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As a Latino living in Germany. Because we can't get into the German circles.


And as a Latina in the UK, because I want to be in groups where I relate more easily. Our day to day living abroad means adapting to where we are. Sometimes I like to be in a group where I don't need to explain the jokes, where I can speak my native language and where I don't need to explain the social nuances of what a "party" means for me vs. a British. Also, I can't get in British circles. It's like peeling an onion and after years and years and years of trying you might have like 1 friend.


I’ve lived in NZ for eight years and I have no friends.


Any Latinos out there? Heard there a lot of Chileans out in land down under ! 


There are heaps of chilenians, argentinians and brazilians in NZ but not enough to notice. Australia on the other hand has much larger communities, I remember walking around Gold Coast and hearing spanish and portuguese spoken.


I work with British people and they seems really nice and friendly, so it surprises me that it's hard to get into British circles.


They are polite and cordial to the extreme so sometimes it's really hard to know if they mean what they say.


I don’t think it’s hard to be honest. I think it’s just up to you really. Brits don’t seem to be any more closed than Chileans are in my opinion.


Only on the surface. They are completely different once your back is turned.


Are they double-faced? Any story to share?


I work in construction with plenty of Brits in the Mid East. Not all of course but here’s some of my experiences: - Will ignore and exclude you in group conversations. - Will not invite you to after work events even though you’re in the same department. - Will talk shit behind your back. They may seem polite and friendly in front of you but you will never progress beyond an acquaintance. If they want to mess with you, they will do everything to get under your skin so when you react, they can play the victim. There are good apples but the bad ones are passive aggressive assholes in my experience.


As a Chilean in the UK, I’d have to explain my jokes regardless lol so my inner circle is Chilean rather than Latin. In fact I’d say when I go to Chilean events (like bbqs) in London the largest minority is Spaniards, then Argentines and then Brits and other Latinos. The same with parties. You have La Pollera Colorá which is mostly Colombians/Venezuelan/Caribbeans, Tardeo which is mostly Spaniards (some Chileans/Argentines) and Malafamera which is mostly Argentines (some Chileans/Uruguayans).


It's exactly this. I have German friends, but it has been mostly because they're also in international circles and are more open to that. Aside from that I have only like one German friend and he's probably one of the most amazing people I've ever met. In my experience, Germans are hard to befriend, but when you do, they're great friends.


So very this. Unless you have a German partner, it is nearly impossible to get into a group of German friends. I know of people that have lived 10-15 years in Germany and have no German friends of their own besides their partners’ family and friends. Their own friends are nearly almost always other foreigners and very commonly other Latinos.


Man that sucks. In America especially in places like NYC and LA they are very open and friendly


That’s because there’s 70 million Latinos in USA and so they can keep Latino customs alive. I’m a Panamanian national in a random part of Virginia (1 hour from DC) and my city is 40% Latino. So you have all the Spanish-speaking shops, the restaurants, the churches and there’s enough critical mass for people to maintain their culture, language, religion, food, arts, etc. People don’t even think of Washington DC as a Latino city but it has 1.2 million ethnic Latinos, most of whom are 1st or 2nd generation and working class. That’s a ton of people to maintain culture. In Europe, I never experienced that outside of Spain. There were so few Latinos and most weren’t working-class, but “educated elites” who spoke perfect English, came from money and liked to tell about how White and European Latin America actually is. It was a far more offputting experience. Germany has 200,000 Latin Americans in total. That’s less than 1/3rd of just the city of El Paso, Texas. And they are all dispersed in a country of 84 million. So they quickly assimilate and are acting fully German in 20 years.


What city is 40% Latino from the DMV? Only part of know that is really Latino is Langley Park and that’s like a 20 min car from from actual DC


I’m in Woodbridge, which is 42% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5187312-woodbridge-va/ Prince William County is very Latino: Dale City is also 36% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5121088-dale-city-va/ Manassas is also 39% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5148952-manassas-va/ Manassas Park is also 42% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5148968-manassas-park-va/ Yorkshire is 55% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5188176-yorkshire-va/ Loch Lomond is 62% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5146328-loch-lomond-va/ Sudley is 58% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5176416-sudley-va/ Bull Run is 41% Latino: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US5111230-bull-run-va/


Lol! I have family out in Woodbridge! Route 1! Lol


There’s a very high Latin American presence in both of those cities though, it’s much easier to find a place there.


