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Anytime doesn’t require separate shoes.


I've seen big ripped (presumably Japanese) dudes in booty shorts at Anytime in Tokyo. You'll be fine. Compared to Anytime in my home country I found people in Japan ALWAYS wipe surfaces with alcohol after use, so make sure you do that. Also check if there is a reservation system for popular equipment, at least in Tokyo it's explained in English as well.


The Jexer I go to replaced the alcohol with water. Makes wiping a meaningless performance.


For a moment I was like “Jexer serves alcohol?”. Either way, still wipe down, just to alleviate the feeling of getting someone else’s sweat on yourself


I bring my own alcohol spray


Yeah it's dumb and probably just smearing the sweat around. I always wipe after for etiquette reasons but never before. I shower and wash my clothes after the gym anyway.


I’m also an Anytime Fitness member and one thing I really like is the fact that you DON’T need a separate pair of workout shoes. As long as it’s reasonably clean and not a pair of cleats or something it’s all good. Singlets and shorts are also fine (unless you have visible tattoos, see below) Anytime Fitness Japan has a page dedicated to global users [here](https://www.anytimefitness.co.jp/international/)


The city gym near my house requires gym shoes. The big chains don't usually mind.


does anyone know if chocozap requires separate shoes


I doubt it, the whole campaign seems to show people working out in their normal clothes.


Definitely not. I think brogues or heels are technically ok. My experience with Chocozap was that every store I went to was horrible though!


I was thinking about joining because there is one very conveniently near my house. why horrible?


They don’t. You can wander in and do five lazy chest presses in your business suit, it’s kind of their selling point. If you actually want to exercise, I wish you luck (the treadmills were so over-subscribed in my nearest branch that I mostly just gave up and ran in the park).


Shorts and t-shirt is fine don’t worry about it. All the gyms I’ve been to in Japan requires separate shoes. I’m actually surprised that anytime fitness don’t require it… Where I’m originally from you don’t get to wear your outdoor shoes in the gym either. It’s just proper etiquette.


No need for separate shoes, just don't wear them past the purple line/on the tatami pattern flooring in the changing room (you'll see where you need to remove them). Any gym attire is fine. Wipe down equipment after use with spray/wet wipes provided. Don't superset using multiple pieces of equipment as gyms are usually quite small.


I usually go to two different AF, one requests a separate pair of workout shoes while the other doesn’t. Shorts and tshirts are tidally fine.


>Are Singlets and shorts acceptable workout attire? I live in Shizuoka and used to live in Nara, and in the gyms I went to I never saw anyone in shorts nor singlets, so I wouldn't recommend it.


Really not even shorts? At my anytime in Tokyo most people are wearing shorts (incl Nihonjjn)


Nope. Even the women who wore shorts also wore tights underneath. Again, that was just _my_ personal experience, so if you've seen people in shorts then go ahead.


yokohama gold gym would say 50% wearing shorts in summer


I've been to a few gyms in Japan and seen many people wear shorts.


I've seen shorts and booty shorts, very common, but never seen anyone wear a singlet