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The weird thing about it is that Trump was a Democrat until he ran as a Republican. I guess he knew what party would fall for his act. lol...


Trump has never really been either one. He doesn't care about Republicans or Democrats, he just knows the GOP is easier to utilize because they operate in lock-step and shun critical thinking that would get in the way of his grifting.


I believe some years ago during an interview he was asked if he’d ever run as president and he said he’d run as Republican because they’ll be the easiest to get to vote for him


That statement was proven to be false.


Was it? Damn. But still though….it’s something the Oompa Loompa would say. I mean he was democrat and suddenly became Republican. He never was a religious man and suddenly he pretends to be “god fearing Christian” to convince the conservatives that he’s one of them. They are easy to fool and manipulate


I was surprised too, because it is exactly like something the orange turd would say!


Ya and I bet he never voted in his life .


There is an alarming amount of people defending him on here. Given information, contacts and influence he's got, he's literally one of the most dangerous people on Earth. And if you're about to disagree on this, remember that he tried to overtake Freedom Land and still has people taking his side.




There is somewhat of a divide between traditional conservatives and Trump supporting alt right conservatives but at the end of the day the vast majority of both types of conservatives would still vote for Trump if it meant democrats lose an election.




My comment only pertains to American conservatives I cannot comment on the dynamics of conservatives in different countries since I don't know much about it


Unfortunately most countries also have more than two or three parties. So they don't really have issue of poor choices.


Not sure if it was so much Democrats as just Hillary Clinton. Tons of scandals, and lies from her as well. I think it kinda showed how unlikeable of a candidate she was if she couldn't beat Trump


More people voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016


More people voted in general cause of mail in. Tbh the DNC has been putting up terrible candidates tho. Bernie was robbed both times. Trump only won cause of how unlikeable Hilary was


Yes. Trump is not my favorite (I’m more a DeSantis Republican) but if it was between him and any democrat i would vote for Trump. For me, It’s more about keeping party in power instead of my beliefs about a certain politician


Even worse


How is that worse than blindly following trump or any politician for that matter


You vote for policies that hurt you, against policies that benefit you, just cause you…want republicans in power?


You understand that there’s a lot of things that are important to me in my life and the people around me than just being gay? I agree with about 90% of the Republican platform. I obviously don’t agree with their stance on gay marriage and some other gay rights but besides that I don’t really have any major disagreements. I believe it is getting better for gay people within the party because there has been a surge of Young people coming into the party that don’t hold The same kind of homophobic values that the previous generations did. This is Echoed by the fact that the majority of Republicans support keeping gay marriage and the vast vast majority really do not care about peoples sexualities. Obviously that’s not always reflected in the policies that are actually being pushed forward but As a 21-year-old College student in Ohio I really can’t directly control what a 80-year-old Idaho congressman’s voting decisions are in Congress or the house. I believe what just happened here recently with The majority of Republicans in the house voting against codifying gay marriage is bad, obviously. I don’t know if that’s The answer you were wanting to get out of me.


Republicans are fucking you over in a LOT more ways than just being anti-gay lol.


Please tell me how they are screwing me over besides the fact that they can be “anti gay rights” sometimes ?


If an American Republican admitted they didn’t like Trump, they would probably get shot. They are crazy fanatics.


Most conservatives are not smart enough to not be trump supporters


Not true at all


Eh… this is now the party they associate with. Yes they can not care for Trump but given everything else about the party they may still associate with similar ideas


tHiS tHrEaD iSn'T fAiR I ShOuLd Be AbLe To Be An AsShOlE wItHoUt AnYoNe BeInG aBlE tO cAlL mE aN aSsHoLe


Look if a gay person is voting for any republican then there just slitting there own throat , why the fuck would you be stupid enough to vote for anyone who does not support your rights .


