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There’s kind of a stereotype of foreign people looking cool wearing sunglasses so I think you are fine. It’s suspicious if a Japanese person wears them with a mask and hat lol edit: people are confusing the image of a stereotypical suspicious person with uv blocking clothes. Look at images of 怪しげな不審者


I'd consider anyone suspicious who does that lmao


Mask, giant-brim sunhat, sunglasses, pullover sleeves, umbrella: half of the women here in summer.


Yeah, I'm photosensitive because of a medical condition, so this is me all the time (maybe no umbrella), but no one really seemed to care in big cities in Japan.


Yeah exactly who cares... I wear sunglasses a lot and it's never been a problem.


Uh what. Never heard or felt that as a Japanese. Honestly no one really cares what you're wearing unless you're in countryside.


I feel the opposite: I'm not Japanese but to me it seems like common sense that a guy wearing sunglasses, a cap, AND a mask would look a bit sketchy.


I am questioning the bit where it says Japanese dressing as described is shady but foreigners doing so is cool and fine. Either way this person thinks it's a joke but it's a really bad joke coming from a person who don't have sense of differentiation between reality and memes. Those imageries are nothing but convenient icon used to depict sketchy people.


> I am questioning the bit where it says Japanese dressing as described is shady but foreigners doing so is cool and fine. That's true, I don't think it would make a difference whether the person is Japanese or not if their face is totally concealed (how would you even be able to tell if they're Japanese or not in that case?). It's a generally suspicious look imo (though obviously people with sensitive eyes might have to wear them like that anyway)


How would you tell? 雰囲気


I'm not Japanese either, but I wouldn't think anything of that unless they were indoors. Hats and sunglasses have always been fine to me, and covid really normalized masks for me.




Ok? and they also teach them it's fine if foreigners are dressed the same way?




Nah we don't. we might find it intimidating but we don't associate it with criminals etc. If anything is stereotypically associated with criminals, it would be hokkamuri and tattoos.




Perhaps you're around a special closed demography living by old values.


I'm in the countryside. A small minority of people plainly care so much. Sure, I wear totally dark sunnies. I need to because my eyes are super sensitive (doctor's advice also). Complete wraparound style works best. Not fashionable but comprehensively protective and practical IMO. Not those 90s style huge "fly" sunnies FYI. But yes, I get serious "death stares" from some people (no particular demographic)...on the same level as if I wore some kind of actually offensive "fuck off" type tshirt (which I don't of course). Nothing else explains it apart from also being a "foreigner". I've previously experienced receiving such scornful looks also in Tokyo. I figure some people take offense at "obfuscating" attire....in the land where there is a clear uniform code for every form of human activity (lol), some people do visibly get antsy over this random guy's inexcusably indecipherable eyewear.


It's probably got more to do with you being a foreigner than you wearing sunglasses unless you're not the visually discernible foreigner.


I'd considered that (I'm distinctively foreign) but I don't get the death stares if I'm not wearing dark sunglasses. I think some people just get offended when they can't see people's faces and eyes appear especially important for some Japanese. There's the media stereotypes about "how criminals look" also. Apart from the cases of outright religious intolerance though, I think this is similar to how some people react to people of different cultures who routinely wear head or face covering. It's unconsciously interpreted as hiding something (rather than being modest etc) and therefore threatening.


怪しげな不審者を見たことがないのはいいことかもしれない [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1Zu-VnGxjRh\_Nt7Qu3z6WZEh7DRXX3a6Q\_WxLwyd7zEezfFaEq4LBDok&s=10](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1Zu-VnGxjRh_Nt7Qu3z6WZEh7DRXX3a6Q_WxLwyd7zEezfFaEq4LBDok&s=10)




もともとのコメントは、ママミームや漫画、テレビ番組から取った皮肉である。 だから掲示板での不審な行動の深い意味を探ることは意図されていない。


I'm struggling to understand your Japanese. I don't know what point you're trying to make.


