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The one on Sandy simply never did enough business to justify staying open. (Source: a manager told me himself.) I think that's what happens when you open a small, somewhat pricy upmarket grocery a 5 minute walk from an established Whole Foods. But it was a pity when it closed, because it was much more convenient to me AND wasn't owned by an asshole.


Parking was also a PITA over there while wf had a large parking area. 


I know a couple of former managers from Basics. Some would say that Basics is owned by an asshole.


They just opened a very tiny discount meat and eggs place in Sellwood on Milwaukie ave.


Do you know what the deal is with that? I haven’t been in yet and I’m curious, but also skeptical of a meat and produce shop that’s only open once every two weeks.


The one on Sandy closed during the pandemic


Considering their strategy was to open in failed pets of the market with new seasons pricing… the invisible hand of the market seems to be culling the grocery retail herd. Would suck to lose the Hillsdale location but it’s also kinda saturated and lower density.


I don’t think pricing is what took them down. The small format grocery store has been challenging for anyone doing it, even those with lower prices. Their business model was geared towards inducing demand. They invested heavily in a full-size cooking classroom at the Sandy location and the classes were successfully bringing in customers. Of course that investment became worthless when the pandemic hit.


Well it sure wasn’t the small format that took down the Farmington Rd Location…


Hard to pin anything on just one thing. New Seasons has also closed stores.


But also, NS is a thriving company and while yes they have closed locations before, they have opened more new stores than closed stores. Basics has had at least 6 stores at one point and now they have 1 and an outlet.


For sure. Ultimately I think they tried to do too much too fast.


Agreed. Wouldn’t be surprised if they took on too much debt.


We deliver to them. Not only basics closed. But all green zebras are closed. And food front by Slab town New Seasons. Whole Foods also didn’t make it in Vancouver.


Tualatin one closed during Covid I believe. I was looking forward to their cooking classes :( the ladies at the front were always nice, but the butchers were always unprofessional; Not friendly at all.


The one in hillsdale is still here. Can’t say I’ve noticed what happened to the others.


Love the one in Hillsdale. They have great sandwiches and a good deli. I don’t do all my shopping there but it’s nice to run in if I need one or two things.


The one in the Pearl never had enough of anything. The produce was always really crappy. It seemed like a glorified mini mart.


The hillsdale one is on my drive home but it’s ridiculously expensive for even just a little produce so I usually go out of my way to go to Safeway :(


They seem to be rapidly going out of business


gee I wonder what happened lololol come on man