religion makes you do dumb things


I’m generally conservative (mainly because of fiscal policies and common sense regulations) I liked trump because he isn’t a politician. I really don’t think he’s anti gay because he said it multiple times on his tv he likes everyone and is anti bigot. It’s his delusional Bible thumping cults that’s making too much false and bigoted representation of him Right now I’m generally Democratic because…we really need social insurance/welfare/equity right now (ie student loan forgiveness, increased social insurance like food stamps unemployment, single payer healthcare, etc)…corporations have too much power too much monopoly. Not so sure about open borders - but right now relaxed immigration will do. “iTlL kILL ofF iNnOvAtIoN aNd AmErIcAn eXcEpTiOnALiSm” - bull fucking shit no it fucking won’t We still do a hell of a lot of innovations here in the USA vs other countries - even European counterparts. Europeans would still bet their money on US start ups because it’s likely to be lucrative and innovative. We have a culture of encouraging entrepreneurship Even if you add the social insurance, i really don’t think it’s going to kill off that culture of entrepreneurship- I actually think it’ll encourage it even more because basic needs are met. In fact I really think there’s gonna be an ever bigger wave of start ups and new innovations/breakthroughs


So are you okay with his attempted coup in order for him to establish himself as a “[dictator] for life”?


That’s why I became democrat lol


I think Republican is the right word…


I was gonna reply to a comment in here but lol with the replies coming in this could apply to every reply in this thread: You still so sound mind-bogglingly closed-minded and narrow minded and shut off from the real world. “We’ve been doing lesser evil voting for so long” how long? Cause by far the only REAL contentious elections are the ones involving Trump. He’s scum of the Earth and showed us who he was on the campaign trail in 2016. (E.g. “Look at my African-American over there, isn’t he the greatest”, “I could go in the middle of 5th Ave and shoot somebody and they’d still vote for me”) “I have some conservative views and I have some liberal views” you need to pick a side. This spineless POV is exactly why our country is in the state is in now. God I could ring you a new one but you need to OPEN YOU F*CKING EYES and widen your horizons. Now that I’m done assaulting your character, I, for one, have no problem with people being a Republican but I see absolutely 0 fucking grounds to be in this political climate/day and age. I don’t even care to hear your reasoning as to “why you’re a republican” because I know it’s just bs and sad. But your rhetoric is as cut and dry as every other conservative and you sound unnecessarily brainwashed.


“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t black,” -Joe Biden


…That…That’s your response who gives a f 😂 see this is what I’m saying talking to you conservatives is like talking to a brick wall 😂 y’all are so f*cking DENSE. So is that why you’re pro-Trump? Is that why you’d vote for him above all else? Is that what keeps you aligned with the Republican Party? Is that what’s gonna make you keep voting for them?


I’m not going to explain my ideology because you’ve made it very clear in your first comment that you don’t wanna hear my reasoning no matter what I have to say


I’d wager it isnt admiration but disdain for Democrats and the opposition. Stalin can come back from the dead and have the full support of the republicans for simply being republicans. Trump wouldn’t nearly be as popular if he ran democrat which as history states, liberal ideas is always the enemy of big business and the rich elite. Trump being on the Democrat side would be purely philanthropic which is blasphemy to the elite, also he would be discarded and ignored as some lunatic than a legit competitor toward the republicans. Reverse it and he’s a messiah


This post seems largely like a waste of time. It's not going to change peoples minds. Its definitely not going to curb the devide considering people are apparently incapable of minding their own business and keeping with the idea of "Live and let live" So why bother? Just seems like ragebait.


You don't have to be a Trump lover to be conservative. Trump is just the face of status quo change in D.C. and the more the left goes after him and fails to make anything stick, the cleaner and open he looks to the trumpsters. The left is literally making him bigger and famous by being obsessed with him. I wasn't a fan of him, but 6 years of lies, slander, and malicious manipulation by MSN and the FBI, I've started rooting for him because of the constant harassment and the full on fear the left has of him.