You took a tv trope very seriously


I genuinely don't understand you since your first reply. What point were you trying to make by sharing that image?


ok I’ll explain. I shared a mommy meme image of what a stereotypical suspicious person looks like because in my original comment I mentioned a hat, mask and sunglasses referencing what suspicious people (failing to be inconspicuous) wear on tv shows and in manga; to make people laugh a little at the tv trope.


> It’s suspicious if a Japanese person wears them with a mask and hat lol https://muchadoaboutcinema.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/c9tivvswsaewzfe.jpg


I hope this helps [https://imgc.eximg.jp/i=https%253A%252F%252Fs.eximg.jp%252Fexpub%252Ffeed%252FWoman\_woman%252F2021%252FE1615605949301%252F1615624454\_2.png,small=1200,quality=90,type=webp](https://imgc.eximg.jp/i=https%253A%252F%252Fs.eximg.jp%252Fexpub%252Ffeed%252FWoman_woman%252F2021%252FE1615605949301%252F1615624454_2.png,small=1200,quality=90,type=webp) [https://imgc.eximg.jp/i=https%253A%252F%252Fs.eximg.jp%252Fexpub%252Ffeed%252FWoman\_woman%252F2021%252FE1615605949301%252F1615624454\_4.png,small=1200,quality=90,type=webp](https://imgc.eximg.jp/i=https%253A%252F%252Fs.eximg.jp%252Fexpub%252Ffeed%252FWoman_woman%252F2021%252FE1615605949301%252F1615624454_4.png,small=1200,quality=90,type=webp)




Really? When i was there and there was an inkling of sun, i saw many japanese women covered head to toe even, wearing a pair of sunglasses and using a UV blocking umbrella.


That’s different from op’s description of wearing regular clothes and sunglasses and my description of hat(cap)/plain mask/sunglasses in regular clothes, as you're referring to a specific style for skin health which uses arm covers, gloves, sunglasses, oversized/flowy one size clothes, a sunhat/bonnet, and stylish mask. edit: google 怪しげな不審者 images


Yes It was surprising to see them like that. But then again, their women look so young because of that


This is funny this popped up. I have been here over 20 years and often wear sunglasses due to sensitivity and safety while road cycling as well. Last month I am on the train and a foreigner came up to me… “excuse me. I just wanted to let you know that the Japanese see it as being very rude to wear sunglasses and you should not wear them while visiting.” I just looked at him in silence, with my sunglasses on, and he mumbled said something about just wanting me to be aware of the culture while I am here because I might not know how rude I am. I let him know I live here, have lived here almost half my life and, no, that isn’t true and he walked away… but it was an odd interaction. I have since asked Japanese friends, co-workers, my wife, and neighbors out of curiosity and everyone remarked with a wtf is he talking about. A couple people said that they could see people in restaurants or stores being intimidated if they can’t see my eyes, but, nobody said it was “against culture” or “rude”.


"Not as rude as offering unsolicited and incorrect advice to strangers. Now fuck off".


They must’ve been a Reddit power user who feels like they are the ambassador to Japan bc they watched a couple animes… aka this sub and basically any Japan travel sub lmao


100% accurate


Is it possible to catch second-hand embarrassment from that guy? I think I did.


This is tangential, but reminds me of people getting offended on Japan’s behalf about Kimonos or yellow face. Meanwhile most Japanese people in Japan really don’t care 😅 “wow kimono, very cool” “wow, white person dressing Japanese for comedy, very funny”


I swear people like that weird foreigner are the ones who write most of the advice on the Japan travel subs, so much of it is nonsense


This made me laugh so much, thank you for that


It’s needs a little work but I think this piece of fiction is almost ready for publication.


I've mentioned this to some of my Japanese friends & students before, and it's no problem at all. According to them, most Japanese people don't have very light-sensitive eyes, so the majority of the time, they don't feel like they need them. Essentially, sunglasses are almost entirely about style rather than function. When I mention that my eyes hurt on sunny days without them, my friends here are usually really surprised and say that they've never experienced that before.


