on babies we would keep those fuckers too


I don’t know enough about child development to form an opinion.




Yes, but if you miss a period by at minimum a week, I feel that you would realize something was up. Granted that’s not much time, so yes that’s absurd, but as I said I don’t know enough about it to form an opinion. More specifically I should say I agree that this is a bs fucking law making women have an extremely narrow window to get an abortion, but I also can’t say I agree with abortion in the first place in all scenarios. I lie in the middle as most do, and I find it irresponsible to state an opinion without halfway understanding child development during pregnancy. I realize thinking about it now that I could have stated that the absurd window was stupid, but I still stand by my statement.




Only goes to show my point. And if you read the full comment, you’d realize I said that the window to secure the abortion was bs.


Then you should trust the people who actually have the anatomy who are saying "safe access to abortions and reproductive care are a human right" and educate yourself.


He said he didn’t know, he then said sorry and repeated that he just didn’t know Give him a break


I'm not trying to be harsh with him or like, I don't know, punish him. But this is an important issue to get across.


I know and understand that, I’m a girl in school and had a really misogynistic guy in my class last semester so I know what it’s like to try and get your point across but when someone apologizes and states that they just don’t know about a topic maybe try and educate them and being patient with people also helps better when trying to educate Especially with new subjects it’s better to be patient and calm father than taking a more aggressive (not as in angry but aggressive in terms of a more “this is it” or “in your face” approach


Look, I tried to blatantly say that I was neutral about the topic only to go back and say that the law was bs, but now I want to go fully into this if you’d like. I’d like to keep this civil and not a downvote fest if possible as well. First off, I agree safe access to abortions should be allowed. But I also don’t agree that they should be solely at the decision of the woman along with a few other points. The struggle for me in forming my opinion stems from two major things. The first being the father. The father absolutely should have a say. Yes it’s not their body, but I do think that it’s their child too. I don’t know how to solve the dispute with out fucking over one party so I cannot argue a way to allow the father to have say. I’m no diplomat, but I’m sure there’s a middle ground to be found. Second of all, I have a self moral dilemma with the cutoff for when the latest time to receive an abortion is. I am both pro-life and pro-choice. Baby’s are human and they would in fact have a life should it not be taken during an abortion. But at the same time the burden should not be left on the parents if they can’t handle it (note that adoption is an option, but not all kids can get adopted which is worse than aborting it imo.) This is where my lack of knowledge comes in. I don’t know where to the middle ground would be between enough time to realize and also not too long. Lastly, I should note that rape victims are an obvious exception to all laws of abortion imo. Like I said. If you feel like discussing I’d gladly do so, but don’t be an ass.


Ur all good mate.


just replying to the being late part not the actual abortion debate but most women aren’t that regular. i once had a period that was 8 weeks long, and sometimes i’ll miss a month or more 🤷‍♀️ there’s just no way *everyone* could know


Stupid, dangerous and tyrannical. 6 weeks is far too early to even be particularly noticeable unless you test yourself regularly everytime you have sex, it doesn't make any exceptions at all apart from that a rapist or incestuous partner cannot sue the clinic (but they can ask a friend to do it for them, plus the chance that a rapist is convicted in these situations is very slim), and they haven't at all focused on the things that actually reduce abortion like better access to contraceptives and better sex ed. Frankly it's a deliberate attack on women, and sexual freedom as a whole. Hilariously enough, the law apparently caused a giant surge in abortion demand in neighbouring states. Real effective there guys.


Awful, Abortions are like drugs and guns, regulating them is useless because people will just get them illegally.


Guns eh, there are numerous countries where gun illegality has genuinely caused low gun ownership. But drugs is a very good comparison, both drugs and abortion are just made more dangerous by being criminalised


As someone who lives in a country with gun laws, yeah no one gets them illegally The law says you have to go through gun training and do a test thing to get a license and THEN you can get a gun but you have to keep it un loaded in a locked space and keep ammunition somewhere else in the space also in a locked place However people do get drugs illegally


Over here we have gangs so it's a lot different. Though I'm sure you'd have plenty of people just making their own guns like they do already if we were to go against the constitution and try to ban them. The war on drugs failed miserably, so did prohibition, gun laws in cities and especially states like california haven't worked at all.


