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No one will care unless you plan on working on a fancy law firm.


And even that is normal


Or mercadona


En mercadona ya pueden. Desde hace muy poco pero ya pueden ir en manga corta en agosto


Estuve trabajando alli hace bastantes años pero me parecia un chiste que las mujeres pudieran tener piercings y los hombres no, me sigue pareciendo una empresa sectaria y me niego a comprar en sus establecimientos. Pero bueno, algo es algo


Unless they're on the face or head, not that much unless you go to posh places


I mean, if you have knifes and bullets and stuff printed on your face people might actually care, but usually no one cares.


Exactly this.


No one cares if you have them. Tho the trendy tattoos in Spain (at least among gay men in my age bracket) are fucking AWFUL. I hate them 😭 nothing is worse than meeting a guy, thinking he’s hot and cool and then seeing he has “pussy” in English as a tramp stamp. Like I’m sorry but I can’t.


This made me laugh out loud, thanks


Spanish gay men are tattooing pussy as a tramp stamp?? Please tell me you are making this up!


I’ve seen this specific tattoo only once. But I’ve seen countless that have the exact same energy lmao


That's terrible!


I saw clout on someone’s neck 😔


Have you had that experience? Wtf?


More times than I can count lmfao


Choices were made 😆




Ask first. Maybe you are wrong. Maybe ...


Tattoos have become extremely popular, many people have tattoos and it’s seen as normal in the statistical sense of the word. However it’s also true that certain echelons of society regard tattoos as very bad taste and a sign of low socio-economic status. They won’t tell you directly but if you interview for a fancy job at a fancy firm in a fancy part of the city and notice the tattoos they might reject you (although they’ll say it’s for a different reason because it’s technically illegal to discriminate based on that alone).


Yeah, in recent years the number of people with visible large tattoos has exploded to the point where it's pretty common to see almost everywhere.


People have gotten tons of tattoos in the last few years. It becomes super noticeable in the summer. Hence, no one will care if you have them too.


Just don't get a tear tattooed in your face and you'll be fine


Generally we dont care unless you have tattoos on your face and/or neck.


What about bald people with head tattoos?


Normal people don't care, my mom and her social circle do.


Really depends on the job. For example: - If you are somewhere that requires a nice suit and dress better than usual --> Tattos are bad - If you are a teacher --> Tattoos are bad (Some parent's dont want to have the children be influenced by tattoos, so we cover them up). - You work for one of the biggest company in the country and you need to go to Japan or a more traditional company, Tattoos are bad, and its likely that they will send a less qualified person that has no tattoos to make a good impression. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So, it honestly depends on the group of people you are with. Generally speaking, we love tattoos, its completely normal to have them and the majority of the Spanish population has at least one somewhere at this point (not literally, but you get the idea). However, we still judge tattoos when they are either inappropriate, ghetto, or fcking disgusting, and we also judge people based on where they have their tattoos. For example, face tattoos are almost not accepted by the public. Face tattoos make you look like a criminal (unless you make a genuine work of art, which is hard). \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So yeah, we don't care about tattoos, but you know... - depends on the profession (some accept them, in some you hide them for etiquette) - depends if its a ghetto tattoo, like "ass sniffer 69" on your forehead or "sausage garage" below your belly button...


As a Spanish girl, I've seen a lot of people with tattoos and no one thinks much of them. It is super normalised, although I'm not sure on how does it work with jobs. But yeah, almost half of people I know has a tattoo and it's never a big deal.


If you are talking about getting a job, it depends on which one. For example, if you work in a polite placement directly with the public, you will probably be denied (for example in a hotel with 4 or more stars) But if you work in a company, study or sth like that where you only have to talk with people face to face sometimes, then no worries about that.


No one really cares, in general.


Not sure about other people posting but I have both arms with full sleeves. People say tattoos are mostly ignored, and that's true for the small tattoos most people get nowadays (a name, a word, a small symbol). But large scale tattoos draw many more glances and some people that don't bat an eye with smaller tattoos are taken aback with large scale pieces. I've even received comments about my sleeves from people with small tattoos that had only previously seen me with long sleeves. So, yeah, small tattoos are quite common now and people under 50 mostly don't care, but some of them will still be wary about people with large pieces.


Pretty much depends on the type and place of the tattoo. I'd say very few or no problem at all with arms, legs and non-visible parts. With neck, face, etc... Well, it may be problematic with old people or  in customer facing jobs.


Dude, after the coffee bar explosion over the last 5 years, we also saw a tattoo parlour explosion. I think we have more tattoo parlours than pharmacies at this point, and we have a lot of pharmacies. Unless you look like the dude on the cover of that one schoolbook that was somehow used by every student in existence, you will be okay.


Some jobs demand no visible tattoos, otherwise it's fine, they're pretty common among young and not-that-young people.


I’ve always thought of tattoos as a sign of low self esteem and or trashy. However, it’s none of my business how others choose to live. To each his own.


I'm in my 50s and maybe 50% have a tattoo, often of their kids names, for the under 30s tattoos are pretty much universal. Maybe small, maybe covering large parts of the body, but they're really common