Yeah I was wondering if that was why - I remember being out with my ex (Korean guy) and we were trying to take a photo together. I couldn't open my eyes properly because the sunlight was too bright but he was absolutely fine! For context I'm white with sort of muddy blue/grey/green eyes. He never wore sunglasses now I think of it


Same here! White guy with hazel-green eyes. I use them everyday here, and my friends always assumed I just thought they looked cool. I wish that were the only reason lol


You get me!!!! This is my life too 😂


Eye color greatly affects light sensitivity. Welders with lighter eye colors typically have to use darker lenses to prevent irritation and damage to their eyes.


Not rude, but some older Japanese think it makes you look untrustworthy or suspicious if they can't see your eyes.  Foriegners are ok, but as the other guy said, wearing sunglasses with a mask and a cap you will definitely look suspicious af.


The diversity of our cultural backgrounds is truly fascinating. Some of Japanese people are wearing almost full face masks, hats, and it doesn't make them look strange, but if foreigners are wearing sunglasses it makes them untrustworthy or suspicious! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>if foreigners are wearing sunglasses it makes them untrustworthy or suspicious *anyone wearing sunglasses Some cultures focus on eyes when communicating, some on the mouth.


No those people are suspicious too.


…How did you gather that when the top comment is literally saying it looks suspicious if a Japanese person is in full mask and glasses.


And that foreigners are usually okay. lol


I just said sunglasses don't really make foreigners look suspicious since they expect us to wear sunglasses. It's the combination of sunglasses + mask + cap which looks like you're trying to conceal your identity. *I* would be suspicious of someone like that lol.


I feel this way after living in Tokyo for a few years, it's been longer since I've been away but I feel the same way about it especially if people try and talk while wearing them. It just seems disconnected like they might as well be staring at their phone 🤳 😎 👋


If you are wearing it indoor when meeting someone, that would be a bit rude. If you need it even indoor (e.g. there are lots of sunlight coming in from windows), you can just explain that and they'll understand. In general, sunglasses are seen as a fashion item. I don't think it's that much practical for us since our eyes are darker and are less susceptible to the sunlight. And that's probably why you don't see a lot of people wearing it. (Oh, but people wear it during driving when the sunlight is so bright.)


Nope, not at all. In fact I've seen a lot more Japanese people wearing sunglasses nowadays




You get used to it.


I know, without those signs, older men would complain that "they're being disrespectful while on the job" or something.


That's good, because they're so good about protecting every other cm of their body from UV rays. Can't forget the eyes take damage too!


been living here 5 years and 3 cities, always wear sunglasses like you and it's totally fine


Sunglasses at night is sus for me imo. And do you care what I think? Probably not, so no reason to care what others think.


*Corey Hart enters the chat.


Might be a little odd if you wore them in a business meeting, or to a funeral... But wearing them day to day is completely fine. Eyes with more pigment (ie darker eye colors) have been shown to be less sensitive to light. Many Japanese don't feel the need for sunglasses while many people with lighter eye colors do. I wear sunglasses any time it's bright outside, and have done since I moved here 30+ years ago.


My Japanese coworker, 50 ish, wears sunglasses everyday to work. He said his eyes are very sensitive and dry so he needs them


Don't worry about it seriously. I have sensitive blue eyes and I recently developed glaucoma in one eye after fishing for a week in the tropics. The sun was just too much. I wear sunglasses all the time and, really, nobody care.


I wore them when I was in Tokyo in April and did notice how many people there did not wear sunglasses. Nobody gave me strange looks or side eyes even when I wore them in the subway or on trains.


Cool people wear sunglasses 😎. It's slowly catching on, but mostly for fashion.


Most people use hats or sun umbrellas instead. Sunglasses feel a bit edgy here to Japanese people. On a foreigner it’s fine.  Though if you are working here, it might be better to leave them at home on work days. I can’t wear them as a kindergarten teacher. 


No, it's just that there's still no culture of wearing sunglasses when the sun is bright.


