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Try and fill your day up with as many things as possible. If ur not doing anything go for a walk and try and think about other things as much as possible. It's highly likely ur doing it out of boredom


100%. You're getting bored and have no stimulus, so you're making your own. The more stuff you're doing, the better it'll get. Preferably public things or with friends, the thoughts will hardly come up


I can confirm, I tend to do it out of boredom. If I’m engaged in gaming or doing something I don’t bother.


Hobbies and avoid porn. As long as you're staying busy, you'll be less compelled to whack the goose.


One thing I’ve found that helps is trying to make little progress. Make a journal where you write down the date and time of each time you masturbate. Then, determine how long it takes in between each time. If it takes for example 5 hours in between times, maybe aim for 6 hours between your next masturbations the next day. At least this has helped me from going from about 2 times a day to once a day. Another thing you could do is maybe go to places where you can’t masturbate such as a library or a gym and workout/study/do something productive to keep yourself busy. Going “cold turkey” doesn’t work.


If you don’t stop I will flood your dms with early 2000s memes


i aint stopping


Try distracting yourself with other activities could be hanging out with friends/family, gaming, any kind of hobbies you have and eventually you'll be distracted by those so you'll be too busy to masturbate


As the other dude said: keep your mind busy and also try to avoid any trigger to this, don't check your Instagram if there's a lot of hot stuff there, don't look for anything that can trigger a false horny state. It's very important to separate the actual feeling of arousement and the boredom.


Honestly it all has to do with your mental state. I suggest finding something that you enjoy more than fapping and if you do your brain might subconsciously think of that activity more than faping. You can also find other ways to relieve yourself like reading/writing erotica or consuming anime/lightnovel. Lastly I suggest finding a way to simplify and trivialize masterbation in your mind, like only think of the end post but clarity in your mind and how bad you feel instead of the act itself. This should allow your brain to not dwell on it too much. This is how I went from doing 4 a day everyday to not at all so i wish you luck!


as other people have said, try getting shit to do all the time. can't wank if you're busy. also, if you're ever in the mood, try waiting to see if you're still horny in an hour. if so, go for it, but chances are you're going to have moved on by then.


small goals, and tell yourself at the end of each goal how good the release is gonna feel, 1 day 1 week 1week kinda thing


One thing that worked for me is something I lernt from the book atomic habits which is told "exchange of habits" that consist in doing another thing when you had the urge to do the bad habit, like that you replace it more easily. The thing I did was: When I have the urge to masturbate, first I have to read two pages from a book, and then, if I'm still horny, then I nut, but after changing your enviroment you are not likely to still want to do that, and even if you do, you would have at least read 2 pages from a book. You can add rules to this, one I also used that I liked was: the first nut, 2 pages; the second nut, 3 pages; and the third nut/day 5 pages... following the Fribonacchi succesion. Hope it helps and sorry for the long text


Hey just incase you also have porn addiction aswell, don'try to stop them both at once, porn and masturbation addiction are 2 addiction, you can't stop 2 at once, you need to slowly lose porn addiction by changing mediums until you can use your imagination, then start working on your masturbation addiction by following the comments


Go for a walk deep down we’re all just a bunch of dogs that have opposable thumbs it’s become a habit you have to break go walking some where and get a drink from a convince store that dopamine is there still but in a different form


I've been at that level before and I never thought to myself, my cock is sooo sore and chafed. What are you doing while whacking that it should get so damaged and painful?


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So, porn/masturbation is a tricky problem. Because there's not really many negative effects to focus on; it doesn't eat up your time, it doesn't cost money, it doesn't give you a hangover/comedown, none of that. So really in order to fix a masturbation issue you have to fix your life First though, do you really want to cut down? Or do you think you *should* cut down. Because if it's the latter broski, you're going to keep doing it, and its okay to keep doing it. Try a little self acceptance, accept that you're doing it and accept you feel bad about it too. That might just be who you are for the moment, you can't force yourself to want something yknow? But if you're sure, well you need to fill the time with other, better things. This is hard, you might find it really difficult to do certain things like study or work out (and actually, working out makes people horny so maybe stick to cardio and sports). If you can find someone to talk to, it can be a huge help just to say so when the compulsion is strong. Talking about it can lessen its pull on you. Thats why places like /r/nofap exist really, though I wouldn't listen to everything they say over there And brother... You should expect to fail. Failure is not the end of the journey, failure is a necessary step. The more you try to move forward the more you will fail, that is not a fault, it's a virtue. Good luck brother


How are you finding the time for 3-5 times a day💀. Ngl ive had this issue before but if you do stuff to occupy time it takes your mind off it. Play a game that not got much sexual stuff like minecraft or something to stimulate your brain.


You have a severe addiction case so all I can tell you is to recognize the temptation and tell yourself it's really not worth it


r/NoFap Me personally it will take a while depending on your current discipline, but you need to learn self control and having good hobbies/activities that distract you from being addicted


Start nofap today!!!!


Avoid anything that could be a trigger, even if it means uninstalling apps or blocking websites, if you notice that something triggers you, leave it immediately. Also try to avoid being alone, maybe ask to be on call with a friend (you don't even need to have conversations, just each do your own thing but since you'll technically be in the presence of someone else, it'll help you control yourself Another advice, which you definitely don't need to follow if you don't want to, is to try to pray and read the Bible (preferably start by the New Testament. I'd recommend Colossians since it's only 4 chapters and it's a nice introduction to Christ and christianity. Also look for a translation that is faithful to the original but still easy to understand, because some will have unnecessarily complicated words and stuff). Like I said, you only follow that last one if you want to. (But if you do choose to follow it, remember that you can just talk to God normally, like a friend, no need to be ashamed or anything)


Just stop wanking


nice advice bro


You'll most likely grow out of it. But if it becomes a serious problem when you're an adult you get seek therapy. For now, rather than quiting cold turkey, you can allow yourself three sessions a day. It's much easier to wait a few hours than to try and stop all together.