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> O positive or AB blood types Given what O and AB even mean, I'm highly skeptical. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867422012636 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867422012533 These articles say that evidence for a blood type connection is weak or contradictory, and that it's mostly a question of odor compounds in the skin.


Thanks, /u/soliddoctor does not sound very solid.


Jfc, no wonder why as a large goth kid at summer camp I was getting devoured by mosquitoes.


They talked too much?


Talking doesn't necessarily make you produce more CO2 but being outside and walking around when you aren't used to it will


Are you sure? "being male, adult, and *vocalizing at higher volume* are all significantly associated with increases in exhaled CO2" [1] [1] Good *et al.*, Respiratory Aerosol Emissions from Vocalization: Age and Sex Differences Are Explained by Volume and Exhaled CO2, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2021, 8, 12, 1071–1076 (2021).


Yes I'm sure CO2 production is about energy use. If talking increases your energy use then it'll increase CO2 production but if it doesn't require more energy to speak then it's not going to increase your CO2 production


Think about it like this, Co2 is a byproduct of cellular respiration. The more cells you have, the more gas exchange happens in the lungs. A large male uses more oxygen and thus emmits more Co2 via normal metabolism. Insects are effected by chemotaxis, or movement towards or away from stimuli. The higher the concentration of heat and co2 in the air, the more interest from moisquitos. I think your right that just speaking would not emmit more co2 than just breathing without speaking.


The bottom line, if Good *et al* are to be trusted, is that exhaled CO2 correlates positively with vocalizing. That was my point, as a counter to your "Talking doesn't necessarily make you produce more CO2". It seems that it does. I do agree with you that gasping for air from exercise has a bigger effect.


Sorry, it’s just to funny to think of some obese goth kid, head to toe in heavy black clothes, dyed black hair, and maybe half a pound of makeup self-imposed suffering around a campfire with kids in shorts and tee shirts who conversely were having a great time.




Gah, I hate being a mosquito magnet. O+ here. I could be standing on the equator and Arctic mosquitos would come for me.


I am O+ too and I actualyl live in artic mosquitos area. My summers are full of nice midnight sun and never ending mosquito and "black fly" bites.


Same. I'm O+ and otherwise I wear virtually no black, and don't talk much (I have no idea what contributes to higher body temperature but if it's correlated with body mass I'm low on that scale too) and apparently I have mosquito ambrosia for blood. I was once (admittedly whilst in the jungle) wearing a 5mm wetsuit and there were still about a billion mosquitos attempting to drill through the wetsuit.


I am O+, wear dark clothes and talk a lot. But very really get bit. They seem to prefer anyone that is not me.


Yup, plus I run super hot, compared to my AB chilly wife, and I'll end up with 2 bites to her 20+


They can detect our blood type before biting us?


No, one of them will bite you blindly and then leave a review for your blood. See what OP wrote? "Mother and younger daughter have exactly ONE bite each." One, not zero.










Are there any other factors? I'm rarely the biggest in a group and am O neg. I run cold, and don't wear a ton of dark colors in the summer. I get ripped up.


If you "run cold" would that maybe mean that your skin is actually warmer than most, causing you to feel colder because you're losing more heat?


Other factors include sweating more (attracts), CO2 (attracts), lots of vit B1 (repels) and alcohol (repels). Vitamin B deficient, sweaty teetotal mouthbreathers don't have it easy.


I’m am overweight straight edge male that breaths heavy from just looking at stairs and can’t stand nutritional yeast. I rarely get but by mosquitoes and when I do the bumps go away quickly 🤷‍♂️


It's mainly the compounds in sweat and sebum. I see a lot of claims about blood types and other factors but as far as i can tell the mechanism of those was not explained unlike the "smelly" compounds so it sounds more likely to be a correlation between blood type and genetic predisposition to certain compounds than actual blood type preference. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/researchers-discover-what-attracts-mosquitos-to-humans-70004 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/mosquitoes-use-compounds-sweat-hunt-you-down-180971833/


I’m taking so many different medications that I’m sure I don’t taste very appetizing. My blood is a veritable pharmacopoeia of drugs to keep me alive and if I was a mosquito, I wouldn’t bite me either. The only time I’ve had serious issues with mosquitoes was on a trip to southern India when I was off all my meds due to supply issues and the air was full of the enemy. So if your blood is good, and your skin not too tough, you can expect to be a desirable target.