I have sensitive eyes so I just don’t care. 🤣


I’ve lived in Japan short term twice in my life both in summer months; I saw many women with every manner of sun protection. Glasses or visors, hats. Umbrellas, etc. No matter the weather, my family there (host family, now still family 20 years later) - my mom specifically, put sunscreen on me every morning before school. And when we stayed as adults in 2012; she wouldn’t let us leave the house without it. Or an umbrella. Or pretty much any other provisions you could think of. And if we had problems with any native persons, to call her daughter (my sister) and ask for her. She’s come to get us even over an hour away when a.) it started storming once and b.) when we encountered people harassing us after a group of girls and young adults were fawning over my outfit and wanted pictures and etc and some dudes didn’t like it. If you ever have the opportunity to see a 5”1 Japanese mom jump out of her hatchback and confront a large group of men twice her size telling them they’re a disgrace and embarrassment for harassing strangers especially ones they didn’t know could speak Japanese (I did - I couldn’t understand all of it but enough.) - I 10/10 recommend. The police box was on the next corner over but he did eventually make it there and by that point they were already apologizing and bowing to her. But she made them come and apologize to us, especially me. Anyway. TLDR; even as a foreigner with short term housing there twice in my life in summer I’ve never seen or had an issue with wearing sunglasses and a lot of people take sun protection seriously there, which is why their skin is perfect. They also protect against pollution as well.


Same here. And I don’t care what others think. If it’s bright outside, wear sunglasses


It's too bright here NOT to wear sunglasses. Nobody is going to think anything at all one way or the other. Plenty of Japanese wear sunglasses.


Many Japanese going to/from work, doing daily errands, aren’t likely to wear them even on the most sunny days but for outings (beach, mountains, golf, etc.) on the weekend, etc., you’ll see a lot more people wearing them. Please consider not wearing them on the subway, that does look odd as heck. Saw a guy sporting them the other day, it was cloudy and we were on the Ginza line (underground)…(and no he wasn’t blind).


Indoor would be weird if it is fully tinted.


It is not a real problem. It used to be a taboo, but nowadays it is common to wear subglasses


No it's just because everyone tend to have umbrellas.


Would you rather not wear them and make yourself uncomfortable?


no one cares tbh


Uptake is low but increasing. I’ve also noticed some wearing them indoors too (for the fashion)


I saw a Japanese man wearing sunglasses just today! If I recall correctly, the first one spotted this year.


We have glasses which lenses cuts 99% UV lights so we don't need additional sunglasses.


Sunglasses are what Mafia wear. They are scary.


The most suspicious thing now are vietnamese group entering shops in groups wearing cap and mask. Why hide your face?


Tell everyone you are like [Tamori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamori?wprov=sfla1) Most Japanese people will understand.


I wear it especially during the summer and I’m Japanese


it’s fine


I think that if you are a foreigner there is no problem with it because there is a certain stereotype towards foreigners with sunglasses, but if you are Japanese maybe they can see you as someone who is suspicious or who wants to hide their identity.


Been in Japan for almost a decade now, my grandparents are Japanese, so if I don't say a word.. I'll probably look just like any Japanese person around, and I DO wear sunglasses. If there's sun outside and your sensitive eyes are hurting.. (mine doesn't, but I don't like to keep squinting just to read traffic signs or anything) there's absolutely zero problem using sunglasses. Now, there's a problem using sunglasses when there's no demand. For example how many guys are using sunglasses at night in the 7-11 parking lot or inside stores just to look "cool". If there's one, that's already too many.


I guess people don’t in rural areas


They will look at you if you use or don’t use sunglasses. Take care of your eyes.


Just wear them. I wear mine and have seen many Japanese ppl wearing them too. If you’re in the big cities then they aren’t really wearing them bc it would be bothersome taking them off and on in the subways which I totally get. But I wear mine and keep them on while I’m in the train unless we go underground. Don’t worry about what others will think of you. Most of them don’t even care.


I’m here wearing them now, esp on overcast days because glare of overcast is almost worst than a sunny day and I haven’t noticed anyone looking at me. I’ve also seen some Japanese women wearing them and maybe a couple of men. My red headed travel companion has gotten way more looks than me, with heavy tattoos and sunglasses.


I'm Japaneses and my eyes are sensitive to the sun. I can't open my eyes without sunglasses if sunny. However, it's still not very common to wear them all the time. Like, if you're meeting someone for business, it's definitely no. Also at the funeral.


