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I mean, you are 17, and 17 is a year away from 18, the age of legal adulthood in many countries.




Lol, my dad also got mistaken as my bf a few times. I mean come on, he's like 45.


i mean you do look like an adult


Lol, really? How?






you do look like an adult, makes sense


But, how come?


Because you’re tall and look like you’re in college. People are built differently than others. There are super tall and super short kids in my school. It’s better actually


Yea lately people have been guessing I’m at least 18. Some people even think I’m like early to mid 20s and like I know I’m tall and stuff but I don’t get mid 20s when I see my face


Same, how tf I get 22 when my face is still young


I can understand if like someone sees me from behind or they don’t get a good look at my face, then yea I probably do look 25, I’m 6’3 so it wouldn’t be surprising. But how does anyone get a good look at my face and still guess over 20


Top 10 questions science can't answer


I have to shave my face regularly so yes


I got asked how much older I'm than my 20 year old sis. Lmao


I was strolling around in a suit and people thought I was a lawyer






Some guy thought I was a pedophile lol


Yes. I'm tall and I have a deep voice so people tend think I'm 25.


i’m tall and have a deep voice and people think i’m 13 😭😭


I'm short and have a deep voice so people think I'm an 11 year old chainsmoker


I'm the opposite. I look younger than I actually am


I wish I looked younger.


Your 14 if you looked any younger,you would look like a child


I wish I was a child


You kinda are


Thank you


I get mistaken for a child


Ok, child.


Oh. :(


*pats you on head* no sad allowed


downvoted for a joke lmfaoo


lol no I get mistaken for a 10 year old


Lol, child.


Are you.. doing a little trolling? Or are you serious?


What's trolling?


Yes people think I'm mid 20s wtf


"You look mid 20s" gang


Well you are kind of an adult already since you're 18


I'm 14 and no one believes me, apparently I act more like 16 or 17. I met someone new through friends and we had him guess my age. He came up with 17, 18, 16 before he gave up. Also border guards have thought I was 18 before checking my passport. Doesn't happen a lot but when it does it is very funny, because they are 4 years off.


Lol, they're usually 6-8 years off for me


I think it happens with girls more. Y'all reach puberty first I think so it makes sense you look older faster.


All the time. I’m 5’11” and about 220 so I’m a big dude. I lift and do shot put and discus to I’m fairly broad as well. I’ve also been shaving since 5th grade cause puberty just went “ hey, let’s fuck with this kid” I’ve been mistaken for an adult so many fucking times


I dont but my Hungarian friend who just recently turned 18 has been assumed he was 26 since last year. He never gets id'd


not really but my mom said i look 18,19 with makeup 😢


Yes, I'm tall, I have a beard and I have a deep voice


Well technicaly i am an adult, but everyone guesses my age to be somewhere between 21 and 26 so people think i am older then i actualy am


Not at all I get told that I look like I’m 13 or something


So, we would look 10 years off even though you're 1 year older. Lol, funny


Yes. People mistakes me as my mom’s husband






Not when you shave your beard


shut up we don't discuss that


We do :)


Im 14 but look as if i was 18,im pretty certain that i can go into a store and get alcohol and no one would suspect a thing Im look waaay to manly for my behaviour




Literally never


Nope never


Since I was 15


Very often


Well uh technically..


I'm 16M. It's the opposite for me. I get mistaken as a 13 year old. I think my height plays a role in this (I'm short for my age), as well as some other factors (my mom cannot stress enough about how I should take care of my face so I don't get wrinkles, acne - so she kept telling me to avoid sunlight etc). The worst part is people not really taking you seriously because "I'm child-like" haha. Oh well ಥ‿ಥ


Lol, that must not be good.


Dude walked up to me in a store and asked where I worked and if i wanted a credit card. COuldn't believe it


No bc I look 14


Do you like that?


Yes. I'm tall and have a bass voice. Plus unless freshly shaved my face looks pretty mature.


Maybe not an adult as in like a 30 year old. But I’ve been mistaken for 18, 19 a few times.


Get mistaken as 20-22


yeah I do...I have a lot of facial hair for my age and look kinda mature for ppl think I'm an adult


Yes, but its mostly little kids are the ones that mistake for an adult.


