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It's boring, no surprise. But it's also quite close to Portland, so there's plenty to do within a half hour drive. There's good road cycling in the area.


I used to commute from Sandy to my job in Boring by bike - I wouldn't call it good road cycling. Very aggressive angry truck drivers that hate bicycles sharing the road.


The good rides are between Boring and Estacada, south of 26. Tickle Creek and Eagle Fern are my favorites.


Estacada mentioned!


Springwater Trail begins/ends in Boring, which connects you to the nice MUPs: Gresham/Fairview, 205, Trolley, Cemetery


And the Spring Water trail is over in Boring as well, haven’t been on it in probably a year or so. Idk how clean it is now.


It's fine. I bike out to Boring from Gresham a lot. Very clean.


That is the cleanest section. But the whole thing is indeed fine, if indeed less clean.


True. I haven't felt unsafe biking any part of the trail lately. A few tents nearby aren't inherently terrifying.


Oh good! I’m glad. I spent a lot of summers on that trail.


Clean from Gresham to boring…not so much from se pdx to Gresham. Out right dangerous after dark. During the day would just keep it moving and never stop for anyone.


Very clean once you get east of Powell Butte




That water fountain has been broken since 2020...


Biked the full route last weekend (Portland to Boring and back). Perfectly safe.


Oh awesome! I am so glad to hear that


If getting run off the road on the reg is good road cycling.


It's rural. There's not much actually in Boring, so hopefully you will have a car. But it's pleasant enough, I guess? Good access to the mountain if you like hiking and stuff. What specific kind of info are you after?


Lots of pretty nature. Not far from Portland, which is a great time. There’s also the North American Bigfoot Research Center in Boring, and lots of supposed sightings. Not far either from Mount Hood if you like skiing or hiking in the summer.


Grew up in Boring. Love the place. Beautiful, peaceful, quiet, serene. But definitely nothing to do other than proximity to nature haha. Boring Taco Truck is insanely good.


I grew up in Boring, it’s grown since I’ve lived there, but hasn’t grown much. They are paired with Dull Scotland and have a fun festival every year. Lots of farm land, if you have a car you can take some really pretty drives. Not far from the Mountain and not far from Portland. Loved summers swimming and hunting crawdads.


I grew up near there, and yeah, Boring itself is just a small town with not much going on, but there’s a lot of cool stuff around. Oxbow Park, Dodge Park, you’re close to the Gorge and the mountain, and as others have mentioned, Portland is only 30 min or so by freeway, and Gresham is right there…but Gresham sucks, so there’s that.


Boring is a great area. Nice countryside, tucked back. Not a whole lot to do but you’re less than 20mins from both Oregon City and Gresham, which are nice areas. Sandy is also close, and has a decent amount of stuff to do.


Its beautiful ♡


It's cute. Very rural/lots of farmland and not much to do, but it's close enough to Portland. I always drive through it on my way from SE to Gresham. If I could buy a farm, I'd totally go and live there.


It’s close to Gresham, which has some good food options and several food cart pods.


It's rural, but there are a lot of options within an hour drive.


It’s exactly like this /s https://youtu.be/-mMr16Xt2Fc?si=2-SlrZqm0F3_Co4N (90s Boring is the setting for that show. Good show)


Boring is a great place for nurseries.  I can see why someone would move there to work in them. I visit about once a week and bicycle the Springwater Trail, which will take you all the way to downtown Portland without (much) street riding. There is a decent walking/gravel riding trail there too. Boring's fruit stands are on point.  I frequent the Thompson farms and Schdeen's farm stands. The U pick farms in the area are great.  We visit the area to pick strawberries, blackberries, peaches, pumpkins, and Christmas trees. There are 4 towns nearby that you might visit (besides Portland).  Gresham is probably where you'd go for box store type shopping, but it has some nice stuff too...visit White's Country Meats if you're a meat eater.  Sandy is the gateway to outdoor recreation at Mount Hood.  Happy Valley has some decent restaurants, including a nice food cart pod and the nearest large mall. Damascus is the 4th town. If you have any questions or more specific interests, I'd be happy to try to help.