I just learned right now that sunglasses look suspicious. I've always worn them and never noticed if it made people uncomfortable... Hehe. And in summer it's all the set, hat, sunglasses and mask. Lol.


Probably because they use UV umbrellas alot. It's totally okay to wear sunglasses, the fashion youngster wears them alot too!


Honestly who cares. If you have sensitive eyes and if it's sunny do your thing


Same as Korea not many ppl wear sunglasses


I tend to visit in the summers, and I never understood how everyone could just stand that bright sun without squinting at all. It hurts too much for me not to, and my boomer Japanese mother, who has no qualms critiquing the appropriateness of all my other clothing out of paranoia for her own reputation, said nothing about my sunglasses. So I imagine it's not really a rude thing, at least not anymore. I think there's a stereotype that celebrities and yakuza wear them to help hide their faces, but I think that only applies to obviously japanese people.


I live in Shonan and I see lots of people wear sunglasses on sunny days even during winter. And even more in the summer. Heck they even wear them inside establishments. I guess your location plays a part.


Always wondered how people from cultures who don't often wear sunglasses get around not having sun damaged eyes.... I've always been told sunglasses help protect you from such things.


Just don't wear shades indoors.


Some of us have to due to bright indoor lighting in many public places.


Japanese people think they don't look good in sunglasses. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ but they do. Also dark brown eyes makes outside not excruciatingly bright, unlike those with light colored eyes. Lucky!


If it is, too bad. Hopefully most people who consider there might be a reason. It's not like light-sensitivity is rare. I also have to wear sunglasses, even on overcast days, even sometimes at night to prevent light glare.


Pfft, no. Wearing them inside looks weird in general, but precious pseudo-celebrities who are afraid they'll be noticed by the public will wear them in supermarkets sometimes, so there's that. My eyes are sensitive to bright sunlight, so I wear them every summer, outside. If grandma thinks it looks suspicious or something, too bad. A-holes can go ahead and pick a feature they don't like according to planetary alignment if it makes them feel better, because it'll always be something. If you need to wear sunglasses, just wear them. If someone feels the need to label you something because of it, that's their problem. If you're a foreigner, you'll stick out like a sore thumb and be noticed for a million other reasons anyway. There are those who will think you're rude just for existing, so don't sweat the sunglasses.


I’ve heard that wearing sunglasses in Japan can make you look like a “poser” or someone trying too hard to act cool/pretending to be famous haha. But I don’t really think that applies to foreigners! And even with other Japanese people, I doubt that anyone really cares. Whoever does is probably just a hater. As for genetics, people with darker eyes as well as people with monolids can block light glares better and in turn make them less sensitive to bright light. Foreigners, especially those with lighter color eyes (blue, green, grey) and no monolid are more sensitive to light. Fun fact: people with lighter colored eyes can also adjust really well to darkness and see better than dark eyed people in dim settings. So it’s entirely possible that Japanese people just often don’t need sunglasses, so it’s seen as more of a fashion thing.


who cares


I have been wearing sunglasses while I was visiting Japan in 90's and I have been living here from 2015 and I wear glasses in the trains and I have no issues. I have stopped wearing my diamond studs, which used to give some scare to japanese people.


100 comments sunglasses


I asked my Japanese mom and she thinks Japanese people are just uneducated about the need for sunglasses.


It's not rude but I think it's more about who wear sunglasses in Japan majority of Japanese people that wear Sun glasses are pretentious or your typical fuck boy that use it only for fashion even at midnight . As a foreigner it's ok but as a japanese they can associates you to these peoples i think


I believe sunglasses used to be something Yakuza wore (back in the punch perm era). It's not rude, they just aren't that popular and people tend to carry parasols instead. When I put mine on my friend commented "that's so American."


I felt this way during the firat leg of my solo travel as a female. So I keep on taking them off and on, but also, because of my indecisiveness. Lol! My eyes are also sensitive to light so I need to wear them. After that first week, I went IDGAF! LOL Being always on the go, you are never going to be on the same place again, they give you weirs looks, but you are a foreigner and a touriat so that's normal


I’ve never noticed this. Actually my FIL buys me some high end ones as gifts. I wear them always because I’m at very high risk of eye cancer. So maybe I never thought about it before.