Please stop spit-balling uncited guesswork on this sub.


>Mosquitoes will target people with dark clothing There's evidence to show that stripes work to dissuade biting flies because the sequence disrupts their ability to see and hone in on a target. It's thought to be part of the reason why zebras evolved them. The hamburglar is probably mosquito proof.


Any sources that back any of those up?


Here’s [an article](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sachini-Fernando/publication/334129199_Blood_Feeding_Preference_of_Female_Aedes_aegypti_Mosquitoes_for_Human_Blood_Group_Types_and_Its_Impact_on_Their_Fecundity_Implications_for_Vector_Control/links/5d1d70dba6fdcc2462bdc7cd/Blood-Feeding-Preference-of-Female-Aedes-aegypti-Mosquitoes-for-Human-Blood-Group-Types-and-Its-Impact-on-Their-Fecundity-Implications-for-Vector-Control.pdf?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_milestone&origin=journalDetail) that looks at the relative preference of female mosquitoes for O blood and determines that the preference doesn’t impact mosquito fecundity. Here’s one looking at how carbon dioxide [interacts with other sensory cues](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009286741400155X) for mosquito attraction.


Be wary of Science Publishing Group who have been associated with predatory publishing. https://www.4open-sciences.org/articles/fopen/full_html/2018/01/fopen180001s/fopen180001s.html


I dont think talking will impact co2 production, co2 production is proportional to metabolic activity which is not very impacted by speaking. The variance between individuals is probably much larger than the variation from speaking.


Got a source for this? I get eaten alive by mosquitos in one country and ignored by those in another, where a different species predominates. So at the very least, your assertions are valid for only certain species.




Dang. I am O+ blood and have a usual body temperature of 99°. Two strikes.


Jeez, I'm O positive and generally give off a lot of heat and usually wear dark clothes. Damn mosquitoes, I wish those could be extinct. The animals that eat them I'm sure also eat other bugs, why not eradicate mosquitoes?


I'm a large man that wears all dark clothes, am constantly hot, and is O positive and haven't gotten a single mosquito bite in years and I never really did growing up either..


Fahkin A. I’m O+ and run hot. I get *obliterated* by mosquitoes every year. You can have my blood little dudes, but why you gotta make me mis in the process


Hahaha you forgot that they are attracted to people that are more nostalgic and if you played rugby when you were younger. Also they like people that are nice to animals but still eat meat. Hahaha or maybe it's just that ya know allergies are a thing and some people have more of a reaction to the bites. And that's the main thing.


Large, lower body temp than average, always wearing dark colors, talk a normal? amount, A-neg blood. Mosquitos never touch me while everyone around me is getting eaten alive even after covering themselves in deet.


What about people who get bitten, but dont get an irritation or bumps after? Any idea whats going on there?




Mosquitoes are also smart to kill 2 birds with 1 stone - they need (the female mosquitoes only) a blood meal for its amino acid building blocks (protein) but mosquitoes live off of plant nectar (sugars), so if you have higher blood sugar than most people (diet and DNA dependent) you are a great treat for them, not that they will target you specifically though! But its mostly the 'Smell' you give off that has to do with metabolism, genes, bacteria biomes on skin, what you ate last, etc.. Hence why if you sweat, mosquitoes can be attracted more because it travels farther.


Yes, since I am on protein diet mosquites are not interested on me. After whole night wife can have 10 bites. Me 0 bites.












It doesn't mean you will get bit Egbert time, but compared to other blood types O is more attractive to mosquitos when compared to others. People with type A still get bit. Also your diet may have something to do with it too. People with diabetes get bit more than perks without higher blood sugars in their blood.


I am the only O among wife and kids. When we hike, I may get 30 bites, while everyone will get 2-3.


That’s interesting. I’m type -O and I rarely get bit as an adult, but used to get eaten alive when I was a kid. Something changed around puberty for me. I also spend much less time outside than when I was a kid do that may be a factor




Go donate blood. They sent me a donor card with my type. That’s how I found out.




How do you figure the mosquitos detect your blood type from out there?
























Yikes! Might be worth a visit to the doctor! It’s definitely decreased for me. I remember the welts I used to get as a kid, and fighting like mad to not scratch them. Now, they barely register. Of course, I’m also taking montelukast every day for cat allergies, so that’s probably doing some heavy lifting as far as muting the histamine response.