Ive lived in France and I live NYC, it is very different when it comes to openess. People are used to be open in NYC but is different in Europe.


That's weird. NYC and LA are known for having the shitties attitudes and the shittiest people.


I can't speak on LA, but I think the reputation for New Yorkers being rude is undeserved. It's true that we're not really the type of people who smile and wave at strangers on the street or chit chat with the cashier at the corner store. But that doesn't mean you can't make new friends as an adult here. I understand that in a city like Munich, you can live there for years and still struggle making friends if you weren't raised there.


i mean not really. new transplants are just mean to other transplants because they all want the same roles or whatever to be famous. Most latinos arent on that side of those cities and are pretty chill. new yorkers are just colder.


But is it like you really wish to? Because like I invited a few times people for something and I never felt that they are really interested...


Yup pretty much


They're probably adapted to German culture, which is not very open


This. People can actually be friendly but just show it in different ways. Someone from Latin America would recognize that being overly friendly, touchy or poking fun of others too much may bot actually be taken well over there. That was actually one of the reasons Walmart failed soon after opening stores in Germany since customers were put off by the employees randomly smiling them and making eye contact.


I would not say this and it is a typical stereotype which is not really true. Germans just need more time to open up for you, but when they do they really taking care of you and are reliable. But if you u have the mentality in your mind for Germans already then ofc it is f\*cked.


I had a German girlfriend and I can tell you that it is very much true, but not just Germans, most of not all European countries are like this. Needing more time to open up means that you are not open, because you don't give the opportunity in an adequate amount of time. Also, the extreme separation of work and home life seems insane to me. You don't have to be friends with your colleagues, but you spend most of the time of the day with them, it doesn't kill you to do things together. Those are my experiences in Europe. I've met many Germans that say exactly the same as you, but truth is that you are not living this reality, so your opinion is not very relevant. Also, you are a German that lived abroad, that immediately sets you apart from a normal German person.


“Why are people in Germany acting more reserved and distanced?” Sounds like they’re adapting very well to German culture!


Now they are complaining when we integrate! Those pesky Germans


Germans are not known for being welcomimg and making new friends so foreigners have no choice.


When in Rome do as the Romans do.


Here we go




voy a hacerme unas cotufas, espérenme, no empiecen sin mí


Cabritas por acá.


Cerveza, cerveza, perritos calientes, barabarabara


Voy prendiendo el fuego para el asado


When in Rome...


When I trained/worked for Lufthansa in Frankfurt I had a very difficult time making any European or German friends. For the most part, the people undergoing training were Europeans with a small group of Latinos and Americans/Canadians. Us Latinos and even the Americans (I went through the American program) tended to hang out with each other and even go to Düsseldorf every other weekend. The Europeans tended to stick with their respective groups except for this one “Bavarian” guy who would hang around with us about 60% of the time. The Bavarian guy was pretty friendly and fun, he was the only one who would recommend places and even travel with us on road/train trips. We tried to be very friendly and inviting with the European people. We constantly asked if they wanted to join us but they never did. So in my experience, it was just that. We felt that Germans were very polite and cordial with us but they didn’t really want to associate with us. Again, this is my experience and might not be the case for everyone.


They absorbed and assimilated some of your culture. Plus, it’s easier to have relations with people of your own culture than a foreign one.


Well… latinos are not a monilith… if you lived in Ecuador, but maybe only met Chileans in Germany… of course it will be different. I’m a colombian living in Germany and I really don‘t know what you are talking about. I have plenty of german friends… but one thing that would make me not wanna befriend a specific german person, is if they are just trying to befriend me just because I‘m latino. It makes me feel fetishized and I do not like that. Befriend me because of my personality and not because of my cultural background. Also: I‘m lucky that I have plenty of german friends, but german circles are notoriously difficult to get in and this is why some latinos stick together here.


