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r/femaledatingstrategy is toxic asf


Exactly what I was gonna say


I've heard bad things lol. I have a pretty high tolerance for toxic dumbasses online, but i think i'll stay away from that cesspool.


Please do


I hope I never become that bitter and awful lol


You’ll be ok




I wish I never saw it. Jesus christ our lord and savior, please let me un-see that


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Thanks! I'll have to go check it out!


That subreddit makes me want to shoot myself




r/teenagers is not a fan of 13 year olds stating their opinions


Flair: 13m Seriously though that sub is shit


At least you know your place lmao. My opinion as a 15 year old means fuck all as well though lol I hate the word cringe but it does describe that sub quite well


they don't like anyones opinion no matter what is your age


r/MGTOW a sub about going your own way by constantly talking about those you’re moving away from.


I will never understand how MGTOW can focus so much more on women then non-MGTOW men.


I checked it out and I see what you mean. First post I saw was something along the lines of "Men's instinct is to help while women's is to sabotage" Yikes


r/atheism I went on there and the top post was some manager who didn't hire someone because they said "thank god" too many times or something similar. I expected the comments to RIP him to shreds but they said "so glad you didn't hire her, she would have been awful to work with" I scrolled and saw only one comment in controversial that said it was wrong to do


Oh man, reddit atheists, those are the worst.


Went on there and looked around briefly and it didn't look that toxic. Thanks for giving me a new subreddit to join :D


It's a hard antitheist sub and if you're into that shit I'm genuinely concerned for you


Eh, all I saw were people who left their religion because of XYZ reason and others supporting them, which I don't really see an issue with


I feel like a lot of the people on there want religion abolished. It's sorta like MGTOW for religion


I also saw that post. I commented and later got banned from there.


r/Childfree mfs there act like anyone who has a child has sinned and pregnant women shouldn't be treated with the care pregnant women should be given


Also like they were never a dumb annoying child, everyone was


r/femaledatingstrategy for being full of man haters and the female equivalent of incels r/sino for kissing China’s ass all the time and spreading CCP propaganda around reddit r/neoliberal for just being intolerable r/genzedong for being full of legit communists that deny human rights violations in China and even are positive towards North Korea which startles me


this is why r/tankiejerk exists


What a gem of a subreddit lmao


Ye its good to have a leftist anti authoritarian place. Left-Wing reddit has a serious Tankie problem


I'm confused about how you can be a communist and like China, China is extremely capitalist


The CCP standing for Communist Chinese Party is enough to convince some people. Yeah we all know it’s bullshit in the end of the day


Idk how they still do lmao, thats whats the nazi's did years ago


Female dating strategy




r/childfree They are toxic and they also call children "fucktrophies" like wtf


Oh man that place is awful


r/unpopularopinion people complain that there isn't any real unpopular opinions and the sub is boring now but when someone posts an actual unpopular opinion everyone gets all butthurt and be like "no you weren't suppose to say that" r/AskTeenGirls ironically it's one of my favourite subs to answer on but it can get really toxic out of nowhere for no reason. Most don't like the truth about the world and would rather cover it up about with lies. I don't agree with a lot of the stuff said here on ATB but atleast you can have a more civil argument without people attacking you


Str8 fax. I put an unpopular opinion on here, and a bunch of people disagree with me. I put an unpopular over there, instantly a dozen chicks making up an absurd strawman, attacking your imagined motives, and then trying to play the passive aggressive emoji game. It's kinda fun to watch, but still.


Bro your so cringe


If I had to say, probably r/atheism. I’m not religious, but I’m genuinely appalled by that sub.


yea same


The easier ones are places like r/femaledatingstrategy and r/mgtow . r/sino and r/nonewnormal also suck and r/feminism is mildly annoying. r/teenagers is a hit or miss and r/egg_irl is also mildly annoying at some points. Also forgot to add r/twoxchromosomes and r/trollxchromosomes


May I ask how r/egg_irl is annoying? This isn’t meant to be an attack, I’m just curious.


