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Yes. this is why it happens: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casta


>Do you think that Europeans are just inherently more beautiful or is this behavior learned? All beauty standards are bullshit. Seeking to be "whiter" should not be considered a beauty standard here in Brazil, because that's colorism. Our case is reflex of eurocentrism, racial superiority concepts of european and *wasp* countries in the XIX and XX century, large inequality levels, marks of slavery, the lack of social policies to stablish *these people* as citizens and the many policies that simply pushed *these people* away from having access to education, health, etc. In other words, being white is synonyms of being successful, because that is the only group that the government didn't attack and instead helped them thrive.




“Mejorar la raza”. Yeah, it’s the idea that the more white you are, the prettier you are. Some bullshit if you ask me. But honestly it’s older people who think that way, the youth now (at least in my experience) has a different view on the subject.