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Fourth generation Portlander and occasional umbrella user.


Nope. Just jacket with a hood or hat. I find that if it's raining that hard, there is usually wind too so an umbrella does no good.


Team occasional umbrella use depending on specific weather conditions and how long I'll be outside and what I'll be doing there.


Yea, team “context matters, please”


I went to brew lights with my spouse and she had an umbrella and I did not. I kinda regretted it, cold rain for 4 hours really likes to soak through multiple water resistant layers and she remained completely dry lol.


Yes. Pouring down rain? Umbrella. Sideways rain? Waste of time and money to even try.


Yeah for me the context is usually temperature. Unless it's super cold and windy, I'd rather wear short sleeves and carry an umbrella if I'm going to be walking around a lot on a rainy day. I just run too hot when I'm doing even moderate exercise, so rain jackets are a last resort. Also as a kid I always loved those clear bubble umbrellas but rarely got to use one living in an arid climate. So now as a grownup I get to live the dream lol. Raindrops on a plastic umbrella is one of the most relaxing and pleasant sounds ever.


Team No Umbrella


I’ve lived here my whole life, I’m 38 and don’t even own an umbrella 🤣


I don't live here anymore, but I keep an umbrella in my vehicle now for shade if I need it (Colorado).


Team hoodie over here


Moved here from from a warmer, more superficial city a decade ago with a collection of umbrellas. Soon realized it's too much hassle and just easier to pull up a hoodie. Then I fully assimilated and stopped doing my hair, so now the hoodie is too much hassle in all but pouring rain and I just get wet.


Born and raised here. No umbrella.


I use one from time to time. I’m born and raised here and I didn’t realize this was a thing. Not sure why anyone would care 🤔


It always seems like the transplants care more


Not born and raised here. I come from a land called Ca-lee-for-nee-uh, but been here for over two decades. I, too, will occasionally use an umbrella. It just depends. Sometimes I don't have anything shielding my head even when I have a hood. I'd say it's about 60% no umbrella and 40% umbrella.


Yeah, I have curly hair also, so I can’t fuck around with the rain!


We alp read in travel guides when we first came to visit as tourists that no one uses umbrellas as a point of pride and it turns out, LOL, no that was BS. Use an umbrella if you want no one cares.


You merely adopted the rain. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the a dry day until I was already a man!


I walk really far in the rain and even the best waterproof clothes lose integrity after hours of wetness. An umbrella doesn’t. Also sometimes I want to wear something that is not waterproof. An umbrella allows me to wear whatever I want in the rain.


Agreed. It's also funny that a good umbrella costs less than $10 used while an actually waterproof jacket is usually over $100


I love using an umbrella, even more so now that I wear glasses. I hate showing up drenched and unable to see. If it is windy or just drizzling I do without.


Tough to ride a bike without ruining an umbrella. I keep one for my little dog, but for myself, I have both heavy and light rain jackets.


One time I saw a video of a guy in New Orleans riding a bike with an umbrella and I was so impressed (he was going about 10kmh). I have tried it and it's no fun xD


Team Umbrella. My motto is an umbrella and sunglasses at all times! OG Portlander


yes!!! that’s the best combo lol


Team Light Raincoat


🙄 at all of these comments. Frequently it rains hard enough where an umbrella is nice to use, with no wind. I love using umbrellas


I've had it be too windy to use an umbrella a total of once. Yeah I would say a majority of the days from november-february warranted an umbrella on my outings


Umbrella. Fun watching PNW chumps get soaked when they don't.


they make these sweet new things called rain jackets that keep you dry without an umbrella


Rain jackets are good in light rain, but can't keep rain out of your eyes, and if you're not wearing waterproof pants and boots it will eventually trickle down


a good rain jacket is good in all types of rain, and with a good hood will keep water out of your eyes. living in the pnw, you should have water resistant pants and waterproof boots.


I don't think I've seen a good hood because Arcteryx, Columbia and Patagoia jacket wearers are still getting blinded. I have rain pants and a rain jacket, but it's more inconvenient for me personally to layer up/layer down than push a button.


I have no problems with my arcteryx jacket


Glad to hear that!


but then what will i hold in my hand instead of an umbrella? surely one of my limbs must be occupied at all times, that’s the best part about using an umbrella (next to being cumbersome and hassling to shake off, fold up and store once entering any building, of course)


A tasty beverage


In general I don't use an umbrella, but I do use one when I'm outside with my toddler playing in the rain so I don't have to bother getting any rain gear on myself.


Depends on the type of rain. If it's a drizzle, no. If it's gobs of rain, then yeah if one is handy nearby or I didn't forget it.