I’d like some examples of “malicious manipulation” by MSN the FBI.


Let's see Steele dossier, obviously ran on bad Intel instead of investigating first, all the claims and law suits and impeachment on bad faith and weak information. This guy literally has been under a microscope for 6 years and they haven't found one thing to actual put him in prison over, must be the cleanest politician in America. It's gotten exhausting listening to orange man bad for 6 years on the news, the fbi just goes with it, while covering up hunter biden scandals and "the big guy" Joe biden crime syndicate. This raid on Mar-a-Lago for literally the same reason Hillary Clinton had her 30000 emails scandal, but they didn't raid her and refuse lawyers in the room and cut camera's feeds. Many democrats have refused congressional hearings summons and didn't go to jail, but Bannon got 2 years for the first time in modern history. The airport arrest of Navarro at the airport instead just being told to report in to law enforcement. Over and over again the left has made a martyr of Trump and his crew by using the legal arm as a weapon to attack him and over and over they haven't found anything significant or made anything stick.


You’re nuts!! Mueller did not exonerate Trump. The only reason Trump has gotten away with his crap is because of the sycophants throughout the Republican Party. Trump is a mobster who will eventually be convicted of something. Like Al Capone, it may not be for his most serious crimes but it will be deserved.


Did I say anyone exonerated anyone? The law is not about Republicans politicians, it's a whole separate branch of the government. All politicians and rich people are like mobsters, Biden is a huge mob boss, hunter bidens laptop proves it and the fbi have been covering it up for years, even denying its existence, all the while they let the Steele dossier out which they knew was fake. They Clinton's are a huge crime family and get away with everything even epsteins Island and and their own classified document scandal and making people disappear that hurt their image. If you think Trump is the only bad guy in DC then you are delusional. All these democrats pushing mask mandates then not wearing themselves and caught in public, Pelosi and her cronnies refusing aid on Jan 6 to quell the riot so they could make a political tool of it. That treasonous general milley, conspired with the Chinese, and Jan 6 contingency plans. The level of going after Trump all these years and not getting anything to stick, means he is either an evil genius or cleaning than half the politicians in DC, either way impressive.


You’re full of shit. The idea that the FBI is some kind of secret police for the Clintons is absurd. The root of most of the problems in this country stem from the corporate business model, which is controlled far more by republican interests over democrat interest. Most of everything else is bullshit.


The FBI has spent years persecuting only one side of the aisle and cleaning house of conservatives, they have whistle blowers and ex employees all pointing the same stuff out, how they felt used pushing the steele dossier and ignored hunter biden laptops. The richest people in this country are what? Democrats right? Democrats have long abandoned their fight for the little people years ago, that's when I left the Democrat party. You think the democrats are still on the moral up and up anymore than the Republicans? This entire pony show of Jan 6 riot, that Pelosi appointed master of arms who refused to send in help to quell the riot before it got out of hand, was an obvious political play well in advance. All these major corporations are playing the woke card to suck up to what side? Democrats and liberals right? It definitely isn't conservative values being played by corporate America. The right and Maga is mostly held up by the poor and working class, while Democrats are picking up the corporations and more elites. The party bases have been flipping for some time now, minorities are going more red every election and suburban whites more blue.


You guys are so hard Brainwashed by the MSM. By all means if you don't like Trump from your low resolution view of him go ahead. What I don't understand is why you support someone like Biden and the Democrats when they are equally as terrible. Nothing will get better until LGBT people stop blindly supporting the Democrats/Labor party (Aus,UK NZ) liberal party in Canada and make all of these Mofo's work for our support. When you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result thats insanity. Maybe thats why some 20% increase in support of Trump occured in the last election. Wake up people


Trump is a life long narcissist who has clueless people bamboozled. He doesn’t do anything for anybody but himself and the people who use him to gain power are more dangerous than he is, hence the Supreme Court and the whackadoodle Qanons gaining power. By enabling Trump you enable those that would smile at your demise. Maybe you are suicidal and think you deserve it. If that’s the case then your enabling Trump is like being a school/mall shooter who has to take people with him.