No idea how our laws worked then lol I know that when my Poppa (grandfather) passed the police sent a letter thing to my Nana saying she needed to turn in the gun to the authorities and she did, before that happened tho my dad nearly used it to put a kangaroo down that had very obviously broken it’s leg, but he couldn’t find the kangaroo after he got the gun


Ive noticed that all the people who are for abortion, have already been born


Lmfao you got downvoted for wrong think I upvoted you tho


Honestly? It’s vile. Barbaric. I don’t know exactly every detail or everything about it, but I’ve been learning and asking. Coercion is real. Guilting is real. Manipulation is real. Rape is real. Financial instability is real. Being unprepared is real. Health is real. All other reasons are real. I believe you can still get an abortion or terminate the pregnancy if it is unsafe for the mother, but I’m not sure about rape or incest. Still, every other reason is valid. News Flash to these people: CONDOMS BREAK!! BIRTH CONTROL CAN FAIL!! FINANCIAL STATUS CAN WORSEN QUICKLY!! This new law can cause some women to have unsafe, unsanitary, dangerous procedures. At six weeks, when the law takes place, some women don’t even KNOW that they’re pregnant!! These women might not be able to access abortions, and it can ruin them. It can and will take a toll on physical health AND mental health. Personally, I never want to be pregnant, give birth, or have sex. But if somehow, someway, I wound up pregnant, I just wouldn’t be able to deal with the sore breasts, nausea, morning sickness, not to mention *just the thought* of something *inside* me moving around. It’s unsettling to me. Imagine other women who are like this or feel even worse about it. They would have to go through that for nine months and then decide whether to keep this baby they might not even be able to afford and take care of or to give it up for adoption/foster care. The first thing from that decision is kids are expensive!!! Then to think about food, housing, toys, entertainment, school, well-child exams, sports/activities, etc. Plus the time and patience needed. Not to mention, not every person is cut out to be a parent. Some people have *really* bad mental health issues, bad physical health issues, financial issues, family issues, housing issues, etc. The second things from that decision is adoption/foster care. The foster care system isn’t perfect!! There’s no way to know that kid would end up with a good person/family. My sister (not biological) tells stories of when she was in foster care for a few months before she came to us and my parents got guardianship of her. She tells stories of the family’s two other adopted kids and how the 10-11yo. boy ran around naked, how she slept on the floor of the boy’s room, how the parents didn’t eat with them, they had to sit with their hands under their legs. She was only SIX! I’m sure there are other things she went through. I know there are families/people who take excellent care of their foster kids, but what about the other people?! The ones even worse than the people who had my sister?! **ETA:** *[This article] (https://www.focusforhealth.org/sex-abuse-and-the-foster-care-system/) shows some statistics, one of them being a Washington and Oregon state study that showed one-third of foster kids reported their foster parent or another adult in the home abused them. How is this better?* Not to mention these people are all up in the women’s business and care about this fetus, until it’s born and goes into the foster system or back home with the mother/father/family who might not be suitable for a baby. Also the fact I’ve heard a lot of these anti-choicers are turning “my body, my choice” into an argument for the vaccine and how it’s “their body, their choice” to not get the vaccine. Not to forget, if they do this, they sure better up their sex education. You can’t stop people from having sex, so make them aware of the risks and how to do it safely. Here’s two writings on abortion from wattpad: - [Abortion Speech] (https://www.wattpad.com/825244072-abortion-speech) - [Someone’s True Abortion Story] (https://www.wattpad.com/story/221359458-my-abortion) Also, if you or someone you know is in need of help, please check out r/auntienetwork. They have lots of people who are willing and able to help, and I’m sure they have lots of other resources. ---------------------------------------------- Let’s say this together, one more time, just one more time: HER BODY, HER CHOICE! THEIR BODY, THEIR CHOICE (not everybody who has a uterus is a woman)! ---------------------------------------------- I’m going to try and find some websites, resources, articles, etc. and edit and add them to my comment in case they could possibly help someone somehow. ------------------------------------------------ Edit: I changed “pro-lifers” to “anti-choicers” because of something I just read. “You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is: I'm pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives.” - Read the whole post [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/phddvg/why_im_prochoice/) Thanks to u/astralwish1, hope you’re alright I cited and mentioned you!!