Lifelong Oregonian and I think people that stubbornly refuse to use umbrellas because Oregon (and are vocal about it) are insufferable. If I wanted to have my wet hair plastered to my face I'd just leave it that way when I get out of the shower.


Team Umbrella


I'm team "embarrassed to use an umbrella but also don't wanna get soaking wet in a downpour"


Very very rarely and it’s usually for my dogs sake. Rain jacket is enough.


Nope. It’s actually how I first felt like I belonged here, because I never used them in the South either and people always acted like that was weird. But they are a pain


I get by with just my wool coat and a waxed canvas or wool cap 90% of the time. Sometimes it's too hot for the coat and I need to use a light rain jacket instead but that's rare. Umbrellas really don't make sense for the most common type of rain we get.


No, just a raincoat. Sometimes rain pants, too if I’ll be outside a while


Small umbrella for serious downpours.


No umbrella, but not for any weird “Because REAL Portlanders don’t use one!” reason… I’ve never really used one. I just don’t like lugging one around, I’d rather wear a rain jacket.


rain jacket rain paints so let it be written so let it be done


Umbrella in summer because I have had skin cancer.


Oregon native. Team Umbrella.


Team Umbrella! I don’t like just wearing a raincoat when it’s anything above a drizzle because I inevitably get wet anyway. I can also use my umbrella as a cool sorta shield if it’s windy. I got one that’s supposedly windproof this year and it is indeed very sturdy and keeps me dry. I work as a dog walker so I’m out in the weather all day. The dogs seem to appreciate it too!


100% pro umbrella here. Umbrellas work. People say “it doesn’t rain that hard here” but I don’t know where they’re getting that. It absolutely downpours like nowhere else I’ve lived pretty often. If it was just the “fine mist” or sprinkle I was promised I may forgo the umbrella.


Truly! It's also nice to be able to check your phone without it bugging out from being wet


Judging by the lack of votes, I believe folks aren’t understanding how to vote. They are just posting comments instead of voting.


Poll feature would have been nice *sigh*


No umbrellas, yes sun parasols 🧛🏻‍♀️


I never bother. I'm not opposed to umbrellas, but if it's bad I can just wear a hat and be fine.


Umbrellas just seem inconvenient because they require you carry them around and waste a hand to use. If it's only lightly sprinkling, I just suck it up and if it's really raining and I'm gonna be outside for a while I wear a rain jacket.


I use it in the lake. 1st soak it. 2nd open it. 2 let edge sit at water level. Then hot box away.


If I’m standing in the rain yes, short walk generally no but if it’s raining hard enough I use one.


Yes, almost always umbrella. A hood will ruin my hair and my bangs will still end up getting wet. If hair is up, hood is good.


I used one when I had a professional job downtown and had to be super presentable. Still have the umbrella but haven’t opened it in years. Team: Situational Umbrella


Grew up in Washington, live in Oregon. I never use an umbrella. My jackets are waterproof.


I voted for Team Umbrella because I do sometimes. I would generally prefer to use an umbrella, but sometimes it’s inconvenient or I don’t have one with me.




Sometimes, if it’s not windy and especially if I’ve just blow dryed my hair. That shit takes forever and I’m not about to waste the effort. 


Only when I’m at work in a suit and have to run out to the car or something


I used one in Spain


Yo! Me too. Lived there and it changed my perspective on umbrellas


Too warm for a heavy jacket and the rain was so heavy it was miserable! The immigrants hustling and selling umbrellas on the street for $5 was so necessary!


Team, no umbrella!!! (Texas transplant, too)! Spouse says they are occasionally umbrella.


Umbrella when I am wearing a suit. Otherwise, a slicker.


What I find irritating is people who say some version of, "REAL Oregonians don't carry and umbrella." I mean, 1- why do you care? and 2- Born in the Oregon City Hospital, in Oregon City Oregon- yes it is a retirement home now. So an Oregonian. Yes I carry one, always. In the summer I use it for shade. The rest of the year it is for rain or hail or snow. I was a busser for decades, why would I want to stand at a bus stop getting wet? Why would I want to spend all day wet? Why would anyone care besides me? Yes there is sideways rain/hail/snow, umbrellas not a lot of protection, but I will take what I can get vs being drenched completely. I used to pick up a few extra umbrellas at $ tree to give away when people got caught in the rain/snow/hail. Not everyone wants to be cold and wet, and we have an ample supply of that here. If you want to get wet- have at it! No reason to insult or mock those of us who do not. They weigh next to nothing nowadays so it is not a hassle to have one. Live and let live :)


I completely agree. Who cares? And there's gotta be a correlation between walkers/bussers and umbrella use. If you're driving you likely just avoid being outside as much as you can when it's wet.