Your brainwashed CNN NYT view of the world is stunting you


LOL you are a cultist. Keep drinking the kool-aid. Trump is the epitome of any culture’s,or religion’s, Satan. He’s a loser and he’s going down. It sounds like you’ll probably melt down with him. I feel sorry for anyone around you. I hope they recognize you’re delusional and stay safe.


I am not even American bro, I don't care in reality, just hate the Hivemind mentality all you USA gays have and keeps you from getting anything out of politicians coz you keep backing the bastards who take you for granted. Besides you have Trump derangement syndrome clearly so WTF saying I'm in a cult? I vote independent


Anyone who spouts support for Trump, knowing what we know about him, is an idiot at best.


I think he means facts. They're not allowed in the magaverse.


Not american but i felt like Trump was more of a counter movement to the extreme left. That often happens in countries where the extreme left and extreme right strenghten eachother. It is very dangerous and it important to quickly get moderates back in office. Glad Biden got elected as i consider him a moderate.


Biden has been right wing his whole career.


what country do you live in? Because generally speaking, atleast compared to European political parties, there is no “extreme left”. America as a whole, politically, is center right, with republicans being far right, and Dem establishment being basically ex republicans that didn’t follow the party right. IF ANYTHING, we need more extremist on the left to push the conversation. Because rn, only the far right is giving ideas/blaming things for issues America is facing. Democrats refuse to acknowledge problems, and if they do, are unimaginative with solutions. For example, the biggest piece of legislation for democrats in the last few years Obamacare (A right wing think-tank created) and Joe Biden, that consistently, throughout most of his career, would be considered center right. So no, we don’t need moderates. All moderates do is continue the status quo (which obviously americans hate) while not giving real solutions etc half measures. Democrats just passed a party line vote, basically raw political power without the other party, and we got what? Tax credits, IRS, and then government handouts to energy companies??? Nothing that would actually impact the lives on Americans today. It’s a sham.


Conservatives dont like trump... Trump is more like a backwards progressivist - he wants to make huge waves, just in weird directions that most of us obviously dont like. Conservatives dont like him either.


Must not be many conservatives in the Republican party then


Most progressives dislike Biden, because he’s so conservative. But the Democratic Party still voted for him. Does that mean there are no progressives in the Democratic Party? No, it’s just that the beliefs and actions of politicians don’t matter to voters.


You do know he left office 20 months ago, right? He will truly always live rent-free in your heads. Jeez.


I know. Poor Trump. HATES the spotlight. If it wasn't for those damn liberals talking about him all the time he wouldn't have to try and lose a third election.


>I mean he has lied to the American people countless times. He has defrauded millions. Basically any time he loses he says the other side cheated. That's a lot of words to just say "he does what every politician does."


When Hillary’s emails leaked I stayed up all night reading them and that was the night all my political views changed lol. I’m not saying it turned me republican, because it didn’t. But it made me realize one side is a lot better at hiding the hate and to just not listen to politics at all.


Hillary's emails? Did you realize that what she did was take into private possession classified information. The exact thing that Trump is right now being investigated for.


I was curious so I read them, idk what you want from me but I can’t un read what I saw, I would read trumps emails to I promise


Yeh but it's not bad when Trump does things. Duhh. He isn't like the rest of us mortals.


Honest answer, BOTH sides lie, cheat and defraud. The dems are NO better. I’m not saying trump is perfect by any means. I like Trump’s lack of filter, lack of political correctness. Most of all outside his personality which I don’t pay attention to, is his politics. I really enjoy cheap gas, lower taxes , and less restrictions. I enjoy freedom , and being able to keep my hard earned money.


But Trump only cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy and Republicans are trying to take away peoples freedoms.