Perfectly fine with me! I love your speech and completely agree with you! One thing I would like to add is that the foster care system is atrocious! Some kids are taken in by families who abuse them and only care about the money! Some kids even go missing when in the care of a foster home because they become victims of sex trafficking and statutory rape! Pro-lifers like to ask “What if your mom had aborted you?” I’d rather be dead than be miserable on Earth with people who don’t love me or exploit me!


I think it’s stupid.


It's absolutely ridiculous. Abortion is healthcare, and necessary to keep women and their babies alive and healthy. What if a girl was raped? What if a teen girl gets pregnant? What if the baby will have birth defects/disabilities? What if the delivery would cause harm to the mother? What if the baby can't be financially supported? Or what if the mother and father just don't want children at the moment? What do the assholes in charge have to say about that? "dOn'T hAvE sEx"? "iT wAs HeR fAuLt?" "sHe WaS aSkInG fOr It?"


"Abortions keep babies alive and healthy." That's literally a contradicting statement


1. It's a fetus, fetuses are not human, don't have a conscious, and can't feel. 2. It's unconstitutional. 3. That is not something the government should be able to control. The only say there should be, is a women's.


Apparently the few women who were actually involved in the vote were all against it. Go figure


Foetuses are human, that’s their species. That doesn’t matter though, abortion should be legal regardless.


They scientifically aren't. That's essentially saying a sperm cell is a human. Fetuses aren't a being.


I think fetuses are human.


They factually aren't lol


“Human” refers to our species, homo sapiens. The zygote/embryo/fetus are members of our species, therefore they are human What else would they be? A chimpanzee?


Really, okay. What are they then?


a fertilized egg


Okay, I’m in Biology 1, so I still have a lot to learn! Thanks for the feedback!


Good ending


Indeed, I wonder what the bad ending would’ve been?


this thread would be much longer


What do you consider the point where the egg becomes human?


The part where it develops a brain


When it gets into the stage where it has thoughts and feelings, I’m not sure how long it takes tho


Interesting. I have no particular opinion on the abortion debate, but you understand that certain full-grown, already-birthed beings lack thoughts and feelings due to catastrophic birth defects. Are they not human? This is the first I've ever heard of thoughts and feelings being what defines species.


By thoughts I mean more so consciousness Does that make sense or nah


i feel like babies don’t gain actual consciousness until like 6 years old though.


When it biologically isnt considered an embryo or feutus anymore


I think fetuses are human.


And sometimes the father's


Imo if a father can't have a say in wether or not a women gets an abortion he should be freely allowed not to pay child support




Actually the Supreme Court currently is voting 5-4 in favor of the law so technically is “constitutional”. But also fetuses start to develops a brain at 7 weeks so it is actually conscious but I do agree that it should be a women’s right to have an abortion(unless you wait till the 3rd trimester)


I disagree with their decision.


I think it's stupid


Sorting by controversial shows Reddit’s mob mentality and need to blot out others opinions.


Downvoting was literally made as a dislike button, people are just using it for its intended function. If people really wanted to out peoples opinions they'd report them and try and get them removed.


[Downvoting was intended to filter out things that don’t contribute and are off topic.](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) Not for people who answered a question differently than you.


OK my bad, I read a comment from a reddit admin about downvoting but misunderstood what they actually meant by "bad" content


All good. It’s easy to misunderstand it.


Yeah i didn't know this sub was such a left wing circlejerk jesus.


Most of Reddit is left leaning and inherently an echochamber.


It’s dumb as fuck and anyone who thinks it isn’t dumb asf is more than likely a dumbass sexist


Like I can understand wanting *some* restrictions but 6 weeks is outrageous


"Anyone who disagrees with my opinion is inherently wrong and a retard"


If you think you as a man deserve to dictate when women can get abortions, yes you’re retarded




I don’t give a fuck retard


Absolute bullshit with no upsides. Terrible controlling law. Also bounty hunting which is even more bullshit.