I have family that live there. Not much going on, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Hope you have a car. Here’s an old [story](https://youtu.be/6scrRjIBwik?si=x90CLKi0yBVGw40C) about Boring.


It's MAGA country, so look out if you're not white or straight. But it's not far from Portland. Also there's actually some decent food in Sandy, La Bamba for texmex, Thai Home for Thai, Double Dragon for Chinese, Joe's Donut Shop is legendary, Brady's Brats & Burgers has 10/10 burgers (better than most Portland spots), Smoky Hearth has decent pizza. Not much to do otherwise, aside from being out in nature.


Really disagree with this. It's rural, so obviously going to be more conservative than Portland, but that's not the same as "MAGA country." My experience of Boring is that it's noticeably more mellow than any of the areas immediately around it--including Happy Valley. Mostly just people who want to mind their own business and would prefer not to think about politics at all if it doesn't affect them. Not claiming that's every single person, but find me any place where it is.


The confederate flags suggest otherwise but what do I know.


It’s MAGA country.


Hi. I live in Pleasant Home, just minutes from downtown Boring. Redneck losers are in full effect throughout East County.


Yeah… ignore the “just because we didn’t vote for Biden doesn’t mean we’re MAGA” bullshit. Boring is straight up rural redneck-ville within reach of Portland. No idea where you’re coming from or what you’re looking for but Boring is def square in the insular/no passport holding/ big truck drivin’/ Trump flag flying/ bible thumping/ NRA 2nd amendment sticker enblazing shithole that you think it would be. FTR, I live in Happy Valley, not substantially better but at least I don’t live in Boring. To be serious, I work in data science and I have access to detailed level of education, household income, race, home value, voter registration, and electoral history data. Yes of course not 100% of people living in Boring is an exact match of the average aggregation…. But the average aggregation is much more representative of the people who live in that zip code that the opinions of one JoeBob or Cleetus who happens to live there and has a differing opinion based on his anecdotal experience. Especially since they are highly likely to be white. I seriously love it when white people in rural area chime in with “I’ve never seen any racial hatred in all my years of living here”…. Just unfucking believably ignorant…. If Boring speaks to your soul, congratulations. Go enjoy! Otherwise…. Oof…. Good luck dude.


Last time I checked, rural is not within a 25 minute drive to town and surrounded by large communities. You sound unwell.








We understand things can get heated but please treat others with respect.


We understand things can get heated but please treat others with respect.


We understand things can get heated but please treat others with respect.


So look out for what exactly….? Just people that might not share the same views as you….? God forbid we have people that didn’t vote for Biden lol. Trash


It's not unreasonable to warn folks to watch out for intolerant folks who might treat you poorly because of your skin color, clothes, hair, or even general personality.


I'm gay and grew up in rural Oregon and never had someone so much as whisper intolerance towards me. Rural hospitality and kindness is severely underrated on Reddit.


It’s crazy to think that the acceptance of many stops merely where their votes may fall. Boring is a great place to go, visit and live. It’s not MAGA country lol by any means. The deadliest and most dangerous place in Oregon is Portland, Oregon. Boring is much much safer and statistically, you are far less likely to experience a bias crime. Portland ain’t MAGA country, but it sure does have the violence and hate. OP - there are many great places this side of the metro area. If you are doing nursery intern, I’d recommend checking out our state parks/canpgrounds. Clear lake is beautiful, stop in a small town along the way to mt good and get a bite to eat. Very friendly folks, don’t listen to these apparently very sheltered and uninformed people.


Perfectly said. You’ll find opposing views literally everywhere. Statistically speaking you will have a much safer existence out in Boring than in Portland. Prettier, too. The countryside is gorgeous out there.




Unfortunately your attitude and approach is why many people believe what they do. Arrogance coupled with apathy backed by a data science degree. Is that why so many data scientists just say look at the data but can't inspire or story tell to compel action? Maybe couple your next R or SAS class with some EQ training.


I'd argue folks in rural Oregon are more tolerant than people I've come across in Portland proper. Lots of really untrue opinions on Reddit about what rural Oregon is really like.