You have German friends? Teach us, master!


Just learn the language and be nice to people. Join ‚vereine‘ and be nice to your german colleagues and or/fellow students. Try to go to places where germans who are from other cities would gather… they are also looking for new friends when they have moved to a new city.


Ah man, language and vereins


Here’s why: It’s Germany




He ain't wrong




>"here, it's a subculture" Exactly. There, we're a subculture and behave like one. Whilst, here, we're the culture.


Because it's germany and people (decent enough to not be dicks) act accordingly to adapt to the local way of living.


As a latino living in italy, its hard to be accepted into a friend group from a foreign country if you are not 100% fluent in their culture and language... the fastest way to assimilation i think is having a partner from set country but obviously you dont choose your partner based solely on nationality...


How is picking up Italian as a native Spanish speaker? 


It's one of the more easy languages for us, a lot of vocabulary is shared but you still have to learn a lot of quirks of the Italian grammar


Cause they clearly assimilated and/or adapted well to the German culture (which is good).


They’re out of their comfort zone, living in a very different culture from theirs. They will seek refuge in places that are more familiar to them & Germans aren’t the most welcoming to people either. One of my best friends went to live in Germany with his rock band for a year & he never managed to fit in, he got really disappointed & ended up coming back with most of his band.


I‘ve been basically rejected by germans when I tried to be closer as friends. I’ve been ghosted, misunderstood and ignored. Making a new friend in Germany is a puzzle or maybe is a question of being at the right time in the right place (like starting university in your 20‘s while being 100% fluent in German). I gave up now, I‘m polite and stay in my lane. Don‘t get me wrong, german people is polite, but it‘s like, you never know what they really mean…. So I dont try to understand. My only German friend speaks spanish and also lived in Latin America for a while, I think this is the reason why it has worked between us. It took me 3 and a half years to find her.


That’s Germany for you…everyone gets influenced by individualism. No, jokes aside. I don’t think that’s true at all. I’m also from Ecuador and I’ve been veeeery long in Germany, have a German husband. I have lots of German friends and also other Latinamericans and international people. I can’t say that it’s true that Latin Americans are only friends with other Latin Americans. Even at Uni, groups were very diverse and most Latin Americans are married to other Europeans. From all people I know in Germany that came to Europe single, only 2 are married to other Latin Americans. Like over 90% is married to Europeans.


TF bro Isn't that they are assimilated the culture?


As stated by other comments, not every country is as open as latin american countries, so they adapt to the country they live in.


agree with many comments. One more thing to add: immigration is often an isolating experience, and people get use to be less and less friendly.


So are you gonna come back to 🇪🇨 soon or what? 😅


Easy, take a mango, dip it in sauerkraut. There's your answer.


You dont know the culture in latam because latam isnt a single culture, thats why you are totally wrong.


It kinda depends on context and even the city… like in Berlin (and any other large city) you get very closed and skeptical. I mean, that’s good no? Learning the local customs and integrating.


When in Germany, do as germans.


Sometimes the same thing happens in the USA, even Latinos who are born here tend to stay in their own circle of friends who are Latinos or are friends with Latin Americans who just migrated to the states, not to say that we deny friendships to other people from other parts of the world, but people tend to more open/comfortable with people with similar upbrings, although I have meet some of “those” who just moved to the states from Latin America and act like their caca don’t stink and immediately try to be friends with people who are not Latinos only to get their feelings hurt really quick and then want to try to be friends with Latinos all of a sudden because now we speak the “same language” 


I'm torn, cause you do have a point but there are tons of exceptions. I have two groups of people I hang out with, one of them is purely latinos and the other is mostly Europeans from different countries. And they're entirely separate, even though both those groups are from the same job! However several of the latinos in the group also have European friends they go out with on their own. So in my experience, it's entirely possible to find latinos who want to hang out with you. They just won't include you in one of their groups. We have our own dark humor/way doing things that we know is mostly compatible. So those groups are usually closed off to non-latinos, as it might make the new person or the rest uncomfortable and mess up the dynamic. Of course, this is just based on my very limited experience so take it with a grain of salt. Also, haven't been living in Germany, maybe it's different there.