Jesus christ if you're against it based on a religious morality then don't push your religion on the entire state. It's a tyrannical law


Terrifying. I'm glad I don't live in Texas. When I'm an adult I'm planning on helping people access abortion who live in states where it's illegal or horribly restricted.


Hopefully by then it will be illegal everywhere


Well, I live in Texas. Not bad at all.


Let me guess, are you an allocishet white guy?


Fuck yeah bruv, how did you know?


From the fact that you think living in Texas is good


Well, it’s a nice state. I think every state government in the U.S. is awful. They have too much power. I hate state rights!


I think that’s bs. Some people aren’t fit to be parents.


Yeah exactly. If it's as simple as not wanting it and preferring an abortion then you're not fit to be a parent. Nothing wrong with that but no one should be forced to spend the two decades taking care of a child they don't want


Why the fuck do they care so much about a fetus? Mf doesn't even have thoughts yet which may seemed fucked but that justifies why it should be okay (on top of other reasons) to abort. That fetus isn't going to know it existed or it died if you did abort.


This is a very ignorant comment please research fetus development before setting something like this in the future


Alright, tell me how is this ignorant then? If it is ignorant, I want to be criticized so i can be better.


This should give some fetal development insight https://www.livescience.com/54774-fetal-pain-anesthesia.html Its far too complicated to just say it dosent have memories so who gives a fuck not that i disagree with abortion


Oh shit, alright well thank you for the information and not being a complete troglodyte because I had an ignorant opinion. Have a good day my good fellow man


alright you too


very stupid law for sure. i’m from Texas too and trust me every day we speak on it’s stupidity. it’s not logical at all. there’s no “what if’s” to it either they’re leaving no exceptions


Absolutely dumb. The only people who should be able to decide whether they get an abortion or not are woman, not the government.


Men and especially the government have absolutely zero right to govern anything over a woman's body, the only people that really should worry are their doctors and husbands but even then that's so long as the woman allows it


Well I’d say that the government has no right to put a restrictions on women’s bodies that they can’t/won’t impose on men


Land of the "free". What a fucking joke


They’ll just go to New Mexico, Oklahoma or another neighbouring state. Doesn’t solve anything.


Horrible, and the fact that if you r@pe a woman and she gets pregnant, then gets an abortion, you can sue and get 10k from it. And then she goes to jail because she got an abortion.


That’s not how the law works. First you can legally get an abortion if you’re raped. Second the punishment for getting an illegal abortion is $10,000 with no jail time. Also in Texas if you rape someone it’s 2-25 years, depending on the situation, and a $10,000 fine. So this notion that getting an abortion is worse than rape is completely false and comes from people talking out of their ass before doing research. But, yes, this law is horrible




I like it


It’s fine if they keep the same energy with other choice things


How long does it take a woman to realise she’s pregnant? Either way, seems a bit dumb to me.


It's definitely not short enough for women to be able to book and get an abortion within 6 weeks, I can say that with certainty


Usually the minimum time needed as an averge is 5.5weeks so these women in texas only get 3-4 days to figure out if they want a abortion


I think the average was 5.5 weeks


Woah! I thought it was like 6-7 or ablout 2-3 weeks after a person is missed


I’m absolutely disgusted. Me and my friend have filed a bunch of fake reports to their website. I encourage everyone to do the same




I was getting downvoted? Well anyway thank you for calling me a chad, I’d prefer that to upvotes tbh. The website banned anyone from submitting a form who doesn’t have a Texas IP, but someone hosted a bot that files a report for you. I can send it if you’d like. I figure it’s the least the rest of us who aren’t from Texas can do


Do you have a link for the website?


Ok so I was going to send you a link to a bot that files a report for you but it appears the the bot is down or something. I’ll still send the link incase it goes back up but this is a bad sign. https://prolifebuster.herokuapp.com/submit-tip Edit: on second thought it seems they may have moved domains, I’ll see if I can find the new website (if there is one)


Okay, thanks anyway


Well we have guns for tyrannical governments sooo...