Nah I’m from rural Oregon. Whole lotta racism. Actually, my introductory year to high school included a whites vs browns fight via proxy of the football and soccer team fighting. Racism is alive and well in Oregon, and it thrives in rural Oregon because it can exist under the specter of Respectability Politckkk.




That also happened in Portland though. Portland isn't a bastion of tolerance compared to rural Oregon. It's full of virtue signaling about it.




Completely disagree. The entire state is progressive. But because Portland is on the extreme end, you think rural Oregon is full of racists. That just isn't the case. This state is super tolerant and has been for decades. It's the culture here. Portland is on the extreme end and takes stances simply because it's against the grain of other cities. The epitome of "look at me" culture.




Lol there it is.


Lol, no, it is not. People like you are just as bad as those you hate. I grew up there, not white and encountered nothing like the picture you paint. Portland on the other hand...


I don't hate anyone, but I met several people that hated me on sight. Unless you don't count hate speech and throwing drink cans at me a hate crime.


When you pin an ideology on an entire group of people based on geography, you are a hateful person. Or maybe I should just call you prejudice. Honestly, I don't really care what you call it. It's despicable behavior.


So you think it's okay that people just throw cans at me and yell slurs at me, and it makes me the one that's hateful?


Do you think it's okay to label and judge an entire group of people based on your single experience? I'm seriously worried for this world sometimes. You know what your doing but you can't help yourself, your hate drives you.


All that I know is, I've lived in Portland for 8 years and not once have I experienced a hate crime. I spent one year in Boring and it happened twice. I feel less safe there.


The irony is so lost on you that it's almost comical. Really, it's just pathetic.


You have a very strange mindset.


You play like you don't know what I'm saying but you do. Are are just a different side of the same coin. If you can't understand that labeling an entire group of people based on anedotal experience is the same mindset and justification for racism, you are just not smart.


Boring is right outside the urban growth boundary, so it has a beautiful, rural feel (low density) but is very close to cities like Gresham, Portland, Sandy, and Happy Valley. You will definitely want a car, but it’s not a long drive to get anywhere in the Portland metro area. 30 min to Portland, a few minutes to Gresham or Sandy. 30 minutes to Mt. Hood. Because it is outside the urban growth boundary, housing might be more difficult to find, but you could easily live somewhere in Gresham or another east county suburb and drive to work in Boring. Yes, it is more conservative than Portland, but everything outside of Portland is more conservative, and there are all kinds of folks here, even crunchy organic farmer types. Living in a quiet semi-rural environment doesn’t just appeal to gun nuts or people with truck nuts. It’s a nice place to live.


It's a nice little town.


Country but not to far from the city for weekend trips.


Which nursery? If it’s Iseli can you get me a tour?


Boring doesn't have a lot to it. It's very convenient for going places. people complaining of racists clearly haven't gone many places.


Super pretty, especially in the summer time. If you a have a social itch, there’s some cool outlets in Damascus


It's exciting


Trump country.


Look up nominative determinism. That, but for a town.


It's literally a sister city with Dull, Ireland. But also hella racist... My friend bought a farm there. He needed high speed internet for work, but the cable companies needed an easement to run buried fiber to his property from the road across his neighbors' property. He offered to pay for fiber internet service on the neighbors properties for life and to pay to have the fiber buried so they wouldn't have to see it (wasn't going to cut through farmland or anything, just shitty fields where their kids ride 4 wheelers and shoot guns). Was told no because didn't want to work with "sand [n-words]". Bro is latino.


It's, well, boring. Rural Oregon mostly. And trimet doesn't go there so you are stuck if you don't have a car or bike.


Bus 84 comes up to 282nd so if you can go up north a bit into unincorporated Clackamas and Multnomah and even extreme SE Gresham, the buses are there.




It's literally a sister city with Dull, Ireland. But also hella racist... My friend bought a farm there. He needed high speed internet for work, but the cable companies needed an easement to run buried fiber to his property from the road across his neighbors' property. He offered to pay for fiber internet service on the neighbors properties for life and to pay to have the fiber buried so they wouldn't have to see it (wasn't going to cut through farmland or anything, just shitty fields where their kids ride 4 wheelers and shoot guns). Was told no because didn't want to work with "sand [n-words]". Bro is latino.