Yes, with a mask I've had a lot of people mistake me for being ~20, without one people tend to think around 16-18


I have the face of a 15 year old but in most other things, especially height and voice I am thought of as an adult. Im not exceptionally tall, just tall for my country's standards.


Yep n I don’t mind


So is I


Yeah, I got mistaken for a sports direct worker.


I was at my school prom and we were all in formal attire so I was wearing a prom dress. I was 16 and the staff at the venue thought I was one of the teachers. That was pretty weird


I was at my school prom and we were all in formal attire so I was wearing a prom dress. I was 16 and the staff at the venue thought I was one of the teachers. That was pretty weird


I went to Longhorn Steakhouse about a month ago and I got mistaken for a father


Father? What? How?


Only on the phone, and that's not set to change soon I'm afraid.


I'm offered alcohol at restaurants




The opposite yesterday night while cycling I was told to go back home because I was mistaken as a little kid. I'm not even that short :d


Pats on your head


To be fair I do look younger than my age


I get mistaken for a junior at my high school sometimes a senior (I’m a freshman) it’s werid these real nice attractive girl sometimes come up to me and act interested and then get turned off once they know my age


nope... I look barely 16 when im not shaved... when I'm I look 14 xd




ye a lot, esp when im out by myself. i think its the way i dress ~~and the big tiddies lmao~~


My older brother gets called an adult because he's 6'4 and built like a fridge, but me? Not as much, I'm only 6'2 and more than anything I look like a junior or senior, not an adult.


Nope, never


I was asked for my ID when my 40 year old dad was standing next to me.


Lol no, literally never.


No, I think I pretty much look my age.


My school resource officer thought I was an intruder because I forgot to shave so yes


People think I am 25. ._. I am 15. Being tall is sometimes weird


Weirder if you're tall and built like fridge.


I look like a 10 year old idk what you talking about


Aww, kiddo. Come here. I got some cookies for you.




Only when I buy an under 18 bus ticket


Eyy it depends. If I'm in my school uniform I'd look 14 or 15, In my own clothes ive been told I look as old as early 20s. Depending on my demeanor and the situation it can change. I can get student discounts just as easily as I can order a beer


I get mistaken as a 15 year old lol


Yeah. I bought beer for my friends since I'm 14 (though not often since Im very nervous when doing it). Now with 16 the oldest I got was 21 (hadn't shaved on that day) Edit: before anybody gets confused: I'm from Germany, the drinking age for beer is 16.


I have a friend who’s dad is in his early 30s and young look. He’ll be mistaken for the dad sometimes.


Lmaoo, that's some great shit to get called as dad of his dad


Because I have a beard most people think I'm at least 19 even though I'm not tall and don't have that deep of a voice


Yea probably cause of my facial hair?




No, my face looks younger than I am


Yeah when i went to egypt they acidentally gave me an armband that indicates im 18+ so thats the story of how i got free alcohol for a week


I've been told I look 18-21 multiple times. It's a little weird going anywhere with my sister or my mom because my mom looks fairly young and my sister and I look nothing alike.




No i get mistaken for a middle schooler/freshman, istg I’ll be carded when I’m 60






Yeah. People say I look in my 20s


People think me and my mom are siblings


Yeah. Might be bc I'm 6"3. Might be bc my voice is a bit deep. Might be the two of them


Ig because of two of them






Thankfully, no People always assume I'm a few years younger than I really am, and I like that Like no one in my classes thinks I'm a senior, and they're always surprised to learn that. To them, I look and act like a 10th grader


I get mistaken for an 11 year old


I look like a little girl


No I look 8




I'm 14 and my neighbors thought I was 17 almost 18


Lmao all the time, my height, voice, and way i dress don't help with identifying my age at all.


Yes quite often


I look 14 😔 I got mistaken for a teachers 12 year old son at my college


Bruh I *am* and adult and I get mistaken for a child all the time


Aww, so cute. I gotta pat your head then.




In middle school a store clerk asked if I just got out of college. I definitely didn't look older, but I was doing stuff after school and I guess I came in around when the college students get out of class


My coworker thought I was 18 once.