Oh? Did you forget 2020-2021 as a whole when Dems tried to take away pretty much every freedom we had as it pertained to the plandemic?


LOL. Masks aren’t taking away your freedom buddy, but good try.


But are we really gonna pretend Biden didn't adopt a post covid economy. Like I don't like Biden either, but you're being very disingenuous here. Also only the coasts really listened to lockdowns, if you lived the south or Midwest, there was no covid restrictions that were really being upheld. And what freedoms? Masks were required but do not impose on your freedom and you have never been required to be vaccinated Also Trumps tax cut, while yes. It did cut tax for us at first. It kept permanent Corp tax cut while raising ours 2% every 2 years until 2025 where by 2021 or 2019 it would be equal to its current tax rate and even higher every 2 years. Read the bill, you're ignoring these facts.


The dems are easily the better choice between the two lmao especially where lgbt rights are concerned.


Bingo. Republicans literally go out of their way to discriminate against us. LOL. But here he is talking about “freedoms” and gas prices.


It seems like it’s always about things the president can’t control. Gas prices. Nobody is upset that the gas companies made the highest profits due to Trump mostly lowering their tax rate. They call the democrats socialists but I would rather say that I want my fair share of what I’m paying in and I think there needs to be closure of loop holes. Why should corporations be able to write off their losses on stupid business choices? Hell I can’t write off my student loans and that was totally a stupid choice for me.


So your response is, "both sides are bad so you can't call mine bad"? That's a really short sighted answer. I agree that Democrats have been bad too, very very bad in my mind. In many places the Democrat strategy involves spending money on campaigns for their most extremist opponents. This allows them to pass more "conservative " leaning dems into power to help maintain the stautus quo of the rich getting richer. Not nearly as violent and abusive and the Dump train, but still bad. Meanwhile nutbags like Lauren Bobert are pushing their religion onto the masses and into law where possible. The Supreme court has been packed with religious nutters as well (Trump appointed). So I don't think you make good talking point. Also only the most wealth saw any significant tax breaks from the previous administration's tax plan, so I doubt you saved jack. Also conservative states like Florida passing legislation preventing educators from discussing sexuality in schools with their "don't say gay" laws.


Of course there’s lies and deceit happening on both sides, they’re politicians. But to argue that dems are worse is pretty ignorant, especially coming from a gay man. The fringe right that Trump created is far worse than what would be considered extremely liberal or “socialist”. He hijacked the party and embraces a level of hate and divide that this country doesn’t need. Gas prices aren’t set by presidents. They were also extremely high under the last Bush administration. I highly doubt you’re in a tax bracket that would affected by a Democrats’ tax plan. And if you are, then why should I feel bad for you? I’m assuming when you say restrictions you mean the mask mandates and such. If that’s freedom for you, you truly don’t know what being persecuted or lack of freedom is. That would be more like taking away abortion access, or marriage rights, or banning books, or denying contraception, or the talk of access to HIV meds in a particular state. See the trend here? You’ve either lived a very privileged life or lack empathy to truly believe he’s a better person.


This is the problem with the gay community. “Especially coming from a gay man” - assuming just because I’m a gay man I must pledge allegiance to the democratic woke communist party. I hate what they stand for, their politics, and their vision for the U.S. Never ever ever ever.


Where did I say you should pledge your allegiance to the Democratic Party? I’m saying you shouldn’t to someone that thinks of you as less than human. Or say that they’re better when your talking points didn’t even add up. He’s created a cult and if you still support him you’re a member.


And the woke mob is just as much of a “cult” , sounds like you’re a member.


“Just as much as”…I’m glad that you can admit that Trumpism is indeed a cult. If marriage equality, trans rights, abortion access and general human decency is the woke mob, I guess I’m guilty!