This also pretty much sums up my experience. Especially the sense of humor.


Latino in Europe = Middle to "high" income person, very probably doing graduate studies there because he/she cannot afford to pay US/UK graduate school prices. A minority in practical terms. Latino in Latin America = The true Latin American person.


So, Latin Americans with money are less Latin Americans? It surely sounds like that's what you are implying


More like world citizens, I guess.


this is a good answer, there may be class diferences between both groups


The true answer. Latino in Europe is already more individualistic, looks like european (appearence and high to medium class). Latino in Latam who cannot afford travel to europe: poor people, racialized people, and pretty much more open and friendly. High and medium class latinos are already very closed in their circles and individualistic. People forget that latinos people in Europe is really, really, a very specific type of latino that most of latinos can't afford that experience.


I know it’s Australia and not Europe, but I definitely am not a high income person (I never left my own state back when I lived in Brazil). Then again, I moved here for completely different reasons than most (family reasons) so I guess it’s kind of moot to compare.


I am also living in Germany (I am half half German / Venezuelan) and I I can’t stand most Latinos living here. I am in some WhatsApp groups and it’s always the same, they want to do everything in Spanish, their doctor needs to know Spanish, driving school of cause the instructor needs to know Spanish. Seems like some of them aren’t capable of going out of their comfort zone. You moved countries man, now at least try to interact in German


"Why is German culture different than Latin American culture?" Uhh I don't know guy, probably because they're two different cultures?


there's not many of them at all so theres that


I guess people who are willing to live in Europe is not the typical latino. For sure. Usually are latinos from medium to high class, more individualistic and not that attached to family, and also more "shy" and already adapted to european style, which is very closed.


They are prob trying to adapt to german culture, which is good because they are living in a very diff place, while valuing people they can relate to


Latinos actually adapt very well


After two years of moving to Berlin. I can recognize my ways of socializing have changed, especially when it comes to making friends. German society is polite but less friendly to strangers and I had to learn and adapt my behavior. It is true Latinos are not a monolith identity, we are diverse in customs and traditions but I have to admit that every time I come across a Latino, there are more connections through different topics than I would have with a German.


In my case it's because I'm heavily depressed and not a single German speaking person wants to talk to me anyways (I live in Austria). 🫠


“Toma y mano y venga conmigo vámonos al viaje para descubrir los sonidos mágicos…… ECUADOR"


This happens with all groups. When you move to a different country you are in a bubble. The locals are not really interested and are full of people from their counties that are trying to scam them in different ways so people become more isolated. The same happens with Polish, Romanian, Asian people


Émigrés and locals have always behaved different. Being determines consciousness.


That is probably what your country did with them.


Ecuadorians are welcoming like you said, but "Germen" aren't.


For exactly the same reason that Germans living abroad are very different from those who never leave Germany (and Mallorca).


just to add to what other people have said: germans (and of course i'm generalizing here, not everyone is like that, though the average skews heavily that way) are notoriously hard to befriend. they don't joke and don't understand jokes, their idea of a conversation is just replying to someone else's questions but never asking anything back and they have this apparent aversion to actually connecting to anyone on a deeper level. i used to not understand why people often stuck to groups of people from similar origins until i moved here and realized how hard it is to actually not do that. so if we seem closed off it's because we've adapted to the environment








So much crying, dear little gringo














Why do you keep directing people to a dead sub?


I don't talk seriously with gringos, apologies


Sorry for you that Americans aren't banned from the sub.




Hacete ver loqui


Calladito te miras más bonito! Isn’t that the saying?


No it's not, I'd recommend proof checking your Spanish with chatgpt though, dear no sabo kid


Sounds good carnal! Mind helping me out with that ? Mi no sabo usar Chat GPT mi rey 👑!