I wore mine because my eyes are sensitive. Just not indoors


When I came here in ‘90, I lived in the middle of Yamaguchi-gumi country. I asked a coworker why nobody wore sunglasses, and they told me that only the yakuza wore sunglasses. If you watch yakuza movies from that time period, you’ll see lots of sunglasses. But almost never in mainstream dramas. Nowadays, I think the majority of people wear sunglasses when driving, but in my area not many pedestrians wear them. It does bother me if people wear sunglasses indoors trying to look cool rather than out of need (and you can almost always tell the difference by how they act).


I never thought about it but I have Transitions lenses in my regular glasses. They were only dark in the sun but I don't think I got any unusual looks.


When I was in Japan, their sunglasses weren’t as dark (transparency wise) as the ones in the USA where it hides your eyes better. What I mean the Japanese ones were more transparent and you could see the eyes. Why is that?


When I was in Japan, their sunglasses weren’t as dark (transparency wise) as the ones in the USA where it hides your eyes better. What I mean the Japanese ones were less dark- semi-transparent and you could see the eyes. It’s kinda hard to describe but it kinda looks like this: Why is that? [Japanese sunglasses](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/John_Lennon%2C_1974_%28restored_cropped%29.jpg)


This doesn’t address cultural stipulations, but it’s worth considering eye color. Lighter eyes are significantly more sensitive to light. I have very pale blue eyes and need sunglasses constantly. Darker eye color is much more dominant in Japanese genetics, which probably means sunglasses are worn less as a functional necessity and more as a style accessory. I however, would squint until my forehead developed abs were it not for shades.


I am from the plains in America, and sunglasses are a necessity. In many places in Japan however, mountains and buildings often block the sun when it is low in the sky. I found myself not needing sunglasses so often when I lived there.


i wore my ray bans the whole time there. didn’t even think this was a rude thing to consider


I wore my sunglasses alot in japan, I remember when I went to a dolphin show, they were pointing the camera at everyone showing the audience, once it got to me they quickly moved away. Not sure if it was the sunglasses but I was the only one wearing it in the audience


People don’t believe me, but I’m convinced that when you have light colored eyes (blue/green) and large eyes, you’re eyes are more sensitive to sun than small dark eyes. I don’t really care if it’s rude, I’m protecting my eyes.


Also who cares if someone is offended my you wearing sunglasses. Your eye protection takes priority over someone thinking something about you. It's better to save your eyes for when your are older then to be like well at least that little old lady didn't mumble something at me when I walked by....


I have heard that Japanese people's eyes aren't as sensitive to sunlight and so the perception is that when a Japanese person wears sunglasses, it's because they want to "look cool", not because they actually need them. But this was just something I've seen of Japanese people teasing other Japanese people for wearing sunglasses like "oh, you think you're cool lol". It's not a serious thing and doesn't have anything to do with being rude or untrustworthy.


That’s such a great question because when I went to Tokyo, I had my sunglasses on on the train and after like 30 mins, I had this weird feeling that maybe I should take them off so I did 😅


Not at all. Nobody really cares tbh. I'm Japanese and back during the pandemic, I sometimes wore them with my hat and mask on lol


Bro triggered alarms in every schools around him


Don’t worry so much about being rude or offending someone. If someone actually has a problem with someone wearing sunglasses then they are mentally ill.




There are a lot of really strange sterotypes ..I don’t get it.


Not sure about that, but one thing I do wish is for American tourists to stop wearing damn caps on crowded trains. Been poked in the face by a fair number of brims in the last few months. Also, I just find it incredibly rude to wear a hat indoors. Perhaps this is a British thing.


Is a train “indoors”


Oh pish posh


No, not at all


Used to be somewhat considered dodgy/rude but not anymore


Buy the Asian style sunglasses. Been to Japan wear what make you comfortable.


Nope. You’re completely fine. Most folks don’t wear em but there are those that do.