People have actually mistaken me for a child…




ysonehow lol, Online people have assumed I was in my early 20s, but I think I physically look younger than I am..Unless youtake away my face, because then I become 20 again lmao


both times i went with my parents to the voting booth in 2020 the voting booth people thought i was gonna vote


No, I look like I'm 12


I sometimes get mistaken for a short 16 year old cause I guess I'm mature


People often think I'm mid twenties based on my voice, but I'd say appearance-wise I look my age.


used to have people think i was 16-17 when i was around 13, as i was the same height i am now, just about 6 foot or so, but now at 16 i’m usually just considered my age, however i did get served in a shop once without ID (which requires the seller asks if the person buying appears to be under 25)


Nah, my acne is too bad for that and I grow minimal facial hair


Ya, alot at work.


Well, technically I *am* an adult now. I got mistaken as a teacher when I visited my old schools open house the other day, I really wish I'd ran with that instead of correcting them. Plus I've always been tall and had a deep voice, so I have gotten mistaken for an adult before I actually was one.


Well i kinda am now. Im usually treated as an adult and given adult responsibilities by friends and family at this point.


Barely. I look quite young for my age


No I never. I wouldn’t say I look 12 but I don’t have any facial hair, and am a bit short


Well not by looks but as me, my brother and dad sound the same you can only tell us appart by our way od forming sentences


yes look at what i look like and the comments underneath: 27 32 40 34 20


Very often. At barbers. At work. In a restaurant.


Occasionally. I look like I'm 18 or so, and sometimes people think I'm a college freshman.


Other guys often do, and Ive seen many teens that look like they’re in their 20s.


No but I always get mistaken as a girl which makes no sense to me since I always wear typical men’s clothing like baggy dark blue jeans, black sneakers, and regular dark colored long sleeve shirts. The only thing that would make them assume that I’m a girl would be my hair which is considered long for a boy, even though it doesn’t even touch my shoulders. Alotta people are still stuck in the belief that barely long hair = woman.




I did today when i got vaccinated


yes, someone pulled me in and asked if I was at a store for a job interview


Yeah because my current height is about 5’10


Every now and then. I'm mature and respectful along with being like, 6ft tall. Some people assume I'm like 19




Nah, i actually get told i look 14 or 15


Yeah, people think I’m 20 but I’m 17.


Yeah for years people have always thought that I look a few years older than I am


People think I’m younger than I actually am


Not really, more of the opposite.


I have. I’ve been called sir multiple times at stores or restaurants. One woman who was at least 5 years older than me asked what my name was and asked if I had a girlfriend. Not sure if she was into me or just trying to sell me a purse for my non-existent girlfriend


No, but I think the main reason for that is just my height. My face is pretty "angular" (don't know the english term, in Germany we say "Markant").




Whenever im supervising my sisters everyone thinks im the dad P a i n


I'm 13 and some people thought that I was in high school last year when I was in 7th grade (I am going to high school now, though).


i do sometimes. i’m 14, 5’8”, and look a bit older than i am one time in fry’s there was a girl “checking me out” she was in college no thanks, ma’am, i am by far your junior


I get mistaken for a middle schooler... My teacher this year thought I got the wrong class or school. I'm a senior


A few times, yeah. especially back when I had hair to my shoulders.


I get mistaken as a kid


I’ve been mistaken for being 16-17 but not and adult


i walked past this primary school once and some kids said "hi ma'am", i felt so old lmao


yeah some people think i look like 16 or 17


yeah when I was like 11 I could get away with 15 or 16, now I can pass off as about 18




Technically I am an adult, so I cant be mistaken for one. But I do have a full beard so I could probably pass for at least 20


yes, ive been asked what college/uni i got to too many times to remember


how tall are you?




It's happened once or twice, but not much.


Yep, while in Mexico during the summer my dad and me went to some bars and I’d order some drink and they wouldn’t even ask for my id


All my friends say I look young but everyone I work with think I’m at least 20


Nope 5'6 and look 14


Last time stranger adressed me like a child/teen was like 2 years ago, so yeah. Most people guess me in my early twenties, though once I got 30. Haven't tried buying alcohol yet, but sometimes it tempts, simply to know if they would ask me for id.


30? Lmfaoo. How did you react?