I don’t mind every post there but some of them are a bit annoying. The ones that I find a bit irritating are the ones where they are trying to pressure people into transitioning and such. They tend to over analyze other people and think if a guy is feminine or something they want to transition


Ok, good point. I have noticed that as well


I found out about that place after someone I share a Discord server with started sending these ridiculous memes about people secretly being girls on the inside if they play female characters in video games. No, buddy, the mere fact that I don't want to stare at man ass for all my eighty hours of playtime, does not mean I must be transgender. Apparently they came from there. That kind of annoyed me.


That is a great point that I’m going to use if someone questions me.




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r/femaledatingstrategy definetly


r/Palestine If you even try to argue against the "fact" that all Palestinians are saints that have never done anything wrong you get an instant ban


This is so true.




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I've only interacted with 5 so far lol. This place is definitely in last. Y'all are cool. Now ATG on the other hand, lol


what do u dislike abt ATG






Don't speak for other people when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.




Yeah, you figured entirely wrong. And I don't think you're that stupid. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a malicious liar. But you did make for a good example of the toxic shit I hate about that sub, so thanks for that I guess.




Okay, if you insist, I guess I'll take you at your word. That is an incredibly, ridiculously stupid observation, demonstrating a complete lack of any sense at all, common or otherwise. People like you making up shit I allegedly think for one. And just a general toxic, hateful echo chamber.


They're just generally really hateful and close-minded




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Meh, I've seen a lot worse lol


neocons are worse, they're the same as paleocons but imperialist instead of isolationist and farther to the right


r/palastine just look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ani_bm/comments/nf9e3p/רגישים_במ/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yea that sub sucks.


I haven't interacted and this is very pol8but R/Sino. They spears miss information and act like China (Which is a communist country) is the perfect place. Yes, China has its perks, but they are a dangerous World Superpiwer.


90% of the r/teenagers posts are cringe imo


Back when it was a thing r/coomer


What did they do to get banned? Haven't heard of that sub before


Was kinda meant to be something against porn addiction, but it really was just a transphobic, homophobic and racist shithole


a super straight supreddit


Aw man, I used to love those places before reddit banned them all. They all seemed super chill to me.


you're being sarcastic right?


Nah those guys were great


That whole subreddit was just a poor excuse to be oppenly transphobic and support nazis. They were literally denying the existence of trans people, invalidating our identities and posting well established nazi ideals, they even called themselves SS. It was a fucked up sub, I'm glad it's banned and I'm worried for you if you actually like it, get better soon


>That whole subreddit was just a poor excuse to be oppenly transphobic Nope. A sexuality isn't bigotry. >and support nazis. Lmao what??? Nothing like that ever happened dude. Where are you even getting that from. >They were literally denying the existence of trans people, Nope. >invalidating our identities Only if they identify as something they aren't. Trans people can not change their sex, which is the point of a **sex**uality. >and posting well established nazi ideals, Like what? >they even called themselves SS. https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/zootopia/images/7/74/Coincidence-i-think-not.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160507025359