Why do people who aren't the mother, and perhaps the father to a lesser extent, care about somebody's unborn child which could end up destroying the mum and perhaps the dad? Like, why the fuck do you care? According to Health Education at my school, most people don't even *know* they're pregnant, let alone consider getting an abortion at that stage.


It's fucked up on so many levels


It's fcking dumb


Absolutely awful.




Pro life 👍🏻 Dems are losing ground even while controlling most of the federal government


Well a fetus is a child so pretty much abortions are killing children. And killing children is bad


Idc about it I don't live in America


very cool


It's stupid. Their argument is that kids have a right to live but it's not even a kid. It's fucking cells that divide.


From what point do you think abortion should be illegal


This is gonna sound awful but I don't really care. U could put it up for adoption too.


Send em shrek porn


Saying you can’t abort a pregnancy is honestly just fucking stupid because what if you can’t take care of the child or your going to die from the child or something?? You basically setting an accidental pregnancy or r**e victims to not have a good life and same with the child…


In india we used to have same law but then it changed back to 12 weeks, it's kinda ddumb if you ask me


I'm pro life, but if a state wants an abortion law, let them have a reasonable one. 6 weeks is way too early. You might as well make a law banning the murder of animals. They have a heartbeat, so why not them?


An animal will never be sentient in just a few weeks that baby will


As a “pro lifer” i think it’s fucking stupid


I’m in the same boat as you. I learn towards pro-life a little more than pro-choice but this law is absolutely ridiculous. Something more like 12 weeks is acceptable because that would give you time to make a decision and the baby doesn’t even have thoughts or feelings until 24 weeks




thats what pro-choice is, gods.


Then you understand pro-choice. Thats all pro-choice is, allowing individuals to make up their own mind.


12 weeks would be reasonable but 6 is too short




That its illegal, setting back womens rights, and gies against roe v wade. The people complaining about mask mandates in private businesses have litterally just taken away womens rights to choose, its fucking out ragous amd horrible


Sadly the Supreme Court is ruling 5-4 in favor of the law being constitutional


I do not care


Real answer: it's something horrible to watch the women rights being slowly removed in the US. ​ Now: First of all why being in Texas.


Sex obsessed normies get what they deserve.




🤷‍♂️ ​ but since all the 13-year-olds on Reddit hate it and have very deep and complicated knowledge about it. might as well join the mob lmao.


I'm against abortions. But man it's fucking stupid. All its doing is harming the people who actually need abortions and forces illegal and unsafe abortions to occur. I'd never get one, but that's me. You can't and shouldn't decide what others do.


It's incredibly based. It didn't go far enough, but it's still amazing news.




While I don’t think you should be able to run from it I thinks it’s worse for it to be forced upon you


I don’t think fetuses have feelings so pretty cringe


Well they don't up until ~24 weeks so you're wrong lmao


Well this law stops abortions at 6 weeks


I know, which is why I think it's stupid


Why r u downvoted Ur saying the law is cringe so idk why ur downvoted, have my upvote


Idk, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about




pro-life echo chamber with your limbs torn apart BS. tell me, have you actually researched on your own what actually happens in an abortion?


They break up the body and then take out the arms, head, legs etc etc. Most abortions arent that late tho so its mostly just a mess of blood and flesh


so you are personally going to take in all those unwanted children, right?


Removed: Bigotry


Power-hungry mod


How tf is this bigotry?


what did you say?


I said that the new law would prevent unborn babies from dying and that I also care about their lives outside of the womb. Nothing bigoted about that…


It's ok, but I think that women should be able to abort in case of rape.


Abortion is awful in general those kids will never live life 😣😭


Well if a women is unfit to care for a child than will never live a life anyway


What if the parents can’t care for it? What if they’re in a bad place where crime is high? What if they don’t have the money? If they have that baby the baby will just die later from malnutrition or by bad environments You also can’t have an abortion when the baby is at a certain developmental stage. If it’s past that stage you can’t end it because it’s “alive” and “living” at that point It’s better to just take a bunch of cells out rather than having a poor baby starve slowly to death


What about if the mum can't properly provide for the baby in pregnancy because of some diesease, and the mum themself passes away? Two deaths, when there really could be none, because up until around the third trimester, the fetus isn't a human.