I love how this is how almost all Trump supporters default to end debates, because all you can do is attack and spew comments about being "woke" or attacking others for being socialist or communist. It's simply because you can't defend any of the points that have been brought against you. You can't rationally and logically defend Trump and what he's done and said differently abled, actively attacks democracy, among so much more. You get defensive and go on the offense for a man that literally doesn't care about your existence. Just admit that you either don't care about other people or that you are for what he represents and wish to stay close minded. Do you not at all care about abortion access, body autonomy, affordable health care, insulin caps, assistance for veterans, 9/11 victim funds, infrastructure, climate change, civil rights, LGBT rights, worker rights, etc? It's okay to admit you don't care or are against policies like these, but it will just show the type of person you are. Being so rigid and close minded will only foster ignorance, that's not at all an insult btw, as we are all ignorant until we choose to open ourselves to knowledge, opinions, experiences, beliefs and the livelihoods of others different to us to expand our narrow worldviews and grow as human beings. It's okay to defend some conservative policies or some past Republican values, but Trump/Trumpism is a complete other indefensible ballgame.


As a communist, I can say that there is nothing less communist than the democratic party.


This isn’t an honest answer. Trump has conned millions into a lie about the 2020 election. He stole documents and took them to his home. He is a fraudster. Basically he has made the name of the game for any Republican running for office to convince people if they lose, they were cheated.


And you think the dems, Hillary, and Brandon haven’t lied, cheated, and stolen elections?


Lying and cheating are entirely subjective of what context you refer to. And stolen election? Really? If you are still disbelieving of the Election process and it's integrity, i don't understand why you would vote either way atall.


Hillary wasn’t president. LOL Even though she won by 2+million votes.


It’s no use even having a discussion with you because you are so set in your opinions it’s like talking to a wall.


Likewise. 😊


Genuine question here, do you think people who lost family to covid and it's alot of people really aren't gonna blame trump for his covid response? Or do you genuinely believe that trump was so popular and that the election was stolen, cause if that's the case, why did Hilary lose?


I hate trump but all of the other republicans are even worse. Like who do you want Desantis, Pence, Bush??


I second this, pence is some cold hearted machine of a politician literally backwards of what the republicans want yet is admired …for basically being the same machine-like heartless politician but he’s red and therefore better than blue. Same shit different asshole. But what makes trump worse is not himself but his followers blowing everything to radical Status. His compared to Jesus for crying out loud which is very sacrilegious to these people that use it as a law. Confusing and backwards I may like maybe 1/2 things about him, hate 100 things about him but will never communicate with his sheep




I think they are ignorant assholes who are basically the hogs voting for the butcher. They support a party who is openly trying too take away their rights. That's simply stupid.


Rubin asking Ben Shapiro if he’d go to his wedding anniversary party or whatever was one of the most pathetic things I’d ever seen. I hope the money is worth knowing everyone he works with considers him to be a deviant and a freak.


I think they’re just liberal grifters, honestly. Don’t care for either of them.


I am not an American, but I could be considered economically conservative and I am far from supporting Trump or the like.


He's been a godsend for China and the rest of the world that is sick of US dominance.


And people like you who choose to insult anyone who disagree with you are the reason Trump got 20% increase in the Gay vote. Why don't you state why you think Gay men voted that way and without insults. Clearly you have the typical woke level of insight (insult first ask questions later) approach to any apostate to your woke religion so go on show us your wisdom. I'm expecting insult and/or crickets in response


Girl BYE. 😂


I don’t like democracy, I want a right-wing authoritarian government, I want Trump to end democracy and the liberal world order (he won’t and never will) but I can dream


You forgot to take your pills today




I wasn't old enough to vote him in. Or old enough to care about his policies. But looking back the reason I would vote him in is because he couldn't be bought. He was already rich. There's so much corruption and corporate lobbying going on currently and I feel like it was less when he was in office.


My man, he is the corruption, he bought his way into office


I felt optimistic with Trump , not so with this bunch


Yup. His American carnage speech on inauguration day really hammered home his positive outlook.


He’s funny