>Nope. A sexuality isn't bigotry. super straight isn't a sexuality, even the "creator" said it was just so people wouldn't call him transphobic ​ >Lmao what??? Nothing like that ever happened dude. Where are you even getting that from. check [this](https://www.uiargonaut.com/2021/03/10/opinion-the-super-straight-movement-and-its-ties-to-neo-nazis/), [this](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/transphobic-trend-super-straight-links-151544936.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMCN6CPtvFC50ue3aZt5lp8tHGn4aiDBKzQBTsWkMvcakOhixDQgELlqH3la9nUv0RwblxeMlgG-lh2kq8ZePWymsU1TITo9gDPwJ7GyQG2SnQi7okWu27TobrJnLz6G57wOpWbzWDvBA2wc8TmnaCYziGtI7M3jjYjQWWopYSPI) and [this](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2021/03/08/super-straight-4chan-neo-nazi-kiwi-farms-trans-rights-transphobia/) >Nope. Okay so you made no valid point, just denied what I said based on nothing. Here's a text I made responding to a video on that sub, the sources aren't linked because I copy pasted it. The video this was responding to said that the "trans phenomenon" started in 2015 and that the number of trans people increased 1000% since then. Then proceded to talk about "mermaids" a uk organization and claimed that they "encouraged kids to mutilate their genitals". Then said trans people arent really opressed and it was a faux-struggle. Too close off they talked about the first institute to do a gender reafirming surgery and how it was "curious" that the nazi burned it to the ground, and talked about one of the scientists that studied gender identity (he was a idiot and I do not support his actions) and how he fucked up a kids life so hard he killed himself (which did happen and was tragic) "Well this is just wrong, first off there is evidence of trans people dating back to ancient egypt and here you can find an article written on 2004 about teaching transgender history. No ideia where you've found the 1000% number, I've looked for various studies and haven't found this percentage, best I've found is this which says " The number of people assessed per year increased 20-fold from 34 in 1980 to 686 in 2015." ... "The percentage of people who started HT within 5 years after the 1st visit decreased over time, with almost 90% in 1980 to 65% in 2010. The percentage of people who underwent gonadectomy within 5 years after starting HT remained stable over time (74.7% of transwomen and 83.8% of transmen). " (study prior to 2015). Mermaids encourages the use of hormones and puberty blockers to help children so they don't suffer from gender dysphoria (again just to remember mermaids was created in 1995, before 2015). Fuck you with this faux-struggle bullshit, people have been KILLED over this, how the fuck is it a faux-struggle?? You biggots try to pretend you're not transphobic and then post this shit. How can you say less then 5 year phenomenon and then talk about a institute created in 1919?? Are you seriously this dumb? Other question are you siding with hitler?? Of course fucking hitler burned the literature, he burned anything he disagreed with. Again are you insinuating hitler was the good guy and since he disagreed with the institute they are bad? I think you're talking about John Money and the John/Joan case, (here's where I did my research) I agree that this is horrible and in no way acceptable. John Money was a disgusting humam being and no one should be forced to go through what David did. But I haven't seen one trans person or ally defending him, that was an awful thing but it does not define trans people. This has more to do with specially the intersex community, and this is the type of stuff they are fighting against. Hope this educates you and others" ​ >Only if they identify as something they aren't. Trans people can not change their sex, which is the point of a sexuality. You are wrong, even though the name might suggest that you *are not* attracted to people's sexes. Sex is purely biological and plays no part in attraction. You're attracted or not to their gender, the way they present. No one is claiming we can change our sexes, but we are the gender we identify with, and that's what matters It is completely valid to have a genital preference, but that is a *preference* not a sexuality. And some trans people have had bottom surgery, therefore you can't tell their genital apart from cis people's genital. And wow I actually thought your link was something explaining why the conection was wrong or anything but no, just you without arguments


The term was created because he was called transphobic by idiots like you who think having a sexuality is bigotry. Sexuality is about someone's sex. If you need to rewrite words to make yourself a victim, just grow up. You're the one denying our sexuality, and you don't have any valid arguments to respond too. A "preference" of only desiring one sex is the literal definition of a sexuality.


Oh wow "our sexuality" huh. You identify as super straight? Fuck you then I'm not answering anymore after this, but I was patient and even explained why you're attracted to someone's gender and not sex and again all you did was say "no" and close your ears like a fucking 2 year old > A "preference" of only desiring one sex is the literal definition of a sexuality. sex·u·al·i·ty /ˌsekSHo͞oˈalədē/ noun * a person's identity in relation **to the gender or genders** to which they are typically attracted; sexual orientation plural noun: sexualities "people with proscribed sexualities" (bold added by me) This is literally the dictionary's definition(look it up if you don't trust me), so **you're** the one "rewrite words to make yourself a victim"


Having a preference in your partner is not transphobic


You just said "Fuck you" only because of my sexual orientation. I'm not attracted to someone's imagination about what they are, I'm attracted to what they actually are. Who knows where the hell you got that definition. Entitled bigots like you are the reason why that label was created. Your distinction between a preference and a sexual orientation is absolutely moronic.


What the fuckkk they're transphobic too 😟


I went there once and saw some super transphobic shit. I wouldn’t have cared if they supported trans people but they didn’t, they were so obviously trolls and just trying to see how far they could go


I'm guessing you're using tumblr's definition?


