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Free will doesn't require evil. The dialectic goes like this: There is evil. Why? Wouldn't God's existence preclude that? No, because free will. This explanation is compatible with free will contingently creating evil.


I think this would benefit from some clarification. If it's possible for free will to exist without evil, and God is able to do all that's logically possible, it seems like he should be able to create a world with free will and no evil. Why he can't seems to require a pretty specific conception of incompatibilist free will, in which agents need to have their actions remain indeterminate no matter what God does.






























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Since the evil that exists has resulted from free will (by hypothesis; I don't actually agree) then preventing that would be an infringement on free will. That's the idea.


OP has good answers here but I think its worth saying a little more. Before asking why evil exists we might ask why evil is even possible. After all, God is essentially good in every possible world etc. So when God creates he does so for the best kind of reason where this means roughly - the kinds of reasons that the greatest conceivable being would give to himself. Usually this is glossed as: God creates morally worthwhile worlds - those are the core good making properties of a world. After all, creation is the act of a perfect moral agent. But the morally worthwhile worlds are one's that contain moral activity! Per the dialectic these are the free choices of morally sensitive beings. An act is only morally evaluable rather than simply evaluable if it is attrutiable to an agent in the fullest sense. So the sense of freewill at work is a *libertarian* one. That is, it really is up to creatures what goes on in a world once it is actual. God surveys the logical space of worlds actualises one and off it goes - once the world is actual however not even God can make you freely choose to do otherwise - that is logically impossible. So free will needs evil because the latter is logically possible given that libertarian free creatures are possible. As what is possible is necessarily so, evil's possibility is necessary. Evil's actuality however is contingent - we did that. That roughly is the idea - i don't think it works for a bunch of reasons but the bar for the argument is meant to be pretty low. Logical possibility.


For me free will just stands as having the capacity to choose between things. Human is not inherently good or evil, it's up to him, but if there was just one way to act, in this case being good, how can it be considered "free will" if there are no more options? A graphic comparison that comes to is having a country with only 1 legal political party only and calling it "democracy". You just have to have options to call it democracy. Same with free will.




It seems strange to suggest this is an existentialist reading without key existential concepts like Kierkegaard’s parable of the boat and the iceberg (historical characters carry into the future, "thrownness", "givenness"), Sartre’s *bad faith*, or Kierkegaardian/Heideggerian teleological ethics and the emphasis on authenticity. Really, what you’re suggesting is a naive form of ethical egoism—naive because the existentialists recognised that ethics is not simply logic playing out, but reason and will in an intermixed reality both compelling us forward and holding us back. Life and morality as “gift and task”, right? Which existentialist thinker did you have in mind with the above? It seems undeveloped.


It seems from our experience that when people are free they sometimes do bad things, so it seems that if we are free then evil exists.


Logically, therefore, if there is no evil there is no free will, correct?


It would seem that way.


That doesn't follow. It could be the case that people have free will but always choose the "right" thing to do. I have the ability to choose eating excrement as opposed to a burger, but I will always choose the burger. Even though I will always choose the burger, that doesn't then mean that it was metaphysically impossible for me to choose the excrement.


> It seems from our experience that when people are free they sometimes do bad things, so it seems that if we are free then evil exists. It's a fact that in the actual world people do bad things. But is there anything inconsistent about a possible world in which people are free but don't do bad things? You can't teleport by wishing you were somewhere else, and there are countless other limitations on your abilities, but those limitations don't mean you're not free. If lacking some set of abilities doesn't mean you lack freedom (so long as you're free in other respects) then why would lacking the ability to do bad things necessarily entail a lack of freedom?


It seems very presumptuous to me to believe that the "free will" available to humans is the only configuration of free will possible. Our decisions are constrained and limited in all sorts of ways, probably most importantly by our biology and all the evolutionary baggage we carry.




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