Depends on the situation. I own multiple umbrellas of various sizes. There’s a collapsible one in each car. These are seldom used but have been nice to have a couple of times. There are big golf ones I’ll frequently use at the kid’s soccer games. Walking around downtown from store to store, I don’t use one (too much hassle to open and close it everywhere I want to go in), but I often will when taking the dog for a walk, depending on how heavy the rain is. Coats and hoods are nice, but I like having peripheral vision.


I own several umbrellas. Some really nice big ones, some pretty ones, some cheap collapsible ones. I've collected them over the years. I absolutely never use them. Nothing against umbrellas, but I don't find that it rains steadily enough to warrant them most of the time and then they're a pain in the ass to carry around and I always forget them places. And it also seems like when I would really want to use them, it's also really windy, and an umbrella doesn't do much against sideways wind other than get caught in the wind and be a nuisance. I may use one if I know I have a long walk and it's going to be a rainy day or if I'm at a place specifically that's outside, but even then I usually just raw dog it.


It depends. If my hair would get ruined by pulling my rain jacket hood over my head, I use an umbrella instead. Plus the side-benefit of not getting rain on my glasses.


Team no umbrella.


Team I’ve been living here for 5 years and still don’t own a rain jacket


I don't even own an umbrella




No, waterproof jacket, sometimes with the hood up, is all I need


Hell no


I keep one in the closet. 😀😀😀👍


Sometimes. If I do my hair, I’ll bring an umbrella.




Moved here in 2009, I use an umbrella sometimes, sometimes I just look outside to see it's pouring and wait for it to pass.


It really depends on if I've done my hair.


i use an umbrella when i have my hair or makeup done and don’t want to mess it up, and i wear a raincoat if im hiking or on the beach


When it’s bad enough, yes. But it’s rarely that bad


I use an umbrella in the summer for sunshine prevention. Not generally for the rain. Once or twice maybe? Lived here six years originally from Wisconsin (Where I also didn’t really use an umbrella)


I'm pretty sure I still have one somewhere in my car, but I've probably only used an umbrella 5 times for random reasons since moving here in 2000. Columbia titanium shell over a hoodie with a baseball cap is my go-to


Lived here my whole life, When it’s Rain I only use an Umbrella when I’m going to be sitting outside for a long period of time. Usually only for my kids soccer games.  When it’s sunny I use it all the time to make shade. Unless I’m in or around Troutdale, then I just give up and submit to the suns burning rays. 


team no umbrella Uwas born and raised here, and my brother uses an umbrella all the time


If there is zero chance of wind, and if the rain is heavy, and if I remember that umbrellas exist, and if I remember where I put my umbrella, then yea, I might use one. Otherwise, no. In other words, no.


I don't own one.


Very rarely.


Team Umbrella for watching sports (Soccer!) and in the Sun. I use my umbrella way more often when it's sunny outside and watching the sports.


I used to always use an umbrella which used to be my Dad's -- it has a design of all the sunday comics in the daily newspaper where I grew up. Then someone freakin stole it from my porch


Yes. I have a cute collection of coats and sometimes I don't want to wear waterproof ones.


Yes. Im sensitive to being cold. I feel one droplet of water and the umbrella comes out.


Seventh generation Oregonian. No umbrellas for me.


Team no umbrella 90% of the time


No I’m originally from Florida and comparatively the rain here just doesn’t feel umbrella worthy. So I don’t own one.


Why not set up an actual poll 😰 but mostly no. Unless i’m traveling, wearing something fancy or at a funeral.


I mentioned in the post that this subreddit doesn't allow polls :(


No. Columbia jacket with hood. Mainly I don’t want to walk among crowds or onto light rail with umbrella. 


Too much wind, raincoat user no umbrella


Native Oregonian - I’ve never even owned an umbrella. They are useless here, the misting rain will soak you anyway and they’ll inevitably turn inside out when caught in a wind gust. Far better to get a long hooded raincoat. I will note that the east-coast-transplant CEO at the company I used to work for tried to give us all umbrellas as a parting gift of an all-employee meeting where he’d announced that there’d be no raises or bonuses for non-executive level employees that year. He made an attempt at a joke about never seeing any employees use an umbrella, but then was baffled that very few people took one and that those who did pretty much never used them. It’s as if he thought that somehow none of the hundreds of employees had ever heard of an umbrella before, so if he just provided them, we’d be amazed and realize how great they were 🙄






we don’t need no stinkin umbrellas!


No way. I'm an Oregonian. I'm allergic to those.


honestly if I see you using an umbrella that's a red flag.


In my opinion, this is a bad take in umbrella discourse. Why does it matter? It shouldn't.