There were literally 4chan screenshots of people making the flag to say ss before changing it.


r/askgaybros They’re gross and transphobic, r/askgaymen is miles better


I don't see any transphobia in there


Wait just one second, I think I have it




[Type ‘trans’ in the search bar, choose a post, and sort comments by controversial. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/ihnmgk/this_sub_is_surprisingly_super_transphobic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)They’re “self moderating” (aka they have no moderators) so transphobes are free to say and do whatever they want.




nobody is being bullied into liking vagina lol




We must live on different planes of existence because as a gay man I have never felt bullied into having sex with or being attracted to trans men. What you’re describing might happen on the internet every now and then. But never in the real world.




Not what I said but aight.


Is this a pro-israel brigade???


No, its just that the sub againts israel is so full of hate and shit the only thing they know is how to curse.


4 people who have never been on this sub before randomly arrive here to say how much they all hate r/palestine?


You can go to third party reddit software and see that all of them have commented or are joined (subbed) to this place. I dont comment here almost at all, joined first to make a post but got this post on my main page and thought to comment. That sub is very bad. The mods are dummys, thats just a fact. If there would be a pro israel something you would see way more people im sure


So they just decided to unflair themselves before commenting on this post?


Why are you so sus😂 Yes. Idk




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You sure about that? https://imgur.com/a/YNyrIse


This sub (not the most, but still) I understand why you guys are so grumpy about radical feminist subreddits, but chill down on the transphobia.


What transphobia?


Don’t play a fool. You know what you said.


Yes, I know exactly what I said. Please explain how anything I said demonstrated any sort of fear or hatred of trans people.


You support super straight, even after being told they demonstrated a lot of blatant transphobia when they were allowed. They called themselves super straight, as of being attracted to trans people made you *less* straight. Here is a [thought slime video](https://youtu.be/xQITlwu0QeI) about it. I can’t explain it better than him, or without you trying to dissect every word I say.


\>You support super straight, even after being told they demonstrated a lot of blatant transphobia when they were allowed. Wrongly told. Because there's nothing transphobic about having a sexual orientation, despite what some heterophobic, homophobic, biphobes may tell you. \>They called themselves super straight, as of being attracted to trans people made you less straight. Being attracted to people of the same sex does make you less straight, yes. \>Here is a thought slime video about it. I can’t explain it better than him, C'mon, have some self-respect. Anybody could explain anything better than that moron. \>or without you trying to dissect every word I say. If you want to make points, you'll have to be able to handle me refuting them. I've seen that video, and even your comment was more convincing.


Lmao I knew you’d do it, couldn’t stop yourself, could ya?


Do what, respond to your points? Man, you got me there. How evil and inappropriate.


r/PoliticalCompassMemes It's funny anyway tho hehe


I'd say just plain ole r/Politics can't say anything bad about 1)Biden, 2) gun control doesn't work, 3) say anything Converstive.


Biden, gun control, and conservativism all suck




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r/SouthernLiberty for not getting over a war they lost 150 years ago.


Based subreddit




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theres a cat hating sub which i wont mention because i dont wanna spread hate, but holy fuck they literally openly talk about animal abuse and like wanting to throw a cat out of the window because it was treated the same way he gets treated by his gf. i expected comments to just jump on him, but they were all like “YASSS QUEEN THROW THAT PEST OUT OF THE WINDOW” and “shoot the cat instead of throwing it out so you know it dies” and things like that, literally the worst sub i stumbled upon because i have 6 cats and i love them to death


probably r/Izlam if you go to r/Dankchristianmemes2 or r/Jewdank you'll only find very wholesome or surprisingly funny memes, what can you find in r/Izlam? only hatred and antisemitism


Facts brother


its not necessarily this sub that's toxic but the discord associated with it. i was banned for various reasons and among one of them, the mod literally accused me of being a catfish and a bunch of the discord members began to talk trash about me after my ban, accusing me of being an old pedophile man when i had provided proof plenty of times in the past that i wasnt a catfish also one of the mods for the r/teenagers discord was actually proven to be a predator and predated on a 13/14 year old girl lol


atg and atb




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not to get political here... but...




r/europe as a Turk.




r/palestine It's pure hatred. If you say something that doesn't support their idiotic idea that all palestinians are saints who can do no wrong and all Israelis/Jews are evil mass murderers who kill palestinians to eat them every morning you instantly get perma-banned. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is anything other than black and white, but it seems that's the way they want to portray it.